Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

Not according to anything I read about it. It's entirely based on that phone call.

And thanks to that complaint, no leader from any other country will want to speak with a sitting US President from this point forward. Great job Democrats.

Some Lawmakers Get Look at Whistleblower Complaint

The complaint involves more than one episode and is based on a series of events, according to several people who attended or were briefed on a meeting last week between the intelligence committee inspector general and the House Intelligence Committee.
It’s obvious to us all what trump was trying to do.

I agree with comey. Impeachment let’s the American people off the hook. We need to vote trump out in2020. This is for the heart and soul of America. Who are we? People need to vote on trump.

People love and agree with President Trump
I see a landslide.
Yea but he’s made a lot of people sorry they didn’t show up and vote in 2016. We see that was true in 2018. Trump has angered too many as much as he has made his supporters happy.

We already know you’re voting for trump. You don’t speak for independents, moderates and people who didn’t vote in 2016. You have no idea.

Historically speaking 2018 was a loss for Democrats.
Is that what the voices in your head are telling you, nutter butter?
Not according to anything I read about it. It's entirely based on that phone call.

And thanks to that complaint, no leader from any other country will want to speak with a sitting US President from this point forward. Great job Democrats.

Some Lawmakers Get Look at Whistleblower Complaint

The complaint involves more than one episode and is based on a series of events, according to several people who attended or were briefed on a meeting last week between the intelligence committee inspector general and the House Intelligence Committee.
It’s obvious to us all what trump was trying to do.

I agree with comey. Impeachment let’s the American people off the hook. We need to vote trump out in2020. This is for the heart and soul of America. Who are we? People need to vote on trump.

People love and agree with President Trump
I see a landslide.
Yea but he’s made a lot of people sorry they didn’t show up and vote in 2016. We see that was true in 2018. Trump has angered too many as much as he has made his supporters happy.

We already know you’re voting for trump. You don’t speak for independents, moderates and people who didn’t vote in 2016. You have no idea.

Historically speaking 2018 was a loss for Democrats.

Do you understand what historically means?
Obama had a disastrous first midterm.
Trump held the Senate that his coattails help to win.
The house lost a quantity about comensarute to the number that retired.
Use your brain.
Some Lawmakers Get Look at Whistleblower Complaint

The complaint involves more than one episode and is based on a series of events, according to several people who attended or were briefed on a meeting last week between the intelligence committee inspector general and the House Intelligence Committee.
It’s obvious to us all what trump was trying to do.

I agree with comey. Impeachment let’s the American people off the hook. We need to vote trump out in2020. This is for the heart and soul of America. Who are we? People need to vote on trump.

People love and agree with President Trump
I see a landslide.
Yea but he’s made a lot of people sorry they didn’t show up and vote in 2016. We see that was true in 2018. Trump has angered too many as much as he has made his supporters happy.

We already know you’re voting for trump. You don’t speak for independents, moderates and people who didn’t vote in 2016. You have no idea.

Historically speaking 2018 was a loss for Democrats.
Is that what the voices in your head are telling you, nutter butter?

You can look it up
It's not a secret.
My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair?

That's pretty much it. Democrats haven't figured out that petulant tantrums and repeatedly false accusations are not an effective campaign strategy. At least with independent voters.

The only petulant tantrums belong to Donald you trumpian imbecile

This is a textual medium. Please learn to punctuate and capitalize.
Because you are putting the cart ahead of the horse. It is an inquiry anfmd tbe document Congress is legally entitled to is the complaint. It may involve more than that phone call.

Not according to anything I read about it. It's entirely based on that phone call.

And thanks to that complaint, no leader from any other country will want to speak with a sitting US President from this point forward. Great job Democrats.

Some Lawmakers Get Look at Whistleblower Complaint

The complaint involves more than one episode and is based on a series of events, according to several people who attended or were briefed on a meeting last week between the intelligence committee inspector general and the House Intelligence Committee.
It’s obvious to us all what trump was trying to do.

I agree with comey. Impeachment let’s the American people off the hook. We need to vote trump out in2020. This is for the heart and soul of America. Who are we? People need to vote on trump.

