Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

My thoughts on this act is the Democrats are trying to kill 2 birds with one stone. First they know impeachment will not fly, they do not even have enough votes in the house to bring up a formal impeachment hearing, and then there is no way the Senate will find Trump guilty. So this impeachment is to just tarnish Trump's reputation before the 2020 election. The real motive for the Democrats is to get Biden off the campaign trail, The impeachment is based on what Biden did while he was VP. The progressive side of the Dems think Biden is no far enough left for them and would rather have Warren as their candidate, They figure that the hearings might throw enough dirt on Biden to drop out of the race without making it look like the Dem are eating their own,

1. I don't know about that. The Democrats are in panic mode right now, and I think it's because any investigation will unfold things about Hunter and Joe that were never investigated before.

How does a guy who has no dealings in a country, get a job there for 50K a month in an industry he's totally inexperienced at?

Panic mode?
The only thing we are seeing are Trump and his followers are in full gear panic mode defending this bogus Ukraine conspiracy bogus story.

2. So? Did he stole it from Ukraine? How many in Trump administration that are inept and incompetent employees that got fired because of fraud?
There is no way you can use that as excuse of fraud against Biden. That is way too shallow.
You use ‘brown people’ as an excuse to paint Trump and his supporters as ‘racist.
No, not all of them. That moron to whom i posted? Definitely.

You? Nah, you're just a moron. And the trump moron presidency is your time to shine. I get it. Knock yourself out.

Oh I get it! Just the 'brown' ones that like Trump....Zat it Mr. Racist? You guys just don't get that 'brown' folks can like Trump do you? Probably because of your fake allegations that Trump is 'racist.' You are believing your own hype and are blind to your own racism.
Pragmatic; I am pragmatic.

A sore lose ain't so bad, a sore winner is an asshole.

Hard for the the GOP to further destroy what Obama has pretty much trashed.

Pragmatic that.

What did President Obama Trash?

The list of what he didn't trash would be much shorter.


Idiot-Gram ^^^, variety, bigoted damn liar genre.
Still using old cliches , worn out over the years, and I thought you all were progressive

Not me, I'm fiscally responsible (not fiscally conservative); I don't support reparations, but I do support equal rights and equal opportunities for all citizens, gay or straight, black, brown or white. I support green and renewable energy, but I am pragmatic and realize the coal and oil industry provides jobs and should not be shut down anytime soon.

I support poly-technical high schools, and Jr./community colleges to providing free of tuition curriculum, preparing students to be prepared and trained to enter technical, construction and/or paraprofessional careers.

I support free preventative health care* from cradle to grave for every citizen, and I believe every boy or man, girl or women age 16 to 35 serve our nation for two years in the Military, VISTA or the PEACE CORP.

I support every farm growing tobacco be closed down, and the land owned either purchased by the local community or allow the farmers to grow healthy food for market.

And I support the impeachment of DJT, not because I am butt hurt, but because he is inept, incompetent, divisive, greedy and evil.

*not Medicare for all, and not to replace the insurance industry.
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View attachment 282299
Dude, make your point or buzz off. Are you saying that since dems have oversight they are responsible for the low manufacturing numbers? Is that your argument?
Answer my question first. And I’ll answer yours
Yes, dems have oversight. Your turn
Go ahead and explain that
I’m not you civics teacher, deal with reality democrats suck and republicans govern
I asked for a debate and you chickened out... can’t say I’m surprised. You lose. Better luck next time.
Well,he only knows a few...
Yup supreme court judges , best economy ever, strong military , trigging you libtards lol
Did you hear that manufacturing numbers just hit 2009 numbers which trigger the large drop in the stock market... are the tides changing?

Trumps blaming the fed (shocker). Business owners blame the tariffs and trade war.

U.S. manufacturers experience worst month since 2007-2009 Great Recession, ISM finds

One month does not a trend make. Of course there has been some market contraction since the tariffs but, why stay with unfair tariffs that benefit the ChiComs over America? Shithead politicians in the past caused this shit. Now Trump has to straighten it out. We voted for Trump BECAUSE he is not an establishment politician.
You’re right one month is not a trend. Trends take years to develop. Like the hot streak that Obama left Trump. It was a slow ramp up but you have to admit it was hot when trump got it. And trump has kept it going, good on him. But this trade war is a gamble and I don’t have confidence that he knows what he is doing. You can’t bully your way through deals in politics like you can in business. Feels like trump is in over his head and running out of scapegoats.
My thoughts on this act is the Democrats are trying to kill 2 birds with one stone. First they know impeachment will not fly, they do not even have enough votes in the house to bring up a formal impeachment hearing, and then there is no way the Senate will find Trump guilty. So this impeachment is to just tarnish Trump's reputation before the 2020 election. The real motive for the Democrats is to get Biden off the campaign trail, The impeachment is based on what Biden did while he was VP. The progressive side of the Dems think Biden is no far enough left for them and would rather have Warren as their candidate, They figure that the hearings might throw enough dirt on Biden to drop out of the race without making it look like the Dem are eating their own,

