CDZ Serious Question: What do you think it's like for DC politicians....

... when they see each other constantly lie and distort and make cartoonish mountains out of molehills for nothing more than political advantage? And knowing that they have to do it too, and do it all the time?

I wonder if, behind the scenes, they joke about it, like pro wrestlers must do in the locker room.

Do you think they ever, when feeling a little guilt or shame over their ridiculous antics, confide in each other some kind of regret for their behavior? That that they hate doing this, but have to? Or do they just maintain this facade the moment they walk out of their house?

What do you think it's like, behind the scenes?

What is like behind the scenes? Don't have to speculate. Lemme tell ya a TRUE story.. 1992 Campaign. Bush 41 v Clinton. Mary Matalin is Bush's campaign mgr, James Carville for Clinton. At the time, I was hiding out in the Dem party having just worked the Tom Lantos for Congress campaign. He was "my guy". Thought like me, he was a TRUE Liberal, not a leftist. (I learned not to "love" Congress people from that experience)

Anyways --- I'm reading a Reason Mag article about the match-up and there was speculation that Matalin and Carville were shacking up the campaign trail. News breaks a month or so after the election. The 2 star-crossed Romeo/Juliette bad feuding families victims go public. Announce they are "a thing"..

They get married, buy a spacious country house on a farm, have kids. :ack-1: (Mutants I suspect). And I'm imagining all the laughter and chuckling that went on DURING THE FREAKIN campaign in bed, in the shower, while the nation is struggling with this "serious" decision. I become violently allergic to the 2 party system and declare myself committed to the Libertarian party that year.

Thought pattern was -- these ULTRA partisans don't take the contest seriously -- why should I ?? It's all fun and games and JOB to them... Sorry if you've heard about my moment of conversion before. But there it is. I went rogue BECAUSE it's largely a game to obtain power. And MY politics is about solutions, ideas, problem solving.
That's amazing, and it really would be the best possible example of the point.

I'm sure there's a spectrum - the True Believers on one end of each party, down to the more reasonable, sane people who are rolling their eyes at the circus and just trying to get some positive stuff done here and there.

Far too many True Believers for my taste now, that's for sure.
... when they see each other constantly lie and distort and make cartoonish mountains out of molehills for nothing more than political advantage? And knowing that they have to do it too, and do it all the time?

I wonder if, behind the scenes, they joke about it, like pro wrestlers must do in the locker room.

Do you think they ever, when feeling a little guilt or shame over their ridiculous antics, confide in each other some kind of regret for their behavior? That that they hate doing this, but have to? Or do they just maintain this facade the moment they walk out of their house?

What do you think it's like, behind the scenes?

What is like behind the scenes? Don't have to speculate. Lemme tell ya a TRUE story.. 1992 Campaign. Bush 41 v Clinton. Mary Matalin is Bush's campaign mgr, James Carville for Clinton. At the time, I was hiding out in the Dem party having just worked the Tom Lantos for Congress campaign. He was "my guy". Thought like me, he was a TRUE Liberal, not a leftist. (I learned not to "love" Congress people from that experience)

Anyways --- I'm reading a Reason Mag article about the match-up and there was speculation that Matalin and Carville were shacking up the campaign trail. News breaks a month or so after the election. The 2 star-crossed Romeo/Juliette bad feuding families victims go public. Announce they are "a thing"..

They get married, buy a spacious country house on a farm, have kids. :ack-1: (Mutants I suspect). And I'm imagining all the laughter and chuckling that went on DURING THE FREAKIN campaign in bed, in the shower, while the nation is struggling with this "serious" decision. I become violently allergic to the 2 party system and declare myself committed to the Libertarian party that year.

Thought pattern was -- these ULTRA partisans don't take the contest seriously -- why should I ?? It's all fun and games and JOB to them... Sorry if you've heard about my moment of conversion before. But there it is. I went rogue BECAUSE it's largely a game to obtain power. And MY politics is about solutions, ideas, problem solving.
That's amazing, and it really would be the best possible example of the point.

I'm sure there's a spectrum - the True Believers on one end of each party, down to the more reasonable, sane people who are rolling their eyes at the circus and just trying to get some positive stuff done here and there.

Far too many True Believers for my taste now, that's for sure.

