Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing


If one separates that vote by gender

The men’s vote would be nearly unanimous for no and if he gets impeached trump can declare a broken govt because of crooks and make wisdom tests for voters to stop electing crooks

Trump will have the strong majority of men to enforce this new change
They got the son of the VP. What is it that you think board members do?

I'll give you some credit here, because this is what our issue is on the right. And if they got the VP's son, what did they expect the VP to do in return?
Who cares what they expected? What matters is what they got. And so far, you've posted exactly what they got -- nothing.

That's my point. The energy company got nothing, at least in the way of executive acumen. So what did they get for their money? What company would pay somebody this kind of salary for nothing?

Perhaps Zelensky can tell us what in a couple of weeks. That doesn't bother you, does it?????
This is old news Ray. I don’t know what your expecting to find but there’s nothing there. Keep digging though. Whatever keeps your eye off of Trumps pile of crap.
They got the son of the VP. What is it that you think board members do?

I'll give you some credit here, because this is what our issue is on the right. And if they got the VP's son, what did they expect the VP to do in return?
Who cares what they expected? What matters is what they got. And so far, you've posted exactly what they got -- nothing.

That's my point. The energy company got nothing, at least in the way of executive acumen. So what did they get for their money? What company would pay somebody this kind of salary for nothing?

Perhaps Zelensky can tell us what in a couple of weeks. That doesn't bother you, does it?????
This is old news Ray. I don’t know what your expecting to find but there’s nothing there. Keep digging though. Whatever keeps your eye off of Trumps pile of crap.
View attachment 282359
Wow man, you’re super smart are you?!
Hard for the the GOP to further destroy what Obama has pretty much trashed.

Pragmatic that.

What did President Obama Trash?

The list of what he didn't trash would be much shorter.


Idiot-Gram ^^^, variety, bigoted damn liar genre.
Still using old cliches , worn out over the years, and I thought you all were progressive

Not me, I'm fiscally responsible (not fiscally conservative); I don't support reparations, but I do support equal rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, gay or straight, black, brown or white. I support green and renewable energy, but I am pragmatic and realize the coal and oil industry provides jobs and should not be shut down anytime soon.

I support poly-technical high schools, and Jr./community colleges to providing free of tuition curriculum, preparing students to be prepared and trained to enter technical, construction and/or paraprofessional careers.

I support free preventative health care* from cradle to grave for every citizen, and I believe every boy or man, girl or women age 16 to 35 serve our nation for two years in the Military, VISTA or the PEACE CORP.

I support every farm growing tobacco be closed down, and the land owned either purchased by the local community or allow the farmers to grow healthy food for market.

And I support the impeachment of DJT, not because I am butt hurt, but because he is inept, incompetent, divisive, greedy and evil.

*not Medicare for all, and not to replace the insurance industry.

Obama was inept, divisive, smug and entitled.

Still not a reason to impeach him.
You know.......when we Republicans see something that walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, we call it a duck.
Like Obama being born in Kenya, right?

Yeah.....that was kind of silly. Why would anybody think that??

View attachment 282347
Because they're stupid and think someone who dressed like that must have been born in Kenya. :cuckoo:

I guess you're right. Because I'm sure you can find multiple pictures of GW, his father, Reagan dressed the same way.
Why would such pictures be found? Did any of them visit Kenya?

But your conservative brain-dead logic means Bush was born in Chernobyl...


... and Reagan was born in Dublin...


Do you ever feel stupid for the ridiculous shit you post?


Well the difference is they were Presidents at the time entertaining foreign leaders. Didn't you know Reagan was Irish?
1. I don't know about that. The Democrats are in panic mode right now, and I think it's because any investigation will unfold things about Hunter and Joe that were never investigated before.

How does a guy who has no dealings in a country, get a job there for 50K a month in an industry he's totally inexperienced at?

Panic mode?
The only thing we are seeing are Trump and his followers are in full gear panic mode defending this bogus Ukraine conspiracy bogus story.

2. So? Did he stole it from Ukraine? How many in Trump administration that are inept and incompetent employees that got fired because of fraud?
There is no way you can use that as excuse of fraud against Biden. That is way too shallow.

Well, the company that hired Hunter expected something for that kind of salary. They didn't get any experience because Hunter had none. They didn't get anybody from their country because Hunter is a US citizen that doesn't even understand their language. So what were they getting for their money? That's the big question.

