Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

the fact you aren't concerned with Biden doing something wrong, is our proof you have no objectivity at all
Vapid whining. There is no reason to think he did anything wrong. You fools are just making shit up. I can't be any more clear.
/----/Even though Biden bragged about it -- yeah no proof -- if you're a libtard moonbat.
No he didn't. Sorry my cultists are going to have to peddle your embarrassing, desperate nonsense to someone else.
/—-/ So Joe isn’t on this video..
Trump is in melt down mode. His diehards probably love it but for normal people when our POTUS sends close to 50 tweets in 24 hours and brings up things like civil war, treason, confronting the whistleblower, White House spy’s etc etc etc it get real old. If we are talking about political strategy then I’m not seeing the brilliance from trump here I’m seeing a tail spin.

Oh good grief. You act like Trump wasn't a drama queen until now. This is what the man does. Chill out, and move on.
No shit, which is why he has faced such stark opposition since he entered politics. He is crossing lines left and right and even his own friends and supporters in congress are starting to speak out against his meltdowns. The wall is cracking. It isn’t pretty

Hold up.... "That" is why he has faced such stark opposition?

Obama was opposed.
Bush was opposed.
Clinton was opposed.
Bush Sr. was opposed.
Reagan was opposed.
Carter was opposed.

All of them... ALL of them... faced 'stark opposition'.

You are telling me that if Trump had been this refined upstanding person, like Mitt Romney, that the Democrats would not have opposed every single thing he did? Like cutting taxes, reducing regulation, moving the embassy to the capital of Israel, opposing N.Korea, and canceling the Iran "go-ahead-and-build-a-bomb" deal?

Nah, the left would have opposed every single thing, and done so with just as much vitriol and hate. And I know this because Mitt Romney was by any accurate measure, a really decent guy. The left wing savaged the man brutally, and said he was going to put black people back in chains.

That's simply the kind of people the left-wing is. Trump would be viciously opposed and attack, no matter what kind of man he was. That's what you get for being scummy to people, you end up with only scummy people around you. Too bad, so sad, sucks to be you.
Of course he would have been opposed but like those before him there would be some civility and respect and opportunity to get stuff done on a bipartisan basis. There is a respectable way to engage with opposition, trump isnt interested in that. He is a bully and that’s how he runs thing. Civility seems to have eroded away at this point.

The left-wing hasn't shown civility and respect, in decades.
You sure didn't see any civility and respect with Obama.

Yes, Trump is a bully. That's what we all wanted. We were tried of the left-wing being bullies to the right... so we got our own bully, and you people are freaking out about it. Tough snot. If you can't take what you dish out, stop dishing it out.
What I dish out?! Sorry bub I have these things called principles where I don’t believe two wrongs make a right. If dems crossed lines in the past then they should be called out and that behavior should not be acceptable... it shouldn't be emulated. We learn this in grade school
the fact you aren't concerned with Biden doing something wrong, is our proof you have no objectivity at all
Vapid whining. There is no reason to think he did anything wrong. You fools are just making shit up. I can't be any more clear.
/----/Even though Biden bragged about it -- yeah no proof -- if you're a libtard moonbat.
No he didn't. Sorry my cultists are going to have to peddle your embarrassing, desperate nonsense to someone else.
/—-/ So Joe isn’t on this video..

Correct. Not evidence of your fantasies.
Holy shit Ray.. you too?! You really think age was trying to pass that off as Trumps actual words?! Go watch the video again, this is going right over your head

Yes, that's exactly what I think.
Christ Ray, you’re dumber than I thought. Here’s a tip when somebody says

“Shorn of its rambling character and in not so many words, this is the essence of what the president communicates”

It usually means what they say next is not an exact quote it is an interpretation of it.

