Serial Numbers Missing on Some Ballots in Arizona Election Audit

Trump and his supporters are attacking this country. You are trying to establish a dictatorship and assaulting free speech rights in this country.
Trying to get the courts to acknowledge the election was stolen is not attacking the country.
Like they did on Jan 6?
Congress are the people who fucked up Jan 6th. They knew 40% of voters wanted fraud investigated and they did nothing. It is in the hands of the people in the swing states now and they are going to prove fraud.

The Faithless Party will never be able to overturn the 2020 election. Their only hope is to overthrow the Constitution that they've obviously lost faith in.
It is the Democrats ignoring the Constitution. Those audits are a Constitutional right. They are well in the purview of the state legislatures that control and make the laws about elections. Calling those people traitors shows the disrespect Democrats have for the Constitution, not the people behind the audits.

The States election laws were all followed in 2020 and the results were certified. There is no official audit being conducted that can change the results of the election. Having lost faith in our Constitution, the Neo-GOP are becoming more radical.
The states election laws were changed without the state legislature. Start telling the truth.

I don't believe a single law was changed. All 50 States certified their election results in 2020.
There were some management and rule changes to accommodate COVID conditions...that Secretary of States put in.... Booth separation, sanitizing, fewer voting places and consolidation in to mega huge voting places, and many things for safety....but Secretary of States are given in their State constitutions and in election law by legislatures to put out rules and guidance for voters and on how to execute the election, so they run smoothly, or to ensure accuracy, or to accommodate that one man one vote is equal and fair kind of things that circumstances in their state required at the time.

Many times the republican legislature with the Trump campaign sued the Secretary of States, to stop some of the guidance they gave.... These are cases that are said to be the 60 or so that Trump lost, even on appeal, that are mentioned a lot... Only one that I know of, made it to the Supreme court after the election, that I mentioned in my previous post....which disagree with a lower court ruling.
Rule changes are illegal unless that state legislature votes on it, moron.
The courts ruled every state
No it hasn't. Furthermore, only the USSC can make a legitimate ruling on the subject.
Doesn’t work like that
Lower courts make the decision. SCOTUS only gets involved if they think the decision is wrong
In other words, SCOTUS makes the final decision.

Only IF it is in question
In other words, SCOTUS makes the final decision.

Trump and his supporters are attacking this country. You are trying to establish a dictatorship and assaulting free speech rights in this country.
Trying to get the courts to acknowledge the election was stolen is not attacking the country.
Like they did on Jan 6?
Congress are the people who fucked up Jan 6th. They knew 40% of voters wanted fraud investigated and they did nothing. It is in the hands of the people in the swing states now and they are going to prove fraud.

The Faithless Party will never be able to overturn the 2020 election. Their only hope is to overthrow the Constitution that they've obviously lost faith in.
It is the Democrats ignoring the Constitution. Those audits are a Constitutional right. They are well in the purview of the state legislatures that control and make the laws about elections. Calling those people traitors shows the disrespect Democrats have for the Constitution, not the people behind the audits.

The States election laws were all followed in 2020 and the results were certified. There is no official audit being conducted that can change the results of the election. Having lost faith in our Constitution, the Neo-GOP are becoming more radical.
The states election laws were changed without the state legislature. Start telling the truth.
Which election laws were changed in Arizona, without the legislature?
I did not say AZ. They were changed in WI, MI, GA, and PA. without the legislature. That does not change the fact the election in AZ was fraudulent.

They were not changed in any state. The election in Arizona was not fraudulent.

Trump and his supporters are attacking this country. You are trying to establish a dictatorship and assaulting free speech rights in this country.
Trying to get the courts to acknowledge the election was stolen is not attacking the country.
Like they did on Jan 6?
Congress are the people who fucked up Jan 6th. They knew 40% of voters wanted fraud investigated and they did nothing. It is in the hands of the people in the swing states now and they are going to prove fraud.

