Senator Tim Kaine: “The US Didn’t Inherit Slavery From Anybody. We Created it” (VIDEO)

There is more than enough guilt for everyone...

No there isn't. I have no guilt for the things for which I am told I must apologize...because I have not engaged in, taken part in, or personally done any of those things.

I was born and lived, worked, and fought through life to be where I am today, through good times and bad, through tragedies, injustices, struggles, successes, etc...

Life is hard, a constant struggle from cradle to grave, and possibly the greatest / hardest struggle that whole time is the one that goes on inside us all over 'the right thing' or the 'easy thing'.

They are not always huge battles but often little compromises of integrity, honesty, honor, morality....and if we do not stay strong, disciplined, over time the 'easy' choice gets easier and easier to make.

Those are personal, internal struggles, and more often than not there is no one else to blame for the choices we make - and consequences.
No one said you should feel guilty. What was said was that there is enough to go around if that is what one wishes to engage in. The post goes on to deal with a bigger problem.
It is weak to take just part of the post to make it into something you can refute.
What’s really a shame is that so many dumbshit liberals actually believe that AMERICA invented slavery.

They never let facts get in the way of their bullshit narrative.
It's difficult to exaggerate just how profoundly stupid these Dim politicians are:

Democrat Senator and former VP running mate of Hillary Clinton, Tim Kaine (VA) on Tuesday said the United States created slavery.
To think this degenerate liar almost became Vice President of the United States.
“The United States didn’t inherit slavery from anybody. We created it,” said Tim Kaine as he droned on about racism in America.

He is as useless in the Senate as he was as Va governor. A complete moron who claims a Jesuit education.

Apparently it didn't take.
The Jesuits are quite expert at convoluting language to fit their agenda.

Indeed, but most aren't complete idiots.
It isn't an idiot that can do such things, but it does display an insidious level of manipulation.
Every significant 'debate' going on in America is polluted with participants for whom facts mean nothing.
Democrats hate this country so much that they literally attempt to re-write history to INVENT crimes / atrocities for which to blame the United States.
They invent atrocities of white people who are long dead, and attempt to hold living white people accountable SOLELY because they are also white.

At some point, we need to just quit talking to these idiots and IMPOSE OUR WILL BY FORCE!!! If we are going to be falsly accused, may as well go ahead an DO IT!!!

Seeing the light.

This is where it is going and there is no stopping it. They certainly will not be stopping until we are eradicated.

Most people unfortunately are not getting it and so we get what we deserve. All of us.

History rhyming yet again. We are the cowards not them. They are using force and drawing blood and we whine about the Constitution. They are wiping their collective asses with the Constitution and we whine. That's it.
What’s really a shame is that so many dumbshit liberals actually believe that AMERICA invented slavery.

They never let facts get in the way of their bullshit narrative.

That is as dumb as the stupid Blacks thinking that the Emancipation Proclamation ended slavery in the US. Of course they have been told that by the Liberals and the Blacks believe everything the Liberals tell them.
No one said you should feel guilty. What was said was that there is enough to go around if that is what one wishes to engage in. The post goes on to deal with a bigger problem.
It is weak to take just part of the post to make it into something you can refute.

My post was not an attack on you - sorry if it felt that way. I see anyone telling others they should feel guilty about anything and I put them on 'stupid - ignore'. I approached that comment from the perspective that no one can assign guilt or tell anyone else 'there is more than enough to go around'.

'Hard Life'? 'Slavery'? 'Reparations'? Get in line behind native Americans who were here not only before blacks but also before white Europeans. Illegal Immigration, unequal justice, etc..." Been fighting it before 1492. 'Manifest Destiny' - 'I like what you have, and it is my right to take it from you by force because I want it'. The United States actually passed a law making it legal for a short time to kill native Americans. After being hunted down, killed, & captured, native Americans were shipped off to some of the most God-forsaken land no one wanted, forced to live THERE, and were mistreated horribly.

Pardon me if I do not drop to my knees and weep for the plight of blacks in America that neither faced that nor the struggles their own people went through yet who loot, burn, destroy, murder, etc.... guilt here.

And for everyone who did NOT serve this nation's military, who sacrificed and fought for the freedoms and rights of ALL Americans, 'You're welcome'.
What’s really a shame is that so many dumbshit liberals actually believe that AMERICA invented slavery.

They never let facts get in the way of their bullshit narrative.

