Senators Put Aside Differences To Support Corporate Welfare...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Recent votes in the United States Senate demonstrate that bipartisanship is not dead. Given the votes in question, we might well wish that it were. And who would have guessed that the Senate’s filibuster rule, which now allows 41 senators to block almost any piece of legislation, would save us from bipartisan action?

On Tuesday, the Senate failed to pass a bill sponsored by Democrat Robert Menendez of New Jersey and Republican Richard Burr of North Carolina that would have provided subsidies for natural gas transportation and distribution, but five Republicans joined most Democrats to form a majority in support of the proposed government handout.

This was followed by the Senate’s failure to pass an amendment introduced by Republican Senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina to eliminate all subsidies and tax credits to all forms of energy. The vote was 26-72, with 19 Republicans joining every Democrat in opposition.

The message is clear and simple. Bipartisanship comes easily when legislators anticipate electoral gains from greasing the palms of past and prospective supporters. This is true whether a yes vote will afford new subsidies or a no vote is required to prevent the loss of existing subsidies. It is why many voters see very little hope of serious tax or spending reform from Congress.

Of course when members of Congress vote for a subsidy or tax credit, and most do, they never admit to buying political support...

Read more: Corporate Welfare | Senators put aside differences to support corporate welfare | The Daily Caller
Most articles that are critical of pieces of legislation have the guts to actually list the name and number of the bill in question, I smell a snow job. The Caller is such a crappy source of information, why do you present it here as anything reputable?
Most articles that are critical of pieces of legislation have the guts to actually list the name and number of the bill in question, I smell a snow job. The Caller is such a crappy source of information, why do you present it here as anything reputable?

Better than the HuffPoop and MSLSD. :)
Most articles that are critical of pieces of legislation have the guts to actually list the name and number of the bill in question, I smell a snow job. The Caller is such a crappy source of information, why do you present it here as anything reputable?

Better than the HuffPoop and MSLSD. :)

I guarantee Huffington or MSNBC would provide a link to whatever piece of legislation they are criticizing. Quit trying to cover for hackery.
Most articles that are critical of pieces of legislation have the guts to actually list the name and number of the bill in question, I smell a snow job. The Caller is such a crappy source of information, why do you present it here as anything reputable?

Better than the HuffPoop and MSLSD. :)

I guarantee Huffington or MSNBC would provide a link to whatever piece of legislation they are criticizing. Quit trying to cover for hackery.

Don't bet on it. The HuffPoop and MSLSD are notorious liars...

HuffPo Ignites Class Warfare with Hoax Story


Last week, the Huffington Post ran with the story of a banker who, as a sign of contempt for the 99%, crudely tipped a waitress a mere 1% ($1.33 on a $133 bill) and scribbled in a snarky “get a real job” on the bill. A photo of the receipt, posted on an anonymous Wordpress blog entitled “Future Ex Banker” (now removed), allegedly by the banker’s subordinate/dining companion, noted:

I work in the corporate office of a major bank for a boss who represents everything wrong with the financial industry: blatant disregard and outright contempt for everyone and everything he deems beneath him. … Mention the ‘99%’ in my boss’ presence and feel his wrath. So proudly does he wear his 1% badge of honor that he tips exactly 1% every time he feels the server doesn’t sufficiently bow down to his Holiness. Oh, and he always makes sure to include a ‘tip’ of his own.

Needless to say, class warfare proponents everywhere salivated with delight over the story, proof positive of the ‘evil’ 1%. The story was picked up and posted by nearly every major news site. For several days, the story made the rounds, with Yahoo! still posting about it yesterday afternoon, in article entitled “Banker’s Insulting Waitress Tip Incites Class Warfare Between the 1% and the 99%.”...

HuffPo Ignites Class Warfare with Hoax Story
Most articles that are critical of pieces of legislation have the guts to actually list the name and number of the bill in question, I smell a snow job. The Caller is such a crappy source of information, why do you present it here as anything reputable?

My Google-Fu is powerful.

Stand by.

a bill sponsored by Democrat Robert Menendez of New Jersey and Republican Richard Burr of North Carolina that would have provided subsidies for natural gas transportation and distribution

Okay, here is that one: S.1863 -- New Alternative Transportation to Give Americans Solutions Act of 2011

an amendment introduced by Republican Senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina to eliminate all subsidies and tax credits to all forms of energy

And here is that one: S.2064 -- Energy Freedom and Economic Prosperity Act

Sec. 101. Repeal of credit for alcohol fuel, biodiesel, and alternative fuel mixtures.