The Faithless Party will never be able to overturn the 2020 election. Their only hope is to overthrow the Constitution that they've obviously lost faith in.
It is the Democrats ignoring the Constitution. Those audits are a Constitutional right. They are well in the purview of the state legislatures that control and make the laws about elections. Calling those people traitors shows the disrespect Democrats have for the Constitution, not the people behind the audits.

The States election laws were all followed in 2020 and the results were certified. There is no official audit being conducted that can change the results of the election. Having lost faith in our Constitution, the Neo-GOP are becoming more radical.
The states election laws were changed without the state legislature. Start telling the truth.

I don't believe a single law was changed. All 50 States certified their election results in 2020.
Who are you trying to kid? Leftwing governors and judges changed all kinds of laws just before the election, like extending the period allowed for counting votes and allowing universal mail-in ballots.

There are no laws regarding the length of time to count ballots. There were no new laws that were changed by governors. State courts have every right to interpret their state constitution.
Good job, faun.

Closing the polling station, sending the GOP and the media home, pulling out suitcases of fraud ballots and counting them with no observers....

Nothing "insecure" about that!!!

There were no suitcases of fraudulent votes. You are a brainless thug.
It is on video. People who do not believe their eyes are just not credible.

It is not on video. That has been debunked.
The county is the lowest level. The people doing the counting would have had to do it in this case.

OK let’s go with that

The guy with the suitcases of fake ballots shows up at the county collection point and adds them to the count.
Let’s say he has 10,000 fake ballots.

Then the county publishes the results with 10,000 fake votes.
But each town in that county has recorded its own votes before they sent them to the county.

Someone would add up the votes registered by each town and conclude that there are 10,000 extra votes

Doesn’t happen
No, they would have to dump the fake ballots in the largest counties instead of worrying about each town and each county in the state which would result in Biden winning fewer counties than Obama but still having "more" votes. Remember biden only won a little over 1/2 the counties that Obama did-------------CLEARLY FRAUDULENT VOTES were added in.
Again, people don’t vote as a county. There is no generic county vote. Each town and city has its own ballot with its own candidates in local elections.
So you can’t just dump ballots at the county level. If you try it at the city or town level, the number of votes counted won’t match the number recorded in each town.
I didn't say they needed nor cared about any individual town....the dems cheated multiple ways. In this instance, they targeted larger population areas and stuff ballots there which is why we see the lopsided loss of entire counties to biden (when compared to Obama) but he somehow got more votes in the much fewer counties.

This isn't human nature--if biden was more popular than Obama, you would see more counties go for Biden not 40% or so less.

What you are babbling about has nothing to do with anything, but I think you know this right.
The trouble with larger population centers is that they can be split between multiple congressional districts, state House districts and state senate districts. That becomes much harder to slip phony ballots in.

The rieason that Biden got more votes than Obama despite winning fewer counties is because Biden won larger suburban counties.

In 2012, Obama lost in Gwinnet County with around 160,000 votes out of 297,000 votes. In 2020, Biden won the county with 242,000 votes out of 402,000 votes. Biden got 82,000 nore votes out of the 105,000 extra people who voted in 2020.
The reason Biden got more votes is because of fraud.

Well, well, this is interesting.

Serial numbers missing between original, duplicate ballots in Arizona election audit: official​


The liaison between Senate Republicans who authorized the audit and county officials told a hearing Tuesday that serial numbers were missing on damaged ballots that were duplicated so they could be read by vote tabulation machines.

But he has found many batches of damaged ballots without the serial numbers that are on the duplicates, violating state law.

Asked by Fann if Maricopa County could assist in that effort, Bennett said county officials have made clear to him several times they wouldn't work with any of the auditors the Senate Republicans hired. He will ask for their help directly, Bennett said.
How do we know the auditors didn't remove them themselves? There's a definite agenda to prove something went on and some are getting nervous, because very little has been found. I wouldn't put it past the more crazed individuals to go rogue.
Any proof these auditors are “crazed”? There are three different auditor groups, and independent observers.

