September 11, 2001


Oh so you are using memes because you are intellectually weak enough to think that they make a valid argument or raise a legitimate question.

Well gee since that is what you understand tell me where is the Airbus A320 jer which crashed in France? See if you can find it in this picture?

Then explain why one cannot find the B200 super king aircraft which crashed into a Melbourne Australia mall in this picture?

Then point out where the B25 Mitchell is in these pictures.

Since you are unable to see any aircraft in any of these images it is conclusive that NOT seeing a 757 in the wreckage of the Pentagon is irrelevant because aircraft are often destroyed beyond any recognition when they crash.
FYI - I have made no argument. Intellectually weak ????????????????? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez.

Obviously, you're reading more into my post than is actually there. You assume way too much.

You thought you did but you failed

IN your dreams. Failed at what? I presented nothing except food for thought, period. You're the one that attached some fictitious meaning to what I posted. You put your own spin to what I posted. You're reading more into it than what is actually there, and what was actually intended.

You're the one that failed, not me. I presented food for thought, you put the meaning to it, not me.

Sonny, you know the score.....the trolls are going to keep showing their asses and lamely attempt to put lipstick on this pig of an event because they are either disinformation trolls or they can't bear to believe that their beloved "gubermint" would stoop to such disgusting levels even though we know that this was a rather tame false flag as opposed to the others going all the way back to the "Remember The Maine" credo for the Spanish/American War that also turned out to be a false flag. There hasn't been a single war since that hasn't had one.

You cannot show any evidence of any kind that it was a false flag event you only believe it was because it makes you feel smarter than you are.

The only trolls are those like repeating such crap without evidence

Oh so you are using memes because you are intellectually weak enough to think that they make a valid argument or raise a legitimate question.

Well gee since that is what you understand tell me where is the Airbus A320 jer which crashed in France? See if you can find it in this picture?

Then explain why one cannot find the B200 super king aircraft which crashed into a Melbourne Australia mall in this picture?

Then point out where the B25 Mitchell is in these pictures.

Since you are unable to see any aircraft in any of these images it is conclusive that NOT seeing a 757 in the wreckage of the Pentagon is irrelevant because aircraft are often destroyed beyond any recognition when they crash.
FYI - I have made no argument. Intellectually weak ????????????????? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez.

Obviously, you're reading more into my post than is actually there. You assume way too much.

You thought you did but you failed

IN your dreams. Failed at what? I presented nothing except food for thought, period. You're the one that attached some fictitious meaning to what I posted. You put your own spin to what I posted. You're reading more into it than what is actually there, and what was actually intended.

You're the one that failed, not me. I presented food for thought, you put the meaning to it, not me.

No you presented an argument and it failed massively.
I made no argument. Please show my argument in my exact words, unedited, and in the exact context I said it in. Thanks.
Tight security??? Civilians and plenty of other people were evacuating within a minute of that attack and NO ONE saw these large vans dropping off plane and people parts around the scene. NO ONE saw them putting plane parts inside the fire. Media was on the lawn snapping pictures in 20 minutes. Civilian firefighters were on site in that time. Thousands of people were part of that from all sorts of different jobs. Non-military police were called in to the site. Civilian engineers and scientists were on site. I mean thousands of people here. Civilians at the pentagon talking about it. People there who's friends were killed saying with firsthand views it was a plane.

How do you keep that quiet? How did you plant all that evidence for the media within 20 minutes of the missile attack? How did you disappear the plane and people on it and within an hour make it pass as plane wreckage at a missile attack site? How do you keep these thousands of people all quiet? Government inspectors filed the reports? Have you seen the leaks from government workers? How do you keep these ones all perfectly quiet? I'm sure some have been fired and lost everything. Some have no families to worry about. Some have been on their deathbed. And NOT ONE WORD.

I'm not saying our government is honest. But come on. How gullible do you have to believe this?
How stupid do you have to be in order to believe and/or trust the government? Especially government issued reports?

The government lies.....therefore a cruise missile hit the that how it works?
Nope, it doesn't work that way at all. ......................................... ( that was a very weak try )

The government lies, therefore question everything the government says.

So you're skeptical, not a 60 IQ moron like ram fan?
I'm saying that the government doesn't tell us everything. I'm saying that thousands of experts can't all be crazy and anti-government. I'm saying that when looking at the big picture concerning the events of 9/11, 2 + 2 doesn't = 4, as the government would like for us to believe.

Building 7
Two skyscapers imploding into their own footprint
Jet wings slicing through steel beams, including wing tips

Many unanswered questions.
Wrong all anwered for years now you just willfully ignore the answers
Oh so you are using memes because you are intellectually weak enough to think that they make a valid argument or raise a legitimate question.

Well gee since that is what you understand tell me where is the Airbus A320 jer which crashed in France? See if you can find it in this picture?

Then explain why one cannot find the B200 super king aircraft which crashed into a Melbourne Australia mall in this picture?

Then point out where the B25 Mitchell is in these pictures.

