Senator Ron Johnson (R) Says: REPEAL and REPLACE Obamacare if GOP wins 2024

Johnson never said it that way. It's an editorialized interpretation by someone named Amy Wang of WPO regarding a Johnson interview with Breitbart.
Obamacare polled at about 40% favorable, when the idea was first described.

Now it polls at about 60% favorable. Despite directly affecting only a few 10s of millions of people.

Because those people who use or used it generally like it. And healthcare professionals see its positive effects.

But you go ahead and go door to door trying to tell them how horrible it is. Good luck.
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I'm just refusing to knuckle under to your statist bullying.
Oh look! A buzzword!

Admitting the basic, modern idea that some services are more efficiently and universally provided by government does not make one a "Statist". Just go full retard and say "commie", or "nazi". You will have the same effect, in the eyes of intelligent people.
Oh look! A buzzword!

Admitting the basic, modern idea that some services are more efficiently and universally provided by government does not make one a "Statist". Just go full retard and say "commie", or "nazi". You will have the same effect, in the eyes of intelligent people.
Call it whatever you want. Your view seems to be that the job of government is to discern the will of the majority and force the rest of us to comply.
You're evading. When government controls something, what do you do when the majority goes against you?
I am not your assistant. Just make your points.

I didn't evade. I am just not going to let the fear of whoever becomes president stop me from supporting doing the right thing.

But it is just like a libertarian to just say everything sucks and do nothing. So I will chalk this limp wristed line of excuses up to that fetish.
Call it whatever you want. Your view seems to be that the job of government is to discern the will of the majority and force the rest of us to comply.
No, that's an over generalization and a non sequitur you propped up for yourself, to give yourself something easier to argue against.
I am not your assistant. Just make your points.

I didn't evade.
You're still evading. Do you have ANY respect for the rights of the minority? Or is it all "Elections have consequences - suck it!" ?
I am just not going to let the fear of whoever becomes president stop me from supporting doing the right thing.
So if Republicans takeover and cut coverage of all the services they disagree with, you'll be good with that? Would that be the "right thing"?
Nope. I clearly said we have a Congress that writes the laws. The president does not write the law. That's the correct and direct response.
Jesus fuck. Ok, so then what happens when Congress is controlled by conservatives and starts tearing out coverage of the things you think are vital?

I don't know I why I bother. You won't answer. You won't acknowledge the point. You won't engage in honest debate.

Do you have any respect for the will and rights of the majority?
I totally respect their rights. But they don't have the right to force me to bend to their will any more than you do.
No? Maybe democracy isn't for you.
That is definitely the case. Democracy is only appropriate for issues where all have to be on the same page. In general, it's a horrible way to make decisions in society. Voluntary collaboration (as in "free of coercion") is a far better approach to solving social problems. Especially in a society and diverse as ours.
Ok, so then what happens when Congress is controlled by conservatives and starts tearing out coverage of the things you think are vital?
Do you need an assistant? Make your own goddamn points. Not gonna say it again.

Democracy is only appropriate for issues where all have to be on the same page. I
That isn't democracy then.

Good God man, I thought I was arguing for the brilliant, successful, modern idea of public health insurance.

Now I have to argue why the year 2000 is better than the year 1100.

Or I could just let you keep talking and do that work for me.

Holy shit
Do you need an assistant? Make your own goddamn points. Not gonna say it again.
LOL - utter chickenshit. I wonder, even though you can't bring yourself to answer publicly - do you let yourself think about it? At all? Or does your ideological shield protect you from all doubt?

Well, you didn't answer the question "Do you have ANY respect for the rights of the minority?" (you evaded). So I'll assume you have NO fucking respect for the rights of the minority and think that they should bend to the will of the majority in any and all cases. That's shitty. You suck.
LOL - utter chickenshit. I wonder, even though you can't bring yourself to answer publicly - do you let yourself think about it? At all? Or does your ideological shield protect you from all doubt?

Well, you didn't answer the question "Do you have ANY respect for the rights of the minority?" (you evaded). So I'll assume you have NO fucking respect for the rights of the minority and think that they should bend to the will of the majority in any and all cases. That's shitty. You suck.
I am not your assistant.

If I have something you think I should be scared of, then beguile us with your little boogeyman.

I have already told you it doesn't scare me.

If you have a valid point, you don't need an assistant.
Well, you didn't answer the question "Do you have ANY respect for therights of the minority?" (you evaded)
The very first word of my response to that question was "Yes."

But you are so rabid and shaken from your faceplanting, you didn't even notice.

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