You really need to start thinking for yourself

Opinion: Adam Schiff's riff on Trump's Ukraine call was more truth than parody, but still unwise
/——/ Its not an exact quote? It 100% made up bullshyt of what Pencil Neck wished Trump said. We have the transcript, of it is so damnig, why not quote from that? Yeah Schiff was trying to convince us that is what the president said. And you know it. Not an exact quote... Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
No shit! Schiff literally said that it was the essence of what trump was communicating. That means he wasn’t quoting trump he is explaining how he is interpreting the conversation. How do you not understand this?! Are we both speaking English here?!
/----/ "No shit! Schiff literally said that it was the essence of what trump was communicating. "
essence of what? President Trump said nothing remotely close to what Schiff said. It was 100% cut from whole cloth. BTW, from your post, I interpret that you intend to rob the 7-11 this afternoon.
Which part specifically
View attachment 282162
Progressivism socialism same difference... A cancer on society
You obviously don’t understand the difference. Study up before you say things like that, you won’t sound as stupid
Do you think what Biden said was some what questionable?
I think Biden acted in coordination with our government and that of our Allies. So the motives you assign to him you have to assign to everybody.

Now if Biden went rogue and threatened to pull the loan to fire a guy without the sanction of our government then hell yes that would be inappropriate. But there is ZERO EVIDENCE that happened. Your story is a fabrication.
So you aren’t interested in how many meetings hunter Biden showed up for? Interesting
When did I say I wasnt interested in that?

You just love jumping to conclusions don’t ya?
So should we lookin to it??
View attachment 282162
You obviously don’t understand the difference. Study up before you say things like that, you won’t sound as stupid
Do you think what Biden said was some what questionable?
I think Biden acted in coordination with our government and that of our Allies. So the motives you assign to him you have to assign to everybody.

Now if Biden went rogue and threatened to pull the loan to fire a guy without the sanction of our government then hell yes that would be inappropriate. But there is ZERO EVIDENCE that happened. Your story is a fabrication.
So you aren’t interested in how many meetings hunter Biden showed up for? Interesting
When did I say I wasnt interested in that?

You just love jumping to conclusions don’t ya?
So should we lookin to it??
I haven’t heard any good reasons to except for political distractions and ammo for Trump to use against Joe.

Should we dig into the Trump boys and investigate them to see if they’ve been committing any business crimes or tax fraud?
View attachment 282162
Do you think what Biden said was some what questionable?
I think Biden acted in coordination with our government and that of our Allies. So the motives you assign to him you have to assign to everybody.

Now if Biden went rogue and threatened to pull the loan to fire a guy without the sanction of our government then hell yes that would be inappropriate. But there is ZERO EVIDENCE that happened. Your story is a fabrication.
So you aren’t interested in how many meetings hunter Biden showed up for? Interesting
When did I say I wasnt interested in that?

You just love jumping to conclusions don’t ya?
So should we lookin to it??
I haven’t heard any good reasons to except for political distractions and ammo for Trump to use against Joe.

Should we dig into the Trump boys and investigate them to see if they’ve been committing any business crimes or tax fraud?
/—-/ It’s what you asswipes have been doing since 2015.
Nothin? No one understands socialism but you, and you're not telling. Way to go!
Learn to pronounce
  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

is the support for or advocacyof social reform.[1] As a philosophy, it is based on the idea of progress, which asserts that advancements in science, technology, economic development and social organizationare vital to the improvement of the human condition.

Ahh, you're doing the evasion dance! How lovely.

In point of fact, you were defending "progressive socialism", not progressivism. And you suggested there was a difference. But you don't seem to know what it is. From my perspective, socialism is socialism - regardless of the decoration (eg "Democratic Socialism", "Progressive Socialism", etc, etc,...). The differences between the various forms are irrelevant because they all seek to put government in charge of societies economic decisions. That's the part that matters, and that's the part I'll fight against.

So, go ahead and make an ass out of yourself with equivocation all you like. It won't further your goals, and it won't convince anyone you're right. It just shows you don't want to talk about what you're really after.
Haha. I literally post the definitions which are quite different and you call that evading?! And then you make up “progressive socialism” as something that I was talking about when I never actually said that? Way to go buddy. You beat the strawman that you created. Such a pleasure debating dishonest turds. Thanks for playing.

Progressive socialism was used in the quote you were responding to. Sorry if you got confused.
You misread. Here is the thread...

According to socialists no individual deserves any money that they earned, deadbeats deserve other peoples money

Why are you talking about socialists?

Progressivism socialism same difference... A cancer on society

You obviously don’t understand the difference. Study up before you say things like that, you won’t sound as stupid

Tell us the difference. And try not to sound stupid

I have no time for all your equivocation. You wanna play this shell game, where you advocate socialism when it's convenient, and then pretend otherwise when it's not. Have the courage of your convictions for chrissake.
View attachment 282162
I think Biden acted in coordination with our government and that of our Allies. So the motives you assign to him you have to assign to everybody.

