Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

This whole thing is a worthless waste. Here’s what I expect to happen:

Multi-month series of investigations in the House leads to an eventual set of charges against Trump in the House.

Trump gets impeached by the House sling an almost perfect party-line vote.

Senate convened shortest impeachment trial in history before voting to acquit along party lines.

No party member votes in the 2020 election is changed by any of this bullshit. Independent voters see lack of Trump conviction and the lack of legislative action that can be undertaken during the impeachment as a black eye for Democrats and Trump narrowly wins re-election. Senate stays Republican and the House either returns to Republican control or in very narrowly Democrat controlled.

So basically this whole thing is a waste of time.
I dunno - I'm sure the Democrats who feel obligated to satisfy their base will enjoy some benefits from this.

However, the Dems who have tough 2020 may be feeling a little sweaty right now.

And you never know, some interesting new information might come out. Or not.
Trump breaking the law will not help Trump or Republicans. Trump is no Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton's favorables were up bigly. Trump's are not.

Trump scores a net negative of -33, with a favorable rating of 24% compared to 57% of voters who view him unfavorably.
You're confused.

It was Biden that bribed the Ukes to Obstruct Justice.

Presidents are allowed to make phone calls.

Actually, your not really confused... or honest..

We know you Republicans are going to try to make this about Biden. Go ahead. Try to find some wrongdoing they did. We already know you got nothing. Whatever you have now on Biden doesn't prove guilt of anything. You and Trump are pushing conspiracy theories.

Meanwhile, Trump got caught breaking the law. Trying to collude and put pressure on a foreign country to make up dirt on his political opponent. Lock him up.

No, Trump didn't do anything like that, and the transcripts of the phone call released today will reveal that.

Yes, if there was corruption between a leader of our country and a foreign country, Trump has every right to try and get information on it.

When Biden made that call, he made it in consultation with NATO Allies, and other members of the Obama Administration. He wasn’t doing this for his own benefit.

Trump’s phone call was self serving and illegal. Shame on anyone who defends this corruption.

Of course not. And he never had discussions with his son about a job that paid more than his did. You'll believe anything the MSM tells you, won't you?

There was nothing in that phone call. It's just another of the many lies the left has told you about Trump that was proven to be a lie. First off, you'd have to prove that's what he said, and secondly, you'd have to prove that money was withheld because Biden is a political adversary and not because of possible corruption by the Biden family.

I suppose you believe that if dope head was just any other American, he would have gotten a job like that anyway.
Now Mac is learning how Trump plays the game...
Trump acts like an idiot so that the mass would be stupid enough to think he is one...
No, I didn't say that. I think he is what he is. I seriously & literally think he has narcissistic personality disorder, and I don't think he's particularly intelligent. I don't think he "sets people up", I think he just tries to overwhelm people with the sheer force of his ego. I don't think he has the intellectual capacity to think this stuff through. He just does what hits him at the moment without much thought at all, and then sloppily tries to clean it up later.

Yep, and I have experience with that exact type. There's a real estate developer (big surprise) I know (but purposely don't work with) that is a carbon copy personality of the Orange Virus. Ironically, he's not a supporter but his ego gets him in so much trouble it's comical. Doesn't do 'details', just says shit without caring about the repercussions, shifts blame to whomever is the most convenient scapegoat, etc. Narcissism is welcomed in that industry, so personalities like Orange are familiar territory to me.

I'm just saying that the Democrats completely lost their shit when he won, and their various behaviors since then have often been so maniacally and blindly over the top that they could make even a guy like THIS into a victim.

Both parties are cancer right now.
That's funny, I have the same situation. I've known a guy who is so similar to Trump that it blows my mind. Interestingly, he's also from New York.

Lou just overwhelms people with his "personality", and people just give in to him to get him the fuck out of their face. Bring up Lou's name with the downtown movers & shakers, and you get a roll of the eyes and a shake of the head. He's a bull in the china shop 100% of the time, even when he doesn't need to be. You spend absolutely as little time as possible around him. But because of all that, he does often get his way. I guess that's "winning", but most people want no part of him.

Bring up Lou's name with the downtown movers & shakers, and you get a roll of the eyes and a shake of the head.

