Senator Vitter Introduces Legislation Ending Birthright Citizenship Due To Abuse Of 14th Amendment

This is definitely a good move. The 14th Amendment has long been misconstrued or misunderstood due to political correctness over the years. Illegals have taken advantage of this and recently the Chinese as you will read in the article. Good move Senator Vitter of Louisiana.

Vitter Seeks To Attach Amendment Ending Birthright Citizenship To Anti-Trafficking Bill - Breitbart

it will take a Constitutional Amendment.
The framers of the 14th Amendment had no intention of allowing another countries to wage demographic warfare against the U.S. and reshaping its culture by means of exploiting birthright citizenship.
The 14th Amendment is clear and exact, nothing is was 'misconstrued' or 'misunderstood':

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

Do you really think that the intent of the 14th amendment was to open the door to birth tourism? It's pretty absurd to say that that was the intention. I support an amendment to close the anchor baby loophole.
The 14th Amendment was enacted during a heightened nativist period, and yet was still enacted.
The 14th amendment was to make sure that the freed slaves were legal citizens.
Thousands and thousands of Chinese women have come here just to have an American citizen child. Then they return. The child is raised to be completely chinese with total loyalty to China. These children will come back as citizens who can petition for their entire families to come with them. China will have an army of loyal chinese who just happen to be American citizens.

It's demographic warfare at its finest.
This is definitely a good move. The 14th Amendment has long been misconstrued or misunderstood due to political correctness over the years. Illegals have taken advantage of this and recently the Chinese as you will read in the article. Good move Senator Vitter of Louisiana.

Vitter Seeks To Attach Amendment Ending Birthright Citizenship To Anti-Trafficking Bill - Breitbart

I don't think a piece of legislation would do it. You'd need a constitutional amendment. Or a pretty major court ruling.
This is definitely a good move. The 14th Amendment has long been misconstrued or misunderstood due to political correctness over the years. Illegals have taken advantage of this and recently the Chinese as you will read in the article. Good move Senator Vitter of Louisiana.

Vitter Seeks To Attach Amendment Ending Birthright Citizenship To Anti-Trafficking Bill - Breitbart

ABout time they addressed this.

That ammedment was put in to assure the children of slaves were recognized as American citizens. Not needed anymore.

No other country in the world recognizes anyone born in their country as a citizen.

Get rid of it and these illegals will be just illegals with no anchor baby to demand all the social services this country has to offer.

Hope it gets approved and acted on. About damned time.

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