Is that a basis of fraud? I know exactly where you got this one but it’s just a desperation to discredit a bogus conspiracy theory. Remember Trumpits love conspiracy.
Lock Trump up.

Then perhaps you can answer the questions. After all, you claim to own a business. So allow me ask:

1. Would you hire somebody, pay them an exorbitant amount of money, to be a key player in your company when they don't know a thing about what you do, and can't communicate in our language of English? For that kind of money, you can find a hell of a lot of people, but of all people, you choose him.

2. You know.......when we Republicans see something that walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, we call it a duck. When a leftist sees the same thing, they call it a dog if that's what CNN told them to call it.

You post are misleading.

1. No I will never hire someone that is not qualified.

How do you even even know that Hunter ( lawyer) is not qualified as a board member? Hunter was board member of Burisma a Ukrainian Natural Gas Producer. Tell me how difficult is that to be a board member?

My products is far more complicated than a natural gas. In 1998 I don’t know how to speak Mandarin Chinese but there are American translators that made it easier for me. Languages is not an excuse.

Okay. How about Jared Kusher son in law of Trumpits. Is he qualified as a diplomat running around crafting chaos? Kushner doesn’t have the qualifications. Start with that if you want to use qualifications.

Is that mean Hunter committed a fraud? There is no way you can use that as an excuse against Hunter. Way too shallow.

2. The only people that are quaking like a dick and duck are Trump and his dog eating shit making all these conspiracy crap.

I'm sorry you don't see the differences here. Coke head that was thrown out of military service was paid money only because he's Joe's son, and nobody pays off people without getting something in return. Being a board member is not experience to help run an energy company. And if it's a no brainer job, why didn't they hire the janitor for a tenth of the cost that Hunter made? Why didn't they hire somebody from their own country? It's not like people there can't use the money, especially that kind of money.

My Lord, I could image the outrage if Pence's son got a similar job right now. The media would be so upset they'd put the impeachment thing on the back burner for several months, and be demanding a US investigation with no stone unturned.
isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

The bigger threat is what this sham is doing to our nation and political institutions. And it's all on the Dems. They don't even have the balls to do this shit by the book because if they did it would give the minority power the ability to also call forth witnesses and demand testimony from BOTH SIDES.

Cowards, the lot of them. As well as any of you leftwits who condone this twisting of judicial justice and outright abuse of legislative power.
The Dems are playing politics, of course, sprinting as fast and far as they can with every opportunity for perceived political advantage no matter what the collateral damage.

The Trumpsters are just being Trumpsters, downplaying every last embarrassing, childish, undignified, questionable, unpresidential, dishonest thing that buffoon does.

All I'm seeing here is a continuation of the decay of this country, and both parties are fully complicit. If you want to simply blame it all on the other tribe, sure, be my guest.
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.

Two years of lies by the Communists with the "Russia Collusion" conspiracy theory. A full blow Spanish Inquisition under Mewler-Torquemada only to have it thud like a lead balloon when not a hint of collusion could be found. Then we find out that Mueller is in the last stages of Alzheimer's and the whole charade was run by DNC hack Andrew Weissman.

The credibility of the Communist party is ZERO. On top of that, Nazi Pelosi is too much of a coward to hold an actual vote on impeachment. The Bolsheviks from red and purple districts who lied about being moderates in 2018 face certain defeat if they pursue the farce of impeachment.

So we have Kabuki theater again, presented by the Communist party for the purpose of creating further division in the nation.

Yeah, this won't end well for the dims.
Whoa man... do you need a Tums or a warm rag or something?
I swear, there's so much talk radio hyperbole in that post that it made me a little dizzy.
Now parody isn’t supposed to be funny.
Oh, I thought it was funny. But you can parody serious topics.

Why do such simple ideas always have to be explained to you, like you're a child?
/—-/ You think drowning babies that survive abortion is funny, so nothing surprises me about you.
Oh look, you had to make something up to have something to say...which actually means you have nothing to say.
All I'm seeing here is a continuation of the decay of this country, and both parties are fully complicit. If you want to simply blame it all on the other tribe, sure, be my guest.

