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Sequester Chart of the Day.....


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
The Bay Area Soviet
yes, its a lousy way to do biz., but, we did increase taxes on rates, cap gains, dividends etc. (not counting the obamacare increases), this was supposed to be followed by the 3-1 cut formula, so we had the rise in revenues, and the cuts? No where to be seen.

Guess we'll have to go the sequester route, which still don't come anywhere near the 3-1 number.


I have said it before, but it bears repeating: Even if sequestration goes through, the Congressional Budget Office predicts that spending will continue to go up over the next ten years, from $3.538 trillion in FY 2012 to $5.939 trillion in FY 2023. Even given inflation and population growth, it’s hard to see these projections as reflective of devastating spending cuts. Also, in FY2023 will be back to running $1 trillion deficit. And that’s before our real fiscal troubles start.

Sequester Armageddon? Not So Much - By Veronique de Rugy - The Corner - National Review Online

But, but, but we Peasants were under the impression that the Fate of the Nation no, Democracy Itself was at stake? :confused:

Dogs and cats, living together... You know, real Wrath of God stuff!
I do love how everyone makes the sequestration out to be the MASSIVE monster that we simply cannot accept. it is going to destroy the government, obliterate the economy and fire will rain down on earth. there was nothing that our politicians could do. they could not find those deep cuts that were required to evade it. After all they would have had to cut a little less than....... ........ ....... 2% of the budget!!!

really, they cant cut 2 fucking percent!

There is the real monster. The fact that we are spending 30 percent more than we take in every damn year and yet our illustrious politicians are still unable to cut a whole percent out of the budget. Fucking pathetic.
yes, its a lousy way to do biz., but, we did increase taxes on rates, cap gains, dividends etc. (not counting the obamacare increases), this was supposed to be followed by the 3-1 cut formula, so we had the rise in revenues, and the cuts? No where to be seen.

Guess we'll have to go the sequester route, which still don't come anywhere near the 3-1 number.


I have said it before, but it bears repeating: Even if sequestration goes through, the Congressional Budget Office predicts that spending will continue to go up over the next ten years, from $3.538 trillion in FY 2012 to $5.939 trillion in FY 2023. Even given inflation and population growth, it’s hard to see these projections as reflective of devastating spending cuts. Also, in FY2023 will be back to running $1 trillion deficit. And that’s before our real fiscal troubles start.

Sequester Armageddon? Not So Much - By Veronique de Rugy - The Corner - National Review Online


Yeah I saw that chart a few days ago.

ANOTHER good reason for rethinking this policy.

Personally I think if all these cuts are done (and it really doesn't matter so much WHAT is cut) we're headed back into another recession.
The left is selling the idea that the world will pretty much end if we cut spending...
And that it's all the fault of the republicans....
And the democrat base is falling for it ...So what else is new?...
But, but, but we Peasants were under the impression that the Fate of the Nation no, Democracy Itself was at stake? :confused:

Dogs and cats, living together... You know, real Wrath of God stuff!

I heard on the news today that spending cuts would attract bears.

Why not respond to the issue being raised (spending cuts) instead of engaging in interminable diversion and obfuscation?
Dogs and cats, living together... You know, real Wrath of God stuff!

I heard on the news today that spending cuts would attract bears.

Yeah, really. :razz:

I was wildly for the Fiscal Cliff! I'm definitely in favor of the Sequester.

Are we remembering that both measures were supposed to stop the dangerous and continual rise of the deficit? Which is considered worldwide to be as bad as the PIIGS deficits in Problem Europe?

I have been reading a lot of economics books on the subject of how financial systems crash --- since ours did in 2008. Debt is real, real big. Wars that produce lots of borrowing and lots of debt, like our two losing forever wars, are a constant over the past thousand years.

We NEED to cut back on spending. And the ever-draining war expenses, which never get us anything but dead soldiers anyway. Or I think our economy will collapse like so many others have collapsed in history.

I am hoping for the Sequester, but I suppose they'll kick the can down the street, as usual.
I do love how everyone makes the sequestration out to be the MASSIVE monster that we simply cannot accept. it is going to destroy the government, obliterate the economy and fire will rain down on earth. there was nothing that our politicians could do. they could not find those deep cuts that were required to evade it. After all they would have had to cut a little less than....... ........ ....... 2% of the budget!!!

really, they cant cut 2 fucking percent!

