serious question on core Jewish belief

A 2002 study?
There are more Jews learning 24/7 than ever in history.
I’m not sure who you were posting about?

What is the 2002 study and why are you noting it here?

Last but not least; no one is learning 24/7. Real human beings need some sleep, or they go crazy.

Maybe that is your problem, take a nap, you will be grateful you did.

You are not only stupid but your hatred blinds you to facts.
2002 study!
You're a joke!
I've got news for you, there are probably close to almost 1,000,000 Jews in Israel and the US learning Torah who sleep only 3-4 hours a day and I know a few of them.
A 2002 study?
There are more Jews learning 24/7 than ever in history.
I’m not sure who you were posting about?

What is the 2002 study and why are you noting it here?

Last but not least; no one is learning 24/7. Real human beings need some sleep, or they go crazy.

Maybe that is your problem, take a nap, you will be grateful you did.

You are not only stupid but your hatred blinds you to facts.
2002 study!
You're a joke!
I've got news for you, there are probably close to almost 1,000,000 Jews in Israel and the US learning Torah who sleep only 3-4 hours a day and I know a few of them.
How many would eat a free ham sub from Subway ?
A 2002 study?
There are more Jews learning 24/7 than ever in history.
I’m not sure who you were posting about?

What is the 2002 study and why are you noting it here?

Last but not least; no one is learning 24/7. Real human beings need some sleep, or they go crazy.

Maybe that is your problem, take a nap, you will be grateful you did.

You are not only stupid but your hatred blinds you to facts.
2002 study!
You're a joke!
I've got news for you, there are probably close to almost 1,000,000 Jews in Israel and the US learning Torah who sleep only 3-4 hours a day and I know a few of them.
How many would eat a free ham sub from Subway ?
Nun...get it?
"We’ve been seeing that term “particularism” quite often this month. At its root, it refers to the core Jewish belief that the Creator of the Universe also has a special and unique relationship with His chosen people." -Mosaic Magazine

Q1 - How could a universal God have a chosen people? If God has a chosen people, He isn't universal. If universal, can't have a chosen people because He stands in a different relationship to some, i.e., is a different kind of God.

Q2 - How is chosen-people-ism different from white supremacy?

Actually an interesting question - how can the universal express individually?

But do you ask the same question when in relationship to various people,
is there a 'you' interacting or mere mindless reaction in a swamp of universal symbols?

Being a chosen people is different from white supremacy,in that it's not tied to any biological traits, or deny the chosen-ism or in other words, virtue of others.

Once the nation was established, one can join the tribe to 'be chosen' for that particular virtue, while in white supremacy, you believe one is virtuous beyond all others in all, because of merely innate biological traits, that one cannot change, regardless of character.
So that's actually the opposite.

The same with some Native American tribes.
Once the nation was established, one can join the tribe to 'be chosen' for that particular virtue,
is that the best example ...

the 1st century itinerant denied jews or anyone could be chosen, the only pathway to the Everlasting is by virtue of the state of purity as prescribed and accomplished by the individual, themselves - to earn the judgement necessary for admission.

- so the jews crucified the itinerant than to realize the truth in the error of their ways - and in their book.

But do you ask the same question when in relationship to various people,
is there a 'you' interacting or mere mindless reaction in a swamp of universal symbols?
First, I don't claim universality. Second, if by "universal symbols" you mean something akin to the Platonic "forms," apples and oranges. I can have a concept of a "chair" that is universal in the sense everyone who knows what a chair is shares the same universal conception, but that concept is dependent on the particular conceptualizer, something completely different from the kind of universality God claims, for we wouldn't say that if man didn't exist, God wouldn't exist. Or would we?

But do you ask the same question when in relationship to various people,
is there a 'you' interacting or mere mindless reaction in a swamp of universal symbols?
First, I don't claim universality. Second, if by "universal symbols" you mean something akin to the Platonic "forms," apples and oranges. I can have a concept of a "chair" that is universal in the sense everyone who knows what a chair is shares the same universal conception, but that concept is dependent on the particular conceptualizer, something completely different from the kind of universality God claims, for we wouldn't say that if man didn't exist, God wouldn't exist. Or would we?

Nicely put,
that's why I prefer discussing the G-dly,
more with the non-religious folks, the questions are more direct and daring.