Only thing the game is for NOW --- is winning. You can either literally BUY a Party or Pirate one. Voters only vote for "winners". That's why we a choice of 2 losers last time. :rofl:

I think I'd PREFER true believers. Like Bernie with some math and economic skills. :rolleyes-41: These guys ain't believers. They are simply tribal warriors.
These guys ain't believers. They are simply tribal warriors.
Full disclosure, I'm not sure I know the difference!

I don't think many in leadership HAVE principles to "believe in" anymore. It's just about posturing and putting on the war paint for Sunday morning TV.. True believers in any "unified political theory" are GREAT compared to folks who just care about winning.

Heck -- Bernie KNEW he was doomed before he announced. Maybe he didn't have a clue HOW rigged it was. But he ran on "true belief" in his principles. Not really just to win.

I'm a true believer in Libertarianism. Not ALL of it. But it's a pretty total package for all things governance.
... when they see each other constantly lie and distort and make cartoonish mountains out of molehills for nothing more than political advantage? And knowing that they have to do it too, and do it all the time?

I wonder if, behind the scenes, they joke about it, like pro wrestlers must do in the locker room.

Do you think they ever, when feeling a little guilt or shame over their ridiculous antics, confide in each other some kind of regret for their behavior? That that they hate doing this, but have to? Or do they just maintain this facade the moment they walk out of their house?

What do you think it's like, behind the scenes?

Maybe when they’re drunk, but seriously- the smart ones never admit the shenanigans that take place. It’s best to just play pretend at all times.
Maybe when they’re drunk, but seriously- the smart ones never admit the shenanigans that take place. It’s best to just play pretend at all times.
Yep, very possible.

At least professional wrestlers drop out of character sometimes, y'know?
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Yep, very possible.

At least professional wrestlers drop out of character sometimes, y'know?

But we wouldn't pay attention to them if they did.

Okay, one more time, ye of the false premise, the fact is, nobody watches C-Span. There was a very nice debate on CNN last night between Bernie, Cruz and two other senators, and I'm sure not that many people watched it because they were talking about the tax reform.

To quote the bard, "The fault is not in the stars, but within ourselves."
... when they see each other constantly lie and distort and make cartoonish mountains out of molehills for nothing more than political advantage? And knowing that they have to do it too, and do it all the time?

I wonder if, behind the scenes, they joke about it, like pro wrestlers must do in the locker room.

Do you think they ever, when feeling a little guilt or shame over their ridiculous antics, confide in each other some kind of regret for their behavior? That that they hate doing this, but have to? Or do they just maintain this facade the moment they walk out of their house?

What do you think it's like, behind the scenes?

What is like behind the scenes? Don't have to speculate. Lemme tell ya a TRUE story.. 1992 Campaign. Bush 41 v Clinton. Mary Matalin is Bush's campaign mgr, James Carville for Clinton. At the time, I was hiding out in the Dem party having just worked the Tom Lantos for Congress campaign. He was "my guy". Thought like me, he was a TRUE Liberal, not a leftist. (I learned not to "love" Congress people from that experience)

Anyways --- I'm reading a Reason Mag article about the match-up and there was speculation that Matalin and Carville were shacking up the campaign trail. News breaks a month or so after the election. The 2 star-crossed Romeo/Juliette bad feuding families victims go public. Announce they are "a thing"..

They get married, buy a spacious country house on a farm, have kids. :ack-1: (Mutants I suspect). And I'm imagining all the laughter and chuckling that went on DURING THE FREAKIN campaign in bed, in the shower, while the nation is struggling with this "serious" decision. I become violently allergic to the 2 party system and declare myself committed to the Libertarian party that year.

Thought pattern was -- these ULTRA partisans don't take the contest seriously -- why should I ?? It's all fun and games and JOB to them... Sorry if you've heard about my moment of conversion before. But there it is. I went rogue BECAUSE it's largely a game to obtain power. And MY politics is about solutions, ideas, problem solving.
That's amazing, and it really would be the best possible example of the point.

I'm sure there's a spectrum - the True Believers on one end of each party, down to the more reasonable, sane people who are rolling their eyes at the circus and just trying to get some positive stuff done here and there.

Far too many True Believers for my taste now, that's for sure.

