Senior Advisor At The Dem Congressional Campaign Committee Last Year Lauded “Looting As A Vital Form Of Social Protest” And Condemned Police


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
New Senior Advisor At The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Last Year Lauded “Looting As A Vital Form Of Social Protest” And Condemned Police
New Senior Advisor at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee last year lauded "Looting as a Vital form of social Protest" and condemned Police - Crime Prevention Research CenterCrime Prevention Research Center (
17 Feb 2021 ~~ By DR. John R. Lott

Ironically at the same time that Democrats in the House impeached Donald Trump for supposedly inciting the January 6th riot, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee hires as a Senior Advisor someone who last year lauded “Looting as a Vital form of social Protest” and condemned the police. The Tweet shown above is from Dyjuan Tatro at the end of last August. How is it possible that Trump asking people to “peacefully and patriotically, make your voices heard” is inciting violence, but these comments from a Senior Advisor for the Democrats is considered appropriate? He has also removed Tweets from his account where he referred to police on January 8th of this year as “white supremacists.” While Tatro has shot other gang members, another Tweet from just a few days ago is pushing for more gun control.
Interestingly, the mainstream news media sees no irony in this new appointment by the Democrats.

Ironically at the same time that Democrats in the House impeached Donald Trump for supposedly inciting the January 6th riot, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee hires as a Senior Advisor someone who last year lauded “Looting as a Vital form of social Protest” and condemned the police. The Tweet shown above is from Dyjuan Tatro at the end of last August. How is it possible that Trump asking people to “peacefully and patriotically, make your voices heard” is inciting violence, but these comments from a Senior Advisor for the Democrats is considered appropriate? He has also removed Tweets from his account where he referred to police on January 8th of this year as “white supremacists.” While Tatro has shot other gang members, another Tweet from just a few days ago is pushing for more gun control.
Interestingly, the mainstream news media sees no irony in this new appointment by the Democrats.

Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists the most hypocritical, dumbest, dishonest, criminal, barbaric and greediest humans to have taken over our country.
The Trump Administration was the highest point of Western Civilization.
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