SERIOUS question for all Trump acolytes on this forum....

WHERE......for sanity you Trump acolytes that Trump was EXONERATED by the Mueller report???

Seriously, you can say that Barr "exonerated" Trump

You can say that Trump, exonerated Trump
You can say that KellyAnn has exonerated Trump
You can say that Hannity has exonerated Trump

BUT, when you state that Mueller has exonerated Trump you are either a fucking idiot.....You did not read the redacted report, or you're beyond sanity in discussing this issue...

READ THE DAMN REPORT and you CANNOT conclude that Mueller "exonerated" Trump.......

READ, COMPREHEND and LEARN, for God's sake.

They could not report a single instant of any Americans, let alone anyone in the Administration, colluding with Russia election "tampering" whatever wide all bullshit definition you use for that.

It was all bullshit and fairy farts.

Mueller says messaging apps likely destroyed Trump-Russia evidence
Tech challenges prevented special counsel from establishing full picture of what happened

Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III concluded that there was insufficient evidence to bring criminal charges against individuals connected with President Donald Trump’s campaign for their ties to Russia, but he said the investigation faced numerous challenges, including technological ones, in establishing a full picture of what transpired in 2015 and 2016.

“While the investigation identified numerous links between individuals with ties to the Russian government and individuals associated with the Trump Campaign, the evidence was not sufficient to support criminal charges,” Mueller wrote in his report made public Thursday by the Justice Department.

In investigating ties between the Trump campaign and Russian individuals, Mueller’s team ran into technological hurdles, in addition to old-fashioned ones such as unavailable foreign witnesses, according to the report.

The special counsel’s office “learned that some of the individuals we interviewed or whose conduct we investigated — including some associated with the Trump Campaign deleted relevant communications or communicated during the relevant period using applications that feature encryption or that do not provide for long term retention of data or communication records,” the report said. “In such cases the Office was not able to corroborate witness statements through comparison to contemporaneous communications or fully question witnesses about statements that appeared inconsistent with the other known facts.”

Apps such as Snapchat, for example, delete messages once they have been viewed, and the company says it deletes all messages from its servers after 30 days. WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram and Viber are some of the apps that offer end-to-end encryption of messages. The report does not mention which individuals may have used such apps.

As a result of the missing evidence, Mueller wrote that his office “cannot rule out the possibility that the unavailable information would shed additional light on (or cast in a new light) the events described in the report.”

The nearly two-year-long investigation “established multiple links between Trump Campaign officials and individuals tied to the Russian government,” according to the report. “Those links included Russian offers of assistance to the campaign. In some instances, the campaign was receptive to the offer, while in other instances the campaign officials shied away.”
Mueller says messaging apps likely destroyed Trump-Russia evidence

donny still hasta worry about multiple investigations re: his inauguration, campaign finance violations, & tax problems...

"Likely destroyed"? Why likely? Because they are GUESSING that there might have been evidence.

That is not the type of moonbeams shit that should even be MENTIONED in a final report.

He found NO evidence.

You lefties are right back where you started, with nothing but unsupported accusations.

In a sane world, you guys would be massively embarrassed by this.

Like I said, no single instant of any Americans, let alone anyone in the Administration, colluding with Russia election "tampering" .

That isa complete and total exoneration of Trump.
Nat, where in the Mueller report does it give convincing evidence that Trump was guilty of collusion or obstruction to the point of being arrested, tried and flound guilty of those crimes? TIA

We'll have to wait for the sworn testimony of Mueller (to be televised next month) to address your questions......

BUT HERE are the TWO main points

1. Under current DOJ policy a sitting president CANNOT be indicted.........basically placing him ABOVE the law

2. Once out of office, an ex-president facing these SAME allegations CAN be tried and judged

Mueller report details abundant evidence against President Trump, finding 10 episodes of potential obstruction but ultimately concluding it was not Mueller’s role to determine whether the commander in chief broke the law.......leaving THAT final judgment to Congress and/or the courts once Trump is out of office.
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Nat, where in the Mueller report does it give convincing evidence that Trump was guilty of collusion or obstruction to the point of being arrested, tried and flound guilty of those crimes? TIA

We'll have to wait for the sworn testimony of Mueller (to be televised next month) to address your questions......

BUT HERE are the TWO main points

1. Under current DOJ policy a sitting president CANNOT be indicted.........basically placing him ABOVE the law

2. Once out of office, an ex-president facing these SAME allegations CAN be tried and judged

Mueller report details abundant evidence against President Trump, finding 10 episodes of potential obstruction but ultimately concluding it was not Mueller’s role to determine whether the commander in chief broke the law.......leaving THAT final judgment to Congress and/or the courts once Trump is out of office.

poor gnat, his trump-hate and brain dead partisan talking points have destroyed him.