People love and agree with President Trump
I see a landslide.
Yea but he’s made a lot of people sorry they didn’t show up and vote in 2016. We see that was true in 2018. Trump has angered too many as much as he has made his supporters happy.

We already know you’re voting for trump. You don’t speak for independents, moderates and people who didn’t vote in 2016. You have no idea.

The midterms had historical turnouts for both parties, but unfortunately, hate won. All Democrats have to run on is fear and hate. They have no realistic ideas that won't bankrupt the country to make it a better place.

Nobody wants to hear about how we only have 10 years to live, how we need to remove beef from our diets for a greener country, how we need to abolish ICE and remove the barriers currently in place on our southern border, how we need to disarm more law abiding Americans, how we need to abandon planes and put in railroad tracks instead.

The leftist ideas are kooky ones at best. But I think most Americans live by the old adage, if it's not broke, don't fix it. And I hope Trump adopts Ronald Reagan's famous question: Are you better off today than you were four years ago?
You're confused.

It was Biden that bribed the Ukes to Obstruct Justice.

Presidents are allowed to make phone calls.

Actually, your not really confused... or honest..

We know you Republicans are going to try to make this about Biden. Go ahead. Try to find some wrongdoing they did. We already know you got nothing. Whatever you have now on Biden doesn't prove guilt of anything. You and Trump are pushing conspiracy theories.

Meanwhile, Trump got caught breaking the law. Trying to collude and put pressure on a foreign country to make up dirt on his political opponent. Lock him up.

No, Trump didn't do anything like that, and the transcripts of the phone call released today will reveal that.

Yes, if there was corruption between a leader of our country and a foreign country, Trump has every right to try and get information on it.

When Biden made that call, he made it in consultation with NATO Allies, and other members of the Obama Administration. He wasn’t doing this for his own benefit.

Trump’s phone call was self serving and illegal. Shame on anyone who defends this corruption.

Of course not. And he never had discussions with his son about a job that paid more than his did. You'll believe anything the MSM tells you, won't you?

There was nothing in that phone call. It's just another of the many lies the left has told you about Trump that was proven to be a lie. First off, you'd have to prove that's what he said, and secondly, you'd have to prove that money was withheld because Biden is a political adversary and not because of possible corruption by the Biden family.

I suppose you believe that if dope head was just any other American, he would have gotten a job like that anyway.
This is sad. You’re such hypocrites

Is that so? In what way? Give us an example please.
Trump is turning on his own family. he's toast and he knows it

Trump snubs Jared Kushner’s signature accomplishment

That's just gossip and 3rd party analysis.. His BIGGEST accomplishment so far is not caving to massive childish tantrums and fake news by the opposition and the media... MOST Republicans would have opened their shirts for the whipping and THANKED their tormentors....

And this latest Kamikaze attack by the deranged opposition will just backfire on them like 47 other badly conceived phony attacks have already done.. These mental midgets plotting this drama couldn't organize a cookie sale and are looking a lot like Wiley Coyote right now...

So his biggest accomplishment is that he stood up to the media?

If that’s his biggest accomplishment, then Trump has done jack shit as President.

FFS I’m a NeverTrumper, and I can give a more resounding defense of his Presidency than that.

Obviously, your life and career haven't been savagely attacked by 80% of the media, an entire deranged and hateful and childly opposition party and the top officers of the FBI and Intel community for about 3 years straight. He's had 2 or 3 colonscopies a day by Ivan the Terrible and he's still chipper...

It's no small feat... Makes Hercules cleaning out a stable sound like Sesame Street stuff...

Never meant to ignore the fact that he's virtually the ONLY political leader doing real work and using common sense... So you read that wrong..

I'm just more of a fan humble and "measured", than I am of frequently trolling megalomaniacs as President.. He's not my choice.. But -- he's the ONLY political leader we seem to have right now that gets up every morning to care of business.. His evil plan to re-elected seems to be to ACTUALLY WORK ON policy and administering the government.. :21: And make sure he reminds the public every day of how many IMPORTANT things vital to actual life in America are NOT getting done by all our other "leaders" who are tossing hissy fits or comatose..

