September 11, 2001

I used to believe the cover story, that 19 goat fuckers planned the attack in a cave in Pashtun and used 4 airplanes on 911. I say this as a lifetime New Yorker who remembers that 2 months after the attack, the air as far north as City Hall still reeked of death and fire. But in retrospect, the US Intelligence community had to be the ones to plan and carry out the attack, nothing else fits the facts. The Maniacal Islamist were their scapegoats. Much like the USSR spying effort in WWII and Stalins ability to get FDR to do his bidding, you have to give the US Intel community props for doing their job almost flawlessly. Good going guys!

We were on a glide path to unprecedented peace and prosperity; the USSR Collapsed, the deficit was disappearing, no enemies foreign or domestic. Instead, here we are 2 decades later, $10 Trillion further in debt, fighting an invisible enemy in a war with no end in sight and living in a police state that not even George Orwell foresaw.

There was never a story official or otherwise that they planned it in a cave. you need to cite such a reference or admit it is a straw man.

There are no such facts which point to a cover up or operation conducted by anyone except the muslim hijackers. If there were you could present such facts but you have not and cannot

We were on a glide path to unprecedented peace and prosperity; the USSR Collapsed, the deficit was disappearing, no enemies foreign or domestic. Instead, here we are 2 decades later, $10 Trillion further in debt, fighting an invisible enemy in a war with no end in sight and living in a police state that not even George Orwell foresaw.
Even if that were true ( it is only opinion ) it does not constitute proof of any specific theory about 911.

You still cannot cite any facts which indicate it was a cover up or intelligence operation.

You still cannot cite any statement from the government that it was planned by uneducated people in a cave
I used to believe the cover story, that 19 goat fuckers planned the attack in a cave in Pashtun and used 4 airplanes on 911. I say this as a lifetime New Yorker who remembers that 2 months after the attack, the air as far north as City Hall still reeked of death and fire. But in retrospect, the US Intelligence community had to be the ones to plan and carry out the attack, nothing else fits the facts. The Maniacal Islamist were their scapegoats. Much like the USSR spying effort in WWII and Stalins ability to get FDR to do his bidding, you have to give the US Intel community props for doing their job almost flawlessly. Good going guys!

We were on a glide path to unprecedented peace and prosperity; the USSR Collapsed, the deficit was disappearing, no enemies foreign or domestic. Instead, here we are 2 decades later, $10 Trillion further in debt, fighting an invisible enemy in a war with no end in sight and living in a police state that not even George Orwell foresaw.

There was never a story official or otherwise that they planned it in a cave. you need to cite such a reference or admit it is a straw man.

There are no such facts which point to a cover up or operation conducted by anyone except the muslim hijackers. If there were you could present such facts but you have not and cannot

We were on a glide path to unprecedented peace and prosperity; the USSR Collapsed, the deficit was disappearing, no enemies foreign or domestic. Instead, here we are 2 decades later, $10 Trillion further in debt, fighting an invisible enemy in a war with no end in sight and living in a police state that not even George Orwell foresaw.
Even if that were true ( it is only opinion ) it does not constitute proof of any specific theory about 911.

You still cannot cite any facts which indicate it was a cover up or intelligence operation.

You still cannot cite any statement from the government that it was planned by uneducated people in a cave

You think Bush is going to come out and tell you that his Dad's CIA planned and carried out the attack?
I used to believe the cover story, that 19 goat fuckers planned the attack in a cave in Pashtun and used 4 airplanes on 911. I say this as a lifetime New Yorker who remembers that 2 months after the attack, the air as far north as City Hall still reeked of death and fire. But in retrospect, the US Intelligence community had to be the ones to plan and carry out the attack, nothing else fits the facts. The Maniacal Islamist were their scapegoats. Much like the USSR spying effort in WWII and Stalins ability to get FDR to do his bidding, you have to give the US Intel community props for doing their job almost flawlessly. Good going guys!