In case you perceive 'god' as an innate matrix subordinate to mere function of constant creation, as perceived by a limited subjective mind - then indeed we could assume 'god' was only a function of subjective perception - the opposite of universal consciousness. But that is exactly the question I've addressed to you - if you perceive the ideal universal in comparison to a CHAIR, what makes YOU more than a chair?

Is that the expression of will above mindless matter and the urges of biology?
Where do your ideals come from?
From that 'chair' perception?
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rylah, the Bible is as clear as spring water.
God chose them
God scattered them
God gathered them
God is now judging them
You, rylah will live to see Gods final sentence for their crimes, in your life time.

You should be thanking the Jewish people for being like a light in the darkness of the past thousand or more years for rejecting your preposterous beliefs about an edible triune mangod and preferring death,persecution, and suffering instead of living the easy life of a bald faced you.

Be careful what you are wishing for others for it might just fall on your own head.

"For if you were cut from a wild olive tree, and contrary to nature were grafted into one that is cultivated, how much more readily will these, the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree!" Romans 11:24
rylah, the Bible is as clear as spring water.
God chose them
God scattered them
God gathered them
God is now judging them
You, rylah will live to see Gods final sentence for their crimes, in your life time.

You should be thanking the Jewish people for being like a light in the darkness of the past thousand or more years for rejecting your preposterous beliefs about an edible triune mangod and preferring death,persecution, and suffering instead of living the easy life of a bald faced you.

Be careful what you are wishing for others for it might just fall on your own head.

"For if you were cut from a wild olive tree, and contrary to nature were grafted into one that is cultivated, how much more readily will these, the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree!" Romans 11:24
You got it bad.
rylah, the Bible is as clear as spring water.
God chose them
God scattered them
God gathered them
God is now judging them
You, rylah will live to see Gods final sentence for their crimes, in your life time.

You should be thanking the Jewish people for being like a light in the darkness of the past thousand or more years for rejecting your preposterous beliefs about an edible triune mangod and preferring death,persecution, and suffering instead of living the easy life of a bald faced you.

Be careful what you are wishing for others for it might just fall on your own head.

"For if you were cut from a wild olive tree, and contrary to nature were grafted into one that is cultivated, how much more readily will these, the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree!" Romans 11:24
You got it bad.

lol.... says the stalker

I know that becoming an idolator was a step up for you but damn ding, don't you even have an inkling that you have a long way to go before you become a living being....

Everything that I have made known to you I have drawn from what Jesus taught.

You may not be able to comprehend it but the natural branches do and will let your blood drain into the ground and leave your unburied corpse in the dust where you belong.
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rylah, the Bible is as clear as spring water.
God chose them
God scattered them
God gathered them
God is now judging them
You, rylah will live to see Gods final sentence for their crimes, in your life time.

You should be thanking the Jewish people for being like a light in the darkness of the past thousand or more years for rejecting your preposterous beliefs about an edible triune mangod and preferring death,persecution, and suffering instead of living the easy life of a bald faced you.

Be careful what you are wishing for others for it might just fall on your own head.

"For if you were cut from a wild olive tree, and contrary to nature were grafted into one that is cultivated, how much more readily will these, the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree!" Romans 11:24
You got it bad.

lol.... says the stalker

I know that becoming an idolator was a step up for you but damn ding, don't you even have an inkling that you have a long way to go before you become a living being....
Preach on, brother!

Evangelize against Christianity to your heart's content. Please tell me some more.
rylah, the Bible is as clear as spring water.
God chose them
God scattered them
God gathered them
God is now judging them
You, rylah will live to see Gods final sentence for their crimes, in your life time.

You should be thanking the Jewish people for being like a light in the darkness of the past thousand or more years for rejecting your preposterous beliefs about an edible triune mangod and preferring death,persecution, and suffering instead of living the easy life of a bald faced you.

Be careful what you are wishing for others for it might just fall on your own head.

"For if you were cut from a wild olive tree, and contrary to nature were grafted into one that is cultivated, how much more readily will these, the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree!" Romans 11:24
You got it bad.

lol.... says the stalker

I know that becoming an idolator was a step up for you but damn ding, don't you even have an inkling that you have a long way to go before you become a living being....
Preach on, brother!

Evangelize against Christianity to your heart's content. Please tell me some more.

You do know that from the beginning Christianity was always a story only half told to be completed in what was once a distant future, don't you?

