Serial Numbers Missing on Some Ballots in Arizona Election Audit

Trump and his supporters are attacking this country. You are trying to establish a dictatorship and assaulting free speech rights in this country.
Trying to get the courts to acknowledge the election was stolen is not attacking the country.
Like they did on Jan 6?
Congress are the people who fucked up Jan 6th. They knew 40% of voters wanted fraud investigated and they did nothing. It is in the hands of the people in the swing states now and they are going to prove fraud.

The Faithless Party will never be able to overturn the 2020 election. Their only hope is to overthrow the Constitution that they've obviously lost faith in.
It is the Democrats ignoring the Constitution. Those audits are a Constitutional right. They are well in the purview of the state legislatures that control and make the laws about elections. Calling those people traitors shows the disrespect Democrats have for the Constitution, not the people behind the audits.

The States election laws were all followed in 2020 and the results were certified. There is no official audit being conducted that can change the results of the election. Having lost faith in our Constitution, the Neo-GOP are becoming more radical.
The states election laws were changed without the state legislature. Start telling the truth.

I don't believe a single law was changed. All 50 States certified their election results in 2020.
There were some management and rule changes to accommodate COVID conditions...that Secretary of States put in.... Booth separation, sanitizing, fewer voting places and consolidation in to mega huge voting places, and many things for safety....but Secretary of States are given in their State constitutions and in election law by legislatures to put out rules and guidance for voters and on how to execute the election, so they run smoothly, or to ensure accuracy, or to accommodate that one man one vote is equal and fair kind of things that circumstances in their state required at the time.

Many times the republican legislature with the Trump campaign sued the Secretary of States, to stop some of the guidance they gave.... These are cases that are said to be the 60 or so that Trump lost, even on appeal, that are mentioned a lot... Only one that I know of, made it to the Supreme court after the election, that I mentioned in my previous post....which disagree with a lower court ruling.
Rule changes are illegal unless that state legislature votes on it, moron.

Not all rule changes need to be approved. It depends on the States. For example the Republican Gov. of Texas expanded the dates for early voting in Texas. The Republican's sued him of course, but the Texas Supreme Court agreed with the Gov,
That rule needs to be approved because the dates are specified in TX state law. A judge cannot change state election law, period.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, GREG ABBOTT, Governor of Texas, under the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, do hereby suspend Section 85.001(a) of the Texas Election Code to the extent necessary to require that, for any election ordered or authorized to occur on November 3, 2020, early voting by personal appearance shall begin on Tuesday, October 13, 2020, and shall continue through the fourth day before election day. I further suspend Section 86.006(a-1) of the Texas Election Code, for any election ordered or authorized to occur on November 3, 2020, to the extent necessary to allow a voter to deliver a marked mail ballot in person to the early voting clerk’s office prior to and including on election day.

In Texas, the Governor can modify the early voting dates in an emergency.

Abbot was sued over it. He won.

Trump and his supporters are attacking this country. You are trying to establish a dictatorship and assaulting free speech rights in this country.
Trying to get the courts to acknowledge the election was stolen is not attacking the country.
Like they did on Jan 6?
Congress are the people who fucked up Jan 6th. They knew 40% of voters wanted fraud investigated and they did nothing. It is in the hands of the people in the swing states now and they are going to prove fraud.

The Faithless Party will never be able to overturn the 2020 election. Their only hope is to overthrow the Constitution that they've obviously lost faith in.
It is the Democrats ignoring the Constitution. Those audits are a Constitutional right. They are well in the purview of the state legislatures that control and make the laws about elections. Calling those people traitors shows the disrespect Democrats have for the Constitution, not the people behind the audits.

The States election laws were all followed in 2020 and the results were certified. There is no official audit being conducted that can change the results of the election. Having lost faith in our Constitution, the Neo-GOP are becoming more radical.
The states election laws were changed without the state legislature. Start telling the truth.

I don't believe a single law was changed. All 50 States certified their election results in 2020.
There were some management and rule changes to accommodate COVID conditions...that Secretary of States put in.... Booth separation, sanitizing, fewer voting places and consolidation in to mega huge voting places, and many things for safety....but Secretary of States are given in their State constitutions and in election law by legislatures to put out rules and guidance for voters and on how to execute the election, so they run smoothly, or to ensure accuracy, or to accommodate that one man one vote is equal and fair kind of things that circumstances in their state required at the time.