1. I don't know about that. The Democrats are in panic mode right now, and I think it's because any investigation will unfold things about Hunter and Joe that were never investigated before.

How does a guy who has no dealings in a country, get a job there for 50K a month in an industry he's totally inexperienced at?

Panic mode?
The only thing we are seeing are Trump and his followers are in full gear panic mode defending this bogus Ukraine conspiracy bogus story.

2. So? Did he stole it from Ukraine? How many in Trump administration that are inept and incompetent employees that got fired because of fraud?
There is no way you can use that as excuse of fraud against Biden. That is way too shallow.

Well, the company that hired Hunter expected something for that kind of salary. They didn't get any experience because Hunter had none. They didn't get anybody from their country because Hunter is a US citizen that doesn't even understand their language. So what were they getting for their money? That's the big question.
George Bush.

But more than that was the midterms during DumBama.
Try harder...

Democrat: 39%
Republican: 35%

Democrat: 37%
Republican: 37%

2004 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

You imbecile... your link says exactly what I already posted...

Democrat: 37%
Republican: 37%

You're as sharp as a marshmallow.

So you don't know how to read charts either. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Okay, I'll spell it out for you. 2004 Presidential election.

Bush: 62,040,610
Kerry: 59,028,444

Need anymore help, just feel free to ask.

Dumbfuck, I didn't ask you when was the last time a Republican candidate got more votes than a Democrat candidate. :eusa_doh:

From what mental disorder do you suffer??

You said that when you righties get pissed off, you go to the polls.... leading me to ask you, not which candidate got the most votes, but....
Faun said:
Oh? When was the last presidential election where more Republicans voted than Democrats?
I would say you've got shit for brains but that would be giving you too much credit


So now you're saying that Democrats don't always vote for Democrats and Republicans don't always vote for Republicans? That's the way it goes most elections. Either that, or a hell of a lot of Democrats voted for Republicans during the midterms under DumBama, because it was a huge sweep.
Try harder...

Democrat: 39%
Republican: 35%

Democrat: 37%
Republican: 37%

2004 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

You imbecile... your link says exactly what I already posted...

Democrat: 37%
Republican: 37%

You're as sharp as a marshmallow.

So you don't know how to read charts either. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Okay, I'll spell it out for you. 2004 Presidential election.

Bush: 62,040,610
Kerry: 59,028,444

Need anymore help, just feel free to ask.

Dumbfuck, I didn't ask you when was the last time a Republican candidate got more votes than a Democrat candidate. :eusa_doh:

From what mental disorder do you suffer??

You said that when you righties get pissed off, you go to the polls.... leading me to ask you, not which candidate got the most votes, but....
Faun said:
Oh? When was the last presidential election where more Republicans voted than Democrats?
I would say you've got shit for brains but that would be giving you too much credit


So now you're saying that Democrats don't always vote for Democrats and Republicans don't always vote for Republicans? That's the way it goes most elections. Either that, or a hell of a lot of Democrats voted for Republicans during the midterms under DumBama, because it was a huge sweep.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You still don't get it??

I never said anything about who votes for whom.

You said Republicans get out and vote when they get pissed. And to prove that, you idiotically posted a link to wikipedia showing in 2004? 37% of the voters were Democrat and 37% were Republican-- in response to me asking you when was the last presidential election where more Republicans voted than Democrats.

My thoughts on this act is the Democrats are trying to kill 2 birds with one stone. First they know impeachment will not fly, they do not even have enough votes in the house to bring up a formal impeachment hearing, and then there is no way the Senate will find Trump guilty. So this impeachment is to just tarnish Trump's reputation before the 2020 election. The real motive for the Democrats is to get Biden off the campaign trail, The impeachment is based on what Biden did while he was VP. The progressive side of the Dems think Biden is no far enough left for them and would rather have Warren as their candidate, They figure that the hearings might throw enough dirt on Biden to drop out of the race without making it look like the Dem are eating their own,

1. I don't know about that. The Democrats are in panic mode right now, and I think it's because any investigation will unfold things about Hunter and Joe that were never investigated before.