Sec. 102. Repeal of credit for certain plug-in electric vehicles.

Sec. 103. Early termination of credit for qualified fuel cell motor vehicles.

Sec. 104. Repeal of alternative fuel vehicle refueling property credit.

Sec. 105. Repeal of credit for alcohol used as fuel.

Sec. 106. Repeal of credit for biodiesel and renewable diesel used as fuel.

Sec. 107. Repeal of enhanced oil recovery credit.

Sec. 108. Termination of credit for electricity produced from certain renewable resources.

Sec. 109. Repeal of credit for producing oil and gas from marginal wells.

Sec. 110. Termination of credit for production from advanced nuclear power facilities.

Sec. 111. Repeal of credit for carbon dioxide sequestration.

Sec. 112. Termination of energy credit.

Sec. 113. Repeal of qualifying advanced coal project.

Sec. 114. Repeal of qualifying gasification project credit.

Sec. 115. Repeal of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 energy grant program.
Most articles that are critical of pieces of legislation have the guts to actually list the name and number of the bill in question, I smell a snow job. The Caller is such a crappy source of information, why do you present it here as anything reputable?

My Google-Fu is powerful.

Stand by.

a bill sponsored by Democrat Robert Menendez of New Jersey and Republican Richard Burr of North Carolina that would have provided subsidies for natural gas transportation and distribution

Okay, here is that one: S.1863 -- New Alternative Transportation to Give Americans Solutions Act of 2011

an amendment introduced by Republican Senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina to eliminate all subsidies and tax credits to all forms of energy

And here is that one: S.2064 -- Energy Freedom and Economic Prosperity Act

Sec. 101. Repeal of credit for alcohol fuel, biodiesel, and alternative fuel mixtures.

Sec. 102. Repeal of credit for certain plug-in electric vehicles.

Sec. 103. Early termination of credit for qualified fuel cell motor vehicles.

Sec. 104. Repeal of alternative fuel vehicle refueling property credit.

Sec. 105. Repeal of credit for alcohol used as fuel.

Sec. 106. Repeal of credit for biodiesel and renewable diesel used as fuel.

Sec. 107. Repeal of enhanced oil recovery credit.

Sec. 108. Termination of credit for electricity produced from certain renewable resources.

Sec. 109. Repeal of credit for producing oil and gas from marginal wells.

Sec. 110. Termination of credit for production from advanced nuclear power facilities.

Sec. 111. Repeal of credit for carbon dioxide sequestration.

Sec. 112. Termination of energy credit.

Sec. 113. Repeal of qualifying advanced coal project.

Sec. 114. Repeal of qualifying gasification project credit.

Sec. 115. Repeal of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 energy grant program.

will big oil still get their subsidies/tax breaks?
Sounds like all of that was put forward by big oil lobbyists to reduce competition and increase dependence on oil.
Most articles that are critical of pieces of legislation have the guts to actually list the name and number of the bill in question, I smell a snow job. The Caller is such a crappy source of information, why do you present it here as anything reputable?

My Google-Fu is powerful.

Stand by.

Okay, here is that one: S.1863 -- New Alternative Transportation to Give Americans Solutions Act of 2011

And here is that one: S.2064 -- Energy Freedom and Economic Prosperity Act

Sec. 101. Repeal of credit for alcohol fuel, biodiesel, and alternative fuel mixtures.

Sec. 102. Repeal of credit for certain plug-in electric vehicles.

Sec. 103. Early termination of credit for qualified fuel cell motor vehicles.

Sec. 104. Repeal of alternative fuel vehicle refueling property credit.

Sec. 105. Repeal of credit for alcohol used as fuel.

Sec. 106. Repeal of credit for biodiesel and renewable diesel used as fuel.

Sec. 107. Repeal of enhanced oil recovery credit.

Sec. 108. Termination of credit for electricity produced from certain renewable resources.

Sec. 109. Repeal of credit for producing oil and gas from marginal wells.

Sec. 110. Termination of credit for production from advanced nuclear power facilities.

Sec. 111. Repeal of credit for carbon dioxide sequestration.

Sec. 112. Termination of energy credit.

Sec. 113. Repeal of qualifying advanced coal project.

Sec. 114. Repeal of qualifying gasification project credit.

Sec. 115. Repeal of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 energy grant program.

will big oil still get their subsidies/tax breaks?
Sounds like all of that was put forward by big oil lobbyists to reduce competition and increase dependence on oil.

Yes, it's time to end Corporate Welfare. Now if we can just get the Politicians to agree on that.

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