There is the real monster. The fact that we are spending 30 percent more than we take in every damn year and yet our illustrious politicians are still unable to cut a whole percent out of the budget. Fucking pathetic.

I loved the press conference LaHood gave yesterday when he was talking about all the different things he would be forced to do because he wouldn't get an extra billion dollars in his budget. When you factor in that Transportation will actually get more this year than last year you tend to wonder what they are doing with all the money.
yes, its a lousy way to do biz., but, we did increase taxes on rates, cap gains, dividends etc. (not counting the obamacare increases), this was supposed to be followed by the 3-1 cut formula, so we had the rise in revenues, and the cuts? No where to be seen.

Guess we'll have to go the sequester route, which still don't come anywhere near the 3-1 number.


I have said it before, but it bears repeating: Even if sequestration goes through, the Congressional Budget Office predicts that spending will continue to go up over the next ten years, from $3.538 trillion in FY 2012 to $5.939 trillion in FY 2023. Even given inflation and population growth, it’s hard to see these projections as reflective of devastating spending cuts. Also, in FY2023 will be back to running $1 trillion deficit. And that’s before our real fiscal troubles start.

Sequester Armageddon? Not So Much - By Veronique de Rugy - The Corner - National Review Online


Yeah I saw that chart a few days ago.

ANOTHER good reason for rethinking this policy.

Personally I think if all these cuts are done (and it really doesn't matter so much WHAT is cut) we're headed back into another recession.

Personally, I think we are heading for one if we don't get the cuts.
But, but, but we Peasants were under the impression that the Fate of the Nation no, Democracy Itself was at stake? :confused:

Dogs and cats, living together... You know, real Wrath of God stuff!

I heard on the news today that spending cuts would attract bears.

Why not respond to the issue being raised (spending cuts) instead of engaging in interminable diversion and obfuscation?

The position of the national park service is that the cuts will result in fewer trash pick ups, which will attract bears.

Sequestration: Memo Details Potential Cuts to National Parks | TIME.com

Gee, look at that, no diversion, interminable or otherwise, and no obfuscation. Since I actually support the cuts, I actually addressed the issue by pointing out how utterly stupid and ridiculous the arguments in favor of not cutting spending are.
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But, but, but we Peasants were under the impression that the Fate of the Nation no, Democracy Itself was at stake? :confused:

Dogs and cats, living together... You know, real Wrath of God stuff!

I heard on the news today that spending cuts would attract bears.

I heard they would have to release animals from the Zoo.....:lol:
yes, its a lousy way to do biz., but, we did increase taxes on rates, cap gains, dividends etc. (not counting the obamacare increases), this was supposed to be followed by the 3-1 cut formula, so we had the rise in revenues, and the cuts? No where to be seen.

Guess we'll have to go the sequester route, which still don't come anywhere near the 3-1 number.


I have said it before, but it bears repeating: Even if sequestration goes through, the Congressional Budget Office predicts that spending will continue to go up over the next ten years, from $3.538 trillion in FY 2012 to $5.939 trillion in FY 2023. Even given inflation and population growth, it’s hard to see these projections as reflective of devastating spending cuts. Also, in FY2023 will be back to running $1 trillion deficit. And that’s before our real fiscal troubles start.

Sequester Armageddon? Not So Much - By Veronique de Rugy - The Corner - National Review Online


Yeah I saw that chart a few days ago.

ANOTHER good reason for rethinking this policy.

Personally I think if all these cuts are done (and it really doesn't matter so much WHAT is cut) we're headed back into another recession.

Look, when you are dealing with people that are just off the charts nuts, what is there left to do? back in 2011, Harry Reid got up on th senate floor and went all mawkish over cuts the gop was demanding, he actually invoked a "Cowboy Poetry" festival, true story, I posted the youtube in another sequester thread. The feds contribution to run it, of the approx. 500K required is........wait for it....

I said wait for it;)..............................$56,000 , yup, 56K.

when you have the senate majority leader getting up there and railing against a cut that may or not be made for 56K, we've got problems my friend.

