September 11, 2001

Like I said, I saw it live on TV the planes,& the flights, the families of those in the flights all real, And I was worried it would collapse, from the instinctive reasoning of what impact and fire spread I saw.
Saudis would make a fuss if it weren't real as they were tarnished by the perps being from there.
If someone saw evidence of tampering with the building to bring it down the first conclusion would be the same perp group did it to assure full destruction, but that was never made an issue, meaning they didn't see such evidence.

People are not saying that people didn't die on 9/11/01. What people are saying is that this was allowed to happen. Three high rise buildings collapsed in their own footprint but only two planes were involved? Those that believe that a conspiracy this big would take too many people to pull this off and eventually someone would tell. I disagree, an operation like this would be highly compartmentalized just like the JFK assassination but of course decades later people now know that it was indeed a conspiracy and that Oswald was a patsy. People involved sign NDAs and or they are loyal to those above them and they know that they will be under surveillance for the rest of their lives. I don't want to believe that this was allowed to happen but after really looking at facts that were so blatantly in my face? I can't pretend anymore and I won't. LA RAM FAN is a dogged researcher even more so than I am so I just have to laugh at the naysayers and trolls that go right for the personal insults instead of intelligently discussing the issue. I am past of the point of giving a fuck on what people think of what I have learned. It changes nothing anyway.

Yeah apparently the 9/11 apologist is clueless about bld 7 the crux of the 9/11 coverup commission that all the shills that have trolled this thread that he needs to stop listening to have always ended up with shit on their faces each time its brought up.:haha:

He was talking about the twin towers collapsing due to the fires allegedly with the alleged belief the steel frames were only like 10 feet thick or whatever yet like nobody ever can, he cant explain bld 7 which did NOT get hit by an airliner notice that?:haha:

and even if bld 7 did not collapsed he has ignored what witnesses in the towers reported of explosions in the basement before the plane struck above,notice that also?:rofl:

and you just debunked it so well with the example of the JFK assassination and how with operation northwoods,hundreds of people can be involved and keep a secret because if they say otherwise,they know they will be killed off.:D Like you said so well,we now know through hard evidence though the years there was multiple shooters with hundreds of people involved with a few that have just NOW come forward in years recently confessing their involvement because NOW they know they are going to be dead soon so they are spilling the beans about it.

they had to stay quiet all these years because had they not,as we know they would have been killed off. so for the people with the ramblings it would take hundreds of them involved and they could not keep a secret,enough of that garbage already,that is an old and a tiresome lame excuse that does not fly.:rolleyes:

the people who have that wild claim obviously do not know about that word you mentioned compartmentalization.:rolleyes: excellent jof of taking him to school there by the way with my help of course.:up:

bld 7 the crux of the 9/11 coverup

What was so important about WTC 7 that they had to fake jets hitting the Twin Towers?
Was it a picture of the empty gold vaults at Fort Knox?
A working model of the motor that runs on water?
A gray alien corpse?
Like I said, I saw it live on TV the planes,& the flights, the families of those in the flights all real, And I was worried it would collapse, from the instinctive reasoning of what impact and fire spread I saw.
Saudis would make a fuss if it weren't real as they were tarnished by the perps being from there.
If someone saw evidence of tampering with the building to bring it down the first conclusion would be the same perp group did it to assure full destruction, but that was never made an issue, meaning they didn't see such evidence.

People are not saying that people didn't die on 9/11/01. What people are saying is that this was allowed to happen. Three high rise buildings collapsed in their own footprint but only two planes were involved? Those that believe that a conspiracy this big would take too many people to pull this off and eventually someone would tell. I disagree, an operation like this would be highly compartmentalized just like the JFK assassination but of course decades later people now know that it was indeed a conspiracy and that Oswald was a patsy. People involved sign NDAs and or they are loyal to those above them and they know that they will be under surveillance for the rest of their lives. I don't want to believe that this was allowed to happen but after really looking at facts that were so blatantly in my face? I can't pretend anymore and I won't. LA RAM FAN is a dogged researcher even more so than I am so I just have to laugh at the naysayers and trolls that go right for the personal insults instead of intelligently discussing the issue. I am past of the point of giving a fuck on what people think of what I have learned. It changes nothing anyway.

