Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

It’s obvious to us all what trump was trying to do.

I agree with comey. Impeachment let’s the American people off the hook. We need to vote trump out in2020. This is for the heart and soul of America. Who are we? People need to vote on trump.

People love and agree with President Trump
I see a landslide.
Yea but he’s made a lot of people sorry they didn’t show up and vote in 2016. We see that was true in 2018. Trump has angered too many as much as he has made his supporters happy.

We already know you’re voting for trump. You don’t speak for independents, moderates and people who didn’t vote in 2016. You have no idea.

Historically speaking 2018 was a loss for Democrats.
In MI, a state Trump needs, Democrats turned out in droves to vote against the GOP. If we show up like that in 2020 Trump loses. And we will. Enough is enough.
No one can predict the future-look at yesterday's events. Too many variables-lets say Trump is impeached-would he declare martial law just before he loses power?

Do you even understand what is going on yesterday and today?
We are moving farther away from impeachment and closer to announcing the Corruption of the Democratic Party from 2016 to now.
People love and agree with President Trump
I see a landslide.
Yea but he’s made a lot of people sorry they didn’t show up and vote in 2016. We see that was true in 2018. Trump has angered too many as much as he has made his supporters happy.

We already know you’re voting for trump. You don’t speak for independents, moderates and people who didn’t vote in 2016. You have no idea.

Historically speaking 2018 was a loss for Democrats.
In MI, a state Trump needs, Democrats turned out in droves to vote against the GOP. If we show up like that in 2020 Trump loses. And we will. Enough is enough.
No one can predict the future-look at yesterday's events. Too many variables-lets say Trump is impeached-would he declare martial law just before he loses power?
I can see the cock sucker not accepting the results or even rigging the election like Bush did in Florida 2000 and then again Ohio 2004. And the American people did nothing about it. I hope the Democrats are watching closely for all shinanigans. Hanging chads.
I did not like Bush or THAT election, but Trump was elected fairly. If Trump is impeached on this weak bullshit, I will not accept his removal and WILL back martial law.
People love and agree with President Trump
I see a landslide.
Yea but he’s made a lot of people sorry they didn’t show up and vote in 2016. We see that was true in 2018. Trump has angered too many as much as he has made his supporters happy.

We already know you’re voting for trump. You don’t speak for independents, moderates and people who didn’t vote in 2016. You have no idea.

Historically speaking 2018 was a loss for Democrats.
In MI, a state Trump needs, Democrats turned out in droves to vote against the GOP. If we show up like that in 2020 Trump loses. And we will. Enough is enough.
No one can predict the future-look at yesterday's events. Too many variables-lets say Trump is impeached-would he declare martial law just before he loses power?
I can see the cock sucker not accepting the results or even rigging the election like Bush did in Florida 2000 and then again Ohio 2004. And the American people did nothing about it. I hope the Democrats are watching closely for all shinanigans. Hanging chads.

Absolute Mental Retardation - Stop eating Tide Pods.
People love and agree with President Trump
I see a landslide.
Yea but he’s made a lot of people sorry they didn’t show up and vote in 2016. We see that was true in 2018. Trump has angered too many as much as he has made his supporters happy.

We already know you’re voting for trump. You don’t speak for independents, moderates and people who didn’t vote in 2016. You have no idea.

Historically speaking 2018 was a loss for Democrats.
In MI, a state Trump needs, Democrats turned out in droves to vote against the GOP. If we show up like that in 2020 Trump loses. And we will. Enough is enough.
No one can predict the future-look at yesterday's events. Too many variables-lets say Trump is impeached-would he declare martial law just before he loses power?

Do you even understand what is going on yesterday and today?
We are moving farther away from impeachment and closer to announcing the Corruption of the Democratic Party from 2016 to now.
I'm not sure about that-we'll have to wait and see.
It’s obvious to us all what trump was trying to do.

I agree with comey. Impeachment let’s the American people off the hook. We need to vote trump out in2020. This is for the heart and soul of America. Who are we? People need to vote on trump.

People love and agree with President Trump
I see a landslide.
Yea but he’s made a lot of people sorry they didn’t show up and vote in 2016. We see that was true in 2018. Trump has angered too many as much as he has made his supporters happy.