Don't be caught with your pants down... oh, yeah, too late... sorry.
rylah, the Bible is as clear as spring water.
God chose them
God scattered them
God gathered them
God is now judging them
You, rylah will live to see Gods final sentence for their crimes, in your life time.

You should be thanking the Jewish people for being like a light in the darkness of the past thousand or more years for rejecting your preposterous beliefs about an edible triune mangod and preferring death,persecution, and suffering instead of living the easy life of a bald faced you.

Be careful what you are wishing for others for it might just fall on your own head.

"For if you were cut from a wild olive tree, and contrary to nature were grafted into one that is cultivated, how much more readily will these, the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree!" Romans 11:24
You got it bad.

lol.... says the stalker

I know that becoming an idolator was a step up for you but damn ding, don't you even have an inkling that you have a long way to go before you become a living being....
Preach on, brother!

Evangelize against Christianity to your heart's content. Please tell me some more.

You do know that from the beginning Christianity was always a story only half told to be completed in what was once a distant future, don't you?

Don't be caught with your pants down... oh, yeah, too late... sorry.
ding-bat's pants are down----CHECK QUICK -----is he circumcised?
ding-bat's pants are down----CHECK QUICK -----is he circumcised?

Don't be silly. You already knew that ding was an uncircumsized dickhead with no balls.

All the clothing in the world can't hide that and all the matzo's in the world can't help him.

What a shame.
rylah, the Bible is as clear as spring water.
God chose them
God scattered them
God gathered them
God is now judging them
You, rylah will live to see Gods final sentence for their crimes, in your life time.

You should be thanking the Jewish people for being like a light in the darkness of the past thousand or more years for rejecting your preposterous beliefs about an edible triune mangod and preferring death,persecution, and suffering instead of living the easy life of a bald faced you.

Be careful what you are wishing for others for it might just fall on your own head.

"For if you were cut from a wild olive tree, and contrary to nature were grafted into one that is cultivated, how much more readily will these, the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree!" Romans 11:24
You got it bad.

lol.... says the stalker

I know that becoming an idolator was a step up for you but damn ding, don't you even have an inkling that you have a long way to go before you become a living being....
Preach on, brother!

Evangelize against Christianity to your heart's content. Please tell me some more.

You do know that from the beginning Christianity was always a story only half told to be completed in what was once a distant future, don't you?

Don't be caught with your pants down... oh, yeah, too late... sorry.
Tell me some more. Don't be shy. Don't hold back. Tell me everything you hate about Christianity. Get it off of your chest.
rylah, the Bible is as clear as spring water.
God chose them
God scattered them
God gathered them
God is now judging them
You, rylah will live to see Gods final sentence for their crimes, in your life time.

You should be thanking the Jewish people for being like a light in the darkness of the past thousand or more years for rejecting your preposterous beliefs about an edible triune mangod and preferring death,persecution, and suffering instead of living the easy life of a bald faced you.

Be careful what you are wishing for others for it might just fall on your own head.

"For if you were cut from a wild olive tree, and contrary to nature were grafted into one that is cultivated, how much more readily will these, the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree!" Romans 11:24
You got it bad.

lol.... says the stalker

I know that becoming an idolator was a step up for you but damn ding, don't you even have an inkling that you have a long way to go before you become a living being....
Preach on, brother!

Evangelize against Christianity to your heart's content. Please tell me some more.

You do know that from the beginning Christianity was always a story only half told to be completed in what was once a distant future, don't you?

Don't be caught with your pants down... oh, yeah, too late... sorry.
ding-bat's pants are down----CHECK QUICK -----is he circumcised?
Of course I am.

I'm glad that you and hobelim have so much in common. Birds of a feather and all, so to speak.
rylah, the Bible is as clear as spring water.
God chose them
God scattered them
God gathered them
God is now judging them
You, rylah will live to see Gods final sentence for their crimes, in your life time.

You should be thanking the Jewish people for being like a light in the darkness of the past thousand or more years for rejecting your preposterous beliefs about an edible triune mangod and preferring death,persecution, and suffering instead of living the easy life of a bald faced you.

Be careful what you are wishing for others for it might just fall on your own head.

"For if you were cut from a wild olive tree, and contrary to nature were grafted into one that is cultivated, how much more readily will these, the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree!" Romans 11:24
You got it bad.

lol.... says the stalker

I know that becoming an idolator was a step up for you but damn ding, don't you even have an inkling that you have a long way to go before you become a living being....
Preach on, brother!