Exactly! :auiqs.jpg: Holy crap, that's exactly how it is with this guy as well. He's on contractor 'no-go' lists everywhere I my area. I suppose a-holes like these aren't all that uncommon at all.

You spend absolutely as little time as possible around him. But because of all that, he does often get his way. I guess that's "winning", but most people want no part of him.

Same, with most, but I'm the opposite - I just love, love, LOVE to fuck with the guy's head. Again, I don't work directly with him anymore due to his personality affliction, but man, can I ever leverage his own paranoia against him. Gives me great joy. :04:

Is this another one of those “billionaires are stupid, I’m smarter than billionaires” type of threads?
In your next post will you tell us how socialism is great and people deserve free shit? We all know successful people always support free shit for lowlifes...right?
Oh good, more fantasy from a winger.

It had been at least an hour.

Well you are a Socialist and I am a Trumpster, so ya know both sides lack the sense of what fence setters are...

But here it is your choice to throw or not:

I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.
The serious questions are for Biden.
Something like this while not getting past the coward repubs in the senate we will get a chance to see trumps dirty linen, 3 washing machines full, and air it out into the public How much is the pos going to hide before you repub idiots get it? Subpoenas not honored ,no tax returns ,no bank records etc etc
Nunya bidness.

Your Fascist lust for other people's private information will just have to go unquenched.

Go whine about something else for a while.

I think it's a great idea to impeach Trump leading up to the 2020 election. People have forgotten all the laws he has broken and all the lies. You almost need a trial to lay it all out systematically so the American people can realize what a criminal he is. Lock him up.

Because it's worked so well for you thus far.
Trump pulled a miracle in 2016. We took back the house in 18. Trump needed to win mi, pa and wi in 2016 and he won’t win all three again in 2020.

So in 2021 you will control the senate
Trump breaking the law will not help Trump or Republicans. Trump is no Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton's favorables were up bigly. Trump's are not.

Trump scores a net negative of -33, with a favorable rating of 24% compared to 57% of voters who view him unfavorably.
You're confused.

It was Biden that bribed the Ukes to Obstruct Justice.

Presidents are allowed to make phone calls.

Actually, your not really confused... or honest..

We know you Republicans are going to try to make this about Biden. Go ahead. Try to find some wrongdoing they did. We already know you got nothing. Whatever you have now on Biden doesn't prove guilt of anything. You and Trump are pushing conspiracy theories.

Meanwhile, Trump got caught breaking the law. Trying to collude and put pressure on a foreign country to make up dirt on his political opponent. Lock him up.

No, Trump didn't do anything like that, and the transcripts of the phone call released today will reveal that.

Yes, if there was corruption between a leader of our country and a foreign country, Trump has every right to try and get information on it.

When Biden made that call, he made it in consultation with NATO Allies, and other members of the Obama Administration. He wasn’t doing this for his own benefit.

Trump’s phone call was self serving and illegal. Shame on anyone who defends this corruption.

Of course not. And he never had discussions with his son about a job that paid more than his did. You'll believe anything the MSM tells you, won't you?

There was nothing in that phone call. It's just another of the many lies the left has told you about Trump that was proven to be a lie. First off, you'd have to prove that's what he said, and secondly, you'd have to prove that money was withheld because Biden is a political adversary and not because of possible corruption by the Biden family.

I suppose you believe that if dope head was just any other American, he would have gotten a job like that anyway.
This is sad. You’re such hypocrites
That's not impossible. If enough came to light during the investigation process to move moderate Republicans, this could get interesting.

The transcripts of the phone call were released today. Trump didn't even bother to fight it. Just like the last Kavanaugh scam, this scam will be over by the end of the week.
The transcript is irrelevent with out the complaint. If it is a nothing burger fine, but there are laws and procedures to be followed and we have a Nixonian distegard and arrogance towards the law right now.

How can they be irrelevant when that's supposedly what this impeachment scam is all about?
Because you are putting the cart ahead of the horse. It is an inquiry anfmd tbe document Congress is legally entitled to is the complaint. It may involve more than that phone call.

Not according to anything I read about it. It's entirely based on that phone call.

And thanks to that complaint, no leader from any other country will want to speak with a sitting US President from this point forward. Great job Democrats.