Trump will be president until 2025 and after that he will return to being a successful businessman. He will go down in history as a president who accomplished great things in spite of a corrupt biased media, and lying cheating democrat party, and the criminal enterprise known as the DC deep state.

BTW gnat, Hillary lost and will never be president. The democrat party has become the party of open borders, infanticide, weakness, and socialism. The party of Kennedy and Truman is DEAD.
Nat, where in the Mueller report does it give convincing evidence that Trump was guilty of collusion or obstruction to the point of being arrested, tried and flound guilty of those crimes? TIA

We'll have to wait for the sworn testimony of Mueller (to be televised next month) to address your questions......

BUT HERE are the TWO main points

1. Under current DOJ policy a sitting president CANNOT be indicted.........basically placing him ABOVE the law

2. Once out of office, an ex-president facing these SAME allegations CAN be tried and judged

Mueller report details abundant evidence against President Trump, finding 10 episodes of potential obstruction but ultimately concluding it was not Mueller’s role to determine whether the commander in chief broke the law.......leaving THAT final judgment to Congress and/or the courts once Trump is out of office.

poor gnat, his trump-hate and brain dead partisan talking points have destroyed him.

Trump will be president until 2025 and after that he will return to being a successful businessman. He will go down in history as a president who accomplished great things in spite of a corrupt biased media, and lying cheating democrat party, and the criminal enterprise known as the DC deep state.

BTW gnat, Hillary lost and will never be president. The democrat party has become the party of open borders, infanticide, weakness, and socialism. The party of Kennedy and Truman is DEAD.

in typical fashion Gnat posts a smiley face when he has no cogent argument to present to support his lunatic positions.
in typical fashion Gnat posts a smiley face when he has no cogent argument to present to support his lunatic positions.

Well, Mr. Tuna..........Your moronic argument is not worth my time (I'm sure you must hear about tour stupidity and Trump ass kissing a lot from your circle)

Vote for your orange clown all you want.....hate Obama and Hillary all you want........BUT, your circle of fellow Trump cultists will NOT be enough to get this clown back in power next year......

Go visit Manafort in prison instead of wasting space on here.
in typical fashion Gnat posts a smiley face when he has no cogent argument to present to support his lunatic positions.

Well, Mr. Tuna..........Your moronic argument is not worth my time (I'm sure you must hear about tour stupidity and Trump ass kissing a lot from your circle)

Vote for your orange clown all you want.....hate Obama and Hillary all you want........BUT, your circle of fellow Trump cultists will NOT be enough to get this clown back in power next year......

Go visit Manafort in prison instead of wasting space on here.

care to place a bet on the 2020 outcome? I dont give a shit about Manafort, he broke the law and got caught and his crimes had nothing to do with Trump or the campaign.

As to wasting space, you are the champ of that. GNAT
I dont give a shit about Manafort, he broke the law and got caught and his crimes had nothing to do with Trump or the campaign.

Check with your mommy on the above.......Trump hires the very "best" of corrupt scum bags and like a Mafia don, he lets others do his dirty deeds.....

The issue will boil down to just how many you.....are still going to kiss Trump's ass next year.
I dont give a shit about Manafort, he broke the law and got caught and his crimes had nothing to do with Trump or the campaign.

Check with your mommy on the above.......Trump hires the very "best" of corrupt scum bags and like a Mafia don, he lets others do his dirty deeds.....

The issue will boil down to just how many you.....are still going to kiss Trump's ass next year.

the only people who will vote for Trump are those who want a growing economy, a strong military, a secure border, fair trade relations, reduced government control on our lives, a working healthcare system, care for our veterans, and low unemployment. The rest, like you, will vote for one of the socialist losers with a D behind their name.
The issue will boil down to just how many you.....are still going to kiss Trump's ass next year.

When the alternative is a Progressive nut job with no connection to reality you might be surprised how many are likely to jump back on the Trump train.
those who want a growing economy, a strong military, a secure border, fair trade relations, reduced government control on our lives, a working healthcare system, care for our veterans, and low unemployment.

Gee, you must then have "loved" Obama.....LMAO
prove what was wiped was actually governmental data. you can't. another thing you can't do is blast & chastise hillary for using a personal server when trump's son in law uses what's app & trump's own twitter usage among other communication is done on an unsecured phone.

lol.... yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa............................ NEXT.

Hillary destroyed it. She learned well from White Water where the shredding machines were working overtime. Today all you gotta do is just 'bleach' your hard drive, remove the Sim cards from your phones, destroy the Sims and take a hammer to your phones. Brilliant really, commit a crime and cover your tracks. Like any criminal would do. There is no classified information that Trump is giving out on Twitter or what's app. P.S.......Hey Nat, nice funnyface got nothin' usual.

trump just likes to give away state secrets the old fashioned way... face to face with roooskie spies in the oval office....

