Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

While the Republicans and Democrats are fretting and cracking ....

...Meanwhile back on Earth, we've still got a trade spat with China to resolve, an out of control deficit, a conflict brewing with Iran and a whole host of other issues.

It's nice to know that our dearly beloved fucking nitwits in Washington are focusing on what's really important.:rolleyes:
It's nice to know that our dearly beloved fucking nitwits in Washington are focusing on what's really important.:rolleyes:
To them, "what's really important" is beating the other tribe at all costs.

Oh, and fundraising. And re-election.
It's nice to know that our dearly beloved fucking nitwits in Washington are focusing on what's really important.:rolleyes:
To them, "what's really important" is beating the other tribe at all costs.

Oh, and fundraising. And re-election.

What do you mean "beating the OTHER tribe"?

In Washington they're all the same fucking "tribe"; getting together in smoke filled back rooms discussing how to pull our puppet strings to make it US versus US instead of US versus THEM, this whole "impeachment thing" is just another scam to distract, divide and conquer the citizenry.
Pence 2019-how does that sound?

I wouldn't like it, but I would be ok with that.

I kind of miss the days where we could completely disagree with the person in office without questioning their integrity.

George W. Bush was that for me. I didn't like him and I disagreed with him on everything, but I believed he was a good man who genuinely wanted to do what he felt was right. It was kind of comforting knowing that the person in charge, despite your issues with him, wasn't a narcissistic lunatic. I'd be fine with Pence.

Not that it matters though. Trump could shoot a guy on 5th avenue and I don't think the Senate would convict him. So I don't expect anything to actually happen here.

You are an example of what's wrong with voting in this country. You don't vote based on the job a person is doing, you vote on how much you personally like the guy or not.

Pence is your typical dog and pony show baby kissing politician. You seldom know what the guy thinks on policy, he asks his people what he should feel about it just like every other professional politician. They look at polls, watch MSM, and then take a position.

Trump is the exact opposite, and that's why he's so refreshing in our political world. You know what HE is thinking, not his advisors, he fights back, and he's entertaining as all hell.
I wish somebody would do a study to see how much of their time the Democrats have spent talking or trying to figure out ways to get rid of Trump since they took leadership of Congress. Because I think Americans are getting very disgusted with their antics already.

Wrong. As usual.

Let's take a look at the 2018 midterm election results. In 2018, Democrats saw a record 70% increase in their vote totals compared to the last midterm election. The numbers indicate that Americans are getting disgusted with Trump's antics.

But those are just numbers. You know, facts. I'm sure you have some really compelling factual data that you'll provide for us to validate your non-biased position.

Both parties had a well above average turnout last midterms. Look it up. The problem is hate won instead of pragmatism. Because let's face it, the only thing Democrats have to offer is hate.

The Democrats are not only setting the stage for another Trump win, but also a turnover of leadership in the House. What they have to offer is a huge tax increase on the job creators in this country, a debt like we've never seen before, measures to disarm the public, getting rid of ICE so we virtually have no borders, and getting rid of beef products and forcing society to eat carrots the rest of our lives.

Your side has zero to offer Americans except higher taxes and more government control and dependency.

Russian  dressing.jpeg
I dunno - I'm sure the Democrats who feel obligated to satisfy their base will enjoy some benefits from this.

However, the Dems who have tough 2020 may be feeling a little sweaty right now.

And you never know, some interesting new information might come out. Or not.

Both bases will vote for their party candidate no matter ehst, like the lemmings they are. This might energize them a little but that’s all.

The only change I potentially see is the potential to push the center further Right with the lunacy and lack of real work being done by the Dems during this period. Maybe I’m wrong but I tend to doubt it.

Did they accidentally send them Coyote?

I still believe Trump is setting everyone up...
President Pence sounds like WWIII.
Trump just threw Pence under the bus.

President Pelosi, anyone?

Not a chance in hell...

You will get your Impeachment in the House but you will never get your conviction and removal.

Enjoy 2020 because Pelosi will discover the idiot ( Trump ) is going to play to his base and cause this nation to rip apart...
Pence 2019-how does that sound?

I wouldn't like it, but I would be ok with that.

I kind of miss the days where we could completely disagree with the person in office without questioning their integrity.