Some Lawmakers Get Look at Whistleblower Complaint

The complaint involves more than one episode and is based on a series of events, according to several people who attended or were briefed on a meeting last week between the intelligence committee inspector general and the House Intelligence Committee.
The transcripts of the phone call were released today. Trump didn't even bother to fight it. Just like the last Kavanaugh scam, this scam will be over by the end of the week.
The transcript is irrelevent with out the complaint. If it is a nothing burger fine, but there are laws and procedures to be followed and we have a Nixonian distegard and arrogance towards the law right now.

How can they be irrelevant when that's supposedly what this impeachment scam is all about?
Because you are putting the cart ahead of the horse. It is an inquiry anfmd tbe document Congress is legally entitled to is the complaint. It may involve more than that phone call.

Not according to anything I read about it. It's entirely based on that phone call.

And thanks to that complaint, no leader from any other country will want to speak with a sitting US President from this point forward. Great job Democrats.

Some Lawmakers Get Look at Whistleblower Complaint

The complaint involves more than one episode and is based on a series of events, according to several people who attended or were briefed on a meeting last week between the intelligence committee inspector general and the House Intelligence Committee.
It’s obvious to us all what trump was trying to do.

I agree with comey. Impeachment let’s the American people off the hook. We need to vote trump out in2020. This is for the heart and soul of America. Who are we? People need to vote on trump.
Dems in a panic mode? The orange moron is into groundhog day yapping about Hillary's E mail and even back to Bills trial Every day ,day in day out Hillary hillary hillary The man is demented definitely a screw loose
In case you haven't been keeping score, Trump just won again.

Demtards are so desperate for an impeachment Trump is playing them like a banjo.
So he broke the law and got caught on purpose? He's brilliant then. LOL

Quote the law broken.
The transcript is irrelevent with out the complaint. If it is a nothing burger fine, but there are laws and procedures to be followed and we have a Nixonian distegard and arrogance towards the law right now.

How can they be irrelevant when that's supposedly what this impeachment scam is all about?
Because you are putting the cart ahead of the horse. It is an inquiry anfmd tbe document Congress is legally entitled to is the complaint. It may involve more than that phone call.

Not according to anything I read about it. It's entirely based on that phone call.

And thanks to that complaint, no leader from any other country will want to speak with a sitting US President from this point forward. Great job Democrats.

Some Lawmakers Get Look at Whistleblower Complaint

The complaint involves more than one episode and is based on a series of events, according to several people who attended or were briefed on a meeting last week between the intelligence committee inspector general and the House Intelligence Committee.
It’s obvious to us all what trump was trying to do.

I agree with comey. Impeachment let’s the American people off the hook. We need to vote trump out in2020. This is for the heart and soul of America. Who are we? People need to vote on trump.

People love and agree with President Trump
I see a landslide.
How can they be irrelevant when that's supposedly what this impeachment scam is all about?
Because you are putting the cart ahead of the horse. It is an inquiry anfmd tbe document Congress is legally entitled to is the complaint. It may involve more than that phone call.

Not according to anything I read about it. It's entirely based on that phone call.

And thanks to that complaint, no leader from any other country will want to speak with a sitting US President from this point forward. Great job Democrats.

Some Lawmakers Get Look at Whistleblower Complaint

The complaint involves more than one episode and is based on a series of events, according to several people who attended or were briefed on a meeting last week between the intelligence committee inspector general and the House Intelligence Committee.
It’s obvious to us all what trump was trying to do.

I agree with comey. Impeachment let’s the American people off the hook. We need to vote trump out in2020. This is for the heart and soul of America. Who are we? People need to vote on trump.

People love and agree with President Trump
I see a landslide.
69% of voters dislike Trump.

Poll: Record 69% of voters say they dislike Trump personally
How can they be irrelevant when that's supposedly what this impeachment scam is all about?
Because you are putting the cart ahead of the horse. It is an inquiry anfmd tbe document Congress is legally entitled to is the complaint. It may involve more than that phone call.

Not according to anything I read about it. It's entirely based on that phone call.

And thanks to that complaint, no leader from any other country will want to speak with a sitting US President from this point forward. Great job Democrats.