When a large building right next to a smaller building collapses it is normal for the smaller one to suffer damage so the 3 planes 3 buildings meme is irrelevant.

Compartmentalization does not work once the event takes place. EVERYONE involved would know what had happened and what their part was just like the manhattan project.

Even if need to know was applied and someone somewhere had no idea why he was making a part for the bomb he would know once it went off and the thing here. Your disagreement is ignorant.

Oswald was no patsy and acted alone as the evidence shows.

Your compadre LARAM is a foolish ass clown who has never done any research dogged or otherwise. He is in fact consistently pwned and proven a fool by others on every thread.

he has never produced evidence or facts and is a babbling fool.

Oh so you are using memes because you are intellectually weak enough to think that they make a valid argument or raise a legitimate question.

Well gee since that is what you understand tell me where is the Airbus A320 jer which crashed in France? See if you can find it in this picture?

Then explain why one cannot find the B200 super king aircraft which crashed into a Melbourne Australia mall in this picture?

Then point out where the B25 Mitchell is in these pictures.

Since you are unable to see any aircraft in any of these images it is conclusive that NOT seeing a 757 in the wreckage of the Pentagon is irrelevant because aircraft are often destroyed beyond any recognition when they crash.

Oh so you are using memes because you are intellectually weak enough to think that they make a valid argument or raise a legitimate question.

Well gee since that is what you understand tell me where is the Airbus A320 jer which crashed in France? See if you can find it in this picture?

Then explain why one cannot find the B200 super king aircraft which crashed into a Melbourne Australia mall in this picture?

Then point out where the B25 Mitchell is in these pictures.

Since you are unable to see any aircraft in any of these images it is conclusive that NOT seeing a 757 in the wreckage of the Pentagon is irrelevant because aircraft are often destroyed beyond any recognition when they crash.
FYI - I have made no argument. Intellectually weak ????????????????? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez.

Obviously, you're reading more into my post than is actually there. You assume way too much.

Oh so you are using memes because you are intellectually weak enough to think that they make a valid argument or raise a legitimate question.

Well gee since that is what you understand tell me where is the Airbus A320 jer which crashed in France? See if you can find it in this picture?

Then explain why one cannot find the B200 super king aircraft which crashed into a Melbourne Australia mall in this picture?

Then point out where the B25 Mitchell is in these pictures.

Since you are unable to see any aircraft in any of these images it is conclusive that NOT seeing a 757 in the wreckage of the Pentagon is irrelevant because aircraft are often destroyed beyond any recognition when they crash.
FYI - I have made no argument. Intellectually weak ????????????????? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez.

Obviously, you're reading more into my post than is actually there. You assume way too much.

You thought you did but you failed
Like I said, I saw it live on TV the planes,& the flights, the families of those in the flights all real, And I was worried it would collapse, from the instinctive reasoning of what impact and fire spread I saw.
Saudis would make a fuss if it weren't real as they were tarnished by the perps being from there.
If someone saw evidence of tampering with the building to bring it down the first conclusion would be the same perp group did it to assure full destruction, but that was never made an issue, meaning they didn't see such evidence.

People are not saying that people didn't die on 9/11/01. What people are saying is that this was allowed to happen. Three high rise buildings collapsed in their own footprint but only two planes were involved? Those that believe that a conspiracy this big would take too many people to pull this off and eventually someone would tell. I disagree, an operation like this would be highly compartmentalized just like the JFK assassination but of course decades later people now know that it was indeed a conspiracy and that Oswald was a patsy. People involved sign NDAs and or they are loyal to those above them and they know that they will be under surveillance for the rest of their lives. I don't want to believe that this was allowed to happen but after really looking at facts that were so blatantly in my face? I can't pretend anymore and I won't. LA RAM FAN is a dogged researcher even more so than I am so I just have to laugh at the naysayers and trolls that go right for the personal insults instead of intelligently discussing the issue. I am past of the point of giving a fuck on what people think of what I have learned. It changes nothing anyway.