Since you are unable to see any aircraft in any of these images it is conclusive that NOT seeing a 757 in the wreckage of the Pentagon is irrelevant because aircraft are often destroyed beyond any recognition when they crash.
FYI - I have made no argument. Intellectually weak ????????????????? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez.

Obviously, you're reading more into my post than is actually there. You assume way too much.

You thought you did but you failed

IN your dreams. Failed at what? I presented nothing except food for thought, period. You're the one that attached some fictitious meaning to what I posted. You put your own spin to what I posted. You're reading more into it than what is actually there, and what was actually intended.

You're the one that failed, not me. I presented food for thought, you put the meaning to it, not me.

No you presented an argument and it failed massively.
I made no argument. Please show my argument in my exact words, unedited, and in the exact context I said it in. Thanks.
Yes you did and are now lying and backpedaling because you got debunked like the other CT fools
FYI - I have made no argument. Intellectually weak ????????????????? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez.

Obviously, you're reading more into my post than is actually there. You assume way too much.

You thought you did but you failed

IN your dreams. Failed at what? I presented nothing except food for thought, period. You're the one that attached some fictitious meaning to what I posted. You put your own spin to what I posted. You're reading more into it than what is actually there, and what was actually intended.

You're the one that failed, not me. I presented food for thought, you put the meaning to it, not me.

No you presented an argument and it failed massively.
I made no argument. Please show my argument in my exact words, unedited, and in the exact context I said it in. Thanks.
Yes you did and are now lying and backpedaling because you got debunked like the other CT fools
You thought you did but you failed

IN your dreams. Failed at what? I presented nothing except food for thought, period. You're the one that attached some fictitious meaning to what I posted. You put your own spin to what I posted. You're reading more into it than what is actually there, and what was actually intended.

You're the one that failed, not me. I presented food for thought, you put the meaning to it, not me.

No you presented an argument and it failed massively.
I made no argument. Please show my argument in my exact words, unedited, and in the exact context I said it in. Thanks.
Yes you did and are now lying and backpedaling because you got debunked like the other CT fools
View attachment 144049
yes that is the content of the argument you made which was crushed and debunked
Tight security. The reports were generated by the government. Government inspectors filed the reports. It was all handled by the government. The government is not honest. The government has been know to deceive the public. The government controls information. The Pentagon is a military/government building. How many independent news personnel were on site taking notes and photos? How many members of the MSM were allowed inside, and on site, immediately following the crash? Have you seen pictures of the jet engines? Have you seen the piles of jet plane debris? Can you personally verify the information released to the public? Or, are you satisfied with the results published by the government? Do you honestly believe that our government operates with integrity, and is honest with the public concerning all matters?

What information do you have other than the information released by the government?

Tight security??? Civilians and plenty of other people were evacuating within a minute of that attack and NO ONE saw these large vans dropping off plane and people parts around the scene. NO ONE saw them putting plane parts inside the fire. Media was on the lawn snapping pictures in 20 minutes. Civilian firefighters were on site in that time. Thousands of people were part of that from all sorts of different jobs. Non-military police were called in to the site. Civilian engineers and scientists were on site. I mean thousands of people here. Civilians at the pentagon talking about it. People there who's friends were killed saying with firsthand views it was a plane.

How do you keep that quiet? How did you plant all that evidence for the media within 20 minutes of the missile attack? How did you disappear the plane and people on it and within an hour make it pass as plane wreckage at a missile attack site? How do you keep these thousands of people all quiet? Government inspectors filed the reports? Have you seen the leaks from government workers? How do you keep these ones all perfectly quiet? I'm sure some have been fired and lost everything. Some have no families to worry about. Some have been on their deathbed. And NOT ONE WORD.

I'm not saying our government is honest. But come on. How gullible do you have to believe this?
How stupid do you have to be in order to believe and/or trust the government? Especially government issued reports?

The government lies.....therefore a cruise missile hit the that how it works?
Nope, it doesn't work that way at all. ......................................... ( that was a very weak try )

The government lies, therefore question everything the government says.
And the majority of eye witnesses too?
Never mind all the plane parts they found. :)

Inside and out side of the Pentagon.

No, really.


They were all over the news and internet at the time.
Their out there on the net, but I have a friend who saw them and others who were I -witnesses at the twin towers and across the street from the Pentagon.
They were hi-jacked planes.
There are some conspiracies by our Government to really believe in, but this isn't one of them. :)
I mentioned nothing about "tons of explosives"

"Footprint" -------- basically the foundation of the structures. In other words, the buildings collapsed straight down, a vertical free-fall. Structural engineers have questioned the pattern and manner of collapse. Many questions.

A few have been very loud with their questions. But you make it sound like they are questioning what happened. When in reality they are questioning the overwhelming majority of engineers who say the buildings fell just as they would be expected to. And a lot of the biggest questioners are not structural engineers. They are Philosophers (David Griffin), physicists (at the microscopic level) like Steven Jones, and Anti-zionists like Eric Hufschmid. This is the types of scientists disagreeing with the structural engineers.

