Senator Perdue OK's silicon valley takeover of college graduate job market

Simple fix, be better than the guy from another country
Doesn't work like that. Crapitalist companies only care about how much money they gotta pay out. Other guy doesn't speak English,is worse at their job etc as long as it costs the company less money they will keep them and get rid of you. The sooner this shithole country collapses the better...gonna be a LONG few months of trials for treason for politicians.

I take it you have never held a job
Wrong and you obviously didn't read the article. Walmart is outsourcing jobs from HERE in North Carolina to India because they can pay the Indians LESS money and save 5 million dollars they can pocket next year...facts aren't a strong suit for you obviously.

Uh-huh, and what should the management at Wal-Mart do? NOT do everything in their power to make their business as efficient as possible? Do you believe the shareholders would agree with that decision or would they prefer that management utilize comparative advantage to lower its labor costs?

It never ceases to amaze me how consumers that don't bat an eye at buying a lower cost good produced overseas can't understand why a company would do the exact same thing when it comes to labor.

Businesses aren't in business to provide jobs, they're in business to maximize profit by delivering a value proposition that's superior to their competition.
People will pay more if it means AMERICANS their neighbors and family members aren't being laid off and put on welfare so RICH ASSHOLES can get RICHER. Fuck the shareholders,the employees should come first and foremost. Can't manage to pay people a decent wage in this country then go the fuck out of business! Politicians keep fucking us over and these minor attacks they have seen so far are gonna look like flea bites compared to what's coming. Take EVERYTHING away from people such as making a living and enjoy the consequences.

Wow, you really have a warped view of how business and value creation works.

On the bright side, you got to get that incoherent rant off your chest so hopefully you feel better now. :)

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