Yeah apparently the 9/11 apologist is clueless about bld 7 the crux of the 9/11 coverup commission that all the shills that have trolled this thread that he needs to stop listening to have always ended up with shit on their faces each time its brought up.:haha:

He was talking about the twin towers collapsing due to the fires allegedly with the alleged belief the steel frames were only like 10 feet thick or whatever yet like nobody ever can, he cant explain bld 7 which did NOT get hit by an airliner notice that?:haha:

and even if bld 7 did not collapsed he has ignored what witnesses in the towers reported of explosions in the basement before the plane struck above,notice that also?:rofl:

and you just debunked it so well with the example of the JFK assassination and how with operation northwoods,hundreds of people can be involved and keep a secret because if they say otherwise,they know they will be killed off.:D Like you said so well,we now know through hard evidence though the years there was multiple shooters with hundreds of people involved with a few that have just NOW come forward in years recently confessing their involvement because NOW they know they are going to be dead soon so they are spilling the beans about it.

they had to stay quiet all these years because had they not,as we know they would have been killed off. so for the people with the ramblings it would take hundreds of them involved and they could not keep a secret,enough of that garbage already,that is an old and a tiresome lame excuse that does not fly.:rolleyes:

the people who have that wild claim obviously do not know about that word you mentioned compartmentalization.:rolleyes: excellent jof of taking him to school there by the way with my help of course.:up:

The thing about the naysayers is that they will refuse to focus on the numerous anomalies and claim that they are simply coincidences regardless of how blatantly obvious that it shouldn't pass the sniff test of anyone with the ability to critically think. Building Seven alone should be the smoking gun for any doubter. I never read anything about Building Seven in the papers or on the MSM websites. It was basically an afterthought in the 9/11 hearings. People that will not take the time to view something objectively will remain in the dark. I know because I was one of them. It certainly is ironic that I am now in the camp of those I demonized and marginalized for 11 plus years. I am grateful for those like you that refused to be shouted down. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to those like you that had the brass ones.

Oh so you are using memes because you are intellectually weak enough to think that they make a valid argument or raise a legitimate question.

Well gee since that is what you understand tell me where is the Airbus A320 jer which crashed in France? See if you can find it in this picture?

Then explain why one cannot find the B200 super king aircraft which crashed into a Melbourne Australia mall in this picture?

Then point out where the B25 Mitchell is in these pictures.

Since you are unable to see any aircraft in any of these images it is conclusive that NOT seeing a 757 in the wreckage of the Pentagon is irrelevant because aircraft are often destroyed beyond any recognition when they crash.
FYI - I have made no argument. Intellectually weak ????????????????? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez.

Obviously, you're reading more into my post than is actually there. You assume way too much.

You thought you did but you failed

IN your dreams. Failed at what? I presented nothing except food for thought, period. You're the one that attached some fictitious meaning to what I posted. You put your own spin to what I posted. You're reading more into it than what is actually there, and what was actually intended.

You're the one that failed, not me. I presented food for thought, you put the meaning to it, not me.
Yeah apparently the 9/11 apologist is clueless about bld 7 the crux of the 9/11 coverup commission that all the shills that have trolled this thread that he needs to stop listening to have always ended up with shit on their faces each time its brought up.:haha:

He was talking about the twin towers collapsing due to the fires allegedly with the alleged belief the steel frames were only like 10 feet thick or whatever yet like nobody ever can, he cant explain bld 7 which did NOT get hit by an airliner notice that?:haha:

and even if bld 7 did not collapsed he has ignored what witnesses in the towers reported of explosions in the basement before the plane struck above,notice that also?:rofl:

Actually the hearing explosions BEFORE the planes struck has been debunked. BUt lets keep that one going ok. It can sit right with the equally believable "Spiderman pulled down building 7 with his webs" theory.