They are incompetent boobs. They can't even find a database.

Trump and his supporters are attacking this country. You are trying to establish a dictatorship and assaulting free speech rights in this country.
Trying to get the courts to acknowledge the election was stolen is not attacking the country.
Like they did on Jan 6?
Congress are the people who fucked up Jan 6th. They knew 40% of voters wanted fraud investigated and they did nothing. It is in the hands of the people in the swing states now and they are going to prove fraud.

The Faithless Party will never be able to overturn the 2020 election. Their only hope is to overthrow the Constitution that they've obviously lost faith in.
It is the Democrats ignoring the Constitution. Those audits are a Constitutional right. They are well in the purview of the state legislatures that control and make the laws about elections. Calling those people traitors shows the disrespect Democrats have for the Constitution, not the people behind the audits.

The States election laws were all followed in 2020 and the results were certified. There is no official audit being conducted that can change the results of the election. Having lost faith in our Constitution, the Neo-GOP are becoming more radical.
The states election laws were changed without the state legislature. Start telling the truth.
Which election laws were changed in Arizona, without the legislature?
I did not say AZ. They were changed in WI, MI, GA, and PA. without the legislature. That does not change the fact the election in AZ was fraudulent.

They were not changed in any state. The election in Arizona was not fraudulent.
You are ridiculous. You have no idea what you are talking about. The laws were changed in GA, by allowing mail in ballots with no signature verification. PA extended the time they would take mail in ballots. Something a Supreme judge said they can't do. Until you are informed you should keep your very stupid mouth shut.
Good job, faun.

Closing the polling station, sending the GOP and the media home, pulling out suitcases of fraud ballots and counting them with no observers....

Nothing "insecure" about that!!!

There were no suitcases of fraudulent votes. You are a brainless thug.
It is on video. People who do not believe their eyes are just not credible.

It is not on video. That has been debunked.
No it hasn't. Someone saying what you can see did not happen does not work for rational people. Think about it.
Good job, faun.

Closing the polling station, sending the GOP and the media home, pulling out suitcases of fraud ballots and counting them with no observers....

Nothing "insecure" about that!!!
You're fucked in the head, loser. Other than observers who left for a few hours because they thought counting was done, none of that happened. How sad you believe the election was stolen, not because it was, but because you're delirious. We know exactly what happened because Republicans explained it...

They were told to go home, asshole, and that's precisely when the clerks pulled out boxes of ballots from under a table where they were hidden.

There were no ballots hidden under a table. They were scanning the ballots that had been checked by observers into the system. The ballots in Georgia were counted 3 times. Except for 1 error, it came out the same way. The number of votes were equivalent to the number of ballots on the poll book.

The video show an election official pulling out a box of ballots from under a table and then proceeding to count them.

How much of a fucking liar can you be?

You can count fake ballots over and over until doomsday and still get the same number.

No it does not. It shows ballots that were previously received were being scanned into the system after they were opened. The Trump DOJ found no evidence of fraud. If this was fraud then they would have opened a investigation.
The county is the lowest level. The people doing the counting would have had to do it in this case.

OK let’s go with that

The guy with the suitcases of fake ballots shows up at the county collection point and adds them to the count.
Let’s say he has 10,000 fake ballots.

Then the county publishes the results with 10,000 fake votes.
But each town in that county has recorded its own votes before they sent them to the county.

Someone would add up the votes registered by each town and conclude that there are 10,000 extra votes

Doesn’t happen
No, they would have to dump the fake ballots in the largest counties instead of worrying about each town and each county in the state which would result in Biden winning fewer counties than Obama but still having "more" votes. Remember biden only won a little over 1/2 the counties that Obama did-------------CLEARLY FRAUDULENT VOTES were added in.
Again, people don’t vote as a county. There is no generic county vote. Each town and city has its own ballot with its own candidates in local elections.
So you can’t just dump ballots at the county level. If you try it at the city or town level, the number of votes counted won’t match the number recorded in each town.
I didn't say they needed nor cared about any individual town....the dems cheated multiple ways. In this instance, they targeted larger population areas and stuff ballots there which is why we see the lopsided loss of entire counties to biden (when compared to Obama) but he somehow got more votes in the much fewer counties.