Many times the republican legislature with the Trump campaign sued the Secretary of States, to stop some of the guidance they gave.... These are cases that are said to be the 60 or so that Trump lost, even on appeal, that are mentioned a lot... Only one that I know of, made it to the Supreme court after the election, that I mentioned in my previous post....which disagree with a lower court ruling.
Rule changes are illegal unless that state legislature votes on it, moron.

Not all rule changes need to be approved. It depends on the States. For example the Republican Gov. of Texas expanded the dates for early voting in Texas. The Republican's sued him of course, but the Texas Supreme Court agreed with the Gov,
That rule needs to be approved because the dates are specified in TX state law. A judge cannot change state election law, period.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, GREG ABBOTT, Governor of Texas, under the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, do hereby suspend Section 85.001(a) of the Texas Election Code to the extent necessary to require that, for any election ordered or authorized to occur on November 3, 2020, early voting by personal appearance shall begin on Tuesday, October 13, 2020, and shall continue through the fourth day before election day. I further suspend Section 86.006(a-1) of the Texas Election Code, for any election ordered or authorized to occur on November 3, 2020, to the extent necessary to allow a voter to deliver a marked mail ballot in person to the early voting clerk’s office prior to and including on election day.

In Texas, the Governor can modify the early voting dates in an emergency.

Abbot was sued over it. He won.
Activist judge. Plenary power belongs to the State Legislature.
Well, well, this is interesting.

Serial numbers missing between original, duplicate ballots in Arizona election audit: official​


The liaison between Senate Republicans who authorized the audit and county officials told a hearing Tuesday that serial numbers were missing on damaged ballots that were duplicated so they could be read by vote tabulation machines.

But he has found many batches of damaged ballots without the serial numbers that are on the duplicates, violating state law.

Asked by Fann if Maricopa County could assist in that effort, Bennett said county officials have made clear to him several times they wouldn't work with any of the auditors the Senate Republicans hired. He will ask for their help directly, Bennett said.

So 60 federal district judges missed this, did they?
God you people are delusional.

And your fucking source....JUSTTHENEWS.COM
Are you fucking serious?

Trump and his supporters are attacking this country. You are trying to establish a dictatorship and assaulting free speech rights in this country.
Trying to get the courts to acknowledge the election was stolen is not attacking the country.
Like they did on Jan 6?
Congress are the people who fucked up Jan 6th. They knew 40% of voters wanted fraud investigated and they did nothing. It is in the hands of the people in the swing states now and they are going to prove fraud.

The Faithless Party will never be able to overturn the 2020 election. Their only hope is to overthrow the Constitution that they've obviously lost faith in.
It is the Democrats ignoring the Constitution. Those audits are a Constitutional right. They are well in the purview of the state legislatures that control and make the laws about elections. Calling those people traitors shows the disrespect Democrats have for the Constitution, not the people behind the audits.

The States election laws were all followed in 2020 and the results were certified. There is no official audit being conducted that can change the results of the election. Having lost faith in our Constitution, the Neo-GOP are becoming more radical.
The states election laws were changed without the state legislature. Start telling the truth.

I don't believe a single law was changed. All 50 States certified their election results in 2020.
There were some management and rule changes to accommodate COVID conditions...that Secretary of States put in.... Booth separation, sanitizing, fewer voting places and consolidation in to mega huge voting places, and many things for safety....but Secretary of States are given in their State constitutions and in election law by legislatures to put out rules and guidance for voters and on how to execute the election, so they run smoothly, or to ensure accuracy, or to accommodate that one man one vote is equal and fair kind of things that circumstances in their state required at the time.

Many times the republican legislature with the Trump campaign sued the Secretary of States, to stop some of the guidance they gave.... These are cases that are said to be the 60 or so that Trump lost, even on appeal, that are mentioned a lot... Only one that I know of, made it to the Supreme court after the election, that I mentioned in my previous post....which disagree with a lower court ruling.
Rule changes are illegal unless that state legislature votes on it, moron.

Not all rule changes need to be approved. It depends on the States. For example the Republican Gov. of Texas expanded the dates for early voting in Texas. The Republican's sued him of course, but the Texas Supreme Court agreed with the Gov,
Then neither honored the law. State legislatures have plenary power concerning elections. Period.

Precedent says otherwise in that the Court has ruled broadly that the term "Legislature" in the Constitution with regards to this includes the states law making apparatus, not just the Legislatures.
As long as it works your way laws do not matter. The people you support have proven that.
Well, well, this is interesting.

Serial numbers missing between original, duplicate ballots in Arizona election audit: official​


The liaison between Senate Republicans who authorized the audit and county officials told a hearing Tuesday that serial numbers were missing on damaged ballots that were duplicated so they could be read by vote tabulation machines.