We already know you’re voting for trump. You don’t speak for independents, moderates and people who didn’t vote in 2016. You have no idea.

Historically speaking 2018 was a loss for Democrats.
Is that what the voices in your head are telling you, nutter butter?

You can look it up
It's not a secret.

This is what we were seeing just before the 2018 midterms

New poll shows young voters can't wait to vote GOP out in November

Youth vote enthusiasm has doubled since the last midterm cycle, and that's very bad news for the GOP.

The chant of "vote them out" rang out during last month's March For Our Lives event in Washington, D.C., as hundreds of thousands of activists protested. Millions more participated around the country and the globe.

In fact, nearly 5,000 new voters, most under the age of 30, registered to vote the day of the March for Our Lives rally.

And it's not just anecdotal; the youth vote WAS a major factor in the midterms.

A new Harvard Institute of Politics poll suggest that "vote them out" mantra is now a driving force in American politics, especially among young Democratic voters. This, as the student survivors from the Parkland, Florida, school gun massacre continue to reshape political activism in 2018.

And right now, the enthusiasm is sky high.

"Young Democrats are driving nearly all of the increase in enthusiasm; a majority (51%) report that they will 'definitely' vote in November," Axios reports.

That represents a gigantic gain from the 2014 midterm cycle, when just 28 percent of young Democratic voters (ages 18-29) were "definitely" going to vote.

Nationally, only 20 percent of voters ages 18-29 cast votes in the 2014 midterms, the lowest ever recorded, according to the Miami Herald.

Guns, healthcare, global warming, racism, pro choice, student loans, etc.

when a Republican candidate for the Maine state House called Parkland students Emma Gonzalez a "skinhead lesbian" and Hogg a "moron" and a "baldfaced liar" on Twitter, he had to drop outof the race because the backlash was so strong.

Meanwhile, the new Harvard youth poll comes just one day after a Reuters survey found that Republicans are leaking voters on the other end of the age spectrum — white, educated, older voters are moving away from the GOP.

In fact, there's been a 12-point swing toward Democrats among that crucial voting bloc.

Vote them out, indeed.

Yea but he’s made a lot of people sorry they didn’t show up and vote in 2016. We see that was true in 2018. Trump has angered too many as much as he has made his supporters happy.

We already know you’re voting for trump. You don’t speak for independents, moderates and people who didn’t vote in 2016. You have no idea.

Historically speaking 2018 was a loss for Democrats.
In MI, a state Trump needs, Democrats turned out in droves to vote against the GOP. If we show up like that in 2020 Trump loses. And we will. Enough is enough.
No one can predict the future-look at yesterday's events. Too many variables-lets say Trump is impeached-would he declare martial law just before he loses power?
I can see the cock sucker not accepting the results or even rigging the election like Bush did in Florida 2000 and then again Ohio 2004. And the American people did nothing about it. I hope the Democrats are watching closely for all shinanigans. Hanging chads.
I did not like Bush or THAT election, but Trump was elected fairly. If Trump is impeached on this weak bullshit, I will not accept his removal and WILL back martial law.
You're an idiot. If he got tossed out that would mean Republicans in the Senate also voted to impeach him.

He will be impeached the same way Clinton was. But unlike Clinton, this will cost him re election.

Republicans are hoping Trump doesn't get impeached but if he does, they're hoping it helps him get re elected. I doubt that. Not with all the anti Trump voters who are going to show up this time. They didn't for Hillary and they are sorry for that.
In MI, a state Trump needs, Democrats turned out in droves to vote against the GOP. If we show up like that in 2020 Trump loses. And we will. Enough is enough.

Possible. Just realize the fife and drums you hear at the end of that dream of yours are playing “Dixie” to a lot of disgruntled folks if that truly happens.
Well, the transcript is a giant nothingburger. And the 'whistleblower' is obviously a partisan joke. Better move on, Democrats. Nothing to see here except speculating on how many House seats you'll lose in 2020. Morons.
Yea but he’s made a lot of people sorry they didn’t show up and vote in 2016. We see that was true in 2018. Trump has angered too many as much as he has made his supporters happy.