Evangelize against Christianity to your heart's content. Please tell me some more.

You do know that from the beginning Christianity was always a story only half told to be completed in what was once a distant future, don't you?

Don't be caught with your pants down... oh, yeah, too late... sorry.
Tell me some more. Don't be shy. Don't hold back. Tell me everything you hate about Christianity. Get it off of your chest.

Like I said I do not hate Christianity. I am proving that Jesus was right by revealing the meaning and wisdom behind the nutty things he said. This vindicates and fulfills the faith of all Christians. Unfortunately for you it also means that you are being proven wrong and your obstinate stupidity demonstrates the reality of divine condemnation. A twofer!

Why would being proven wrong bother you if Jesus is proven right?

As it stands your so called faith that Jesus claimed to be God only brings the name of Jesus into disrepute among intelligent people. Only the insane would make such a claim.

Am I telling you something that you don't already know?

My words also vindicate the faith of the Jewish people who have always rejected your edible triune mangod, a false substitute sugar coated wonder working counterfeit Jesus.

There has never been and will never be a human being that was or became God either before during or after their human existence.

This will always be the truth.
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There has never been and will never be a human being that was or became God either before during or after their human existence.
I’m sorry but I disagree with your interpretation of Gods power.

According to your interpretation of God’s power, God “could force” everyone to obey His commandments. I personally do not believe that is how God works.

First God singled out a group of people and called them His chosen.
God then gave them instructions on how they should live their lives.
God gave us the gift of choice.

That choice is ours to make, not Gods.

Humans are not puppets on a string

rylah, the Bible is as clear as spring water.
God chose them
God scattered them
God gathered them
God is now judging them
You, rylah will live to see Gods final sentence for their crimes, in your life time.

You should be thanking the Jewish people for being like a light in the darkness of the past thousand or more years for rejecting your preposterous beliefs about an edible triune mangod and preferring death,persecution, and suffering instead of living the easy life of a bald faced you.

Be careful what you are wishing for others for it might just fall on your own head.

"For if you were cut from a wild olive tree, and contrary to nature were grafted into one that is cultivated, how much more readily will these, the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree!" Romans 11:24
You got it bad.

lol.... says the stalker

I know that becoming an idolator was a step up for you but damn ding, don't you even have an inkling that you have a long way to go before you become a living being....
Preach on, brother!

Evangelize against Christianity to your heart's content. Please tell me some more.

You do know that from the beginning Christianity was always a story only half told to be completed in what was once a distant future, don't you?

Don't be caught with your pants down... oh, yeah, too late... sorry.
Tell me some more. Don't be shy. Don't hold back. Tell me everything you hate about Christianity. Get it off of your chest.

Like I said I do not hate Christianity. I am proving that Jesus was right by revealing the meaning and wisdom behind the nutty things he said. This vindicates and fulfills the faith of all Christians. Unfortunately for you it also means that you are being proven wrong and your obstinate stupidity demonstrates the reality of divine condemnation. A twofer!

Why would being proven wrong bother you if Jesus is proven right?

As it stands your so called faith that Jesus claimed to be God only brings the name of Jesus into disrepute among intelligent people. Only the insane would make such a claim.

Am I telling you something that you don't already know?

My words also vindicate the faith of the Jewish people who have always rejected your edible triune mangod, a false substitute sugar coated wonder working counterfeit Jesus.

There has never been and will never be a human being that was or became God either before during or after their human existence.

This will always be the truth.
You are evangelizing.
There has never been and will never be a human being that was or became God either before during or after their human existence.
I’m sorry but I disagree with your interpretation of Gods power.

According to your interpretation of God’s power, God “could force” everyone to obey His commandments. I personally do not believe that is how God works.

First God singled out a group of people and called them His chosen.
God then gave them instructions on how they should live their lives.
God gave us the gift of choice.

That choice is ours to make, not Gods.

Humans are not puppets on a string
View attachment 507331
There has never been and will never be a human being that was or became God

This will always be the truth.

According to your interpretation of God’s power, God “could force” everyone to obey His commandments. I personally do not believe that is how God works.
the prescribed, spoken religion of antiquity is not to become the ruler of the Everlasting - rather, the means of becoming their equal - purity, through the triumph over evil ...
First God singled out a group of people and called them His (their) chosen.
never happened - they are doomed who might believe such a fallacy.

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