Some Lawmakers Get Look at Whistleblower Complaint

The complaint involves more than one episode and is based on a series of events, according to several people who attended or were briefed on a meeting last week between the intelligence committee inspector general and the House Intelligence Committee.
It’s obvious to us all what trump was trying to do.

I agree with comey. Impeachment let’s the American people off the hook. We need to vote trump out in2020. This is for the heart and soul of America. Who are we? People need to vote on trump.

People love and agree with President Trump
I see a landslide.
Yea but he’s made a lot of people sorry they didn’t show up and vote in 2016. We see that was true in 2018. Trump has angered too many as much as he has made his supporters happy.

We already know you’re voting for trump. You don’t speak for independents, moderates and people who didn’t vote in 2016. You have no idea.
Because you are putting the cart ahead of the horse. It is an inquiry anfmd tbe document Congress is legally entitled to is the complaint. It may involve more than that phone call.

Not according to anything I read about it. It's entirely based on that phone call.

And thanks to that complaint, no leader from any other country will want to speak with a sitting US President from this point forward. Great job Democrats.

Some Lawmakers Get Look at Whistleblower Complaint

The complaint involves more than one episode and is based on a series of events, according to several people who attended or were briefed on a meeting last week between the intelligence committee inspector general and the House Intelligence Committee.
It’s obvious to us all what trump was trying to do.

I agree with comey. Impeachment let’s the American people off the hook. We need to vote trump out in2020. This is for the heart and soul of America. Who are we? People need to vote on trump.

People love and agree with President Trump
I see a landslide.
Yea but he’s made a lot of people sorry they didn’t show up and vote in 2016. We see that was true in 2018. Trump has angered too many as much as he has made his supporters happy.

We already know you’re voting for trump. You don’t speak for independents, moderates and people who didn’t vote in 2016. You have no idea.

That whole nobody showed up in 2016 is a myth
The percent was a typical number.
Because you are putting the cart ahead of the horse. It is an inquiry anfmd tbe document Congress is legally entitled to is the complaint. It may involve more than that phone call.

Not according to anything I read about it. It's entirely based on that phone call.

And thanks to that complaint, no leader from any other country will want to speak with a sitting US President from this point forward. Great job Democrats.

Some Lawmakers Get Look at Whistleblower Complaint

The complaint involves more than one episode and is based on a series of events, according to several people who attended or were briefed on a meeting last week between the intelligence committee inspector general and the House Intelligence Committee.
It’s obvious to us all what trump was trying to do.

I agree with comey. Impeachment let’s the American people off the hook. We need to vote trump out in2020. This is for the heart and soul of America. Who are we? People need to vote on trump.

People love and agree with President Trump
I see a landslide.
Yea but he’s made a lot of people sorry they didn’t show up and vote in 2016. We see that was true in 2018. Trump has angered too many as much as he has made his supporters happy.

We already know you’re voting for trump. You don’t speak for independents, moderates and people who didn’t vote in 2016. You have no idea.

Historically speaking 2018 was a loss for Democrats.
The transcript is irrelevent with out the complaint. If it is a nothing burger fine, but there are laws and procedures to be followed and we have a Nixonian distegard and arrogance towards the law right now.

How can they be irrelevant when that's supposedly what this impeachment scam is all about?
Because you are putting the cart ahead of the horse. It is an inquiry anfmd tbe document Congress is legally entitled to is the complaint. It may involve more than that phone call.

Not according to anything I read about it. It's entirely based on that phone call.

And thanks to that complaint, no leader from any other country will want to speak with a sitting US President from this point forward. Great job Democrats.

Some Lawmakers Get Look at Whistleblower Complaint

The complaint involves more than one episode and is based on a series of events, according to several people who attended or were briefed on a meeting last week between the intelligence committee inspector general and the House Intelligence Committee.
It’s obvious to us all what trump was trying to do.

I agree with comey. Impeachment let’s the American people off the hook. We need to vote trump out in2020. This is for the heart and soul of America. Who are we? People need to vote on trump.
All progressives are fucked in the head
My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair?

That's pretty much it. Democrats haven't figured out that petulant tantrums and repeatedly false accusations are not an effective campaign strategy. At least with independent voters.

The only petulant tantrums belong to Donald you trumpian imbecile

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