How does a guy who has no dealings in a country, get a job there for 50K a month in an industry he's totally inexperienced at?

Panic mode?
The only thing we are seeing are Trump and his followers are in full gear panic mode defending this bogus Ukraine conspiracy bogus story.

2. So? Did he stole it from Ukraine? How many in Trump administration that are inept and incompetent employees that got fired because of fraud?
There is no way you can use that as excuse of fraud against Biden. That is way too shallow.

Well, the company that hired Hunter expected something for that kind of salary. They didn't get any experience because Hunter had none. They didn't get anybody from their country because Hunter is a US citizen that doesn't even understand their language. So what were they getting for their money? That's the big question.
Entre...that's what they were getting...entre into Hunter's circle of contacts. That, BTW, is not in itself illegal.
If you have any evidence of wrongdoing.....FBI tip line!
My thoughts on this act is the Democrats are trying to kill 2 birds with one stone. First they know impeachment will not fly, they do not even have enough votes in the house to bring up a formal impeachment hearing, and then there is no way the Senate will find Trump guilty. So this impeachment is to just tarnish Trump's reputation before the 2020 election. The real motive for the Democrats is to get Biden off the campaign trail, The impeachment is based on what Biden did while he was VP. The progressive side of the Dems think Biden is no far enough left for them and would rather have Warren as their candidate, They figure that the hearings might throw enough dirt on Biden to drop out of the race without making it look like the Dem are eating their own,

1. I don't know about that. The Democrats are in panic mode right now, and I think it's because any investigation will unfold things about Hunter and Joe that were never investigated before.

How does a guy who has no dealings in a country, get a job there for 50K a month in an industry he's totally inexperienced at?

Panic mode?
The only thing we are seeing are Trump and his followers are in full gear panic mode defending this bogus Ukraine conspiracy bogus story.

2. So? Did he stole it from Ukraine? How many in Trump administration that are inept and incompetent employees that got fired because of fraud?
There is no way you can use that as excuse of fraud against Biden. That is way too shallow.

Well, the company that hired Hunter expected something for that kind of salary. They didn't get any experience because Hunter had none. They didn't get anybody from their country because Hunter is a US citizen that doesn't even understand their language. So what were they getting for their money? That's the big question.
They got the son of the VP. What is it that you think board members do?
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.

Two years of lies by the Communists with the "Russia Collusion" conspiracy theory. A full blow Spanish Inquisition under Mewler-Torquemada only to have it thud like a lead balloon when not a hint of collusion could be found. Then we find out that Mueller is in the last stages of Alzheimer's and the whole charade was run by DNC hack Andrew Weissman.

The credibility of the Communist party is ZERO. On top of that, Nazi Pelosi is too much of a coward to hold an actual vote on impeachment. The Bolsheviks from red and purple districts who lied about being moderates in 2018 face certain defeat if they pursue the farce of impeachment.

So we have Kabuki theater again, presented by the Communist party for the purpose of creating further division in the nation.

Yeah, this won't end well for the dims.
My thoughts on this act is the Democrats are trying to kill 2 birds with one stone. First they know impeachment will not fly, they do not even have enough votes in the house to bring up a formal impeachment hearing, and then there is no way the Senate will find Trump guilty. So this impeachment is to just tarnish Trump's reputation before the 2020 election. The real motive for the Democrats is to get Biden off the campaign trail, The impeachment is based on what Biden did while he was VP. The progressive side of the Dems think Biden is no far enough left for them and would rather have Warren as their candidate, They figure that the hearings might throw enough dirt on Biden to drop out of the race without making it look like the Dem are eating their own,

1. I don't know about that. The Democrats are in panic mode right now, and I think it's because any investigation will unfold things about Hunter and Joe that were never investigated before.

How does a guy who has no dealings in a country, get a job there for 50K a month in an industry he's totally inexperienced at?

Panic mode?
The only thing we are seeing are Trump and his followers are in full gear panic mode defending this bogus Ukraine conspiracy bogus story.

2. So? Did he stole it from Ukraine? How many in Trump administration that are inept and incompetent employees that got fired because of fraud?
There is no way you can use that as excuse of fraud against Biden. That is way too shallow.

Well, the company that hired Hunter expected something for that kind of salary. They didn't get any experience because Hunter had none. They didn't get anybody from their country because Hunter is a US citizen that doesn't even understand their language. So what were they getting for their money? That's the big question.