Only thing the game is for NOW --- is winning. You can either literally BUY a Party or Pirate one. Voters only vote for "winners". That's why we a choice of 2 losers last time. :rofl:

I think I'd PREFER true believers. Like Bernie with some math and economic skills. :rolleyes-41: These guys ain't believers. They are simply tribal warriors.
I think I'd PREFER true believers. Like Bernie with some math and economic skills.
Bernie Sanders Buys His Third House
His 2014 tax returns revealed that he and Jane made $205,617 that year, the bulk of which came from Sanders’s $174,000 Senate salary. (Jane, who previously made about $160,000 a year as the president of Burlington College, retired in 2011.) Technically, Bernie’s salary places him in the top 4 percent of income earners, enough to purchase a nice lakefront retirement property with plenty leftover to buy “Feel the Bun” sandwiches from the local Hero’s Welcome General Store:
The idiots who think that Bernie is for the poor guy is just as stupid as the ones who though Hitlery was for them. While he says everyone else should be equal in pay, here is the Bern, owning 3 houses and making 6 figures along with his wife. He is a 1%'er but since he talks the talk, he doesn't have to walk the walk. Yes, the liberal Democrats can fool all the liberal voters all the time. Yes they can.

... when they see each other constantly lie and distort and make cartoonish mountains out of molehills for nothing more than political advantage? And knowing that they have to do it too, and do it all the time?

I wonder if, behind the scenes, they joke about it, like pro wrestlers must do in the locker room.

Do you think they ever, when feeling a little guilt or shame over their ridiculous antics, confide in each other some kind of regret for their behavior? That that they hate doing this, but have to? Or do they just maintain this facade the moment they walk out of their house?

What do you think it's like, behind the scenes?

I think they are much like the people here at USMB, only well paid and taken care of
The idiots who think that Bernie is for the poor guy is just as stupid as the ones who though Hitlery was for them. While he says everyone else should be equal in pay, here is the Bern, owning 3 houses and making 6 figures along with his wife. He is a 1%'er but since he talks the talk, he doesn't have to walk the walk. Yes, the liberal Democrats can fool all the liberal voters all the time. Yes they can.

Yes, we know you get all upset when someone owns more than one house.

You know, you can give the poor a fair shake without getting rid of the rich.
... when they see each other constantly lie and distort and make cartoonish mountains out of molehills for nothing more than political advantage? And knowing that they have to do it too, and do it all the time?

I wonder if, behind the scenes, they joke about it, like pro wrestlers must do in the locker room.

Do you think they ever, when feeling a little guilt or shame over their ridiculous antics, confide in each other some kind of regret for their behavior? That that they hate doing this, but have to? Or do they just maintain this facade the moment they walk out of their house?

What do you think it's like, behind the scenes?

What is like behind the scenes? Don't have to speculate. Lemme tell ya a TRUE story.. 1992 Campaign. Bush 41 v Clinton. Mary Matalin is Bush's campaign mgr, James Carville for Clinton. At the time, I was hiding out in the Dem party having just worked the Tom Lantos for Congress campaign. He was "my guy". Thought like me, he was a TRUE Liberal, not a leftist. (I learned not to "love" Congress people from that experience)

Anyways --- I'm reading a Reason Mag article about the match-up and there was speculation that Matalin and Carville were shacking up the campaign trail. News breaks a month or so after the election. The 2 star-crossed Romeo/Juliette bad feuding families victims go public. Announce they are "a thing"..

They get married, buy a spacious country house on a farm, have kids. :ack-1: (Mutants I suspect). And I'm imagining all the laughter and chuckling that went on DURING THE FREAKIN campaign in bed, in the shower, while the nation is struggling with this "serious" decision. I become violently allergic to the 2 party system and declare myself committed to the Libertarian party that year.

Thought pattern was -- these ULTRA partisans don't take the contest seriously -- why should I ?? It's all fun and games and JOB to them... Sorry if you've heard about my moment of conversion before. But there it is. I went rogue BECAUSE it's largely a game to obtain power. And MY politics is about solutions, ideas, problem solving.
That's amazing, and it really would be the best possible example of the point.

I'm sure there's a spectrum - the True Believers on one end of each party, down to the more reasonable, sane people who are rolling their eyes at the circus and just trying to get some positive stuff done here and there.