But he has found many batches of damaged ballots without the serial numbers that are on the duplicates, violating state law.

Asked by Fann if Maricopa County could assist in that effort, Bennett said county officials have made clear to him several times they wouldn't work with any of the auditors the Senate Republicans hired. He will ask for their help directly, Bennett said.

So 60 federal district judges missed this, did they?
God you people are delusional.

And your fucking source....JUSTTHENEWS.COM
Are you fucking serious?
60 corrupt or intimidated judges. Tell the truth.

Trump and his supporters are attacking this country. You are trying to establish a dictatorship and assaulting free speech rights in this country.
Trying to get the courts to acknowledge the election was stolen is not attacking the country.
Like they did on Jan 6?
Congress are the people who fucked up Jan 6th. They knew 40% of voters wanted fraud investigated and they did nothing. It is in the hands of the people in the swing states now and they are going to prove fraud.

The Faithless Party will never be able to overturn the 2020 election. Their only hope is to overthrow the Constitution that they've obviously lost faith in.
It is the Democrats ignoring the Constitution. Those audits are a Constitutional right. They are well in the purview of the state legislatures that control and make the laws about elections. Calling those people traitors shows the disrespect Democrats have for the Constitution, not the people behind the audits.

The States election laws were all followed in 2020 and the results were certified. There is no official audit being conducted that can change the results of the election. Having lost faith in our Constitution, the Neo-GOP are becoming more radical.
The states election laws were changed without the state legislature. Start telling the truth.

I don't believe a single law was changed. All 50 States certified their election results in 2020.
There were some management and rule changes to accommodate COVID conditions...that Secretary of States put in.... Booth separation, sanitizing, fewer voting places and consolidation in to mega huge voting places, and many things for safety....but Secretary of States are given in their State constitutions and in election law by legislatures to put out rules and guidance for voters and on how to execute the election, so they run smoothly, or to ensure accuracy, or to accommodate that one man one vote is equal and fair kind of things that circumstances in their state required at the time.

Many times the republican legislature with the Trump campaign sued the Secretary of States, to stop some of the guidance they gave.... These are cases that are said to be the 60 or so that Trump lost, even on appeal, that are mentioned a lot... Only one that I know of, made it to the Supreme court after the election, that I mentioned in my previous post....which disagree with a lower court ruling.
Rule changes are illegal unless that state legislature votes on it, moron.

Not all rule changes need to be approved. It depends on the States. For example the Republican Gov. of Texas expanded the dates for early voting in Texas. The Republican's sued him of course, but the Texas Supreme Court agreed with the Gov,
That rule needs to be approved because the dates are specified in TX state law. A judge cannot change state election law, period.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, GREG ABBOTT, Governor of Texas, under the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, do hereby suspend Section 85.001(a) of the Texas Election Code to the extent necessary to require that, for any election ordered or authorized to occur on November 3, 2020, early voting by personal appearance shall begin on Tuesday, October 13, 2020, and shall continue through the fourth day before election day. I further suspend Section 86.006(a-1) of the Texas Election Code, for any election ordered or authorized to occur on November 3, 2020, to the extent necessary to allow a voter to deliver a marked mail ballot in person to the early voting clerk’s office prior to and including on election day.

In Texas, the Governor can modify the early voting dates in an emergency.

Abbot was sued over it. He won.
Activist judge. Plenary power belongs to the State Legislature.

They already gave the power to the people and the democratic process.

They can try to take it back I suppose but you know, voting has popular support in this country.

Trump and his supporters are attacking this country. You are trying to establish a dictatorship and assaulting free speech rights in this country.
Trying to get the courts to acknowledge the election was stolen is not attacking the country.
Like they did on Jan 6?
Congress are the people who fucked up Jan 6th. They knew 40% of voters wanted fraud investigated and they did nothing. It is in the hands of the people in the swing states now and they are going to prove fraud.

The Faithless Party will never be able to overturn the 2020 election. Their only hope is to overthrow the Constitution that they've obviously lost faith in.
It is the Democrats ignoring the Constitution. Those audits are a Constitutional right. They are well in the purview of the state legislatures that control and make the laws about elections. Calling those people traitors shows the disrespect Democrats have for the Constitution, not the people behind the audits.

The States election laws were all followed in 2020 and the results were certified. There is no official audit being conducted that can change the results of the election. Having lost faith in our Constitution, the Neo-GOP are becoming more radical.
The states election laws were changed without the state legislature. Start telling the truth.