Now if Biden went rogue and threatened to pull the loan to fire a guy without the sanction of our government then hell yes that would be inappropriate. But there is ZERO EVIDENCE that happened. Your story is a fabrication.
So you aren’t interested in how many meetings hunter Biden showed up for? Interesting
When did I say I wasnt interested in that?

You just love jumping to conclusions don’t ya?
So should we lookin to it??
I haven’t heard any good reasons to except for political distractions and ammo for Trump to use against Joe.

Should we dig into the Trump boys and investigate them to see if they’ve been committing any business crimes or tax fraud?
/—-/ It’s what you asswipes have been doing since 2015.
Oh have we? Haha, ok. Have you been cool with it?
Learn to pronounce
  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

is the support for or advocacyof social reform.[1] As a philosophy, it is based on the idea of progress, which asserts that advancements in science, technology, economic development and social organizationare vital to the improvement of the human condition.

Ahh, you're doing the evasion dance! How lovely.

In point of fact, you were defending "progressive socialism", not progressivism. And you suggested there was a difference. But you don't seem to know what it is. From my perspective, socialism is socialism - regardless of the decoration (eg "Democratic Socialism", "Progressive Socialism", etc, etc,...). The differences between the various forms are irrelevant because they all seek to put government in charge of societies economic decisions. That's the part that matters, and that's the part I'll fight against.

So, go ahead and make an ass out of yourself with equivocation all you like. It won't further your goals, and it won't convince anyone you're right. It just shows you don't want to talk about what you're really after.
Haha. I literally post the definitions which are quite different and you call that evading?! And then you make up “progressive socialism” as something that I was talking about when I never actually said that? Way to go buddy. You beat the strawman that you created. Such a pleasure debating dishonest turds. Thanks for playing.

Progressive socialism was used in the quote you were responding to. Sorry if you got confused.
You misread. Here is the thread...

According to socialists no individual deserves any money that they earned, deadbeats deserve other peoples money

Why are you talking about socialists?

Progressivism socialism same difference... A cancer on society

You obviously don’t understand the difference. Study up before you say things like that, you won’t sound as stupid

Tell us the difference. And try not to sound stupid

I have no time for all your equivocation. You wanna play this shell game, where you advocate socialism when it's convenient, and then pretend otherwise when it's not. Have the courage of your convictions for chrissake.
When did I advocate socialism?

You are misleading and distracting again.
the fact you aren't concerned with Biden doing something wrong, is our proof you have no objectivity at all
Vapid whining. There is no reason to think he did anything wrong. You fools are just making shit up. I can't be any more clear.
nope, you have no objectivity. I didn't make shit up. If you don't know what extortion is, there is no point of you discussing with me.
the fact you aren't concerned with Biden doing something wrong, is our proof you have no objectivity at all
Vapid whining. There is no reason to think he did anything wrong. You fools are just making shit up. I can't be any more clear.
/----/Even though Biden bragged about it -- yeah no proof -- if you're a libtard moonbat.
No he didn't. Sorry my cultists are going to have to peddle your embarrassing, desperate nonsense to someone else.
/—-/ So Joe isn’t on this video..

and obammy in his own words.

Ahh, you're doing the evasion dance! How lovely.

In point of fact, you were defending "progressive socialism", not progressivism. And you suggested there was a difference. But you don't seem to know what it is. From my perspective, socialism is socialism - regardless of the decoration (eg "Democratic Socialism", "Progressive Socialism", etc, etc,...). The differences between the various forms are irrelevant because they all seek to put government in charge of societies economic decisions. That's the part that matters, and that's the part I'll fight against.

So, go ahead and make an ass out of yourself with equivocation all you like. It won't further your goals, and it won't convince anyone you're right. It just shows you don't want to talk about what you're really after.
Haha. I literally post the definitions which are quite different and you call that evading?! And then you make up “progressive socialism” as something that I was talking about when I never actually said that? Way to go buddy. You beat the strawman that you created. Such a pleasure debating dishonest turds. Thanks for playing.

Progressive socialism was used in the quote you were responding to. Sorry if you got confused.
You misread. Here is the thread...

