September 11th, was a day when Obama and Hillery were in their White House bunker watching what was going on with Al Qaida.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
This day 23 years ago an event in Continental United States hadnt happened since England sailed up the Potamic and bombarded DC. George Bush 43, establishment Republican in retaliation against Radical Muslims got US involved into two wars, one if Iraq (because of lies) and Afghanistan, where supposedly Osama Bin Laden was living. When George Bush 43 was no longer able to run, Barrack Hussain Obama, had lied to US that he had Al Qaida on the run and saved the auto manufacturing sector.

Then 9 years ago today, this happened. Did any of you forget? This is what happens when you have feckless leaders without a spine in the Presidency.

This day 23 years ago an event in Continental United States hadnt happened since England sailed up the Potamic and bombarded DC. George Bush 43, establishment Republican in retaliation against Radical Muslims got US involved into two wars, one if Iraq (because of lies) and Afghanistan, where supposedly Osama Bin Laden was living. When George Bush 43 was no longer able to run, Barrack Hussain Obama, had lied to US that he had Al Qaida on the run and saved the auto manufacturing sector.

Then 9 years ago today, this happened. Did any of you forget? This is what happens when you have feckless leaders without a spine in the Presidency.

Fucking Liar.
This day 23 years ago an event in Continental United States hadnt happened since England sailed up the Potamic and bombarded DC. George Bush 43, establishment Republican in retaliation against Radical Muslims got US involved into two wars, one if Iraq (because of lies) and Afghanistan, where supposedly Osama Bin Laden was living. When George Bush 43 was no longer able to run, Barrack Hussain Obama, had lied to US that he had Al Qaida on the run and saved the auto manufacturing sector.

Then 9 years ago today, this happened. Did any of you forget? This is what happens when you have feckless leaders without a spine in the Presidency.

Oh please, we're not going down the damn Benghazi road are we? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Ask Trey "Benghazi" Gowdy how that worked out for him. How many millions of taxpayer dollars were wasted on that snipe hunt? :)
This day 23 years ago an event in Continental United States hadnt happened since England sailed up the Potamic and bombarded DC. George Bush 43, establishment Republican in retaliation against Radical Muslims got US involved into two wars, one if Iraq (because of lies) and Afghanistan, where supposedly Osama Bin Laden was living. When George Bush 43 was no longer able to run, Barrack Hussain Obama, had lied to US that he had Al Qaida on the run and saved the auto manufacturing sector.

Then 9 years ago today, this happened. Did any of you forget? This is what happens when you have feckless leaders without a spine in the Presidency.

what do you want senators to do about it? filibuster?
This day 23 years ago an event in Continental United States hadnt happened since England sailed up the Potamic and bombarded DC. George Bush 43, establishment Republican in retaliation against Radical Muslims got US involved into two wars, one if Iraq (because of lies) and Afghanistan, where supposedly Osama Bin Laden was living. When George Bush 43 was no longer able to run, Barrack Hussain Obama, had lied to US that he had Al Qaida on the run and saved the auto manufacturing sector.

Then 9 years ago today, this happened. Did any of you forget? This is what happens when you have feckless leaders without a spine in the Presidency.

There's never been a US Consulate in Benghazi.

By 1989 OBL was back in Arabia.. temporarily a hero. By 1994 the Saudis had revoked his citizenship and he was in Sudan. Afghanistan was for ENRON.
This day 23 years ago an event in Continental United States hadnt happened since England sailed up the Potamic and bombarded DC. George Bush 43, establishment Republican in retaliation against Radical Muslims got US involved into two wars, one if Iraq (because of lies) and Afghanistan, where supposedly Osama Bin Laden was living. When George Bush 43 was no longer able to run, Barrack Hussain Obama, had lied to US that he had Al Qaida on the run and saved the auto manufacturing sector.

Then 9 years ago today, this happened. Did any of you forget? This is what happens when you have feckless leaders without a spine in the Presidency.

Lol, just lol 😂

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