Senator Obama on Illegal Immigration

How did your family get here?

I do not know. I have gone back to the civil war, but no further back. I do not think you needed papers to come here in the 1700s, but knowing my family, probably in steerage.
Of course. Illegal immigration is unpopular with black people, and hispanic Americans as well, despite what the Hive tells its silly little astro-turfers.

This exploitation of their countrymen made the bracero issue an overriding concern to the Mexican Americans of South Texas on humanitarian grounds: they called the bracero program “rent a slave”. And it was overriding on economic grounds as well: in the opiniuon of most Mexican-American leaders, it was the willingness of these Mexicans to work the same jobs they were working, and accept such low wages, that kept their own wages low. The unrestricted flow of migrant workers was held to be the principal reason why the rise of Mexican-Americans to the middle class had been so much slower than that of the Irish and other immigrant groups. If there was a single issue most important to Mexican-Americans in the 1950's, it was this issue.

They wanted the government to require working conditions and wages in the bracero contracts to equal those prevailing in the U.S. And to cut off the flow of illegal immigrants, both by increasing appropriations to the United States Immigration Service and by increasing criminal penalties for growers who knowingly hire illegal aliens.

From Robert Caros' biography of LBJ, Master of the Senate, pages 757 and 758 of my copy.

More in the book on this as well. These Mexican-Americans are clearly racists …

Cesar Chavez also opposed illegal immigration, and even today under the visa program it's still pretty much the same abuse even of legal green card workers; nothing has changed. Mother Jones has a investigative report in its archives, Silence in the Fields, on this. Mother Jones is famous for its racism and stuff and its avid support of the GOP …
How did your family get here?

I do not know. I have gone back to the civil war, but no further back. I do not think you needed papers to come here in the 1700s, but knowing my family, probably in steerage.
I have traced my family all the way back to the 1100's, through my fathers family.

It was quite surprising to find that my ancestors landed in the exact same county I only recently moved to, lol.
We simply cannot afford to allow people to pour into the United States.

How did your family get here?
LEGALLY, dude.

BTW, I was giving a quote from Obama's little speech, idiot.

They can only use the card they were trained to use, and that is just one more of the dumbest attempt to guilt trip people into. Obviously the libtard leftist goon squad succeeded because some still use that excuse.
Did you have The Battle Hymn of the Republic playing while you typed that?
We simply cannot afford to allow people to pour into the United States.

No socialist believes in open boarders. They put a strain on the welfare system when they have children born in the us, they put a strain on the education system with low performing children who can't speak English, and they put a strain on the American worker. The only reason a socialist would advocate for open boarders and ignore those here illegally is to change the voting demographics in their favor. If the majority of citizens are happy with their lot in life they're more likely than not to vote republican. The answer? Allow a flood of migrants to come into the country and procreate. That will not only pull down the American citizen but it will also erase the culture that made America great, wealthy, and prosperous. That means plenty of prospective democrat voters. The lefts immigration policy is 100% in pursuit of power at the expense of the prosperity of the American citizen. No leftist can answe why it is good for the US Citizen to allow all of these poor migrants to stay. But they'll argue hand over fist that multiculturalism makes us great and we should import more poor immigrants.

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