Far too many True Believers for my taste now, that's for sure.

Only thing the game is for NOW --- is winning. You can either literally BUY a Party or Pirate one. Voters only vote for "winners". That's why we a choice of 2 losers last time. :rofl:

I think I'd PREFER true believers. Like Bernie with some math and economic skills. :rolleyes-41: These guys ain't believers. They are simply tribal warriors.
I think I'd PREFER true believers. Like Bernie with some math and economic skills.
Bernie Sanders Buys His Third House
His 2014 tax returns revealed that he and Jane made $205,617 that year, the bulk of which came from Sanders’s $174,000 Senate salary. (Jane, who previously made about $160,000 a year as the president of Burlington College, retired in 2011.) Technically, Bernie’s salary places him in the top 4 percent of income earners, enough to purchase a nice lakefront retirement property with plenty leftover to buy “Feel the Bun” sandwiches from the local Hero’s Welcome General Store:
The idiots who think that Bernie is for the poor guy is just as stupid as the ones who though Hitlery was for them. While he says everyone else should be equal in pay, here is the Bern, owning 3 houses and making 6 figures along with his wife. He is a 1%'er but since he talks the talk, he doesn't have to walk the walk. Yes, the liberal Democrats can fool all the liberal voters all the time. Yes they can.


Only economically stable folks can afford to help the poor. So the wealth isn't a problem. I do agree he gets a pass from the "class warfare" crowd BECAUSE he is a Socialist. No other wealthy people not properly politically would get that.

But Bernie has a very consistent political compass. I and other Libertarians love about 50% of what he fights for. But the other 50% is class, race, sex division and just bad math and economics.

That's why I say he ran on PRINCIPLE and NOT just for the power.
... when they see each other constantly lie and distort and make cartoonish mountains out of molehills for nothing more than political advantage? And knowing that they have to do it too, and do it all the time?

I wonder if, behind the scenes, they joke about it, like pro wrestlers must do in the locker room.

Do you think they ever, when feeling a little guilt or shame over their ridiculous antics, confide in each other some kind of regret for their behavior? That that they hate doing this, but have to? Or do they just maintain this facade the moment they walk out of their house?

What do you think it's like, behind the scenes?

They laugh all the way to the bank after they picked our pockets...
... when they see each other constantly lie and distort and make cartoonish mountains out of molehills for nothing more than political advantage? And knowing that they have to do it too, and do it all the time?

I wonder if, behind the scenes, they joke about it, like pro wrestlers must do in the locker room.

Do you think they ever, when feeling a little guilt or shame over their ridiculous antics, confide in each other some kind of regret for their behavior? That that they hate doing this, but have to? Or do they just maintain this facade the moment they walk out of their house?

What do you think it's like, behind the scenes?

What is like behind the scenes? Don't have to speculate. Lemme tell ya a TRUE story.. 1992 Campaign. Bush 41 v Clinton. Mary Matalin is Bush's campaign mgr, James Carville for Clinton. At the time, I was hiding out in the Dem party having just worked the Tom Lantos for Congress campaign. He was "my guy". Thought like me, he was a TRUE Liberal, not a leftist. (I learned not to "love" Congress people from that experience)

Anyways --- I'm reading a Reason Mag article about the match-up and there was speculation that Matalin and Carville were shacking up the campaign trail. News breaks a month or so after the election. The 2 star-crossed Romeo/Juliette bad feuding families victims go public. Announce they are "a thing"..

They get married, buy a spacious country house on a farm, have kids. :ack-1: (Mutants I suspect). And I'm imagining all the laughter and chuckling that went on DURING THE FREAKIN campaign in bed, in the shower, while the nation is struggling with this "serious" decision. I become violently allergic to the 2 party system and declare myself committed to the Libertarian party that year.

Thought pattern was -- these ULTRA partisans don't take the contest seriously -- why should I ?? It's all fun and games and JOB to them... Sorry if you've heard about my moment of conversion before. But there it is. I went rogue BECAUSE it's largely a game to obtain power. And MY politics is about solutions, ideas, problem solving.
That's amazing, and it really would be the best possible example of the point.

I'm sure there's a spectrum - the True Believers on one end of each party, down to the more reasonable, sane people who are rolling their eyes at the circus and just trying to get some positive stuff done here and there.