Silly me, I thought you created this thread to ask about the impeachment nonsense. Didn't realize the goal posts had bad.
All I'm seeing here is a continuation of the decay of this country, and both parties are fully complicit. If you want to simply blame it all on the other tribe, sure, be my guest.
Silly me, I thought you created this thread to ask about the impeachment nonsense. Didn't realize the goal posts had bad.
Just responding to your post. You don't have to like it.
isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

The bigger threat is what this sham is doing to our nation and political institutions. And it's all on the Dems. They don't even have the balls to do this shit by the book because if they did it would give the minority power the ability to also call forth witnesses and demand testimony from BOTH SIDES.

Cowards, the lot of them. As well as any of you leftwits who condone this twisting of judicial justice and outright abuse of legislative power.
The Dems are playing politics, of course, sprinting as fast and far as they can with every opportunity for perceived political advantage no matter what the collateral damage.

The Trumpsters are just being Trumpsters, downplaying every last embarrassing, childish, undignified, questionable, unpresidential, dishonest thing that buffoon does.

All I'm seeing here is a continuation of the decay of this country, and both parties are fully complicit. If you want to simply blame it all on the other tribe, sure, be my guest.
Mac quote: "The Trumpsters are just being Trumpsters, downplaying every last embarrassing, childish, undignified, questionable, unpresidential, dishonest thing that buffoon does."
I just watched the same thing you did--3 years of Democrats lying their butts off about Donald Trump and attacking him viciously by any means possible including several faux attempts at impeaching him, which has earned them the hostility of the sleeping Giant that lives in America. Your House of Cards is about to fall off its self-fluffing perch made of sand.

President Trump tells the truth and is far more transparent than he needs to be. Your team of Socialists have exploited every avenue to hurt this good man who has survived their lies by proving his honesty and working hard doing what he can to see to it American citizens have jobs.

The Democrat Congress has a stilted, wrongful attitude to assassinate the character not only of President Trump, but his compatriots and supporters who are also voters, and you have motivated them to get to voting against his detractors.
isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

The bigger threat is what this sham is doing to our nation and political institutions. And it's all on the Dems. They don't even have the balls to do this shit by the book because if they did it would give the minority power the ability to also call forth witnesses and demand testimony from BOTH SIDES.

Cowards, the lot of them. As well as any of you leftwits who condone this twisting of judicial justice and outright abuse of legislative power.
The Dems are playing politics, of course, sprinting as fast and far as they can with every opportunity for perceived political advantage no matter what the collateral damage.

The Trumpsters are just being Trumpsters, downplaying every last embarrassing, childish, undignified, questionable, unpresidential, dishonest thing that buffoon does.

All I'm seeing here is a continuation of the decay of this country, and both parties are fully complicit. If you want to simply blame it all on the other tribe, sure, be my guest.
Mac quote: "The Trumpsters are just being Trumpsters, downplaying every last embarrassing, childish, undignified, questionable, unpresidential, dishonest thing that buffoon does."
I just watched the same thing you did--3 years of Democrats lying their butts off about Donald Trump and attacking him viciously by any means possible including several faux attempts at impeaching him, which has earned them the hostility of the sleeping Giant that lives in America. Your House of Cards is about to fall off its self-fluffing perch made of sand.

President Trump tells the truth and is far more transparent than he needs to be. Your team of Socialists have exploited every avenue to hurt this good man who has survived their lies by proving his honesty and working hard doing what he can to see to it American citizens have jobs.

The Democrat Congress has a stilted, wrongful attitude to assassinate the character not only of President Trump, but his compatriots and supporters who are also voters, and you have motivated them to get to voting against his detractors.
Another great example, thanks.
All I'm seeing here is a continuation of the decay of this country, and both parties are fully complicit. If you want to simply blame it all on the other tribe, sure, be my guest.
Silly me, I thought you created this thread to ask about the impeachment nonsense. Didn't realize the goal posts had bad.
Just responding to your post. You don't have to like it.
You didn't respond to my post.
I DIRECTLY answered your impeachment question and you changed the subject to the general health of our nation seen through the eyes of politics.

YOU CHANGED THE SUBJECT because you didn't like my answer.
All I'm seeing here is a continuation of the decay of this country, and both parties are fully complicit. If you want to simply blame it all on the other tribe, sure, be my guest.
Silly me, I thought you created this thread to ask about the impeachment nonsense. Didn't realize the goal posts had bad.
Just responding to your post. You don't have to like it.
You didn't respond to my post.
I DIRECTLY answered your impeachment question and you changed the subject to the general health of our nation seen through the eyes of politics.