And what do you mean Bld 7 didn't get hit, there was lots of damage to it.

Were you trying to actually say now that they pulled off the logistics of this PERFECTLY but then just fucked up and said

"what about building 7"
"Lets blow that one up too"
"Ok, should we have a plane hit it"
"Nah, we will say it was magic".

Lol, you can see the pictures and still frames from when they were shooting live of the destruction to that from the debris. You really think they go from Einstein to Igor on this? Come on. YOU aren't that gullible are you?

Thanks for pushing another page though with no word on how to pull off the logistics of this. I mean the most basic part.

That people heard and experienced explosions before the planes hit has been debunked? By whom? Not to my satisfaction at all because I will take the word of those that were there over those in the lamestream media. Here is something else to chew on........the jet fuel evaporated with the initial explosion and it's nothing but high octane kerosene for the lack of a better term and no one can explain to me how concrete encased rebar could be reduced to dust and fall like the rest of the building in free fall fashion with absolutely no resistance from the lower floors that where not compromised by the plane. The "pancake theory" would only make sense if it took minutes instead of seconds to collapse. Whom do I believe? My beloved corporate "gubermint" or my eyes and common sense?

Oh so you are using memes because you are intellectually weak enough to think that they make a valid argument or raise a legitimate question.

Well gee since that is what you understand tell me where is the Airbus A320 jer which crashed in France? See if you can find it in this picture?

Then explain why one cannot find the B200 super king aircraft which crashed into a Melbourne Australia mall in this picture?

Then point out where the B25 Mitchell is in these pictures.

Since you are unable to see any aircraft in any of these images it is conclusive that NOT seeing a 757 in the wreckage of the Pentagon is irrelevant because aircraft are often destroyed beyond any recognition when they crash.
FYI - I have made no argument. Intellectually weak ????????????????? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez.

Obviously, you're reading more into my post than is actually there. You assume way too much.

You thought you did but you failed

IN your dreams. Failed at what? I presented nothing except food for thought, period. You're the one that attached some fictitious meaning to what I posted. You put your own spin to what I posted. You're reading more into it than what is actually there, and what was actually intended.

You're the one that failed, not me. I presented food for thought, you put the meaning to it, not me.

Sonny, you know the score.....the trolls are going to keep showing their asses and lamely attempt to put lipstick on this pig of an event because they are either disinformation trolls or they can't bear to believe that their beloved "gubermint" would stoop to such disgusting levels even though we know that this was a rather tame false flag as opposed to the others going all the way back to the "Remember The Maine" credo for the Spanish/American War that also turned out to be a false flag. There hasn't been a single war since that hasn't had one.
That people heard and experienced explosions before the planes hit has been debunked? By whom? Not to my satisfaction at all because I will take the word of those that were there over those in the lamestream media. Here is something else to chew on........the jet fuel evaporated with the initial explosion and it's nothing but high octane kerosene for the lack of a better term and no one can explain to me how concrete encased rebar could be reduced to dust and fall like the rest of the building in free fall fashion with absolutely no resistance from the lower floors that where not compromised by the plane. The "pancake theory" would only make sense if it took minutes instead of seconds to collapse. Whom do I believe? My beloved corporate "gubermint" or my eyes and common sense?

By the demolition experts that showed that any explosion of that magnitude would have been heard at 130 db for up to half a mile, and there are thousands of witnesses that claim no explosion was heard. Unless of course we are adding all those thousands to the conspiracy.

Your common sense has yet to pull off how the basics of the logistics of this worked.

Where is the aluminum skinned airplane that hit the concrete building at 500+mph?

Where do you think it would be?

Well since it penetrated all 5 rings, probably not on the exterior right, but under the collapsed building where the inital fire crews said they saw it? Where they found the black box? Did you think the terrorists crashed into the building, then put the plane in reverse and backed it back out or something?