George W. Bush was that for me. I didn't like him and I disagreed with him on everything, but I believed he was a good man who genuinely wanted to do what he felt was right. It was kind of comforting knowing that the person in charge, despite your issues with him, wasn't a narcissistic lunatic. I'd be fine with Pence.

Not that it matters though. Trump could shoot a guy on 5th avenue and I don't think the Senate would convict him. So I don't expect anything to actually happen here.
I disagree with you-I would rather have a dick in office who gets things done, especially what I want, rather than a boot licker.
Pence 2019-how does that sound?

I wouldn't like it, but I would be ok with that.

I kind of miss the days where we could completely disagree with the person in office without questioning their integrity.

George W. Bush was that for me. I didn't like him and I disagreed with him on everything, but I believed he was a good man who genuinely wanted to do what he felt was right. It was kind of comforting knowing that the person in charge, despite your issues with him, wasn't a narcissistic lunatic. I'd be fine with Pence.

Not that it matters though. Trump could shoot a guy on 5th avenue and I don't think the Senate would convict him. So I don't expect anything to actually happen here.
I disagree with you-I would rather have a dick in office who gets things done, especially what I want, rather than a boot licker.
What has Trump gotten done, besides increasing the threat from North Korea and Russia?
Something like this while not getting past the coward repubs in the senate we will get a chance to see trumps dirty linen, 3 washing machines full, and air it out into the public How much is the pos going to hide before you repub idiots get it? Subpoenas not honored ,no tax returns ,no bank records etc etc
Nunya bidness.

Your Fascist lust for other people's private information will just have to go unquenched.

Go whine about something else for a while.

I think it's a great idea to impeach Trump leading up to the 2020 election. People have forgotten all the laws he has broken and all the lies. You almost need a trial to lay it all out systematically so the American people can realize what a criminal he is. Lock him up.

Because it's worked so well for you thus far.
Trump pulled a miracle in 2016. We took back the house in 18. Trump needed to win mi, pa and wi in 2016 and he won’t win all three again in 2020.

So in 2021 you will control the senate

We'll see.
Pence 2019-how does that sound?

I wouldn't like it, but I would be ok with that.

I kind of miss the days where we could completely disagree with the person in office without questioning their integrity.

George W. Bush was that for me. I didn't like him and I disagreed with him on everything, but I believed he was a good man who genuinely wanted to do what he felt was right. It was kind of comforting knowing that the person in charge, despite your issues with him, wasn't a narcissistic lunatic. I'd be fine with Pence.

Not that it matters though. Trump could shoot a guy on 5th avenue and I don't think the Senate would convict him. So I don't expect anything to actually happen here.
I disagree with you-I would rather have a dick in office who gets things done, especially what I want, rather than a boot licker.
What has Trump gotten done, besides increasing the threat from North Korea and Russia?
Jesus-read a newspaper-Tax cut, prison reform, wall building, ISIS end in Syria, Asylum reform, Pullout from useless groups-Paris accord, Iran deal, sanctions on Russia, North Korea, Iran, tariffs on China.
Not according to anything I read about it. It's entirely based on that phone call.

And thanks to that complaint, no leader from any other country will want to speak with a sitting US President from this point forward. Great job Democrats.

Some Lawmakers Get Look at Whistleblower Complaint

The complaint involves more than one episode and is based on a series of events, according to several people who attended or were briefed on a meeting last week between the intelligence committee inspector general and the House Intelligence Committee.
It’s obvious to us all what trump was trying to do.

I agree with comey. Impeachment let’s the American people off the hook. We need to vote trump out in2020. This is for the heart and soul of America. Who are we? People need to vote on trump.

People love and agree with President Trump
I see a landslide.
Yea but he’s made a lot of people sorry they didn’t show up and vote in 2016. We see that was true in 2018. Trump has angered too many as much as he has made his supporters happy.

We already know you’re voting for trump. You don’t speak for independents, moderates and people who didn’t vote in 2016. You have no idea.

Historically speaking 2018 was a loss for Democrats.
In MI, a state Trump needs, Democrats turned out in droves to vote against the GOP. If we show up like that in 2020 Trump loses. And we will. Enough is enough.
My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair?

That's pretty much it. Democrats haven't figured out that petulant tantrums and repeatedly false accusations are not an effective campaign strategy. At least with independent voters.

Worked for Trump!
Not according to anything I read about it. It's entirely based on that phone call.

And thanks to that complaint, no leader from any other country will want to speak with a sitting US President from this point forward. Great job Democrats.