That's a good thing...

Is that the modus operandi of any of 4 "leaders" of Congress? Dont think so... He's a bad example of someone that actually EXPECTS to get shit shoveled... Making the rest of them look like Jabba the Hut...
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I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.
thats not the only reason ...... the more the dems hold hearings the more they expose what is really going on in the deep state... they are incriminating themselves by trying to incriminate Trump !
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.
I would be surprised if this proceeds very far. The Hunter Biden Board position is a big smelly fish that the Democrats covered up, but if this "Inquiry" grows into a real attempt to Impeach you can bet the covers will be off that big smelly fish and there is no logical reason other than Joe Biden making himself beholden to a Ukranian Energy interest. That is called conflict of interest.
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.
A left-leaning, Biden-supporting, Intel Agency whistle blower who has no 1st-hand knowledge of the conversation held between the 2 leaders...Impeachment declaration before seeing the transcript - which destroys the false narrative, & the Ukraine PM saying it never happened....


Democrats just shot themselves in the face.

I think there is real concern in both parties that Trump have committed something impeachable. That was not a clear case before. A whistle blower and the IG, neither are political positions were seriously concerned and the law, which is very clear on how to handle whistle blower reports is not being followed.

An impeachment inquiry is just that. An inquiry, and it might be what is needed to get Trump to give Congress what it is entitled to by law.

Part of the problem is Congress has been out to pasture for so long, it has for decades passively ceded authority to the Executive out of political has created this giant, bloated, unaccountable, unitary executive monster.

I will add that I am very very disturbrd by Barr.

You get disturbed when your panties get twisted. Barr has nothing to do with any of this.

You heard it in the lame stream media today that Barr was involved, despite the fact he was never a party to any of this.
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I think there is real concern in both parties that Trump have committed something impeachable. That was not a clear case before. A whistle blower and the IG, neither are political positions were seriously concerned and the law, which is very clear on how to handle whistle blower reports is not being followed.

An impeachment inquiry is just that. An inquiry, and it might be what is needed to get Trump to give Congress what it is entitled to by law.

Part of the problem is Congress has been out to pasture for so long, it has for decades passively ceded authority to the Executive out of political has created this giant, bloated, unaccountable, unitary executive monster.

I will add that I am very very disturbrd by Barr.

If I were you, I would be too.
If I were you, I would sart thinking outside of your partisan envelope.

You do know Trump is legally required to send that whistleblower complaint to Congress right?

You are wrong. The law says the DNI should send it to Congress, but the so-called whistleblower is NOT! He doesn't have to do shit! That is what he is going to tell Congress today!
I wish somebody would do a study to see how much of their time the Democrats have spent talking or trying to figure out ways to get rid of Trump since they took leadership of Congress. Because I think Americans are getting very disgusted with their antics already.

Wrong. As usual.

Let's take a look at the 2018 midterm election results. In 2018, Democrats saw a record 70% increase in their vote totals compared to the last midterm election. The numbers indicate that Americans are getting disgusted with Trump's antics.

But those are just numbers. You know, facts. I'm sure you have some really compelling factual data that you'll provide for us to validate your non-biased position.
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.

You have to have reason to impeach. Butt-hurt isn't good enough. I heard a Senator today say he should be impeached "cuz he's racist". Even the Biden BS isn't cause. While Trump was stupid, he did nothing illegal.
Pence 2019-how does that sound?

I wouldn't like it, but I would be ok with that.

I kind of miss the days where we could completely disagree with the person in office without questioning their integrity.

George W. Bush was that for me. I didn't like him and I disagreed with him on everything, but I believed he was a good man who genuinely wanted to do what he felt was right. It was kind of comforting knowing that the person in charge, despite your issues with him, wasn't a narcissistic lunatic. I'd be fine with Pence.

Not that it matters though. Trump could shoot a guy on 5th avenue and I don't think the Senate would convict him. So I don't expect anything to actually happen here.

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