Sept. 25: Romney’s Narrow Path Without Ohio

Aug 7, 2012
With President Obama consistently holding a lead in polls of Ohio, Mitt Romney may need to devise a strategy to win the Electoral College without it.

Mr. Romney has a few plans by which he might do so, but they are narrowly drawn and would require him to make gains in other Midwestern states, like Iowa and Wisconsin, that are traditionally easier wins for Democrats.

Mr. Obama has received a number of favorable polls in Ohio lately, and the most recent ones suggest that his advantage may be continuing to expand there.

On Tuesday, The Washington Post published a poll showing Mr. Obama with an eight-point lead in Ohio. Then on Wednesday morning, a poll published by Quinnipiac University, The New York Times and CBS News put Mr. Obama 10 points ahead there.

Mr. Obama is unlikely to win Ohio by an eight- or 10-point margin unless Mr. Romney’s electoral map has completely fallen apart. But the consensus of the data has nevertheless been quite favorable for Mr. Obama in Ohio. In three other polls since the Democratic convention that used industry-standard methodologies and called cellphones, Mr. Obama’s lead in Ohio was between five and seven percentage points.
I'm developing a strategy to get in Kate Winslet's pants.
Romney without Ohio.


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