That is as dumb as the stupid Blacks thinking that the Emancipation Proclamation ended slavery in the US. Of course they have been told that by the Liberals and the Blacks believe everything the Liberals tell them.

Not to mention there is ACTIVE SLAVE TRADE IN LIBYA....thanks to Obama and Hillary. Way to go guys! Pieces of shit.

Hey, dumb fucking liberals....

It is estimated that between 1 million and 1.25 million Europeans were captured by pirates and sold as slaves between the 16th and 19th century. Reports of Barbary raids and kidnappings of those in Italy, France, Iberia, England, Ireland, Scotland and as far north as Iceland exist from this period.

Does that fuck up your bulllshit narrative?
Here what Thomas Sowell's research unearthed. The fact is since African tribes and never invented anything to trade, slavery was their main economic driver for thousands of years. When civilized man explored the uncharted world and encountered savages, it would have been impolite not to buy a couple of them.

That is as ridiculous as it is offensive.
Of course AfrIcan tribes had something to trade. An immense wealth of exotic animal skins.

Europeans came to Africa looking for slaves. Rather than land an Army to go inland to capture slaves, they established slave stations at the ports and offered exorbitant prices to anyone who would bring in slaves.
Europeans established the market. Without those anxious buyers, there would be no slavery.

wouldn't be any without the sellers either in your scenario.

as for something to trade - they traded their people quite often and without recourse. it wasn't right and neither were the people buying them.

if you want this problem fixed you have to stop pretending it is a one way street.

Actually, the blacks weren't selling "their people" to the slavers. They were selling members of rival enemy tribes to the slavers. They hunted members of enemy tribes, and sold them. It permanently got rid of an enemy, and they got rich doing it. Win/Win.

American slavery was unique, because slaves were assigned a "book value" and included as assets on the nation's balance sheets. Ancient slavery was the result of debt, or war. The USA was founded as the first modern "slave economy". A plantation owner could take out loans using his slaves as collateral. That's the "made in America" slave economy.

A large portion of the wealth of the Old South was the asset value of the slaves they owned. When emancipation wiped out the asset value of the slaves, and slave owners were required to give each slave family 40 acres and a mule, there carving up the giant planations (Monticello was 11,000 acres), Southern wealth was destroyed. Carpetbaggers looted the plantation homes of their art, fine carpets, silver, jewellry - anything of value. The South has never recovered economically, and never stopped blaming the north.

Just one of the many ways that slavery continues to impact the American economy, 150 years since slavery ended. One practice that hasn't ended is the large of pool cheap labour which the US economy continues to rely upon.

Today "plantation owners" are large meat packing plants, factory farm corporations growing labour intensive fruits and vegetables - like Tyson Foods or Koch Industries. Both hired thousands of undocumented workers. For today's plantation owners, illegal immigrants are the new workers in the American slave economy.

Slaves are people who have no economic rights or power, who are exploited for cheap labour. If they are abused or harmed by their employers, they cannot report these abuses, or seek better treatment. This is why Republicans refuse to deport these people, or to change immigration laws. The system is working for their core constituency: Large American Corporate Employers.
It's difficult to exaggerate just how profoundly stupid these Dim politicians are:

Democrat Senator and former VP running mate of Hillary Clinton, Tim Kaine (VA) on Tuesday said the United States created slavery.
To think this degenerate liar almost became Vice President of the United States.
“The United States didn’t inherit slavery from anybody. We created it,” said Tim Kaine as he droned on about racism in America.

He is as useless in the Senate as he was as Va governor. A complete moron who claims a Jesuit education.

Apparently it didn't take.
The Jesuits are quite expert at convoluting language to fit their agenda.

Indeed, but most aren't complete idiots.
It isn't an idiot that can do such things, but it does display an insidious level of manipulation.

In making such a statement he makes himself an idiot, regardless of his intended manipulation of history.
Here what Thomas Sowell's research unearthed. The fact is since African tribes and never invented anything to trade, slavery was their main economic driver for thousands of years. When civilized man explored the uncharted world and encountered savages, it would have been impolite not to buy a couple of them.

That is as ridiculous as it is offensive.
Of course AfrIcan tribes had something to trade. An immense wealth of exotic animal skins.

Europeans came to Africa looking for slaves. Rather than land an Army to go inland to capture slaves, they established slave stations at the ports and offered exorbitant prices to anyone who would bring in slaves.
Europeans established the market. Without those anxious buyers, there would be no slavery.

wouldn't be any without the sellers either in your scenario.

as for something to trade - they traded their people quite often and without recourse. it wasn't right and neither were the people buying them.

if you want this problem fixed you have to stop pretending it is a one way street.