Is that a basis of fraud? I know exactly where you got this one but it’s just a desperation to discredit a bogus conspiracy theory. Remember Trumpits love conspiracy.
Lock Trump up.
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.

Two years of lies by the Communists with the "Russia Collusion" conspiracy theory. A full blow Spanish Inquisition under Mewler-Torquemada only to have it thud like a lead balloon when not a hint of collusion could be found. Then we find out that Mueller is in the last stages of Alzheimer's and the whole charade was run by DNC hack Andrew Weissman.

The credibility of the Communist party is ZERO. On top of that, Nazi Pelosi is too much of a coward to hold an actual vote on impeachment. The Bolsheviks from red and purple districts who lied about being moderates in 2018 face certain defeat if they pursue the farce of impeachment.

So we have Kabuki theater again, presented by the Communist party for the purpose of creating further division in the nation.

Yeah, this won't end well for the dims.
Whoa man... do you need a Tums or a warm rag or something?
My thoughts on this act is the Democrats are trying to kill 2 birds with one stone. First they know impeachment will not fly, they do not even have enough votes in the house to bring up a formal impeachment hearing, and then there is no way the Senate will find Trump guilty. So this impeachment is to just tarnish Trump's reputation before the 2020 election. The real motive for the Democrats is to get Biden off the campaign trail, The impeachment is based on what Biden did while he was VP. The progressive side of the Dems think Biden is no far enough left for them and would rather have Warren as their candidate, They figure that the hearings might throw enough dirt on Biden to drop out of the race without making it look like the Dem are eating their own,

1. I don't know about that. The Democrats are in panic mode right now, and I think it's because any investigation will unfold things about Hunter and Joe that were never investigated before.

How does a guy who has no dealings in a country, get a job there for 50K a month in an industry he's totally inexperienced at?

Panic mode?
The only thing we are seeing are Trump and his followers are in full gear panic mode defending this bogus Ukraine conspiracy bogus story.

2. So? Did he stole it from Ukraine? How many in Trump administration that are inept and incompetent employees that got fired because of fraud?
There is no way you can use that as excuse of fraud against Biden. That is way too shallow.

Well, the company that hired Hunter expected something for that kind of salary. They didn't get any experience because Hunter had none. They didn't get anybody from their country because Hunter is a US citizen that doesn't even understand their language. So what were they getting for their money? That's the big question.
Entre...that's what they were getting...entre into Hunter's circle of contacts. That, BTW, is not in itself illegal.
If you have any evidence of wrongdoing.....FBI tip line!

They got that from Rep. Jim Jordan arguing with Jack Tapper of CNN. Tapper blasted his lies and inaccuracy.

But It sounds good enough for Trump poorly informed supporters. Desperation and panic time I think.
My thoughts on this act is the Democrats are trying to kill 2 birds with one stone. First they know impeachment will not fly, they do not even have enough votes in the house to bring up a formal impeachment hearing, and then there is no way the Senate will find Trump guilty. So this impeachment is to just tarnish Trump's reputation before the 2020 election. The real motive for the Democrats is to get Biden off the campaign trail, The impeachment is based on what Biden did while he was VP. The progressive side of the Dems think Biden is no far enough left for them and would rather have Warren as their candidate, They figure that the hearings might throw enough dirt on Biden to drop out of the race without making it look like the Dem are eating their own,

1. I don't know about that. The Democrats are in panic mode right now, and I think it's because any investigation will unfold things about Hunter and Joe that were never investigated before.

How does a guy who has no dealings in a country, get a job there for 50K a month in an industry he's totally inexperienced at?

Panic mode?
The only thing we are seeing are Trump and his followers are in full gear panic mode defending this bogus Ukraine conspiracy bogus story.

2. So? Did he stole it from Ukraine? How many in Trump administration that are inept and incompetent employees that got fired because of fraud?
There is no way you can use that as excuse of fraud against Biden. That is way too shallow.

Well, the company that hired Hunter expected something for that kind of salary. They didn't get any experience because Hunter had none. They didn't get anybody from their country because Hunter is a US citizen that doesn't even understand their language. So what were they getting for their money? That's the big question.

Is that a basis of fraud? I know exactly where you got this one but it’s just a desperation to discredit a bogus conspiracy theory. Remember Trumpits love conspiracy.
Lock Trump up.

Then perhaps you can answer the questions. After all, you claim to own a business. So allow me ask:

Would you hire somebody, pay them an exorbitant amount of money, to be a key player in your company when they don't know a thing about what you do, and can't communicate in our language of English? For that kind of money, you can find a hell of a lot of people, but of all people, you choose him.

