Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing


A sore loser even before he loses.

Pragmatic; I am pragmatic.

A sore lose ain't so bad, a sore winner is an asshole.

Hard for the the GOP to further destroy what Obama has pretty much trashed.

Pragmatic that.

What did President Obama Trash?
Workers when he said "you didn't build that". That POS never did a day's work in his life and he criticizes me and my fellow workers without knowing a damn thing? Screw him, the lazy bastard!

Did the owner build the infrastructure necessary for the business to operate?

That you buy into that bullshit suggests you are not very bright.

Can you find a good argument to make.

This one is old, worn out and still as stupid today as it was when it was first tried (you didn't build that....).
If you're wrong, and if the Chief Justice makes sure the Senate "trial" is above board, and if the evidence is beyond a reasonable doubt, and if the Republican Senators vote to acquit Trump, then one of two thing will happen:
  1. Trump, McConnell and the Republican Party will have destroyed our Founders Vision; or,
  2. The People will be outraged, and the Republican Party will go the way of the Whigs.


A sore loser even before he loses.

Pragmatic; I am pragmatic.

A sore lose ain't so bad, a sore winner is an asshole.

Hard for the the GOP to further destroy what Obama has pretty much trashed.

Pragmatic that.

What did President Obama Trash?

The list of what he didn't trash would be much shorter.


Idiot-Gram ^^^, variety, bigoted damn liar genre.
You misread. Here is the thread...

According to socialists no individual deserves any money that they earned, deadbeats deserve other peoples money

Why are you talking about socialists?

Progressivism socialism same difference... A cancer on society

You obviously don’t understand the difference. Study up before you say things like that, you won’t sound as stupid

Tell us the difference. And try not to sound stupid

I have no time for all your equivocation. You wanna play this shell game, where you advocate socialism when it's convenient, and then pretend otherwise when it's not. Have the courage of your convictions for chrissake.
When did I advocate socialism?

You are misleading and distracting again.

Ha.. yeah. Uh huh, sure man. Dance your little dance.
What’s my dance? Asking you to back up your lies? If you could answer the question you would and prove me wrong. Instead you talk about dancing. How very transparent. Grow up and learn how to have an honest conversation

Fuck off. If you really had any balls, you'd argue for what you believe in instead of playing all the silly word games.
I’m happy to argue what I believe. I’m a business owner and entrepreneur that likes small government and low taxes. If you had any sense of conversation you’d ask questions and know that but you are so desperate to lie and define me you don’t even try to get to the truth. Either way, you lied twice about things I’ve said and then diverted when I called you on it. That’s pathetic. Do better
Pragmatic; I am pragmatic.

A sore lose ain't so bad, a sore winner is an asshole.

Hard for the the GOP to further destroy what Obama has pretty much trashed.

Pragmatic that.

What did President Obama Trash?

Workers when he said "you didn't build that". That POS never did a day's work in his life and he criticizes me and my fellow workers without knowing a damn thing? Screw him, the lazy bastard!

Did the owner build the infrastructure necessary for the business to operate?

That you buy into that bullshit suggests you are not very bright.

Can you find a good argument to make.

This one is old, worn out and still as stupid today as it was when it was first tried (you didn't build that....).

It's not an argument, it's a fact. Unless you are stupid, or a total ignoramus, you know this to be true. Government floats bonds to build roads, water and sewer systems, issue permits to build small and large businesses and industries which are built by construction workers paid out of the revenue produced from the bonds.

Tax payers provide the funds to pay off the bonds, which provide investors in the bonds for their profit. It's capitalism at work.
Pragmatic; I am pragmatic.

A sore lose ain't so bad, a sore winner is an asshole.

Hard for the the GOP to further destroy what Obama has pretty much trashed.

Pragmatic that.

What did President Obama Trash?
Workers when he said "you didn't build that". That POS never did a day's work in his life and he criticizes me and my fellow workers without knowing a damn thing? Screw him, the lazy bastard!

Did the owner build the infrastructure necessary for the business to operate?

That you buy into that bullshit suggests you are not very bright.

Can you find a good argument to make.

This one is old, worn out and still as stupid today as it was when it was first tried (you didn't build that....).
That IS the only thing I have against Obama-it affects ME personally,and my pride in MY work-Yes I built that! If I called him a low level ghetto boy, think he would be upset? Of course, but no old worn arguments about that, please!
Hard for the the GOP to further destroy what Obama has pretty much trashed.

Pragmatic that.

What did President Obama Trash?
Workers when he said "you didn't build that". That POS never did a day's work in his life and he criticizes me and my fellow workers without knowing a damn thing? Screw him, the lazy bastard!

Did the owner build the infrastructure necessary for the business to operate?

That you buy into that bullshit suggests you are not very bright.

Can you find a good argument to make.

This one is old, worn out and still as stupid today as it was when it was first tried (you didn't build that....).
That IS the only thing I have against Obama-it affects ME personally,and my pride in MY work-Yes I built that! If I called him a low level ghetto boy, think he would be upset? Of course, but no old worn arguments about that, please!

Which Obama....

The one who tried to trash health care or the one who said she was "finally" proud of her country ?
What did President Obama Trash?
Workers when he said "you didn't build that". That POS never did a day's work in his life and he criticizes me and my fellow workers without knowing a damn thing? Screw him, the lazy bastard!

Did the owner build the infrastructure necessary for the business to operate?

That you buy into that bullshit suggests you are not very bright.

Can you find a good argument to make.

This one is old, worn out and still as stupid today as it was when it was first tried (you didn't build that....).
That IS the only thing I have against Obama-it affects ME personally,and my pride in MY work-Yes I built that! If I called him a low level ghetto boy, think he would be upset? Of course, but no old worn arguments about that, please!