There is NO cuts that they will sensibly consider except defense and well, sequester cuts defense on top of what they have cut from defense already ( gates cut 16 Bn a year and Panetta 41Bn btw)

they can grant transfer authority to any dept that requires or asks for it, I heard a blurb that reid would not allow a vote on it anyway. See, they are determined to beat the public over the head with it and take the gop down on this issue...hey fine, you want to win the political points? Then eat a sequester, they are NOT serious at all, they got their tax increases, obama owes us the spending cuts, 3-1.

he got 65Bn a year, ( 650bn 10 year window) he owes us a solid plan ( not a framework either) for the remainder to make up the 1.8 trillion to reach that 3-1 plateau.

where is it?

no where , hes want to win politically and fuck governing, sorry to get vulgar but there it is.

Jobs? hey, its not like we are creating many jobs anyway, nor would there be any more than the lousy average we have been creating anyway even of the sequester didn't happen. he wants to blame bush and the gop for everything, period full stop. BS. he got the revenue its his turn. I want to see his plan for the cuts , Oh and a budget plan would be nice, he missed that deadline to, again, for the forth year in a row.
yes, its a lousy way to do biz., but, we did increase taxes on rates, cap gains, dividends etc. (not counting the obamacare increases), this was supposed to be followed by the 3-1 cut formula, so we had the rise in revenues, and the cuts? No where to be seen.

Guess we'll have to go the sequester route, which still don't come anywhere near the 3-1 number.


I have said it before, but it bears repeating: Even if sequestration goes through, the Congressional Budget Office predicts that spending will continue to go up over the next ten years, from $3.538 trillion in FY 2012 to $5.939 trillion in FY 2023. Even given inflation and population growth, it’s hard to see these projections as reflective of devastating spending cuts. Also, in FY2023 will be back to running $1 trillion deficit. And that’s before our real fiscal troubles start.

Sequester Armageddon? Not So Much - By Veronique de Rugy - The Corner - National Review Online


Yeah I saw that chart a few days ago.

ANOTHER good reason for rethinking this policy.

Personally I think if all these cuts are done (and it really doesn't matter so much WHAT is cut) we're headed back into another recession.

I've got bad news for you. We are headed for worst than a recession, Sequester or no sequester.
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I would not be surprised. the media has so far let obama off the hook for Q4's gdp. -0.1%...I mean seriously, bush got the snot beat out of him by the NY times for far less ( say + 1.75, 2.0%.......).

2 Q's of negative gdp constitutes a recession.

now lets say they revise it to say+0.5, thats 1/2 a % , even if they revise to a whole to 1% ( which would be a HUGE adjustment btw) , are we supposed to feel happy?

Its a disaster, and they just let it go. if Q4 was -.1% lets say it comes in by way of revision to .5, even .75%, and Q 1 is 1.% or 1.5% again, this is progress?

yes sir it will be, or that is how people will see it and thats how you get to that new normal, the low or that is No information voter/citizen will be joyous, and as it is now, obamas pop. may stay above 50%....I mean thats what this is about. This is not governing, its politics 100% of the time all the time.

hes starting a multi-city tour to beat up the gop over the sequester, and here he got the tax revenue he wanted, he owes them and us cuts, but he just put out a statement, same old same old- "why is the gop so against asking the rich to help out just a little more".

It doesn't matter, he will not cut, anything, harry and nancy will line up behind him and they will drive us right over the cliff. The new normal, 1 to 1.%% ( 2 if we are lucky ) GDP and 150K jobs a month....and it will always be bushs fault or the gop for not raising taxes, again. and when these cuts we just enacted don't do squat ( which they won't), same old same old, back to more more more more more .....
The news is full of complaints about people starting to plan for the sequester --- only now do most people begin to believe in it.

I don't still. Does anyone here think they'll really go through with this, or will they just kick the huge deficit down the road again for a few months?
The news is full of complaints about people starting to plan for the sequester --- only now do most people begin to believe in it.

I don't still. Does anyone here think they'll really go through with this, or will they just kick the huge deficit down the road again for a few months?

I am pretty sure they will. I intend to devote as much time preparing for it as I did to preparing tor Y2K.
But, but, but we Peasants were under the impression that the Fate of the Nation no, Democracy Itself was at stake? :confused:

Dogs and cats, living together... You know, real Wrath of God stuff!

I heard on the news today that spending cuts would attract bears.

I heard they would have to release animals from the Zoo.....:lol:

Saw pics of signs cancelling White House tours.
(lobbyists are still allowed, of course)
I think the sequester has always been the plan. Just like the 2% tax increase was always the plan.

They have to piss and moan about it. But everyone knows it needs to happen.

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