Jet Wings: Analysis and experiments by well-known engineers have shown that it's unlikely that the wings, especially the wing tips, would've remained intact after hitting the building. A certain amount of "shearing" would've taken place regardless of speed and angle. Thus, wing debris should've been seen falling away from the building on contact. The possibility of the wings slicing through the steel beams, and remaining intact ( as the videos clearly show ) until clearing the beams, is impossible to explain. And, this doesn't include the vertical tail section that also sliced through the steel structure without shearing before complete entry.

That's interesting. And we are basing this on what? The video's show a single frame of low res video of the penetration of a 500 MPH jet and squinting your eyes just right. Who's study??? But if it wasn't a jet, what was it? How was it pulled off where Thousands saw it happen?

Given analysis and experiments conducted by many experts, the general conclusion is that either something extraordinary happened, or that planes, commercial airliners, are super strong and made from indestructible aluminum and other light weight materials capable of doing extraordinary things.

Based on what experiments? Who ran them. What do they do?

And for you to even think it wasn't planes you have to ask the biggest question of all. To consider the possibility it wasn't those two planes... How did they get parts of those planes to fall all over town from a plane that took off just 49 minutes earlier and only went radio silent 20 minutes earlier?

You first have to believe the unbelievable to get to the parts that MIGHT be possible. That's what I am saying. Anyone on the internet can come up with proof of the the easy parts. Nobody has come up with any plausible answer for how to make it happen. That's where ALL the Conspiracy Theorists just stop talking. Look here, page 13 now of me asking for any proof of how to make it logistically possible. Don't worry about the engineering, the most difficult parts, just the simplest easiest things. And it's dead quiet on that subject isn't it?
I used to believe the cover story, that 19 goat fuckers planned the attack in a cave in Pashtun and used 4 airplanes on 911. I say this as a lifetime New Yorker who remembers that 2 months after the attack, the air as far north as City Hall still reeked of death and fire. But in retrospect, the US Intelligence community had to be the ones to plan and carry out the attack, nothing else fits the facts. The Maniacal Islamist were their scapegoats. Much like the USSR spying effort in WWII and Stalins ability to get FDR to do his bidding, you have to give the US Intel community props for doing their job almost flawlessly. Good going guys!

We were on a glide path to unprecedented peace and prosperity; the USSR Collapsed, the deficit was disappearing, no enemies foreign or domestic. Instead, here we are 2 decades later, $10 Trillion further in debt, fighting an invisible enemy in a war with no end in sight and living in a police state that not even George Orwell foresaw.
I used to believe the cover story, that 19 goat fuckers planned the attack in a cave in Pashtun and used 4 airplanes on 911. I say this as a lifetime New Yorker who remembers that 2 months after the attack, the air as far north as City Hall still reeked of death and fire. But in retrospect, the US Intelligence community had to be the ones to plan and carry out the attack, nothing else fits the facts. The Maniacal Islamist were their scapegoats. Much like the USSR spying effort in WWII and Stalins ability to get FDR to do his bidding, you have to give the US Intel community props for doing their job almost flawlessly. Good going guys!

We were on a glide path to unprecedented peace and prosperity; the USSR Collapsed, the deficit was disappearing, no enemies foreign or domestic. Instead, here we are 2 decades later, $10 Trillion further in debt, fighting an invisible enemy in a war with no end in sight and living in a police state that not even George Orwell foresaw.

There was never a story official or otherwise that they planned it in a cave. you need to cite such a reference or admit it is a straw man.

There are no such facts which point to a cover up or operation conducted by anyone except the muslim hijackers. If there were you could present such facts but you have not and cannot
I used to believe the cover story, that 19 goat fuckers planned the attack in a cave in Pashtun and used 4 airplanes on 911. I say this as a lifetime New Yorker who remembers that 2 months after the attack, the air as far north as City Hall still reeked of death and fire. But in retrospect, the US Intelligence community had to be the ones to plan and carry out the attack, nothing else fits the facts. The Maniacal Islamist were their scapegoats. Much like the USSR spying effort in WWII and Stalins ability to get FDR to do his bidding, you have to give the US Intel community props for doing their job almost flawlessly. Good going guys!

We were on a glide path to unprecedented peace and prosperity; the USSR Collapsed, the deficit was disappearing, no enemies foreign or domestic. Instead, here we are 2 decades later, $10 Trillion further in debt, fighting an invisible enemy in a war with no end in sight and living in a police state that not even George Orwell foresaw.

There was never a story official or otherwise that they planned it in a cave. you need to cite such a reference or admit it is a straw man.

There are no such facts which point to a cover up or operation conducted by anyone except the muslim hijackers. If there were you could present such facts but you have not and cannot

We were on a glide path to unprecedented peace and prosperity; the USSR Collapsed, the deficit was disappearing, no enemies foreign or domestic. Instead, here we are 2 decades later, $10 Trillion further in debt, fighting an invisible enemy in a war with no end in sight and living in a police state that not even George Orwell foresaw.

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