Far too many True Believers for my taste now, that's for sure.

Only thing the game is for NOW --- is winning. You can either literally BUY a Party or Pirate one. Voters only vote for "winners". That's why we a choice of 2 losers last time. :rofl:

I think I'd PREFER true believers. Like Bernie with some math and economic skills. :rolleyes-41: These guys ain't believers. They are simply tribal warriors.
I think I'd PREFER true believers. Like Bernie with some math and economic skills.
Bernie Sanders Buys His Third House
His 2014 tax returns revealed that he and Jane made $205,617 that year, the bulk of which came from Sanders’s $174,000 Senate salary. (Jane, who previously made about $160,000 a year as the president of Burlington College, retired in 2011.) Technically, Bernie’s salary places him in the top 4 percent of income earners, enough to purchase a nice lakefront retirement property with plenty leftover to buy “Feel the Bun” sandwiches from the local Hero’s Welcome General Store:
The idiots who think that Bernie is for the poor guy is just as stupid as the ones who though Hitlery was for them. While he says everyone else should be equal in pay, here is the Bern, owning 3 houses and making 6 figures along with his wife. He is a 1%'er but since he talks the talk, he doesn't have to walk the walk. Yes, the liberal Democrats can fool all the liberal voters all the time. Yes they can.


Only economically stable folks can afford to help the poor. So the wealth isn't a problem. I do agree he gets a pass from the "class warfare" crowd BECAUSE he is a Socialist. No other wealthy people not properly politically would get that.

But Bernie has a very consistent political compass. I and other Libertarians love about 50% of what he fights for. But the other 50% is class, race, sex division and just bad math and economics.

That's why I say he ran on PRINCIPLE and NOT just for the power.
You know what I do to help people get out of poverty? I don't give them a dollar and tell them to vote for me, but educate them on how they can work themselves into being business owners and self sufficiency. But Bernie who has 3 very expensive houses tells the rest of US that we must do without, then he goes out of his way, so he can have HIS...That is what Socialist do all the time..

Iron-Fisted Socialism Benefited Hugo Chavez’s Daughter To The Tune Of BILLIONS, Reports Say
María Gabriela, Chavez’s favourite daughter, is reported to be worth a staggering $4.2 billion. Gabriela’s father was a notorious opponent of capitalism and Venezuela’s entrepreneurial class. When he was alive he went so far to say “capitalism leads us straight to hell.”

Pictures of what Socialism did to Venezuela
35447B3200000578-3640941-image-m-93_1465915040809.jpg th5VY9B13G.jpg thKSGB8DMV.jpg thPKIBWQH2.jpg
What is like behind the scenes? Don't have to speculate. Lemme tell ya a TRUE story.. 1992 Campaign. Bush 41 v Clinton. Mary Matalin is Bush's campaign mgr, James Carville for Clinton. At the time, I was hiding out in the Dem party having just worked the Tom Lantos for Congress campaign. He was "my guy". Thought like me, he was a TRUE Liberal, not a leftist. (I learned not to "love" Congress people from that experience)

Anyways --- I'm reading a Reason Mag article about the match-up and there was speculation that Matalin and Carville were shacking up the campaign trail. News breaks a month or so after the election. The 2 star-crossed Romeo/Juliette bad feuding families victims go public. Announce they are "a thing"..

They get married, buy a spacious country house on a farm, have kids. :ack-1: (Mutants I suspect). And I'm imagining all the laughter and chuckling that went on DURING THE FREAKIN campaign in bed, in the shower, while the nation is struggling with this "serious" decision. I become violently allergic to the 2 party system and declare myself committed to the Libertarian party that year.

Thought pattern was -- these ULTRA partisans don't take the contest seriously -- why should I ?? It's all fun and games and JOB to them... Sorry if you've heard about my moment of conversion before. But there it is. I went rogue BECAUSE it's largely a game to obtain power. And MY politics is about solutions, ideas, problem solving.
That's amazing, and it really would be the best possible example of the point.

I'm sure there's a spectrum - the True Believers on one end of each party, down to the more reasonable, sane people who are rolling their eyes at the circus and just trying to get some positive stuff done here and there.

Far too many True Believers for my taste now, that's for sure.