I don't believe a single law was changed. All 50 States certified their election results in 2020.
There were some management and rule changes to accommodate COVID conditions...that Secretary of States put in.... Booth separation, sanitizing, fewer voting places and consolidation in to mega huge voting places, and many things for safety....but Secretary of States are given in their State constitutions and in election law by legislatures to put out rules and guidance for voters and on how to execute the election, so they run smoothly, or to ensure accuracy, or to accommodate that one man one vote is equal and fair kind of things that circumstances in their state required at the time.

Many times the republican legislature with the Trump campaign sued the Secretary of States, to stop some of the guidance they gave.... These are cases that are said to be the 60 or so that Trump lost, even on appeal, that are mentioned a lot... Only one that I know of, made it to the Supreme court after the election, that I mentioned in my previous post....which disagree with a lower court ruling.
Rule changes are illegal unless that state legislature votes on it, moron.

Not all rule changes need to be approved. It depends on the States. For example the Republican Gov. of Texas expanded the dates for early voting in Texas. The Republican's sued him of course, but the Texas Supreme Court agreed with the Gov,
That rule needs to be approved because the dates are specified in TX state law. A judge cannot change state election law, period.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, GREG ABBOTT, Governor of Texas, under the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, do hereby suspend Section 85.001(a) of the Texas Election Code to the extent necessary to require that, for any election ordered or authorized to occur on November 3, 2020, early voting by personal appearance shall begin on Tuesday, October 13, 2020, and shall continue through the fourth day before election day. I further suspend Section 86.006(a-1) of the Texas Election Code, for any election ordered or authorized to occur on November 3, 2020, to the extent necessary to allow a voter to deliver a marked mail ballot in person to the early voting clerk’s office prior to and including on election day.

In Texas, the Governor can modify the early voting dates in an emergency.

Abbot was sued over it. He won.
Activist judge. Plenary power belongs to the State Legislature.

They already gave the power to the people and the democratic process.

They can try to take it back I suppose but you know, voting has popular support in this country.
The people should not support an obvious fraudulent election. Enough of them are not, and there will be more coming.
Well, well, this is interesting.

Serial numbers missing between original, duplicate ballots in Arizona election audit: official​


The liaison between Senate Republicans who authorized the audit and county officials told a hearing Tuesday that serial numbers were missing on damaged ballots that were duplicated so they could be read by vote tabulation machines.

But he has found many batches of damaged ballots without the serial numbers that are on the duplicates, violating state law.

Asked by Fann if Maricopa County could assist in that effort, Bennett said county officials have made clear to him several times they wouldn't work with any of the auditors the Senate Republicans hired. He will ask for their help directly, Bennett said.

So 60 federal district judges missed this, did they?
God you people are delusional.

And your fucking source....JUSTTHENEWS.COM
Are you fucking serious?
It was just uncovered by the audit, you fucking numskull. The legislature cannot delegate its power to change election law, period.

Trump and his supporters are attacking this country. You are trying to establish a dictatorship and assaulting free speech rights in this country.
Trying to get the courts to acknowledge the election was stolen is not attacking the country.
Like they did on Jan 6?
Congress are the people who fucked up Jan 6th. They knew 40% of voters wanted fraud investigated and they did nothing. It is in the hands of the people in the swing states now and they are going to prove fraud.

The Faithless Party will never be able to overturn the 2020 election. Their only hope is to overthrow the Constitution that they've obviously lost faith in.
It is the Democrats ignoring the Constitution. Those audits are a Constitutional right. They are well in the purview of the state legislatures that control and make the laws about elections. Calling those people traitors shows the disrespect Democrats have for the Constitution, not the people behind the audits.

The States election laws were all followed in 2020 and the results were certified. There is no official audit being conducted that can change the results of the election. Having lost faith in our Constitution, the Neo-GOP are becoming more radical.
The states election laws were changed without the state legislature. Start telling the truth.

I don't believe a single law was changed. All 50 States certified their election results in 2020.
There were some management and rule changes to accommodate COVID conditions...that Secretary of States put in.... Booth separation, sanitizing, fewer voting places and consolidation in to mega huge voting places, and many things for safety....but Secretary of States are given in their State constitutions and in election law by legislatures to put out rules and guidance for voters and on how to execute the election, so they run smoothly, or to ensure accuracy, or to accommodate that one man one vote is equal and fair kind of things that circumstances in their state required at the time.