Actually, the blacks weren't selling "their people" to the slavers. They were selling members of rival enemy tribes to the slavers. They hunted members of enemy tribes, and sold them. It permanently got rid of an enemy, and they got rich doing it. Win/Win.
Like everything you post, that's total horseshit. Some people became slaves by losing a war with an enemy, but there were bands of slave traders who made a career out of capturing people to sell into the slave trade. Africans became enslaved through a variety of means, many of them purely pecuniary. Your attempt to dignify the perpetrators only fools the gullible.

American slavery was unique, because slaves were assigned a "book value" and included as assets on the nation's balance sheets. Ancient slavery was the result of debt, or war. The USA was founded as the first modern "slave economy". A plantation owner could take out loans using his slaves as collateral. That's the "made in America" slave economy..

More bullshit. There was no government ledger where the "value" of a slave was recorded. Slaves were bought and sold auction, just like any other commodity. There was nothing novel about the American practice of slavery, just as there was nothing novel about the American practice of prostitution. It's obvious that you just pull this stuff out of your ass. You don't know a thing about it.

A large portion of the wealth of the Old South was the asset value of the slaves they owned. When emancipation wiped out the asset value of the slaves, and slave owners were required to give each slave family 40 acres and a mule, there carving up the giant planations (Monticello was 11,000 acres), Southern wealth was destroyed. Carpetbaggers looted the plantation homes of their art, fine carpets, silver, jewellry - anything of value. The South has never recovered economically, and never stopped blaming the north.

Just one of the many ways that slavery continues to impact the American economy, 150 years since slavery ended. One practice that hasn't ended is the large of pool cheap labour which the US economy continues to rely upon.

Today "plantation owners" are large meat packing plants, factory farm corporations growing labour intensive fruits and vegetables - like Tyson Foods or Koch Industries. Both hired thousands of undocumented workers. For today's plantation owners, illegal immigrants are the new workers in the American slave economy.

Slaves are people who have no economic rights or power, who are exploited for cheap labour. If they are abused or harmed by their employers, they cannot report these abuses, or seek better treatment. This is why Republicans refuse to deport these people, or to change immigration laws. The system is working for their core constituency: Large American Corporate Employers.

The bullshit never stops with you.
Notice how BLM and ANTIFA faggots don’t give a fuck about the hundreds of thousands of Eastern European women who are currently sex slaves all over the planet, from weathly Arab oil magnates to RICH WHITE AMERICAN LIBERALS, LIKE EPSTEIN.

Slavery is alive and well in the USA this very moment.

Blacks in the USA are by no means exclusive to being victims of slavery.
Speaking of 'Enough Guilt To Pass Around'...

Reminder: The First Legal Slave Owner in America was a Black Man

The first legal slave owner in America was black and he owned white slaves.

Anthony Johnson (BC 1600 – 1670) was an Angolan who achieved freedom in the early 17th century Colony of Virginia.

Johnson owned 250 acres of land and had 4 white and 1 black indentured servant. The black indentured servant was later 'awarded' to Johnson in a legal suit as a 'slave for life'.

"The courts ruled in favor of Anthony Johnson and declared John Casor his property in 1655. Casor became the first person of African descent in Britain’s Thirteen Colonies to be declared as a slave for life as the result of Johnson’s civil suit."

Ignoring the fact that slavery existed for thousands of years before the US was even a gleam in Washington's eye , does Tim Kayne believe that an American was living in Africa and sold slaves to the Portugese to being slavery in this country?
Do blacks think that because their great, great, great, great ancestors were brought to this nation makes THEM 'African'?

Perhaps the moniker 'African American' should be changed to something more factual ... like 'African-DESCENDENT American'?!
Do blacks think that because their great, great, great, great ancestors were brought to this nation makes THEM 'African'?

Perhaps the moniker 'African American' should be changed to something more factual ... like 'African-DESCENDENT American'?!

What's wrong with "American?"

who cares what color their skin is, or where their ancestors were from. Talk about a reminder of slavery. Do away with it and just start referring to yourselves as Americans.
Rachel Dolezal, white woman who portrayed herself as black ...

To be anything these days - man, woman, black, Chinese, dog, cat, house plant - you just have to declare you FEEL / IDENTIFY with being that thing.....

Way to go, Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats....

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