You know, kinda like how newscasters were speculating it was a small plane that hit the first WTC tower since the plane was lost in the wreckage and the damage wasn't large looking since they didn't have that on camera. Of course we saw that wasn't true.

I mean there's THOUSANDS of pieces of debris that match that same exact plane that took off just over an hour earlier. They have personal effects and pieces of people that were boarding that plane just an hour ago at the scene. Uniform pieces from the flight crew.

But feel free to explain the logistics of how to pull that one off.

Where is the aluminum skinned airplane that hit the concrete building at 500+mph?

Where do you think it would be?

Well since it penetrated all 5 rings, probably not on the exterior right, but under the collapsed building where the inital fire crews said they saw it? Where they found the black box? Did you think the terrorists crashed into the building, then put the plane in reverse and backed it back out or something?

You know, kinda like how newscasters were speculating it was a small plane that hit the first WTC tower since the plane was lost in the wreckage and the damage wasn't large looking since they didn't have that on camera. Of course we saw that wasn't true.

I mean there's THOUSANDS of pieces of debris that match that same exact plane that took off just over an hour earlier. They have personal effects and pieces of people that were boarding that plane just an hour ago at the scene. Uniform pieces from the flight crew.

But feel free to explain the logistics of how to pull that one off.
Tight security. The reports were generated by the government. Government inspectors filed the reports. It was all handled by the government. The government is not honest. The government has been know to deceive the public. The government controls information. The Pentagon is a military/government building. How many independent news personnel were on site taking notes and photos? How many members of the MSM were allowed inside, and on site, immediately following the crash? Have you seen pictures of the jet engines? Have you seen the piles of jet plane debris? Can you personally verify the information released to the public? Or, are you satisfied with the results published by the government? Do you honestly believe that our government operates with integrity, and is honest with the public concerning all matters?

What information do you have other than the information released by the government?
Tight security. The reports were generated by the government. Government inspectors filed the reports. It was all handled by the government. The government is not honest. The government has been know to deceive the public. The government controls information. The Pentagon is a military/government building. How many independent news personnel were on site taking notes and photos? How many members of the MSM were allowed inside, and on site, immediately following the crash? Have you seen pictures of the jet engines? Have you seen the piles of jet plane debris? Can you personally verify the information released to the public? Or, are you satisfied with the results published by the government? Do you honestly believe that our government operates with integrity, and is honest with the public concerning all matters?

What information do you have other than the information released by the government?

Tight security??? Civilians and plenty of other people were evacuating within a minute of that attack and NO ONE saw these large vans dropping off plane and people parts around the scene. NO ONE saw them putting plane parts inside the fire. What was it? Nearly 300 eyewitnesses that said it was a plane? Media was on the lawn snapping pictures in 20 minutes. Civilian firefighters were on site in that time. Thousands of people were part of that from all sorts of different jobs. Non-military police were called in to the site. Civilian engineers and scientists were on site. I mean thousands of people here. Civilians at the pentagon talking about it. People there who's friends were killed saying with firsthand views it was a plane.

How do you keep that quiet? You need so many teams. The team to cut the tree and make it look like a plane did it. The teams to cut the power lines. The teams to take out 5 different light poles, the team to take out the fence. The team to take out the generator trailer. The team to spread wreckage at that 52 degree arc which exactly lined up with the point of impact. ANd of course that lines up with the Radar data, the black box, civilian the hundreds of accounts, . NONE OF THOSE THINGS caused by a missile, so they'd have to be faked AFTER the missile hit. How did you plant all that evidence for the media within 20 minutes of the missile attack? How did you disappear the plane and people on it and within an hour make it pass as plane wreckage at a missile attack site? How do you keep these thousands of people all quiet? Government inspectors filed the reports? Have you seen the leaks from government workers? How do you keep these ones all perfectly quiet? I'm sure some have been fired and lost everything. Some have no families to worry about. Some have been on their deathbed. And NOT ONE WORD.

