Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

View attachment 282162 So you aren’t interested in how many meetings hunter Biden showed up for? Interesting
When did I say I wasnt interested in that?

You just love jumping to conclusions don’t ya?
So should we lookin to it??
I haven’t heard any good reasons to except for political distractions and ammo for Trump to use against Joe.

Should we dig into the Trump boys and investigate them to see if they’ve been committing any business crimes or tax fraud?

Trump has been investigated since he took office. Think it's only fair it's another persons turn?
Those who think two wrongs make a right are immature and unprincipled

What about somebody that's defending one and calling the other a "wrong?"
View attachment 282299
How about you prove that you have even an ounce of intellect and school me through debate. Go head and explain how the dems are responsible for the manufacturing numbers. My money is on another BS deflection
So democrats don’t have oversight? Yes or no?
Dude, make your point or buzz off. Are you saying that since dems have oversight they are responsible for the low manufacturing numbers? Is that your argument?
Answer my question first. And I’ll answer yours
Yes, dems have oversight. Your turn
Go ahead and explain that
View attachment 282299
So democrats don’t have oversight? Yes or no?
Dude, make your point or buzz off. Are you saying that since dems have oversight they are responsible for the low manufacturing numbers? Is that your argument?
Answer my question first. And I’ll answer yours
Yes, dems have oversight. Your turn
Go ahead and explain that
I’m not you civics teacher, deal with reality democrats suck and republicans govern
Impeach him already, you don't have squat, we can't wait for the Senate Trial. There are a LOT of Democrats and Deep Staters that need to be compelled to testify, under oath, and cross examined by Republican Senators. Brennan, Comey, McCabe Stzok, Crapper, Schiff, Fat Jerry and so forth.

Trump's the only one fighting for us, and the Dems hate the Middle Class and want Trump out because he is lifting our incomes.

STUNNING! Trump’s Economic Number FOUR TIMES BETTER than Obama — Middle Class Incomes up $3,000 per Year!

The real median household income is up $3,000 under President Donald Trump.

After eight years in office Barack Obama was able to raise wages only $1,000 per household, a pathetic number.

Obama was all about the regulations and creeping socialism.


ICIG Admits it Changed Whistleblower Rules BECAUSE of the Anti-Trump Complaint

Sean Davis‏Verified account @seanmdav
Not only did the IC IG admit tonight that it eliminated its requirement for first-hand evidence and changed its forms accordingly, it admitted that it changed its own whistleblower rules *because of the anti-Trump complaint.* …


So now any anonymous Deep State spy can file a whistleblower complaint against the President based on hearsay and gossip AND hide behind anonymity because of the Whistleblower Protection Act.

In a coordinated attack against President Trump, former CIA Chief John Brennan called for an unlimited number of Deep State spies to file whistleblower complaints against Trump.

With the new rules, they can make up anything.
When did I say I wasnt interested in that?

You just love jumping to conclusions don’t ya?
So should we lookin to it??
I haven’t heard any good reasons to except for political distractions and ammo for Trump to use against Joe.

Should we dig into the Trump boys and investigate them to see if they’ve been committing any business crimes or tax fraud?

Trump has been investigated since he took office. Think it's only fair it's another persons turn?
Those who think two wrongs make a right are immature and unprincipled
We hired trump to be an ass hole drain the swamp, do what ever it takes... we don’t care about your feelings
Then you should fire him. He restocked it.

A sore loser even before he loses.

Pragmatic; I am pragmatic.

A sore lose ain't so bad, a sore winner is an asshole.

Hard for the the GOP to further destroy what Obama has pretty much trashed.

Pragmatic that.

What did President Obama Trash?

The list of what he didn't trash would be much shorter.


Idiot-Gram ^^^, variety, bigoted damn liar genre.
Still using old cliches , worn out over the years, and I thought you all were progressive
View attachment 282162
I think Biden acted in coordination with our government and that of our Allies. So the motives you assign to him you have to assign to everybody.

Now if Biden went rogue and threatened to pull the loan to fire a guy without the sanction of our government then hell yes that would be inappropriate. But there is ZERO EVIDENCE that happened. Your story is a fabrication.
So you aren’t interested in how many meetings hunter Biden showed up for? Interesting
When did I say I wasnt interested in that?

You just love jumping to conclusions don’t ya?
So should we lookin to it??
I haven’t heard any good reasons to except for political distractions and ammo for Trump to use against Joe.

Should we dig into the Trump boys and investigate them to see if they’ve been committing any business crimes or tax fraud?