YOU CHANGED THE SUBJECT because you didn't like my answer.
Great, then thanks so much for the original and thoughtful answer.
Like Obama being born in Kenya, right?

Yeah.....that was kind of silly. Why would anybody think that??

View attachment 282347
Because they're stupid and think someone who dressed like that must have been born in Kenya. :cuckoo:

I guess you're right. Because I'm sure you can find multiple pictures of GW, his father, Reagan dressed the same way.
Why would such pictures be found? Did any of them visit Kenya?

But your conservative brain-dead logic means Bush was born in Chernobyl...


... and Reagan was born in Dublin...


Do you ever feel stupid for the ridiculous shit you post?


Well the difference is they were Presidents at the time entertaining foreign leaders. Didn't you know Reagan was Irish?
Reagan was of Irish descent. Obama is of Kenyan descent. They both acknowledged their ancestral roots. Only the right is brain-dead and took that to mean Obama was really born in Kenya. :cuckoo:

That's the difference.
What did President Obama Trash?

The list of what he didn't trash would be much shorter.


Idiot-Gram ^^^, variety, bigoted damn liar genre.
Still using old cliches , worn out over the years, and I thought you all were progressive

Not me, I'm fiscally responsible (not fiscally conservative); I don't support reparations, but I do support equal rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, gay or straight, black, brown or white. I support green and renewable energy, but I am pragmatic and realize the coal and oil industry provides jobs and should not be shut down anytime soon.

I support poly-technical high schools, and Jr./community colleges to providing free of tuition curriculum, preparing students to be prepared and trained to enter technical, construction and/or paraprofessional careers.

I support free preventative health care* from cradle to grave for every citizen, and I believe every boy or man, girl or women age 16 to 35 serve our nation for two years in the Military, VISTA or the PEACE CORP.

I support every farm growing tobacco be closed down, and the land owned either purchased by the local community or allow the farmers to grow healthy food for market.

And I support the impeachment of DJT, not because I am butt hurt, but because he is inept, incompetent, divisive, greedy and evil.

*not Medicare for all, and not to replace the insurance industry.

Obama was inept, divisive, smug and entitled.

Still not a reason to impeach him.

LOL, not responsive to this thread or my comment above. If you believe trump is competent and capable of representing all US Citizens provide proof.

There are many examples of his incompetence, elitist arrogance, divisive language and efforts to mislead the public that I could point out to prove my position on why Trump should be impeached.

I believe he presents a clear and president danger to our country, and he will do anything - including war - to protect himself and the power he relishes and ought not to have.

Go a head and make a case that Trump deserves to be POTUS. If you can't provide a convincing response don't go to the "Obama did it" crap, or other assassinations of he Character of President Obama or others - a tactic used by fools and damn liars.
Panic mode?
The only thing we are seeing are Trump and his followers are in full gear panic mode defending this bogus Ukraine conspiracy bogus story.

2. So? Did he stole it from Ukraine? How many in Trump administration that are inept and incompetent employees that got fired because of fraud?
There is no way you can use that as excuse of fraud against Biden. That is way too shallow.

Well, the company that hired Hunter expected something for that kind of salary. They didn't get any experience because Hunter had none. They didn't get anybody from their country because Hunter is a US citizen that doesn't even understand their language. So what were they getting for their money? That's the big question.

Is that a basis of fraud? I know exactly where you got this one but it’s just a desperation to discredit a bogus conspiracy theory. Remember Trumpits love conspiracy.
Lock Trump up.

Then perhaps you can answer the questions. After all, you claim to own a business. So allow me ask:

1. Would you hire somebody, pay them an exorbitant amount of money, to be a key player in your company when they don't know a thing about what you do, and can't communicate in our language of English? For that kind of money, you can find a hell of a lot of people, but of all people, you choose him.

2. You know.......when we Republicans see something that walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, we call it a duck. When a leftist sees the same thing, they call it a dog if that's what CNN told them to call it.

You post are misleading.

1. No I will never hire someone that is not qualified.

How do you even even know that Hunter ( lawyer) is not qualified as a board member? Hunter was board member of Burisma a Ukrainian Natural Gas Producer. Tell me how difficult is that to be a board member?