Many times the republican legislature with the Trump campaign sued the Secretary of States, to stop some of the guidance they gave.... These are cases that are said to be the 60 or so that Trump lost, even on appeal, that are mentioned a lot... Only one that I know of, made it to the Supreme court after the election, that I mentioned in my previous post....which disagree with a lower court ruling.
Rule changes are illegal unless that state legislature votes on it, moron.

Not all rule changes need to be approved. It depends on the States. For example the Republican Gov. of Texas expanded the dates for early voting in Texas. The Republican's sued him of course, but the Texas Supreme Court agreed with the Gov,
That rule needs to be approved because the dates are specified in TX state law. A judge cannot change state election law, period.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, GREG ABBOTT, Governor of Texas, under the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, do hereby suspend Section 85.001(a) of the Texas Election Code to the extent necessary to require that, for any election ordered or authorized to occur on November 3, 2020, early voting by personal appearance shall begin on Tuesday, October 13, 2020, and shall continue through the fourth day before election day. I further suspend Section 86.006(a-1) of the Texas Election Code, for any election ordered or authorized to occur on November 3, 2020, to the extent necessary to allow a voter to deliver a marked mail ballot in person to the early voting clerk’s office prior to and including on election day.

In Texas, the Governor can modify the early voting dates in an emergency.

Abbot was sued over it. He won.

WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 418.016 of the Texas Government Code, the legislature has expressly authorized the Governor to suspend the provisions of any regulatory statute prescribing the procedures for conduct of state business or the orders or rules of a state agency if strict compliance with the provisions, orders, or rules would in any way prevent, hinder, or delay necessary action in coping with a disaster;

He can't do that when it comes to elections, turd.

Trump and his supporters are attacking this country. You are trying to establish a dictatorship and assaulting free speech rights in this country.
Trying to get the courts to acknowledge the election was stolen is not attacking the country.
Like they did on Jan 6?
Congress are the people who fucked up Jan 6th. They knew 40% of voters wanted fraud investigated and they did nothing. It is in the hands of the people in the swing states now and they are going to prove fraud.

The Faithless Party will never be able to overturn the 2020 election. Their only hope is to overthrow the Constitution that they've obviously lost faith in.
It is the Democrats ignoring the Constitution. Those audits are a Constitutional right. They are well in the purview of the state legislatures that control and make the laws about elections. Calling those people traitors shows the disrespect Democrats have for the Constitution, not the people behind the audits.

The States election laws were all followed in 2020 and the results were certified. There is no official audit being conducted that can change the results of the election. Having lost faith in our Constitution, the Neo-GOP are becoming more radical.
The states election laws were changed without the state legislature. Start telling the truth.

I don't believe a single law was changed. All 50 States certified their election results in 2020.
There were some management and rule changes to accommodate COVID conditions...that Secretary of States put in.... Booth separation, sanitizing, fewer voting places and consolidation in to mega huge voting places, and many things for safety....but Secretary of States are given in their State constitutions and in election law by legislatures to put out rules and guidance for voters and on how to execute the election, so they run smoothly, or to ensure accuracy, or to accommodate that one man one vote is equal and fair kind of things that circumstances in their state required at the time.

Many times the republican legislature with the Trump campaign sued the Secretary of States, to stop some of the guidance they gave.... These are cases that are said to be the 60 or so that Trump lost, even on appeal, that are mentioned a lot... Only one that I know of, made it to the Supreme court after the election, that I mentioned in my previous post....which disagree with a lower court ruling.
Rule changes are illegal unless that state legislature votes on it, moron.

Not all rule changes need to be approved. It depends on the States. For example the Republican Gov. of Texas expanded the dates for early voting in Texas. The Republican's sued him of course, but the Texas Supreme Court agreed with the Gov,
Then neither honored the law. State legislatures have plenary power concerning elections. Period.

Precedent says otherwise in that the Court has ruled broadly that the term "Legislature" in the Constitution with regards to this includes the states law making apparatus, not just the Legislatures.
Prove it.

Trump and his supporters are attacking this country. You are trying to establish a dictatorship and assaulting free speech rights in this country.
Trying to get the courts to acknowledge the election was stolen is not attacking the country.
Like they did on Jan 6?
Congress are the people who fucked up Jan 6th. They knew 40% of voters wanted fraud investigated and they did nothing. It is in the hands of the people in the swing states now and they are going to prove fraud.

The Faithless Party will never be able to overturn the 2020 election. Their only hope is to overthrow the Constitution that they've obviously lost faith in.
It is the Democrats ignoring the Constitution. Those audits are a Constitutional right. They are well in the purview of the state legislatures that control and make the laws about elections. Calling those people traitors shows the disrespect Democrats have for the Constitution, not the people behind the audits.