According to socialists no individual deserves any money that they earned, deadbeats deserve other peoples money

Why are you talking about socialists?

Progressivism socialism same difference... A cancer on society

You obviously don’t understand the difference. Study up before you say things like that, you won’t sound as stupid

Tell us the difference. And try not to sound stupid

I have no time for all your equivocation. You wanna play this shell game, where you advocate socialism when it's convenient, and then pretend otherwise when it's not. Have the courage of your convictions for chrissake.
When did I advocate socialism?

You are misleading and distracting again.

Ha.. yeah. Uh huh, sure man. Dance your little dance.
Haha. I literally post the definitions which are quite different and you call that evading?! And then you make up “progressive socialism” as something that I was talking about when I never actually said that? Way to go buddy. You beat the strawman that you created. Such a pleasure debating dishonest turds. Thanks for playing.

Progressive socialism was used in the quote you were responding to. Sorry if you got confused.
You misread. Here is the thread...

According to socialists no individual deserves any money that they earned, deadbeats deserve other peoples money

Why are you talking about socialists?

Progressivism socialism same difference... A cancer on society

You obviously don’t understand the difference. Study up before you say things like that, you won’t sound as stupid

Tell us the difference. And try not to sound stupid

I have no time for all your equivocation. You wanna play this shell game, where you advocate socialism when it's convenient, and then pretend otherwise when it's not. Have the courage of your convictions for chrissake.
When did I advocate socialism?

You are misleading and distracting again.

Ha.. yeah. Uh huh, sure man. Dance your little dance.
What’s my dance? Asking you to back up your lies? If you could answer the question you would and prove me wrong. Instead you talk about dancing. How very transparent. Grow up and learn how to have an honest conversation
Progressive socialism was used in the quote you were responding to. Sorry if you got confused.
You misread. Here is the thread...

According to socialists no individual deserves any money that they earned, deadbeats deserve other peoples money

Why are you talking about socialists?

Progressivism socialism same difference... A cancer on society

You obviously don’t understand the difference. Study up before you say things like that, you won’t sound as stupid

Tell us the difference. And try not to sound stupid

I have no time for all your equivocation. You wanna play this shell game, where you advocate socialism when it's convenient, and then pretend otherwise when it's not. Have the courage of your convictions for chrissake.
When did I advocate socialism?

You are misleading and distracting again.

Ha.. yeah. Uh huh, sure man. Dance your little dance.
What’s my dance? Asking you to back up your lies? If you could answer the question you would and prove me wrong. Instead you talk about dancing. How very transparent. Grow up and learn how to have an honest conversation

Fuck off. If you really had any balls, you'd argue for what you believe in instead of playing all the silly word games.
the fact you aren't concerned with Biden doing something wrong, is our proof you have no objectivity at all
Vapid whining. There is no reason to think he did anything wrong. You fools are just making shit up. I can't be any more clear.
/----/Even though Biden bragged about it -- yeah no proof -- if you're a libtard moonbat.
No he didn't. Sorry my cultists are going to have to peddle your embarrassing, desperate nonsense to someone else.
/—-/ So Joe isn’t on this video..

Correct. Not evidence of your fantasies.

If you keep this up we may need to add the Great State of Denial as our 51st. :cool:
Because there is no rule as to how long an impeachment trial is to last. Moscow Mitch presides, and he can give just half an hour to each side and have a sham trial.

You need 2/3rds, thus 66 or 67 Senators to find Trump guilty. At the present, if you have all the Democrats vote "guilty" and the one or two Republicans which have expressed doubts about Trump not being guilty, you'd have just a bit above 50.

So a long investigation uncovering more criminal activity is more important for building public opinion.

If you're wrong, and if the Chief Justice makes sure the Senate "trial" is above board, and if the evidence is beyond a reasonable doubt, and if the Republican Senators vote to acquit Trump, then one of two thing will happen:
  1. Trump, McConnell and the Republican Party will have destroyed our Founders Vision; or,
  2. The People will be outraged, and the Republican Party will go the way of the Whigs.


A sore loser even before he loses.

Pragmatic; I am pragmatic.

A sore lose ain't so bad, a sore winner is an asshole.

Hard for the the GOP to further destroy what Obama has pretty much trashed.

Pragmatic that.

What did President Obama Trash?

The list of what he didn't trash would be much shorter.


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