I'm not saying our government is honest. But come on. How gullible do you have to believe this?
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Tight security. The reports were generated by the government. Government inspectors filed the reports. It was all handled by the government. The government is not honest. The government has been know to deceive the public. The government controls information. The Pentagon is a military/government building. How many independent news personnel were on site taking notes and photos? How many members of the MSM were allowed inside, and on site, immediately following the crash? Have you seen pictures of the jet engines? Have you seen the piles of jet plane debris? Can you personally verify the information released to the public? Or, are you satisfied with the results published by the government? Do you honestly believe that our government operates with integrity, and is honest with the public concerning all matters?

What information do you have other than the information released by the government?

Tight security??? Civilians and plenty of other people were evacuating within a minute of that attack and NO ONE saw these large vans dropping off plane and people parts around the scene. NO ONE saw them putting plane parts inside the fire. Media was on the lawn snapping pictures in 20 minutes. Civilian firefighters were on site in that time. Thousands of people were part of that from all sorts of different jobs. Non-military police were called in to the site. Civilian engineers and scientists were on site. I mean thousands of people here. Civilians at the pentagon talking about it. People there who's friends were killed saying with firsthand views it was a plane.

How do you keep that quiet? How did you plant all that evidence for the media within 20 minutes of the missile attack? How did you disappear the plane and people on it and within an hour make it pass as plane wreckage at a missile attack site? How do you keep these thousands of people all quiet? Government inspectors filed the reports? Have you seen the leaks from government workers? How do you keep these ones all perfectly quiet? I'm sure some have been fired and lost everything. Some have no families to worry about. Some have been on their deathbed. And NOT ONE WORD.

I'm not saying our government is honest. But come on. How gullible do you have to believe this?
How stupid do you have to be in order to believe and/or trust the government? Especially government issued reports?
How stupid do you have to be in order to believe and/or trust the government? Especially government issued reports?

Again, I don't believe the government on everything. But that doesn't mean I don't believe the government on anything. The White House said the other day that a woman died by being hit by a car in Charlottesville. I believe that. Doesn't mean I believe everything.

So for you to believe this wasn't a plane. Again. Explain the logistics of it. Because that's what takes a LOT of fantasy right there. Can you quit tailing off and get back on defending your stance on THIS conspiracy?
How stupid do you have to be in order to believe and/or trust the government? Especially government issued reports?

Again, I don't believe the government on everything. But that doesn't mean I don't believe the government on anything. The White House said the other day that a woman died by being hit by a car in Charlottesville. I believe that. Doesn't mean I believe everything.

So for you to believe this wasn't a plane. Again. Explain the logistics of it. Because that's what takes a LOT of fantasy right there. Can you quit tailing off and get back on defending your stance on THIS conspiracy?
I have never said that I didn't believe that it was a plane.
I'm not defending anything, and haven't defended anything.
I have presented no stance.

You assume way too much.
I have never said that I didn't believe that it was a plane.
I'm not defending anything, and haven't defended anything.
I have presented no stance.

You assume way too much.

Then why when I said I thought it was a plane and asked you how else they would have pulled it off did you defend the position against mine that it was a plane with a stance based on tight security?
I have never said that I didn't believe that it was a plane.
I'm not defending anything, and haven't defended anything.
I have presented no stance.

You assume way too much.

Then why when I said I thought it was a plane and asked you how else they would have pulled it off did you defend the position against mine that it was a plane with a stance based on tight security?
Nope, I never defended any stance. Please show where I defended a stance.


I do not believe government reports, the government, and that there are a lot of questions unanswered.

Again, I haven't taken a stance, nor have I defended a stance. I stated that things do not add up. Examples: Eyewitness accounts, video, the opinions of structural engineers, the debris field, photos, scientific analysis by independent labs and organizations, etc.. This has been going on for almost 16 years now. And, many questions remain unanswered.

That is NOT taking a stance. That is NOT defending anything. It is merely stating that I do not believe our government, nor do I believe all government issued information.

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