This isn't human nature--if biden was more popular than Obama, you would see more counties go for Biden not 40% or so less.

What you are babbling about has nothing to do with anything, but I think you know this right.
Again....stuff ballots with WHICH ballots?

Each town has a different ballot, which one do you stuff the ballot box with?

If the final count shows more votes that in those towns than people who have fraud

But the counts MATCH


The count in Detroit did not match. In Detroit, GOP poll observers were forcibly removed, the windows were boarded up, and the county board GOP said the count did not match the ballots, because, as one black poll worker said, the cheaters were scanning biden ballots over and over.

There were undercounts and overcounts in all counties including counties that Trump won. No poll observers were removed. That is a lie. The incident in question was when a group of protestors were outside the window shouting and screaming at them in a attempt to intimidate the vote counters. They put something over the windows to keep the noise dows. There were no ballots scanned over and over. Even a Republican legislator called that accusation out in a hearing.
All lies, of course.

You are nothing but a liar.
The county is the lowest level. The people doing the counting would have had to do it in this case.

OK let’s go with that

The guy with the suitcases of fake ballots shows up at the county collection point and adds them to the count.
Let’s say he has 10,000 fake ballots.

Then the county publishes the results with 10,000 fake votes.
But each town in that county has recorded its own votes before they sent them to the county.

Someone would add up the votes registered by each town and conclude that there are 10,000 extra votes

Doesn’t happen
No, they would have to dump the fake ballots in the largest counties instead of worrying about each town and each county in the state which would result in Biden winning fewer counties than Obama but still having "more" votes. Remember biden only won a little over 1/2 the counties that Obama did-------------CLEARLY FRAUDULENT VOTES were added in.
Again, people don’t vote as a county. There is no generic county vote. Each town and city has its own ballot with its own candidates in local elections.
So you can’t just dump ballots at the county level. If you try it at the city or town level, the number of votes counted won’t match the number recorded in each town.
I didn't say they needed nor cared about any individual town....the dems cheated multiple ways. In this instance, they targeted larger population areas and stuff ballots there which is why we see the lopsided loss of entire counties to biden (when compared to Obama) but he somehow got more votes in the much fewer counties.

This isn't human nature--if biden was more popular than Obama, you would see more counties go for Biden not 40% or so less.

What you are babbling about has nothing to do with anything, but I think you know this right.

You keep posting on probabilities and ignoring realities, and trying to put the numbers into statistical probability charts.

None of your statistical analysis matters. What matters is the vote count, and they put the lie to EVERYTHING you post.
The vote count is precisely where the fraud comes in. What you are saying is that fraud doesn't matter. We know you don't care as long as the fraud is in the Democrat's favor.

There was no fraude in the vote count.
Prove it, asshole.

You are the one who has to prove it. You have been unable to do so.,

Trump and his supporters are attacking this country. You are trying to establish a dictatorship and assaulting free speech rights in this country.
Trying to get the courts to acknowledge the election was stolen is not attacking the country.
Like they did on Jan 6?
Congress are the people who fucked up Jan 6th. They knew 40% of voters wanted fraud investigated and they did nothing. It is in the hands of the people in the swing states now and they are going to prove fraud.

There was no fraud to investigate. Many Republicans who voted to overturn the elecrtion know this and they did it for political reasons.
No one is swallowing your talking points, douchebag.

You are the one spouting talking points asshole.

They were not changed in any state. The election in Arizona was not fraudulent.
They are doing forensic testing on the ballots in Arizona. It will be interesting to see what they find.

They are doing no such thing. It is a clown show and nothing more. Maricopa County did a forensic audit with a certified firm unlike cyber ninja who is uncertified.
The county is the lowest level. The people doing the counting would have had to do it in this case.