The States election laws were all followed in 2020 and the results were certified. There is no official audit being conducted that can change the results of the election. Having lost faith in our Constitution, the Neo-GOP are becoming more radical.
The states election laws were changed without the state legislature. Start telling the truth.

I don't believe a single law was changed. All 50 States certified their election results in 2020.
There were some management and rule changes to accommodate COVID conditions...that Secretary of States put in.... Booth separation, sanitizing, fewer voting places and consolidation in to mega huge voting places, and many things for safety....but Secretary of States are given in their State constitutions and in election law by legislatures to put out rules and guidance for voters and on how to execute the election, so they run smoothly, or to ensure accuracy, or to accommodate that one man one vote is equal and fair kind of things that circumstances in their state required at the time.

Many times the republican legislature with the Trump campaign sued the Secretary of States, to stop some of the guidance they gave.... These are cases that are said to be the 60 or so that Trump lost, even on appeal, that are mentioned a lot... Only one that I know of, made it to the Supreme court after the election, that I mentioned in my previous post....which disagree with a lower court ruling.
Rule changes are illegal unless that state legislature votes on it, moron.
The courts ruled every state
Then neither honored the law. State legislatures have plenary power concerning elections. Period.
Which they then delegated, by law, to election officials.

Did your cult not mention that tiny bit of common sense to you? Did you really think that historically, state legislatures had to vote on every precinct change or any tiny change in ballot design?
Hmmm . . . . . . . . .no. The constitution doesn't allow that. They have to vote an anything specified in state election law, douchebag.
Really now?

Which part of the Constitution would that be?

Trump and his supporters are attacking this country. You are trying to establish a dictatorship and assaulting free speech rights in this country.
Trying to get the courts to acknowledge the election was stolen is not attacking the country.
Like they did on Jan 6?
Congress are the people who fucked up Jan 6th. They knew 40% of voters wanted fraud investigated and they did nothing. It is in the hands of the people in the swing states now and they are going to prove fraud.

The Faithless Party will never be able to overturn the 2020 election. Their only hope is to overthrow the Constitution that they've obviously lost faith in.
It is the Democrats ignoring the Constitution. Those audits are a Constitutional right. They are well in the purview of the state legislatures that control and make the laws about elections. Calling those people traitors shows the disrespect Democrats have for the Constitution, not the people behind the audits.

The States election laws were all followed in 2020 and the results were certified. There is no official audit being conducted that can change the results of the election. Having lost faith in our Constitution, the Neo-GOP are becoming more radical.
The states election laws were changed without the state legislature. Start telling the truth.

I don't believe a single law was changed. All 50 States certified their election results in 2020.
There were some management and rule changes to accommodate COVID conditions...that Secretary of States put in.... Booth separation, sanitizing, fewer voting places and consolidation in to mega huge voting places, and many things for safety....but Secretary of States are given in their State constitutions and in election law by legislatures to put out rules and guidance for voters and on how to execute the election, so they run smoothly, or to ensure accuracy, or to accommodate that one man one vote is equal and fair kind of things that circumstances in their state required at the time.

Many times the republican legislature with the Trump campaign sued the Secretary of States, to stop some of the guidance they gave.... These are cases that are said to be the 60 or so that Trump lost, even on appeal, that are mentioned a lot... Only one that I know of, made it to the Supreme court after the election, that I mentioned in my previous post....which disagree with a lower court ruling.
Rule changes are illegal unless that state legislature votes on it, moron.
The courts ruled every state
No it hasn't. Furthermore, only the USSC can make a legitimate ruling on the subject.
Then neither honored the law. State legislatures have plenary power concerning elections. Period.
Which they then delegated, by law, to election officials.

Did your cult not mention that tiny bit of common sense to you? Did you really think that historically, state legislatures had to vote on every precinct change or any tiny change in ballot design?
Hmmm . . . . . . . . .no. The constitution doesn't allow that. They have to vote an anything specified in state election law, douchebag.
Really now?

Which part of the Constitution would that be?

"The Times, Places and Manner of holding for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof"

Trump and his supporters are attacking this country. You are trying to establish a dictatorship and assaulting free speech rights in this country.
Trying to get the courts to acknowledge the election was stolen is not attacking the country.
Like they did on Jan 6?
Congress are the people who fucked up Jan 6th. They knew 40% of voters wanted fraud investigated and they did nothing. It is in the hands of the people in the swing states now and they are going to prove fraud.

