Senator Rand Paul Urges All Freedom-Loving Americans to Resist Mask Mandates, Vaccine Passports, and Lockdowns. "They can't arrest us all."

Thanks for the info.
Your article concludes,
It would be a misrepresentation of the finding to say it is evidence against vaccination. This finding actually underscores the importance of staying up-to-date on boosters.
Thanks for the info.
Your article concludes,
It would be a misrepresentation of the finding to say it is evidence against vaccination. This finding actually underscores the importance of staying up-to-date on boosters.
Oh I know what it says, and is contrary to what it states, you keep taking your boosters Jr. and I will stay a pureblood, you have a greater cahnce of getting the new strain than I do
Oh I know what it says, and is contrary to what it states, you keep taking your boosters Jr. and I will stay a pureblood, you have a greater cahnce of getting the new strain than I do
You use this post to back our position, then go ahead and only pick and choose the statements you agree with, not what the people who actually did the study concluded.
FRAUD…..maybe you should just read it first then move on to some overtly made up shit from Tucker, Heritage or Fix News.
Walensky isn't putting all of the cards on the table. Whether "vaccinated" or not, those viruses on the surface of mouth, nose and throat remain unaffected by the "vaxx" and get re-transmitted back into the environment.
You use this post to back our position, then go ahead and only pick and choose the statements you agree with, not what the people who actually did the study concluded.
FRAUD…..maybe you should just read it first then move on to some overtly made up shit from Tucker, Heritage or Fix News.
Listen you Moron, science will tell you what you pay it to!
Listen you Moron, science will tell you what you pay it to!
You're hilarious. It was your reference, and you never read it before posting it. Now you’re trying to CYA. You ARE the obvious moron.
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Walensky isn't putting all of the cards on the table. Whether "vaccinated" or not, those viruses on the surface of mouth, nose and throat remain unaffected by the "vaxx" and get re-transmitted back into the environment.
Your hilarious. How, by flying through the air on their own ? Do they have wings ?
Listen you Moron, science will tell you what you pay it to!
By that bogus line of reasoning we should be behind any fascist country. We aren’t. Science is the ultimate true capitalism where truth and facts and best knowledge is rewarded by more contracts and financial support from both public and private institutes.
You're telling us you don’t beluve The Mayo Clinic over Tucker. You are delusional. People who make up shit are ultimately frauds….they are losers….
By that bogus line of reasoning we should be behind any fascist country. We aren’t. Science is the ultimate true capitalism where truth and facts and best knowledge is rewarded by more contracts and financial support from both public and private institutes.
You're telling us you don’t beluve The Mayo Clinic over Tucker. You are delusional. People who make up shit are ultimately frauds….they are losers….
Well let's just say the Mayo clinic needs funding, and funding comes from the Government, and the Government has an agenda, so yes science will tell you what you want to hear, then later move on to what you want next, and say well we didn't know then what we know now! That is the only form of actual evolution there is.
UK Study... Following COVID rules made people nuts....

It's no surprise that there is a surge in mental health issues. It's being recognized all over. Many companies are rolling out additional mental health benefits for their employees as a result.

I am so happy that I complied with none of the COVID nonsense. None of it, and I encouraged everyone to join me. Dr. Paul knew best all along...

---- Article begins...

People who stuck by Covid lockdown rules the most strictly have the worst mental health today, research has found.

Those who followed the restrictions most closely when the pandemic hit are the most likely to be suffering from stress, anxiety and depression, academics at Bangor University have found.

They identified that people with “communal” personalities – who are more caring, sensitive and aware of others’ needs – adhered the most rigorously with the lockdown protocols that Boris Johnson and senior medics and scientists recommended.

However, people with “agentic” personalities – who are more independent, more competitive and like to have control over their lives – were least likely to exhibit those behaviours.

UK Study... Following COVID rules made people nuts....

It's no surprise that there is a surge in mental health issues. It's being recognized all over. Many companies are rolling out additional mental health benefits for their employees as a result.

I am so happy that I complied with none of the COVID nonsense. None of it, and I encouraged everyone to join me. Dr. Paul knew best all along...

---- Article begins...

People who stuck by Covid lockdown rules the most strictly have the worst mental health today, research has found.

Those who followed the restrictions most closely when the pandemic hit are the most likely to be suffering from stress, anxiety and depression, academics at Bangor University have found.

They identified that people with “communal” personalities – who are more caring, sensitive and aware of others’ needs – adhered the most rigorously with the lockdown protocols that Boris Johnson and senior medics and scientists recommended.

However, people with “agentic” personalities – who are more independent, more competitive and like to have control over their lives – were least likely to exhibit those behaviours.

People were nutz before the pandemic of 2020.
People were nutz before the pandemic of 2020.
As you know from first-hand experience.... some people were, lesser numbers.

One year into COVID-19 pandemic triggers 25% increase in prevalence of anxiety and depression worldwide​

[WHO Link]

Kids are back in school — and struggling with mental health issues​

Recent studies show that the pandemic exacerbated an already growing crisis in youth mental health. CDC data shows that the proportion of mental health emergency visits for kids started going up early on in the pandemic. In the fall of 2020, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Children's Hospital Association and the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry declared an emergency in child and adolescent mental health.
[NPR Link]

Surge in Eating Disorders Tied to COVID-19 Pandemic​

[MedScape Link]


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