Senator Romney proposes child care benefit for families, fueling Democrats' push to provide families with monthly cash benefit of $350 for each child!

it's called The Family Security Act, it's bipartisan, it would lift 3 million children out of poverty, and it doesn't add to the deficit. i'm all for it, and so should you, my friends
$87 dollars/week will end poverty for 3 million children?!?

It has a catch apparently...'
What’s the Catch With The Plan?
Unsurprisingly, the plan has plenty of catches that will likely not be kosher with liberals and Democrats. Namely, the plan is budget-neutral, which is a nice little euphemism for the fact that the plan operates by cutting existing essential welfare and tax credit programs entirely — ones that help families survive.The programs that the plan would cut in order to be funded would include the head-of-household filing status, a tax filing designation that gives single parents some tax advantages, the child and dependent care tax credit, a tax break program for parents who use child care services that enjoys near-universal support, TANF, the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program that helps low-income families, and SALT, the state and local tax deduction.
How are they going to pay for it? We currently have Congress debating if they can send 600 or 1200 dollars (one time payment), and some (the Republicans) are saying that we can't afford it.

Now yeah..........................I'm in support of something like this, but again, who's gonna foot the bill?
It is the same as what they get as a tax refund annually except now it will be monthly and they get rid of the child credit on the 1040.

Is that taking what they would get for a refund at the end of the year, and dividing it by 12? Sorry, but a person earning 24,000/yr would be making out much better than someone earning 100,000/yr. And, if there is equal payments all around, the rich are going to be pissed that the poor are getting too much money.
I am in that 100k range and don't consider myself rich. The people making 24 k a year should get some breaks some where I would not complain but you are right plenty would but I don't understand how they think. Just greedy bastards I guess.
Why not just make family friendly policy instead? Remember ivanka talking about paid parental leave? Tax incentives? Childcare rebates? Better school choices? Health care reform?
Mitty doesn’t have the courage to change his party affiliation to the Dim’s. What a coward.

it's called The Family Security Act, it's bipartisan, it would lift 3 million children out of poverty, and it doesn't add to the deficit. i'm all for it, and so should you, my friends

Interesting concept, I wonder how much bipartisan support it will garner?
How are they going to pay for it? We currently have Congress debating if they can send 600 or 1200 dollars (one time payment), and some (the Republicans) are saying that we can't afford it.

Now yeah..........................I'm in support of something like this, but again, who's gonna foot the bill?
It is the same as what they get as a tax refund annually except now it will be monthly and they get rid of the child credit on the 1040.

Is that taking what they would get for a refund at the end of the year, and dividing it by 12? Sorry, but a person earning 24,000/yr would be making out much better than someone earning 100,000/yr. And, if there is equal payments all around, the rich are going to be pissed that the poor are getting too much money.
Ain't that a hoot that those well off are worried about how much other people get.

But you know they will and the tears will become a flood if this actually passes. Those undeserving, low life bums getting something for nothing!!!


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