Revealed: The top secret Israeli intelligence Donald Trump gave away to Russia

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A) nixon released his taxes whilst being audited, so capt crazy pants has no exuse

B) it is required for the IRS to actually make sure any 'president' not be a tax cheat. have they done their jobs the last 2 years & have actually taken a looksey into fat donny 2 scoops' taxes? that is a question that the chair wants to know & constitutionally has a right to find out. sucks there are checks & balances on the big fat orange man baby, huh?

You ignored my questions. Why? Would you care to try again?

"How many years in a row do you think President Donald Trump's tax returns have been audited? My guess is that if there was a year in which he was NOT audited, he would call them and ask them where's the love, have they forgotten him?"

i didn't answer it cause it matters not. he could release them at any time. but he won't... cause he's not as well off as he pretends & you believe, hook line & sinker.
donny still hasta worry about multiple investigations re: his inauguration, campaign finance violations, & tax problems...

You mean like this?

Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000
01/04/2013 03:48 PM EST
Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000

obama himself had nothing to do with that... know why? cause he's still walking around & still not being investigated.

nice try though.

Obama would not investigate and wiretap himself.
prove what was wiped was actually governmental data. you can't. another thing you can't do is blast & chastise hillary for using a personal server when trump's son in law uses what's app & trump's own twitter usage among other communication is done on an unsecured phone.

lol.... yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa............................ NEXT.

Hillary destroyed it. She learned well from White Water where the shredding machines were working overtime. Today all you gotta do is just 'bleach' your hard drive, remove the Sim cards from your phones, destroy the Sims and take a hammer to your phones. Brilliant really, commit a crime and cover your tracks. Like any criminal would do. There is no classified information that Trump is giving out on Twitter or what's app. P.S.......Hey Nat, nice funnyface got nothin' usual.

trump just likes to give away state secrets the old fashioned way... face to face with roooskie spies in the oval office....

Revealed: The top secret Israeli intelligence Donald Trump gave away to Russia

From your link ‘Mr Trump has said to have said’. That’s it? Zat all ya got?
WHERE......for sanity you Trump acolytes that Trump was EXONERATED by the Mueller report???

Seriously, you can say that Barr "exonerated" Trump

You can say that Trump, exonerated Trump
You can say that KellyAnn has exonerated Trump
You can say that Hannity has exonerated Trump

BUT, when you state that Mueller has exonerated Trump you are either a fucking idiot.....You did not read the redacted report, or you're beyond sanity in discussing this issue...

READ THE DAMN REPORT and you CANNOT conclude that Mueller "exonerated" Trump.......

READ, COMPREHEND and LEARN, for God's sake.
TEN incidences of Obstruction of Justice spelled out by Mueller

SIX incidences out of collusion spelled out by Mueller
donny still hasta worry about multiple investigations re: his inauguration, campaign finance violations, & tax problems...

You mean like this?

Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000
01/04/2013 03:48 PM EST
Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000

obama himself had nothing to do with that... know why? cause he's still walking around & still not being investigated.

nice try though.

How is it possible that failed former President Barack Hussein Obama knows nothing about his own campaign fund? The CEO of a company knows nothing about the finances? Good to know how low are your standards.
i didn't answer it cause it matters not. he could release them at any time. but he won't... cause he's not as well off as he pretends & you believe, hook line & sinker.

As you know, other people have flatly stated that he is a multi-billionaire. Why that is relevant to you, I have no clue other than you are lost in the facts, you cannot deny them and so you act out like a child. Does it matter if he has four billion dollars or five?

I have decades of tax returns which were complex enough that I did not trust myself to do them, nor did I have the time or was I a CPA. So I have had a CPA and tax attorney. I met with my CPA two or three times a year to see if we were on course and plans for the next year. Not one of my tax returns ever showed my gross or net worth. Not one. Why would you not know this?

Once again! Try not to deflect. This is very easy.

You ignored my questions. Why? Would you care to try again?

"How many years in a row do you think President Donald Trump's tax returns have been audited? My guess is that if there was a year in which he was NOT audited, he would call them and ask them where's the love, have they forgotten him?"

Step up son, you can do this!
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There are THREE ways to interpret Mueller's report (with its Barr redactions)

LEGALLY........Trump cannot be indicted based on DOJ policy (NOT law)

POLITICALLY...........Trump is as guilty as OJ Simpson

MORALLY.........Trump is as guilty as Charlie Manson

Dear nat4900 the three ways I see people interpreting this

LIBERALS - using it as bait, to imply "as much as possible" without requiring proof or stating anything false to get in trouble for that

CONSERVATIVES - innocent until proven guilty - if there was anything they could have gotten Trump on at all, they would have stated so

TAXPAYERS seeing this as a waste - this distraction is just costing more money we can't afford when we could be investigating worse cases; too bad neither side is pushing the wrongdoers to pay the costs that are dumped on taxpayers because neither side can agree

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