Senator Rand Paul Urges All Freedom-Loving Americans to Resist Mask Mandates, Vaccine Passports, and Lockdowns. "They can't arrest us all."

It’s inconvenient for you
He has not noticed that what I posted were deaths, as clearly shown in the screenshot.

A link was provided for the CDC VAERS website where the death data came from.

He has no idea what he is even discussing, thinking there would only be thousands of "events" for either case. There are millions. About 25% of people who get COVID shots miss work the next day because they feel so bad.
Nope. Any kind includes death
Here you go bubba. You used the cdc and the cdc, you’ll have to use their definitions….unless you can give an actual number, insinuating any or all events arevdeaths is a lie .but expected. The truth is, peoples dying from covid after getting inoculated happens no more than people dying from the flu after getting a flu shot. Fear mongerer.
Here you go bubba. You used the cdc and the cdc, you’ll have to use their definitions….unless you can give an actual number, insinuating any or all events arevdeaths is a lie .but expected. The truth is, peoples dying from covid after getting inoculated happens no more than people dying from the flu after getting a flu shot. Fear mongerer.
One person dying because of inoculation is the most severe death. The person trusted medical society
He has no idea what he is even discussing, thinking there would only be thousands of "events" for either case. There are millions. About 25% of people who get COVID shots miss work the next day because they feel so bad.
Ha ha. You’ve gone from deaths to missing work. The bar is getting low. For many, the reaction is no more than a flu shot. It’s at a point where we who are getting shots, just use getting covid as a booster. Getting Shots reduces symptoms so much, it’s less than THE flu and doesn’t keep you from mowing the lawn.
One person dying because of inoculation is the most severe death. The person trusted medical society
Huh ? You are delusional. Not only that you’re completely ignorant of modern medicine. If 699 people out of 230,000,000 die after being inoculated for anything, while saving 10s of thousands of lives, you do it. NO ONE WAS FORCED TO BE INOCULATED. That’s how medical science works. If you or anyone you know came down with cancer, the treatments are a lot more eventful than covid inoculations, and still, you more than likely play the odds for living.
One person dying because of inoculation is the most severe death. The person trusted medical society
That’s hilarious. You conservative Trumpers use absolutism to argue and you never do it yourself in your own life. Thats why your arguments are so baseless. They are absurd. You really don’t know much about medical science. Read the warnings on your over the counter meds.
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I have continuously posted information from the FDA and CDC.

The CDC data shows that the COVID shots have killed six times as many people in just a few years as all other vaccines in history combined....


COVID vaccines:
View attachment 881864

All other vaccines combined:
View attachment 881865

FDA says getting Covid shot on same day as certain flu vaccines may raise risk of strokes in elderly people - while children aged 2-5 slightly more likely to suffer seizures after a coronavirus booster​

Meanwhile, CDC is saying "it is safe to get both a flu vaccine and a COVID-19 vaccine at the same visit," and you might get a little headache...

FDA says it approved the latest shots without any testing data whatsoever...

Shall I continue? I have lots more.

See, people like me check into things. Gullible people like you believe dishonest talking points like "if you get vaccinated you won't get COVID" and obey your masters and wear a mask and stand on little dots at the grocery store.

But for some reason, you want to shill for Big Pharma. Don't you feel dirty?
The article said the risk was only slightly greater, when combined with the flu vaccine, NOT six times the rusk, as implied by the post.
Huh ? You are delusional. Not only that you’re completely ignorant of modern medicine. If 699 people out of 230,000,000 die after being inoculated for anything, while saving 10s of thousands of lives, you do it. NO ONE WAS FORCED TO BE INOCULATED. That’s how medical science works. If you or anyone you know came down with cancer, the treatments are a lot more eventful than covid inoculations, and still, you more than likely play the odds for living.
You can’t prove one life was saved by inoculation of Wuhan jack
That’s hilarious. You conservative Trumpers use absolutism to argue and you never do it yourself in your own life. Thats why your arguments are so baseless. They are absurd. You really don’t know much about medical science. Read the warnings on your over the counter meds.
Absolutism? One death is absolutism? Hahaha hahaha
What do you know about statistics? It’s probably why MAGA still thinks Trump won, they can’t do the math! :biggrin:
I do know demofks don't know how to use them. They think when votes are being split between two candidates 40 something to 40 something and all of the sudden there's a 78% to 2% split nothing to see statistically. Hilarious

Especially when the cameras pick up vans dropping off ballots at 3:00am in the morning.
I do know demofks don't know how to use them. They think when votes are being split between two candidates 40 something to 40 something and all of the sudden there's a 78% to 2% split nothing to see statistically. Hilarious

Especially when the cameras pick up vans dropping off ballots at 3:00am in the morning.

Note who wrote the endorsement.

You can’t prove one life was saved by inoculation of Wuhan jack
I can’t and won’t try to satisfy a delinquent. Because unlike you, I don’t claim to be insane which your posts do for you. If I have a question, anyone of the thousands of medical research facilities and HOSPITALS can give you legitimate answers. Gessus , I wouldn’t ask you . Hilarious. You want me to give you something that’s easier to find then you posting your made up shit here.

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