Send dreamers back to their country as ambassadors of the United States

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
This is a good idea, the democrats say the dreamers are well educated so they could go back to their country's and start up company's employing thousands of their country men. If they want to come back to america they could get a green card ...

Discuss this wonderful idea!!

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"A lot of these Dreamers have a good education and all that and they can go into [their home] country and be ambassadors and talk how great America is and also see their country. And maybe some of them don’t want to come back -- who knows, if they get a big job -- but if they want to come back ,let them come back like everybody else, and let them come into our country and do what everybody else does that comes into our country, with a green card,"

sounds good to me , education going back to Nasty countries and taking their knowledge with them . As i said , sounds Good to me !! [caca 'daca' deported back to 'mexico' to save the day]
What a social experiment, yes these posters just love to character assassin ...

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