Senator Vitter values his home state at no more than 20 billion - Landrieau undecided


May 7, 2004
Vitter is a whoremongering, little dicked, diaper fetish, toe sucking, back stabbing douche.

Vitter has suggested a liability floor of $150 million, twice the current cap, with the maximum increasing to an amount equal to four times the company's profits during the previous four quarters. In the case of BP, Vitter said that would mean a cap of $20 billion.

What about Anadarko, douchebag?

And Mary doesn't know WTF is going on

Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., has been collecting data from insurance experts on what kind of liability limits can ensure that companies can get coverage for liability, while holding companies responsible for the damage they cause, her spokesman Robert Sawicki said.


Raising industry liability cap in wake of Gulf oil spill becomes partisan issue |

jest a bit techy aren't we? :lol::lol::lol:

you need anger management classes,, ask BP,, they'll pay ya to go.
Vitter is a whoremongering, little dicked, diaper fetish, toe sucking, back stabbing douche.

Vitter has suggested a liability floor of $150 million, twice the current cap, with the maximum increasing to an amount equal to four times the company's profits during the previous four quarters. In the case of BP, Vitter said that would mean a cap of $20 billion.

What about Anadarko, douchebag?

And Mary doesn't know WTF is going on

Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., has been collecting data from insurance experts on what kind of liability limits can ensure that companies can get coverage for liability, while holding companies responsible for the damage they cause, her spokesman Robert Sawicki said.


Raising industry liability cap in wake of Gulf oil spill becomes partisan issue |
They are two useless individuals. Whores to the oil industry.
You do know that your incessant crying isn't going to solve anything.

BP has already stated it will pay all legitimate claims. What more do you want? By the way I was in Cameron Parrish over the weekend with my grandkids seeing if we could help with the clean up efforts. Where were you?
Stupidity is your friend. You've known him all your life.

task tsk task tsk

why don't you go out and pick up an oil blob or two.. look for a bird that needs help. then you'll feel useful and less like screaming at authority.

First explain to me why I should be cleaning up the mess of a private business free of charge.

Good point. And why would you want to jeapordize your welfare check by actually working for a living. Surely you have a reputation to think about.
Stupidity is your friend. You've known him all your life.

task tsk task tsk

why don't you go out and pick up an oil blob or two.. look for a bird that needs help. then you'll feel useful and less like screaming at authority.

First explain to me why I should be cleaning up the mess of a private business free of charge.

that's spoken like a true demoRat.. sit there and let someone else do it and then bitch about the way they did it.
task tsk task tsk

why don't you go out and pick up an oil blob or two.. look for a bird that needs help. then you'll feel useful and less like screaming at authority.

First explain to me why I should be cleaning up the mess of a private business free of charge.

Good point. And why would you want to jeapordize your welfare check by actually working for a living. Surely you have a reputation to think about.

they are content to let the illegals re build NO too. post Katrina.. bitching non stop about unemployment and then letting illegals do the job. yep.
First explain to me why I should be cleaning up the mess of a private business free of charge.

You shouldn't be. It's not so much what you're advocating that's the problem. It's the childish way you're going about it. Try acting like an adult and you won't illicit as much negative feedback.

I agree with you. They need to get rid of the cap.
task tsk task tsk

why don't you go out and pick up an oil blob or two.. look for a bird that needs help. then you'll feel useful and less like screaming at authority.

First explain to me why I should be cleaning up the mess of a private business free of charge.

that's spoken like a true demoRat.. sit there and let someone else do it and then bitch about the way they did it.

You don't think BP should be footing the bill to clean up their accident?
First explain to me why I should be cleaning up the mess of a private business free of charge.

that's spoken like a true demoRat.. sit there and let someone else do it and then bitch about the way they did it.

You don't think BP should be footing the bill to clean up their accident?

didn't say that. told big mouth to get out and join the force instead of sitting there bitching a blue streak.. see the difference. BP can pay him.
Maybe BP could move a little faster if the White House would stop playing politics. Hmmm

The always fun, Obamateurism of the Day...
Hot Air Obamateurism of the Day

With DoJ threatening prosecution, Obama slams BP for ?lawyering up? | Washington Examiner

According to the pool report, BP and Coast Guard officials whose job it is to handle claims “are stationed with each parish president in Louisiana, and [Obama] wants the same arrangement for county governments in all the affected states.”

At that point, the pool report says Obama “lit into BP” because he wants to — Obama’s words — “make sure that BP is not lawyering up essentially.”

Just two days ago, Attorney General Eric Holder traveled to Louisiana to announce that the Justice Department has begun criminal and civil investigations into the oil spill. As a result of that investigation, BP and other companies could be charged with violating a variety of environmental laws, as well as other crimes. Holder pledged to prosecute any offenders “to the fullest extent of the law.” The prosecution could result in enormous penalties and losses for BP beyond what has already occurred because of the spill. And now the president himself goes after BP for “lawyering up.” The company certainly has huge obligations as a result of its actions in this matter. But surely the constitutional-law-professor-in-chief would concede their right to a legal defense.

Rule of law, not rule of men. Why? Well, lets just say, some folks can get hysterical in their emotional stress and lose the reason that nature graced the rest of mankind with.

BP should pay and will pay, and then some. Some of you lefties need to chill, your starting to crack up nearly as bad as President Obama. :razz:
You do know that your incessant crying isn't going to solve anything.

BP has already stated it will pay all legitimate claims.
And you believe them? LOL!

By the way I was in Cameron Parrish over the weekend with my grandkids seeing if we could help with the clean up efforts. Where were you?
Good for you! Thanks for seeing if you could help!
task tsk task tsk

why don't you go out and pick up an oil blob or two.. look for a bird that needs help. then you'll feel useful and less like screaming at authority.

First explain to me why I should be cleaning up the mess of a private business free of charge.

Good point. And why would you want to jeapordize your welfare check by actually working for a living. Surely you have a reputation to think about.

Why don't you stop raping children?
task tsk task tsk

why don't you go out and pick up an oil blob or two.. look for a bird that needs help. then you'll feel useful and less like screaming at authority.

First explain to me why I should be cleaning up the mess of a private business free of charge.

that's spoken like a true demoRat.. sit there and let someone else do it and then bitch about the way they did it.

Please explain to me why I should be cleaning up the mess of a private business free of charge.

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