The Faithless Party will never be able to overturn the 2020 election. Their only hope is to overthrow the Constitution that they've obviously lost faith in.
It is the Democrats ignoring the Constitution. Those audits are a Constitutional right. They are well in the purview of the state legislatures that control and make the laws about elections. Calling those people traitors shows the disrespect Democrats have for the Constitution, not the people behind the audits.

The States election laws were all followed in 2020 and the results were certified. There is no official audit being conducted that can change the results of the election. Having lost faith in our Constitution, the Neo-GOP are becoming more radical.
The states election laws were changed without the state legislature. Start telling the truth.

I don't believe a single law was changed. All 50 States certified their election results in 2020.
There were some management and rule changes to accommodate COVID conditions...that Secretary of States put in.... Booth separation, sanitizing, fewer voting places and consolidation in to mega huge voting places, and many things for safety....but Secretary of States are given in their State constitutions and in election law by legislatures to put out rules and guidance for voters and on how to execute the election, so they run smoothly, or to ensure accuracy, or to accommodate that one man one vote is equal and fair kind of things that circumstances in their state required at the time.

Many times the republican legislature with the Trump campaign sued the Secretary of States, to stop some of the guidance they gave.... These are cases that are said to be the 60 or so that Trump lost, even on appeal, that are mentioned a lot... Only one that I know of, made it to the Supreme court after the election, that I mentioned in my previous post....which disagree with a lower court ruling.
Rule changes are illegal unless that state legislature votes on it, moron.
The courts ruled every state
No it hasn't. Furthermore, only the USSC can make a legitimate ruling on the subject.
Doesn’t work like that
Lower courts make the decision. SCOTUS only gets involved if they think the decision is wrong

Trump and his supporters are attacking this country. You are trying to establish a dictatorship and assaulting free speech rights in this country.
Trying to get the courts to acknowledge the election was stolen is not attacking the country.
Like they did on Jan 6?
Congress are the people who fucked up Jan 6th. They knew 40% of voters wanted fraud investigated and they did nothing. It is in the hands of the people in the swing states now and they are going to prove fraud.

The Faithless Party will never be able to overturn the 2020 election. Their only hope is to overthrow the Constitution that they've obviously lost faith in.
It is the Democrats ignoring the Constitution. Those audits are a Constitutional right. They are well in the purview of the state legislatures that control and make the laws about elections. Calling those people traitors shows the disrespect Democrats have for the Constitution, not the people behind the audits.

The States election laws were all followed in 2020 and the results were certified. There is no official audit being conducted that can change the results of the election. Having lost faith in our Constitution, the Neo-GOP are becoming more radical.
The states election laws were changed without the state legislature. Start telling the truth.

I don't believe a single law was changed. All 50 States certified their election results in 2020.
There were some management and rule changes to accommodate COVID conditions...that Secretary of States put in.... Booth separation, sanitizing, fewer voting places and consolidation in to mega huge voting places, and many things for safety....but Secretary of States are given in their State constitutions and in election law by legislatures to put out rules and guidance for voters and on how to execute the election, so they run smoothly, or to ensure accuracy, or to accommodate that one man one vote is equal and fair kind of things that circumstances in their state required at the time.

Many times the republican legislature with the Trump campaign sued the Secretary of States, to stop some of the guidance they gave.... These are cases that are said to be the 60 or so that Trump lost, even on appeal, that are mentioned a lot... Only one that I know of, made it to the Supreme court after the election, that I mentioned in my previous post....which disagree with a lower court ruling.
Rule changes are illegal unless that state legislature votes on it, moron.
The courts ruled every state
No it hasn't. Furthermore, only the USSC can make a legitimate ruling on the subject.
Doesn’t work like that
Lower courts make the decision. SCOTUS only gets involved if they think the decision is wrong
In other words, SCOTUS makes the final decision.
Then neither honored the law. State legislatures have plenary power concerning elections. Period.
Which they then delegated, by law, to election officials.

Did your cult not mention that tiny bit of common sense to you? Did you really think that historically, state legislatures had to vote on every precinct change or any tiny change in ballot design?
Hmmm . . . . . . . . .no. The constitution doesn't allow that. They have to vote an anything specified in state election law, douchebag.
Really now?

Which part of the Constitution would that be?

"The Times, Places and Manner of holding for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof"
Says nothing about having to vote. They can delegate

Trump and his supporters are attacking this country. You are trying to establish a dictatorship and assaulting free speech rights in this country.
Trying to get the courts to acknowledge the election was stolen is not attacking the country.
Like they did on Jan 6?
Congress are the people who fucked up Jan 6th. They knew 40% of voters wanted fraud investigated and they did nothing. It is in the hands of the people in the swing states now and they are going to prove fraud.