Some Lawmakers Get Look at Whistleblower Complaint

The complaint involves more than one episode and is based on a series of events, according to several people who attended or were briefed on a meeting last week between the intelligence committee inspector general and the House Intelligence Committee.
It’s obvious to us all what trump was trying to do.

I agree with comey. Impeachment let’s the American people off the hook. We need to vote trump out in2020. This is for the heart and soul of America. Who are we? People need to vote on trump.

People love and agree with President Trump
I see a landslide.
Yea but he’s made a lot of people sorry they didn’t show up and vote in 2016. We see that was true in 2018. Trump has angered too many as much as he has made his supporters happy.

We already know you’re voting for trump. You don’t speak for independents, moderates and people who didn’t vote in 2016. You have no idea.

The midterms had historical turnouts for both parties, but unfortunately, hate won. All Democrats have to run on is fear and hate. They have no realistic ideas that won't bankrupt the country to make it a better place.

Nobody wants to hear about how we only have 10 years to live, how we need to remove beef from our diets for a greener country, how we need to abolish ICE and remove the barriers currently in place on our southern border, how we need to disarm more law abiding Americans, how we need to abandon planes and put in railroad tracks instead.

The leftist ideas are kooky ones at best. But I think most Americans live by the old adage, if it's not broke, don't fix it. And I hope Trump adopts Ronald Reagan's famous question: Are you better off today than you were four years ago?

Nobody wants to hear? You mean YOU don't want to hear it. Well that's why you will lose in 2020

The polls suggest that public opinion about climate change is in a state of upheaval. Even as President Donald Trump has cast doubt on climate change, most Americans have rejected his position. Record numbers of Americans describe climate change as a real and present danger.

The data are still striking, suggesting that U.S. concern about climate change has leapt by several points in just the past year. More than seven out of 10 Americans now say that global warming is “personally important” to them, an increase of nine points since March 2018, according to the Yale poll. More Americans than ever—29 percent—also say they are “very worried” about climate change, an eight-point increase.

Miscalculate on this please.
Some Lawmakers Get Look at Whistleblower Complaint

The complaint involves more than one episode and is based on a series of events, according to several people who attended or were briefed on a meeting last week between the intelligence committee inspector general and the House Intelligence Committee.
It’s obvious to us all what trump was trying to do.

I agree with comey. Impeachment let’s the American people off the hook. We need to vote trump out in2020. This is for the heart and soul of America. Who are we? People need to vote on trump.

People love and agree with President Trump
I see a landslide.
Yea but he’s made a lot of people sorry they didn’t show up and vote in 2016. We see that was true in 2018. Trump has angered too many as much as he has made his supporters happy.

We already know you’re voting for trump. You don’t speak for independents, moderates and people who didn’t vote in 2016. You have no idea.

Historically speaking 2018 was a loss for Democrats.
In MI, a state Trump needs, Democrats turned out in droves to vote against the GOP. If we show up like that in 2020 Trump loses. And we will. Enough is enough.
No one can predict the future-look at yesterday's events. Too many variables-lets say Trump is impeached-would he declare martial law just before he loses power?
It’s obvious to us all what trump was trying to do.

I agree with comey. Impeachment let’s the American people off the hook. We need to vote trump out in2020. This is for the heart and soul of America. Who are we? People need to vote on trump.

People love and agree with President Trump
I see a landslide.
Yea but he’s made a lot of people sorry they didn’t show up and vote in 2016. We see that was true in 2018. Trump has angered too many as much as he has made his supporters happy.

We already know you’re voting for trump. You don’t speak for independents, moderates and people who didn’t vote in 2016. You have no idea.

Historically speaking 2018 was a loss for Democrats.
In MI, a state Trump needs, Democrats turned out in droves to vote against the GOP. If we show up like that in 2020 Trump loses. And we will. Enough is enough.
No one can predict the future-look at yesterday's events. Too many variables-lets say Trump is impeached-would he declare martial law just before he loses power?
I can see the cock sucker not accepting the results or even rigging the election like Bush did in Florida 2000 and then again Ohio 2004. And the American people did nothing about it. I hope the Democrats are watching closely for all shinanigans. Hanging chads.
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.
The Democrats are just too insane with hate to understand that they are self destructing.
They are in danger of losing the House with their crazy impeachment push

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