We were on a glide path to unprecedented peace and prosperity; the USSR Collapsed, the deficit was disappearing, no enemies foreign or domestic. Instead, here we are 2 decades later, $10 Trillion further in debt, fighting an invisible enemy in a war with no end in sight and living in a police state that not even George Orwell foresaw.

There was never a story official or otherwise that they planned it in a cave. you need to cite such a reference or admit it is a straw man.

There are no such facts which point to a cover up or operation conducted by anyone except the muslim hijackers. If there were you could present such facts but you have not and cannot

We were on a glide path to unprecedented peace and prosperity; the USSR Collapsed, the deficit was disappearing, no enemies foreign or domestic. Instead, here we are 2 decades later, $10 Trillion further in debt, fighting an invisible enemy in a war with no end in sight and living in a police state that not even George Orwell foresaw.
Even if that were true ( it is only opinion ) it does not constitute proof of any specific theory about 911.

You still cannot cite any facts which indicate it was a cover up or intelligence operation.

You still cannot cite any statement from the government that it was planned by uneducated people in a cave

You think Bush is going to come out and tell you that his Dad's CIA planned and carried out the attack?

No because there is no evidence of such a loopy theory.

Nor was it his dad's CIA Bush had served as Director of the CIA From 1976 to 1977 which means he had left the CIA decades before 911 which of course means it was not HIS CIA.

The plane hit the Pentagon while still in the air. It never was on or near the ground.
It hit right in the upper 2 floors of the building.

Planes are never that low. Ever.


Oh, right. I forgot, the maniacal Islamist terrorist piloting the plane had almost 2 weeks of flight training

How many weeks of training do you need to crash a plane?

FFS! THINK!!!!!!!!!! You think it's fucking easy to pilot a commercial airliner and even crash land it like that, right smack into the Pentagon?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!
Oh, right. I forgot, the maniacal Islamist terrorist piloting the plane had almost 2 weeks of flight training

Didn't Hanjour, the terrorist pilot on that flight spend like 3 years and end up with an FAA Commercial Pilots License in April of 1999?

See, that's the issue on the conspiracy Theories. You have to add in all these little blatant lies and hope nobody was paying attention to make them make sense.

I mean your conspiracy theory in this meme, contradicts the conspiracy theory in the other meme showing the impact to the ground just as it hit at the pentagon. Granted when it comes to physics, meme's are probably the last source I'd use. But I guess when that's what you got, that's what you have to go with.
FFS! THINK!!!!!!!!!! You think it's fucking easy to pilot a commercial airliner and even crash land it like that, right smack into the Pentagon?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!

Well it didn't crash like that into the Pentagon (I'll take the scientists word on it over the guy who makes meme's word on it) and yes, the Pentagon is MASSIVE. I am pretty sure someone with their FAA Commercial license could crash a plane into the pentagon. Nobody is saying he hit the exact spot of the pentagon he was aiming for are they?

Planes are never that low. Ever.


Oh, right. I forgot, the maniacal Islamist terrorist piloting the plane had almost 2 weeks of flight training

How many weeks of training do you need to crash a plane?

FFS! THINK!!!!!!!!!! You think it's fucking easy to pilot a commercial airliner and even crash land it like that, right smack into the Pentagon?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!

2 weeks is all it took.
"Above Top Secret" or Cointelpro?
FFS! THINK!!!!!!!!!! You think it's fucking easy to pilot a commercial airliner and even crash land it like that, right smack into the Pentagon?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!

Well it didn't crash like that into the Pentagon (I'll take the scientists word on it over the guy who makes meme's word on it) and yes, the Pentagon is MASSIVE. I am pretty sure someone with their FAA Commercial license could crash a plane into the pentagon. Nobody is saying he hit the exact spot of the pentagon he was aiming for are they?

