Talk of a Biden Stealing the Election is Crazy Talk


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
2016 was different because shut up!

2016 was different because shut up!

Nader stole 2000 for Bush.
Democrats can't be shamed by hypocrisy its time for the GOP to get hypocritical too....
2016 was different because shut up!

Nader stole 2000 for Bush.
You have the wrong flag in your signature....

Did they violently break into the capital, ransack it, kill one and injure many police in their attempt to hunt down congress members and Pence and overturn the election?
from the article-

Y’know what? He and they didn’t. Never happened. Rather, it all is a hoax and fallacy stemming from people who themselves are election cheaters and thieves, Putin colluders and outright crooks, projecting their own moral infirmities onto others: “If we do it, then probably everyone else does, too.”

Well, no, you crooks. Everyone else does not steal elections.

From another source:

Time has published an explainer piece offering a fascinating insight into how the presidential election was won. It’s titled “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign that Saved the 2020 Election.”

The fascinating part is what it tells us about the brazenness of the left in general and the corrupt, mendacious MSM in particular: they are now heavy-hinting that they cheated but want you to know that it’s all OK because they were doing it to not to destroy democracy but to preserve and enhance it.
Here’s the key paragraph:

That’s why the participants want the secret history of the 2020 election told, even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream–a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information. They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it. And they believe the public needs to understand the system’s fragility in order to ensure that democracy in America endures.

Do you see what they just did there?
Did they violently break into the capital, ransack it, kill one and injure many police in their attempt to hunt down congress members and Pence and overturn the election?
The short answer is no, Pence and the congress-critters were unharmed, except for their shit-stained pants.. The police shot a CA veteran mom though. Is paying $500m to keep troops in DC worth it? When pols surround themselves with troops and barbed-wire because they are terrified of the people being governed, that says it all.
The 1/6/21 protest was not an insurrection, if it was an insurrection they would have had guns instead of flags.
Did they violently break into the capital, ransack it, kill one and injure many police in their attempt to hunt down congress members and Pence and overturn the election?
Pelosi’s cops LET the UNARMED protesters inside, then shot an unarmed woman who posed no threat.

But ARMED protestors VIOLENTLY BREAKING INTO AND RANSACKING and BURNING Courts, City Halls and Police Stations while MURDERING has been simply mostly peaceful protests by you and your ilk for the past year because they weren’t wearing red hats.

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