Which Obama....

The one who tried to trash health care or the one who said she was "finally" proud of her country ?
Either, any, I'm still pissed if you couldn't tell.
View attachment 282162
Do you think what Biden said was some what questionable?
I think Biden acted in coordination with our government and that of our Allies. So the motives you assign to him you have to assign to everybody.

Now if Biden went rogue and threatened to pull the loan to fire a guy without the sanction of our government then hell yes that would be inappropriate. But there is ZERO EVIDENCE that happened. Your story is a fabrication.
So you aren’t interested in how many meetings hunter Biden showed up for? Interesting
When did I say I wasnt interested in that?

You just love jumping to conclusions don’t ya?
So should we lookin to it??
I haven’t heard any good reasons to except for political distractions and ammo for Trump to use against Joe.

Should we dig into the Trump boys and investigate them to see if they’ve been committing any business crimes or tax fraud?

Trump has been investigated since he took office. Think it's only fair it's another persons turn?
Vapid whining. There is no reason to think he did anything wrong. You fools are just making shit up. I can't be any more clear.
/----/Even though Biden bragged about it -- yeah no proof -- if you're a libtard moonbat.
No he didn't. Sorry my cultists are going to have to peddle your embarrassing, desperate nonsense to someone else.
/—-/ So Joe isn’t on this video..

Correct. Not evidence of your fantasies.

If you keep this up we may need to add the Great State of Denial as our 51st. :cool:

Quips will not save the orange turd.
/----/Even though Biden bragged about it -- yeah no proof -- if you're a libtard moonbat.
No he didn't. Sorry my cultists are going to have to peddle your embarrassing, desperate nonsense to someone else.
/—-/ So Joe isn’t on this video..

Correct. Not evidence of your fantasies.

If you keep this up we may need to add the Great State of Denial as our 51st. :cool:

Quips will not save the orange turd.

Are you still talking about trump UkrainE? Lol poor democrat haha 2025 will fly by haha
View attachment 282162
I think Biden acted in coordination with our government and that of our Allies. So the motives you assign to him you have to assign to everybody.

Now if Biden went rogue and threatened to pull the loan to fire a guy without the sanction of our government then hell yes that would be inappropriate. But there is ZERO EVIDENCE that happened. Your story is a fabrication.
So you aren’t interested in how many meetings hunter Biden showed up for? Interesting
When did I say I wasnt interested in that?

You just love jumping to conclusions don’t ya?
So should we lookin to it??
I haven’t heard any good reasons to except for political distractions and ammo for Trump to use against Joe.

Should we dig into the Trump boys and investigate them to see if they’ve been committing any business crimes or tax fraud?

Trump has been investigated since he took office. Think it's only fair it's another persons turn?
Start with Schiff
I'm not worried at all. Now if our economy wasn't the pride of the world, you may have greater concern. But people are making more money, they are paying less taxes, no longer victims of Commie Care fines, and more jobs than Americans to fill them.
Voters will always vote for what's best for them personally.

Damn Ray.....

Do you realize you just described Venezuela only a few years before Hugo and the Left plunged the country into chaos?
Venezuelans didn't elect Chavez.....OR Maduro....corruption did. Good thing we don't have that here.

Sadly, I feel most on the Right are also "Not worried at all". In fact so many are so relaxed and sure, they feel their participation won't even be needed in 2020.
There'll be PLENTY of votes for Trump, even if I stay home. (x 30,000,000)

"Trump is guaranteed to win". No doubt.

You have to remember we Republicans take out our anger differently than those on the left.

When the left gets pissed off, they have protests, riots in the street, destroying private and public property. We on the right get so pissed off that we make sure to make it to the polls hell over high water.

Not to worry. The last thing we Republicans will do is become complacent. If you don't believe me, just check out the standing room only events where Trump appears, compared to Biden who can't pack a high school cafeteria.
"We on the right get so pissed off that we make sure to make it to the polls hell over high water."

Oh? When was the last presidential election where more Republicans voted than Democrats?

George Bush.

But more than that was the midterms during DumBama.
Other presidents have been under attack 24/7: Clinton, GW Bush, and Obama. Clinton went through impeachment for a relatively minor offense and years of non stop ever expanding just don’t buy that as an excuse.

Minor offenses? You try testifying in court and found to be guilty of perjury. I guarantee you won't get the same treatment as Bill Clinton did under the law.
"You try testifying in court and found to be guilty of perjury."

Scooter Libby tried that -- and was found guilty.

First, you yahoo's cheered when Bush commuted his sentence.

Then y'all did cartwheels when Trump gave him a full pardon.

Your shit doesn't fly around here.

You are comparing direct knowledge vs process crimes. It's one of the reasons Trump never accepted being interviewed by Mueller. You can choke anybody up by bringing up things they might have forgotten about, perhaps dates, places, whatever.

They knew all along that Richard Armitage was the real leaker. And what happened to him????

So of course Bush commuted his sentence. It was a witch hunt right from the beginning. Now would you like to compare what Clinton was sentenced to compared to Libby????
Scooter was the original leaker. But it was the reporter with whom Armitage leaked who actually ran with the story and published it.

Regardless.... Libby intentionally lied to federal investigators, was tried & convicted of perjury and you rightards proved you don't actually give a shit about perjury. Shit, even after begin convicted, here you are still defending Libby.

Maybe now you realize what a flaming goof you look like saying, "Minor offenses? You try testifying in court and found to be guilty of perjury. I guarantee you won't get the same treatment as Bill Clinton did under the law."

I guess you have a hard time distinguishing between process crimes and real crimes. But that's expected of a leftist.

So how many years was Bill Clinton sentenced to prison?

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