OK let’s go with that

The guy with the suitcases of fake ballots shows up at the county collection point and adds them to the count.
Let’s say he has 10,000 fake ballots.

Then the county publishes the results with 10,000 fake votes.
But each town in that county has recorded its own votes before they sent them to the county.

Someone would add up the votes registered by each town and conclude that there are 10,000 extra votes

Doesn’t happen
No, they would have to dump the fake ballots in the largest counties instead of worrying about each town and each county in the state which would result in Biden winning fewer counties than Obama but still having "more" votes. Remember biden only won a little over 1/2 the counties that Obama did-------------CLEARLY FRAUDULENT VOTES were added in.
Again, people don’t vote as a county. There is no generic county vote. Each town and city has its own ballot with its own candidates in local elections.
So you can’t just dump ballots at the county level. If you try it at the city or town level, the number of votes counted won’t match the number recorded in each town.
I didn't say they needed nor cared about any individual town....the dems cheated multiple ways. In this instance, they targeted larger population areas and stuff ballots there which is why we see the lopsided loss of entire counties to biden (when compared to Obama) but he somehow got more votes in the much fewer counties.

This isn't human nature--if biden was more popular than Obama, you would see more counties go for Biden not 40% or so less.

What you are babbling about has nothing to do with anything, but I think you know this right.

You keep posting on probabilities and ignoring realities, and trying to put the numbers into statistical probability charts.

None of your statistical analysis matters. What matters is the vote count, and they put the lie to EVERYTHING you post.
The delirium among America's right is off the charts.

Trump did this.

Why? Because he puts himself above the interests of America.
I really wish you would not mention America in your posts. You clearly hate this country.

You are the one who hates this country. Otherwise you wouldn't be attacking it.
He isn't attacking it, moron. He's attacking Democrats.
Yes he is. Voting rights and free speech rights are under attack in thanks to Trump and his supporters.

Trump and his supporters are attacking this country. You are trying to establish a dictatorship and assaulting free speech rights in this country.
Trying to get the courts to acknowledge the election was stolen is not attacking the country.
Like they did on Jan 6?
Congress are the people who fucked up Jan 6th. They knew 40% of voters wanted fraud investigated and they did nothing. It is in the hands of the people in the swing states now and they are going to prove fraud.

The Faithless Party will never be able to overturn the 2020 election. Their only hope is to overthrow the Constitution that they've obviously lost faith in.
It is the Democrats ignoring the Constitution. Those audits are a Constitutional right. They are well in the purview of the state legislatures that control and make the laws about elections. Calling those people traitors shows the disrespect Democrats have for the Constitution, not the people behind the audits.

The States election laws were all followed in 2020 and the results were certified. There is no official audit being conducted that can change the results of the election. Having lost faith in our Constitution, the Neo-GOP are becoming more radical.
The states election laws were changed without the state legislature. Start telling the truth.
Which election laws were changed in Arizona, without the legislature?
I did not say AZ. They were changed in WI, MI, GA, and PA. without the legislature. That does not change the fact the election in AZ was fraudulent.

They were not changed in any state. The election in Arizona was not fraudulent.
You are ridiculous. You have no idea what you are talking about. The laws were changed in GA, by allowing mail in ballots with no signature verification. PA extended the time they would take mail in ballots. Something a Supreme judge said they can't do. Until you are informed you should keep your very stupid mouth shut.

The laws were not changed in Georgia. Signatures were still required. They agreed to notify a voter that their ballot had been rejected within 24 hours within 10 days of the election. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has a right to interpret the state constitution. The Suprdeme Court refused to take the case so they have made no ruling. You are uninformecd and try keeping your lying mouth closed.
The county is the lowest level. The people doing the counting would have had to do it in this case.

OK let’s go with that

The guy with the suitcases of fake ballots shows up at the county collection point and adds them to the count.
Let’s say he has 10,000 fake ballots.