My products is far more complicated than a natural gas. In 1998 I don’t know how to speak Mandarin Chinese but there are American translators that made it easier for me. Languages is not an excuse.

Okay. How about Jared Kusher son in law of Trumpits. Is he qualified as a diplomat running around crafting chaos? Kushner doesn’t have the qualifications. Start with that if you want to use qualifications.

Is that mean Hunter committed a fraud? There is no way you can use that as an excuse against Hunter. Way too shallow.

2. The only people that are quaking like a dick and duck are Trump and his dog eating shit making all these conspiracy crap.

I'm sorry you don't see the differences here. Coke head that was thrown out of military service was paid money only because he's Joe's son, and nobody pays off people without getting something in return. Being a board member is not experience to help run an energy company. And if it's a no brainer job, why didn't they hire the janitor for a tenth of the cost that Hunter made? Why didn't they hire somebody from their own country? It's not like people there can't use the money, especially that kind of money.

My Lord, I could image the outrage if Pence's son got a similar job right now. The media would be so upset they'd put the impeachment thing on the back burner for several months, and be demanding a US investigation with no stone unturned.
And the General Prosecutor of Ukraine said there was no wrongdoing by Hunter Biden working for Burisma. Why that little factoid can't penetrate your thick armor of ignorance is beyond me.
The list of what he didn't trash would be much shorter.


Idiot-Gram ^^^, variety, bigoted damn liar genre.
Still using old cliches , worn out over the years, and I thought you all were progressive

Not me, I'm fiscally responsible (not fiscally conservative); I don't support reparations, but I do support equal rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, gay or straight, black, brown or white. I support green and renewable energy, but I am pragmatic and realize the coal and oil industry provides jobs and should not be shut down anytime soon.

I support poly-technical high schools, and Jr./community colleges to providing free of tuition curriculum, preparing students to be prepared and trained to enter technical, construction and/or paraprofessional careers.

I support free preventative health care* from cradle to grave for every citizen, and I believe every boy or man, girl or women age 16 to 35 serve our nation for two years in the Military, VISTA or the PEACE CORP.

I support every farm growing tobacco be closed down, and the land owned either purchased by the local community or allow the farmers to grow healthy food for market.

And I support the impeachment of DJT, not because I am butt hurt, but because he is inept, incompetent, divisive, greedy and evil.

*not Medicare for all, and not to replace the insurance industry.

Obama was inept, divisive, smug and entitled.

Still not a reason to impeach him.

LOL, not responsive to this thread or my comment above. If you believe trump is competent and capable of representing all US Citizens provide proof.

There are many examples of his incompetence, elitist arrogance, divisive language and efforts to mislead the public that I could point out to prove my position on why Trump should be impeached.

I believe he presents a clear and president danger to our country, and he will do anything - including war - to protect himself and the power he relishes and ought not to have.

Go a head and make a case that Trump deserves to be POTUS. If you can't provide a convincing response don't go to the "Obama did it" crap, or other assassinations of he Character of President Obama or others - a tactic used by fools and damn liars.
The only clear and present danger President Trump is to the corrupt lies of the Democrat Party in trying to continually frame him for things he (1) did not do and (2) are not against the law anyhow.
So should we lookin to it??
I haven’t heard any good reasons to except for political distractions and ammo for Trump to use against Joe.

Should we dig into the Trump boys and investigate them to see if they’ve been committing any business crimes or tax fraud?

Trump has been investigated since he took office. Think it's only fair it's another persons turn?
Those who think two wrongs make a right are immature and unprincipled
We hired trump to be an ass hole drain the swamp, do what ever it takes... we don’t care about your feelings

"do whatever it takes" - no, no, a thousand times no. Every time we resort to phrases like this ("Anybody but ...", "Doing nothing is NOT an option!", "If it saves one life, it's worth it", et. al), we're essentially giving up on principled government. We're setting ourselves up to be conned by any charlatan willing to promise the moon. Voters have got to stop falling for this shit.
who are you to say what voters should do? explain why you feel you get to say what you just said? no one gets to control a conversation. NO FKING PERSON. so pleasssssssssssssse Now, please enlighten the class. BTW, why did biden extort ukraine? why doesn't that bother you? you have no morals? hmmmmmm
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