Sending Troops To Kill Americans Isn’t Enough, the Idiot Also Wants To Resume Testing Nukes


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Sending Troops To Kill Americans Isn’t Enough, the Idiot Also Wants To Resume Testing Nukes

As the impeached president trump eyes becoming dictator, he now wants to emulate his hero in North Korea and blow up a few Nukes to show off his growing power.

Of the 435 members of the House of Representatives and 100 Senators in congress, 80 of them have cosigned letters to the a$$hole-in-Chief demanding he stop his Nuke stupidity before he does something really, really stupid.

Of course all the concerned congressmen (and women) are Democrats. When the congressional Republicans learned of the letters and their content, they sat trembling with fear the a$$hole-in-chief would yell at them because the Democrats dared question his authority.

A word from the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics would immediately believe a heavy dose of nuclear radiation is good for people. After all, Dubya convinced them high levels of mercury in drinking water was healthy.

80 Lawmakers Demand Trump Ditch Any Thought of Resuming 'Dangerously Provocative' Nuclear Tests

Top Democrats demand answers on Trump administration's 'unfathomable' consideration of nuclear testing

As I look at the carnage democrats have caused in a very short time, I hope that Trump does become the dictator democrats are so afraid of. Democrats intend nothing good for this country. Trump as dictator would be able to wipe out the whole ideology.
This is a serious question, and more than nukes are involved. Those who joke about these matters show they are not serious people. Like “space wars,” trillions can be wasted on this nonsense. These weapons won’t even “protect us” ... from a simple virus. The Chinese will be forced to match us in space and other fields (and they can). Total war weapons in particular if used mean we all die. Many new weapons systems are also destabilizing. The disregard for earlier anti-ballistic missile treaties with Russia and for no testing of nuclear weapons, the advancing of our troops and bases and missiles up to Russia and China’s borders — these all lead to more distrust, shorter time to ascertain whether attacks have been launched, and greater chance of sudden and catastrophic accidental war.
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