He didn't overfly, he didn't ditch it in the grass, on the first pass he nailed the Pentagon.
He didn't overfly, he didn't ditch it in the grass, on the first pass he nailed the Pentagon.

Yup. Pentagon it's a 6.6 million square foot building that's the largest building footprint in the USA. He was a certified commercial pilot. Didn't have to hit a 150 foot wide runway, something you'd need to do to get a commercial license. Had to hit a 6.6 million square foot building.

Sounds tougher when you have to lie and say he only had two weeks of flight school though.
He didn't overfly, he didn't ditch it in the grass, on the first pass he nailed the Pentagon.

Yup. Pentagon it's a 6.6 million square foot building that's the largest building footprint in the USA. He was a certified commercial pilot. Didn't have to hit a 150 foot wide runway, something you'd need to do to land a plane. Had to hit a 6.6 million square foot building.

Sounds tougher when you have to lie and say he only had two weeks of flight school though.

See, that's my point EXACTLY! He didn't need any runway landing strip, didn't over fly, didn't hit the grass early - he hit it with the precision of a --well, guided missile
Another view ( opinion, observation )


The puffs of smoke are the result of air being compressed by the falling upper floor compressing the air in the rooms with smoke and debris flying out.

the classic old puffs of smoke are the result of air being compressed by the falling upper floor old lame argument by the 9/11 apologists.comedy gold.:haha:
Tight security??? Civilians and plenty of other people were evacuating within a minute of that attack and NO ONE saw these large vans dropping off plane and people parts around the scene. NO ONE saw them putting plane parts inside the fire. Media was on the lawn snapping pictures in 20 minutes. Civilian firefighters were on site in that time. Thousands of people were part of that from all sorts of different jobs. Non-military police were called in to the site. Civilian engineers and scientists were on site. I mean thousands of people here. Civilians at the pentagon talking about it. People there who's friends were killed saying with firsthand views it was a plane.

How do you keep that quiet? How did you plant all that evidence for the media within 20 minutes of the missile attack? How did you disappear the plane and people on it and within an hour make it pass as plane wreckage at a missile attack site? How do you keep these thousands of people all quiet? Government inspectors filed the reports? Have you seen the leaks from government workers? How do you keep these ones all perfectly quiet? I'm sure some have been fired and lost everything. Some have no families to worry about. Some have been on their deathbed. And NOT ONE WORD.

I'm not saying our government is honest. But come on. How gullible do you have to believe this?
How stupid do you have to be in order to believe and/or trust the government? Especially government issued reports?

The government lies.....therefore a cruise missile hit the that how it works?
Nope, it doesn't work that way at all. ......................................... ( that was a very weak try )

The government lies, therefore question everything the government says.

So you're skeptical, not a 60 IQ moron like ram fan?
I'm saying that the government doesn't tell us everything. I'm saying that thousands of experts can't all be crazy and anti-government. I'm saying that when looking at the big picture concerning the events of 9/11, 2 + 2 doesn't = 4, as the government would like for us to believe.

Building 7
Two skyscapers imploding into their own footprint
Jet wings slicing through steel beams, including wing tips

Many unanswered questions.

and dont forget all these distingued architects and engineers around the country as well as demolition experts cant all be wrong.i think they have a LITTLE bit more credibility than the 9/11 apologists that have come on here grasping at straws in defeat do :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:.:haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

I mentioned nothing about "tons of explosives"

he obviously has reading comprehension i cannot believe you are bothering with this long time paid shill.
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Planes are never that low. Ever.


Oh, right. I forgot, the maniacal Islamist terrorist piloting the plane had almost 2 weeks of flight training

That's actually more than is needed to fly a plane into the side of a building.

Once again this idiocy ignores facts about piloting planes. Flying a plane ( and crashing it ) in clear daylight is EASY. It is taking off, landing and inclement weather ( including night time ) which is difficult and requires extensive training. The hijackers had clear daylight conditions and had no concern about taking off or landing.

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