We already know you’re voting for trump. You don’t speak for independents, moderates and people who didn’t vote in 2016. You have no idea.

Historically speaking 2018 was a loss for Democrats.
In MI, a state Trump needs, Democrats turned out in droves to vote against the GOP. If we show up like that in 2020 Trump loses. And we will. Enough is enough.
No one can predict the future-look at yesterday's events. Too many variables-lets say Trump is impeached-would he declare martial law just before he loses power?
I can see the cock sucker not accepting the results or even rigging the election like Bush did in Florida 2000 and then again Ohio 2004. And the American people did nothing about it. I hope the Democrats are watching closely for all shinanigans. Hanging chads.

Absolute Mental Retardation - Stop eating Tide Pods.

You guys said that when I said Bush lied us into Iraq. But then Trump admitted that was true and you voted for him. What gives? How come if I say something you say I'm retarded but when Trump says it you vote for him?
People love and agree with President Trump
I see a landslide.
Yea but he’s made a lot of people sorry they didn’t show up and vote in 2016. We see that was true in 2018. Trump has angered too many as much as he has made his supporters happy.

We already know you’re voting for trump. You don’t speak for independents, moderates and people who didn’t vote in 2016. You have no idea.

Historically speaking 2018 was a loss for Democrats.
Is that what the voices in your head are telling you, nutter butter?

You can look it up
It's not a secret.

This is what we were seeing just before the 2018 midterms

New poll shows young voters can't wait to vote GOP out in November

Youth vote enthusiasm has doubled since the last midterm cycle, and that's very bad news for the GOP.

The chant of "vote them out" rang out during last month's March For Our Lives event in Washington, D.C., as hundreds of thousands of activists protested. Millions more participated around the country and the globe.

In fact, nearly 5,000 new voters, most under the age of 30, registered to vote the day of the March for Our Lives rally.

And it's not just anecdotal; the youth vote WAS a major factor in the midterms.

A new Harvard Institute of Politics poll suggest that "vote them out" mantra is now a driving force in American politics, especially among young Democratic voters. This, as the student survivors from the Parkland, Florida, school gun massacre continue to reshape political activism in 2018.

And right now, the enthusiasm is sky high.

"Young Democrats are driving nearly all of the increase in enthusiasm; a majority (51%) report that they will 'definitely' vote in November," Axios reports.

That represents a gigantic gain from the 2014 midterm cycle, when just 28 percent of young Democratic voters (ages 18-29) were "definitely" going to vote.

Nationally, only 20 percent of voters ages 18-29 cast votes in the 2014 midterms, the lowest ever recorded, according to the Miami Herald.

Guns, healthcare, global warming, racism, pro choice, student loans, etc.

when a Republican candidate for the Maine state House called Parkland students Emma Gonzalez a "skinhead lesbian" and Hogg a "moron" and a "baldfaced liar" on Twitter, he had to drop outof the race because the backlash was so strong.

Meanwhile, the new Harvard youth poll comes just one day after a Reuters survey found that Republicans are leaking voters on the other end of the age spectrum — white, educated, older voters are moving away from the GOP.

In fact, there's been a 12-point swing toward Democrats among that crucial voting bloc.

Vote them out, indeed.

So, why waste time with this stuff now if the Democrats are going to win everything?
Historically speaking 2018 was a loss for Democrats.
In MI, a state Trump needs, Democrats turned out in droves to vote against the GOP. If we show up like that in 2020 Trump loses. And we will. Enough is enough.
No one can predict the future-look at yesterday's events. Too many variables-lets say Trump is impeached-would he declare martial law just before he loses power?
I can see the cock sucker not accepting the results or even rigging the election like Bush did in Florida 2000 and then again Ohio 2004. And the American people did nothing about it. I hope the Democrats are watching closely for all shinanigans. Hanging chads.
I did not like Bush or THAT election, but Trump was elected fairly. If Trump is impeached on this weak bullshit, I will not accept his removal and WILL back martial law.
You're an idiot. If he got tossed out that would mean Republicans in the Senate also voted to impeach him.

He will be impeached the same way Clinton was. But unlike Clinton, this will cost him re election.