Then the county publishes the results with 10,000 fake votes.
But each town in that county has recorded its own votes before they sent them to the county.

Someone would add up the votes registered by each town and conclude that there are 10,000 extra votes

Doesn’t happen
No, they would have to dump the fake ballots in the largest counties instead of worrying about each town and each county in the state which would result in Biden winning fewer counties than Obama but still having "more" votes. Remember biden only won a little over 1/2 the counties that Obama did-------------CLEARLY FRAUDULENT VOTES were added in.
Again, people don’t vote as a county. There is no generic county vote. Each town and city has its own ballot with its own candidates in local elections.
So you can’t just dump ballots at the county level. If you try it at the city or town level, the number of votes counted won’t match the number recorded in each town.
I didn't say they needed nor cared about any individual town....the dems cheated multiple ways. In this instance, they targeted larger population areas and stuff ballots there which is why we see the lopsided loss of entire counties to biden (when compared to Obama) but he somehow got more votes in the much fewer counties.

This isn't human nature--if biden was more popular than Obama, you would see more counties go for Biden not 40% or so less.

What you are babbling about has nothing to do with anything, but I think you know this right.

You keep posting on probabilities and ignoring realities, and trying to put the numbers into statistical probability charts.

None of your statistical analysis matters. What matters is the vote count, and they put the lie to EVERYTHING you post.
The delirium among America's right is off the charts.

Trump did this.

Why? Because he puts himself above the interests of America.
I really wish you would not mention America in your posts. You clearly hate this country.

You are the one who hates this country. Otherwise you wouldn't be attacking it.
I am not attacking the country by asking for election integrity. Try again nitwit.

Yes you are. You are lying about voter fraud. Republicans are attacking the right to vote and the right to free speech.

Trump and his supporters are attacking this country. You are trying to establish a dictatorship and assaulting free speech rights in this country.
Trying to get the courts to acknowledge the election was stolen is not attacking the country.
Like they did on Jan 6?
Congress are the people who fucked up Jan 6th. They knew 40% of voters wanted fraud investigated and they did nothing. It is in the hands of the people in the swing states now and they are going to prove fraud.

The Faithless Party will never be able to overturn the 2020 election. Their only hope is to overthrow the Constitution that they've obviously lost faith in.
It is the Democrats ignoring the Constitution. Those audits are a Constitutional right. They are well in the purview of the state legislatures that control and make the laws about elections. Calling those people traitors shows the disrespect Democrats have for the Constitution, not the people behind the audits.

The States election laws were all followed in 2020 and the results were certified. There is no official audit being conducted that can change the results of the election. Having lost faith in our Constitution, the Neo-GOP are becoming more radical.
The states election laws were changed without the state legislature. Start telling the truth.
Which election laws were changed in Arizona, without the legislature?
I did not say AZ. They were changed in WI, MI, GA, and PA. without the legislature. That does not change the fact the election in AZ was fraudulent.

They were not changed in any state. The election in Arizona was not fraudulent.
You are ridiculous. You have no idea what you are talking about. The laws were changed in GA, by allowing mail in ballots with no signature verification. PA extended the time they would take mail in ballots. Something a Supreme judge said they can't do. Until you are informed you should keep your very stupid mouth shut.

The laws were not changed in Georgia. Signatures were still required. They agreed to notify a voter that their ballot had been rejected within 24 hours within 10 days of the election. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has a right to interpret the state constitution. The Suprdeme Court refused to take the case so they have made no ruling. You are uninformecd and try keeping your lying mouth closed.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Good job, faun.

Closing the polling station, sending the GOP and the media home, pulling out suitcases of fraud ballots and counting them with no observers....

Nothing "insecure" about that!!!

There were no suitcases of fraudulent votes. You are a brainless thug.
It is on video. People who do not believe their eyes are just not credible.

It is not on video. That has been debunked.
No it hasn't. Someone saying what you can see did not happen does not work for rational people. Think about it.

It has been investigated by state officials and determined it was not voter fraud.

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