You know.......when we Republicans see something that walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, we call it a duck. When a leftist sees the same thing, they call it a dog if that's what CNN told them to call it.
President Pence sounds like WWIII.

This war is men against women voters
No. It’s the billionaires against the rest of us.

Wrong it’s the insane greed deep state and their brainwashed low logic voters is the cause. of America’s fall

People can get rich with great inventions that also pushes the other people up

But the democrat leaders brainwashes and then robs their brainwashed people
My thoughts on this act is the Democrats are trying to kill 2 birds with one stone. First they know impeachment will not fly, they do not even have enough votes in the house to bring up a formal impeachment hearing, and then there is no way the Senate will find Trump guilty. So this impeachment is to just tarnish Trump's reputation before the 2020 election. The real motive for the Democrats is to get Biden off the campaign trail, The impeachment is based on what Biden did while he was VP. The progressive side of the Dems think Biden is no far enough left for them and would rather have Warren as their candidate, They figure that the hearings might throw enough dirt on Biden to drop out of the race without making it look like the Dem are eating their own,

1. I don't know about that. The Democrats are in panic mode right now, and I think it's because any investigation will unfold things about Hunter and Joe that were never investigated before.

How does a guy who has no dealings in a country, get a job there for 50K a month in an industry he's totally inexperienced at?

Panic mode?
The only thing we are seeing are Trump and his followers are in full gear panic mode defending this bogus Ukraine conspiracy bogus story.

2. So? Did he stole it from Ukraine? How many in Trump administration that are inept and incompetent employees that got fired because of fraud?
There is no way you can use that as excuse of fraud against Biden. That is way too shallow.

Well, the company that hired Hunter expected something for that kind of salary. They didn't get any experience because Hunter had none. They didn't get anybody from their country because Hunter is a US citizen that doesn't even understand their language. So what were they getting for their money? That's the big question.

Is that a basis of fraud? I know exactly where you got this one but it’s just a desperation to discredit a bogus conspiracy theory. Remember Trumpits love conspiracy.
Lock Trump up.

Then perhaps you can answer the questions. After all, you claim to own a business. So allow me ask:

Would you hire somebody, pay them an exorbitant amount of money, to be a key player in your company when they don't know a thing about what you do, and can't communicate in our language of English? For that kind of money, you can find a hell of a lot of people, but of all people, you choose him.

You know.......when we Republicans see something that walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, we call it a duck. When a leftist sees the same thing, they call it a dog if that's what CNN told them to call it.

People with logic knows cause and effect well

Democrat voters knows nothing of cause and effect
My thoughts on this act is the Democrats are trying to kill 2 birds with one stone. First they know impeachment will not fly, they do not even have enough votes in the house to bring up a formal impeachment hearing, and then there is no way the Senate will find Trump guilty. So this impeachment is to just tarnish Trump's reputation before the 2020 election. The real motive for the Democrats is to get Biden off the campaign trail, The impeachment is based on what Biden did while he was VP. The progressive side of the Dems think Biden is no far enough left for them and would rather have Warren as their candidate, They figure that the hearings might throw enough dirt on Biden to drop out of the race without making it look like the Dem are eating their own,

1. I don't know about that. The Democrats are in panic mode right now, and I think it's because any investigation will unfold things about Hunter and Joe that were never investigated before.

How does a guy who has no dealings in a country, get a job there for 50K a month in an industry he's totally inexperienced at?

Panic mode?
The only thing we are seeing are Trump and his followers are in full gear panic mode defending this bogus Ukraine conspiracy bogus story.

2. So? Did he stole it from Ukraine? How many in Trump administration that are inept and incompetent employees that got fired because of fraud?
There is no way you can use that as excuse of fraud against Biden. That is way too shallow.

Well, the company that hired Hunter expected something for that kind of salary. They didn't get any experience because Hunter had none. They didn't get anybody from their country because Hunter is a US citizen that doesn't even understand their language. So what were they getting for their money? That's the big question.
Entre...that's what they were getting...entre into Hunter's circle of contacts. That, BTW, is not in itself illegal.
If you have any evidence of wrongdoing.....FBI tip line!

They got that from Rep. Jim Jordan arguing with Jack Tapper of CNN. Tapper blasted his lies and inaccuracy.

But It sounds good enough for Trump poorly informed supporters. Desperation and panic time I think.

Panic ??

Are you blind??

Trump has the military and the men and that is the real power

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