Republicans are hoping Trump doesn't get impeached but if he does, they're hoping it helps him get re elected. I doubt that. Not with all the anti Trump voters who are going to show up this time. They didn't for Hillary and they are sorry for that.
Call me an idiot again-see what happens. I am saying I won't accept it no matter what the republicans(who are as dirty as democrats) do. Read what is written-not what you want to see.
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.

Because it's their last arrow in the quiver. Don't really matter if they are right or wrong (the dens) people are just sick of their three year long tantrum. Impeachment or not, Trump will be president in 2020 and democrats will have to live with it.
Historically speaking 2018 was a loss for Democrats.
In MI, a state Trump needs, Democrats turned out in droves to vote against the GOP. If we show up like that in 2020 Trump loses. And we will. Enough is enough.
No one can predict the future-look at yesterday's events. Too many variables-lets say Trump is impeached-would he declare martial law just before he loses power?
I can see the cock sucker not accepting the results or even rigging the election like Bush did in Florida 2000 and then again Ohio 2004. And the American people did nothing about it. I hope the Democrats are watching closely for all shinanigans. Hanging chads.

Absolute Mental Retardation - Stop eating Tide Pods.

You guys said that when I said Bush lied us into Iraq. But then Trump admitted that was true and you voted for him. What gives? How come if I say something you say I'm retarded but when Trump says it you vote for him?
I don't think Bush lied, he was just stupid and believed his INTEL people-dangerous. I never said you were retarded
I think there is real concern in both parties that Trump have committed something impeachable. That was not a clear case before. A whistle blower and the IG, neither are political positions were seriously concerned and the law, which is very clear on how to handle whistle blower reports is not being followed.

An impeachment inquiry is just that. An inquiry, and it might be what is needed to get Trump to give Congress what it is entitled to by law.

Part of the problem is Congress has been out to pasture for so long, it has for decades passively ceded authority to the Executive out of political has created this giant, bloated, unaccountable, unitary executive monster.

I will add that I am very very disturbrd by Barr.

You get disturbed when your panties get twisted. Barr has nothing to do with any of this.

You heard it in the lame stream media today that Barr was involved, despite the fact he was never a party to any of this.
Barr is on of the main figures in the whistle blower complaint.
In MI, a state Trump needs, Democrats turned out in droves to vote against the GOP. If we show up like that in 2020 Trump loses. And we will. Enough is enough.

Possible. Just realize the fife and drums you hear at the end of that dream of yours are playing “Dixie” to a lot of disgruntled folks if that truly happens.
I think there is real concern in both parties that Trump have committed something impeachable. That was not a clear case before. A whistle blower and the IG, neither are political positions were seriously concerned and the law, which is very clear on how to handle whistle blower reports is not being followed.

An impeachment inquiry is just that. An inquiry, and it might be what is needed to get Trump to give Congress what it is entitled to by law.

Part of the problem is Congress has been out to pasture for so long, it has for decades passively ceded authority to the Executive out of political has created this giant, bloated, unaccountable, unitary executive monster.

I will add that I am very very disturbrd by Barr.

You get disturbed when your panties get twisted. Barr has nothing to do with any of this.

You heard it in the lame stream media today that Barr was involved, despite the fact he was never a party to any of this.
Barr is on of the main figures in the whistle blower complaint.

I think there is real concern in both parties that Trump have committed something impeachable. That was not a clear case before. A whistle blower and the IG, neither are political positions were seriously concerned and the law, which is very clear on how to handle whistle blower reports is not being followed.

An impeachment inquiry is just that. An inquiry, and it might be what is needed to get Trump to give Congress what it is entitled to by law.

Part of the problem is Congress has been out to pasture for so long, it has for decades passively ceded authority to the Executive out of political has created this giant, bloated, unaccountable, unitary executive monster.

I will add that I am very very disturbrd by Barr.

If I were you, I would be too.
If I were you, I would sart thinking outside of your partisan envelope.

You do know Trump is legally required to send that whistleblower complaint to Congress right?

You are wrong. The law says the DNI should send it to Congress, but the so-called whistleblower is NOT! He doesn't have to do shit! That is what he is going to tell Congress today!
Huh? I did not say the whistle should send it. Only that the law is absolutely clear that it must be sent to Congress.

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