The Faithless Party will never be able to overturn the 2020 election. Their only hope is to overthrow the Constitution that they've obviously lost faith in.
It is the Democrats ignoring the Constitution. Those audits are a Constitutional right. They are well in the purview of the state legislatures that control and make the laws about elections. Calling those people traitors shows the disrespect Democrats have for the Constitution, not the people behind the audits.

The States election laws were all followed in 2020 and the results were certified. There is no official audit being conducted that can change the results of the election. Having lost faith in our Constitution, the Neo-GOP are becoming more radical.
The states election laws were changed without the state legislature. Start telling the truth.

I don't believe a single law was changed. All 50 States certified their election results in 2020.
There were some management and rule changes to accommodate COVID conditions...that Secretary of States put in.... Booth separation, sanitizing, fewer voting places and consolidation in to mega huge voting places, and many things for safety....but Secretary of States are given in their State constitutions and in election law by legislatures to put out rules and guidance for voters and on how to execute the election, so they run smoothly, or to ensure accuracy, or to accommodate that one man one vote is equal and fair kind of things that circumstances in their state required at the time.

Many times the republican legislature with the Trump campaign sued the Secretary of States, to stop some of the guidance they gave.... These are cases that are said to be the 60 or so that Trump lost, even on appeal, that are mentioned a lot... Only one that I know of, made it to the Supreme court after the election, that I mentioned in my previous post....which disagree with a lower court ruling.
Rule changes are illegal unless that state legislature votes on it, moron.
The courts ruled every state
No it hasn't. Furthermore, only the USSC can make a legitimate ruling on the subject.
Doesn’t work like that
Lower courts make the decision. SCOTUS only gets involved if they think the decision is wrong
Guess what? None of that changes the fact our government is corrupt and the election was stolen.

Trump and his supporters are attacking this country. You are trying to establish a dictatorship and assaulting free speech rights in this country.
Trying to get the courts to acknowledge the election was stolen is not attacking the country.
Like they did on Jan 6?
Congress are the people who fucked up Jan 6th. They knew 40% of voters wanted fraud investigated and they did nothing. It is in the hands of the people in the swing states now and they are going to prove fraud.

The Faithless Party will never be able to overturn the 2020 election. Their only hope is to overthrow the Constitution that they've obviously lost faith in.
It is the Democrats ignoring the Constitution. Those audits are a Constitutional right. They are well in the purview of the state legislatures that control and make the laws about elections. Calling those people traitors shows the disrespect Democrats have for the Constitution, not the people behind the audits.

The States election laws were all followed in 2020 and the results were certified. There is no official audit being conducted that can change the results of the election. Having lost faith in our Constitution, the Neo-GOP are becoming more radical.
The states election laws were changed without the state legislature. Start telling the truth.

I don't believe a single law was changed. All 50 States certified their election results in 2020.
There were some management and rule changes to accommodate COVID conditions...that Secretary of States put in.... Booth separation, sanitizing, fewer voting places and consolidation in to mega huge voting places, and many things for safety....but Secretary of States are given in their State constitutions and in election law by legislatures to put out rules and guidance for voters and on how to execute the election, so they run smoothly, or to ensure accuracy, or to accommodate that one man one vote is equal and fair kind of things that circumstances in their state required at the time.

Many times the republican legislature with the Trump campaign sued the Secretary of States, to stop some of the guidance they gave.... These are cases that are said to be the 60 or so that Trump lost, even on appeal, that are mentioned a lot... Only one that I know of, made it to the Supreme court after the election, that I mentioned in my previous post....which disagree with a lower court ruling.
Rule changes are illegal unless that state legislature votes on it, moron.
The courts ruled every state
No it hasn't. Furthermore, only the USSC can make a legitimate ruling on the subject.
Doesn’t work like that
Lower courts make the decision. SCOTUS only gets involved if they think the decision is wrong
In other words, SCOTUS makes the final decision.

Only IF it is in question
Then neither honored the law. State legislatures have plenary power concerning elections. Period.
Which they then delegated, by law, to election officials.

Did your cult not mention that tiny bit of common sense to you? Did you really think that historically, state legislatures had to vote on every precinct change or any tiny change in ballot design?
Hmmm . . . . . . . . .no. The constitution doesn't allow that. They have to vote an anything specified in state election law, douchebag.
Really now?

Which part of the Constitution would that be?

"The Times, Places and Manner of holding for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof"
Says nothing about having to vote. They can delegate

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