Only thing the game is for NOW --- is winning. You can either literally BUY a Party or Pirate one. Voters only vote for "winners". That's why we a choice of 2 losers last time. :rofl:

I think I'd PREFER true believers. Like Bernie with some math and economic skills. :rolleyes-41: These guys ain't believers. They are simply tribal warriors.
I think I'd PREFER true believers. Like Bernie with some math and economic skills.
Bernie Sanders Buys His Third House
His 2014 tax returns revealed that he and Jane made $205,617 that year, the bulk of which came from Sanders’s $174,000 Senate salary. (Jane, who previously made about $160,000 a year as the president of Burlington College, retired in 2011.) Technically, Bernie’s salary places him in the top 4 percent of income earners, enough to purchase a nice lakefront retirement property with plenty leftover to buy “Feel the Bun” sandwiches from the local Hero’s Welcome General Store:
The idiots who think that Bernie is for the poor guy is just as stupid as the ones who though Hitlery was for them. While he says everyone else should be equal in pay, here is the Bern, owning 3 houses and making 6 figures along with his wife. He is a 1%'er but since he talks the talk, he doesn't have to walk the walk. Yes, the liberal Democrats can fool all the liberal voters all the time. Yes they can.


Only economically stable folks can afford to help the poor. So the wealth isn't a problem. I do agree he gets a pass from the "class warfare" crowd BECAUSE he is a Socialist. No other wealthy people not properly politically would get that.

But Bernie has a very consistent political compass. I and other Libertarians love about 50% of what he fights for. But the other 50% is class, race, sex division and just bad math and economics.

That's why I say he ran on PRINCIPLE and NOT just for the power.
You know what I do to help people get out of poverty? I don't give them a dollar and tell them to vote for me, but educate them on how they can work themselves into being business owners and self sufficiency. But Bernie who has 3 very expensive houses tells the rest of US that we must do without, then he goes out of his way, so he can have HIS...That is what Socialist do all the time..

Iron-Fisted Socialism Benefited Hugo Chavez’s Daughter To The Tune Of BILLIONS, Reports Say
María Gabriela, Chavez’s favourite daughter, is reported to be worth a staggering $4.2 billion. Gabriela’s father was a notorious opponent of capitalism and Venezuela’s entrepreneurial class. When he was alive he went so far to say “capitalism leads us straight to hell.”

Pictures of what Socialism did to Venezuela
View attachment 163427 View attachment 163428 View attachment 163429 View attachment 163430
This is the season to go find out how they act. I have not been involved for a good many years but it is convention seasom. I guess I could get a suite and tie on and go to a few that I used to go to and see how they act. I have been to a few county engineer golf outings this summer. I know they are going cra cra about the highway fun d drying up in a couple of years. That is all they talk about. I have not attended much else to see how the rest are acting, but I will go to some and see how they are acting toward each other. the people in power are fairly easy to access if youi are willing to get out your check book or willing to volunteer. I sugest you all go out and find out for your selves.
... when they see each other constantly lie and distort and make cartoonish mountains out of molehills for nothing more than political advantage? And knowing that they have to do it too, and do it all the time?

I wonder if, behind the scenes, they joke about it, like pro wrestlers must do in the locker room.

Do you think they ever, when feeling a little guilt or shame over their ridiculous antics, confide in each other some kind of regret for their behavior? That that they hate doing this, but have to? Or do they just maintain this facade the moment they walk out of their house?

What do you think it's like, behind the scenes?

The majority of them think they are all on the same basic team, patricians, vs, the rest of us, the plebians.

It's about power and getting their way, nothing more or less.
... when they see each other constantly lie and distort and make cartoonish mountains out of molehills for nothing more than political advantage? And knowing that they have to do it too, and do it all the time?

I wonder if, behind the scenes, they joke about it, like pro wrestlers must do in the locker room.

Do you think they ever, when feeling a little guilt or shame over their ridiculous antics, confide in each other some kind of regret for their behavior? That that they hate doing this, but have to? Or do they just maintain this facade the moment they walk out of their house?

What do you think it's like, behind the scenes?

The majority of them think they are all on the same basic team, patricians, vs, the rest of us, the plebians.

It's about power and getting their way, nothing more or less.

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