Trump has been investigated since he took office. Think it's only fair it's another persons turn?
I’m just saying ‘this once, leftists cannot investigate worth a shit, four years and they still got nothing! Wow you all suck at this and should get a new job!
When did I say I wasnt interested in that?

You just love jumping to conclusions don’t ya?
So should we lookin to it??
I haven’t heard any good reasons to except for political distractions and ammo for Trump to use against Joe.

Should we dig into the Trump boys and investigate them to see if they’ve been committing any business crimes or tax fraud?

Trump has been investigated since he took office. Think it's only fair it's another persons turn?
Those who think two wrongs make a right are immature and unprincipled
We hired trump to be an ass hole drain the swamp, do what ever it takes... we don’t care about your feelings

"do whatever it takes" - no, no, a thousand times no. Every time we resort to phrases like this ("Anybody but ...", "Doing nothing is NOT an option!", "If it saves one life, it's worth it", et. al), we're essentially giving up on principled government. We're setting ourselves up to be conned by any charlatan willing to promise the moon. Voters have got to stop falling for this shit.
"You try testifying in court and found to be guilty of perjury."

Scooter Libby tried that -- and was found guilty.

First, you yahoo's cheered when Bush commuted his sentence.

Then y'all did cartwheels when Trump gave him a full pardon.

Your shit doesn't fly around here.

You are comparing direct knowledge vs process crimes. It's one of the reasons Trump never accepted being interviewed by Mueller. You can choke anybody up by bringing up things they might have forgotten about, perhaps dates, places, whatever.

They knew all along that Richard Armitage was the real leaker. And what happened to him????

So of course Bush commuted his sentence. It was a witch hunt right from the beginning. Now would you like to compare what Clinton was sentenced to compared to Libby????
Scooter was the original leaker. But it was the reporter with whom Armitage leaked who actually ran with the story and published it.

Regardless.... Libby intentionally lied to federal investigators, was tried & convicted of perjury and you rightards proved you don't actually give a shit about perjury. Shit, even after begin convicted, here you are still defending Libby.

Maybe now you realize what a flaming goof you look like saying, "Minor offenses? You try testifying in court and found to be guilty of perjury. I guarantee you won't get the same treatment as Bill Clinton did under the law."

I guess you have a hard time distinguishing between process crimes and real crimes. But that's expected of a leftist.

So how many years was Bill Clinton sentenced to prison?
Dumbshit... both Clinton and Libby were accused of the same thing.... criminal lying. Clinton lied in a deposition and Libby lied to federal investigators.

And Clinton didn't face prison because he accepted a plea deal.

Libby was sentenced to prison and cretins on the right celebrated when Bush commuted his sentence and Trump pardoned him. Forever extinguishing the myth that you righties give a shit about perjury and exposing how impeaching Clinton over it was bullshit.

Clinton knowingly perjured himself, Libby didn't. That's why we celebrated when Bush got him off the hook.

You people always have two sets of rules just like Rush says. You have Biden who openly made the threat of withholding US aid to get what he wanted, and Trump who didn't. Yet you are now accusing Trump of what Biden did.
"Libby didn't."


Lemme guess .... faulty memory ... ?

So should we lookin to it??
I haven’t heard any good reasons to except for political distractions and ammo for Trump to use against Joe.

Should we dig into the Trump boys and investigate them to see if they’ve been committing any business crimes or tax fraud?

Trump has been investigated since he took office. Think it's only fair it's another persons turn?
Those who think two wrongs make a right are immature and unprincipled
We hired trump to be an ass hole drain the swamp, do what ever it takes... we don’t care about your feelings
Then you should fire him. He restocked it.
Huh he’s cleared his cabinet many times.. be happy
Damn Ray.....

Do you realize you just described Venezuela only a few years before Hugo and the Left plunged the country into chaos?
Venezuelans didn't elect Chavez.....OR Maduro....corruption did. Good thing we don't have that here.

Sadly, I feel most on the Right are also "Not worried at all". In fact so many are so relaxed and sure, they feel their participation won't even be needed in 2020.
There'll be PLENTY of votes for Trump, even if I stay home. (x 30,000,000)

"Trump is guaranteed to win". No doubt.

You have to remember we Republicans take out our anger differently than those on the left.

When the left gets pissed off, they have protests, riots in the street, destroying private and public property. We on the right get so pissed off that we make sure to make it to the polls hell over high water.

Not to worry. The last thing we Republicans will do is become complacent. If you don't believe me, just check out the standing room only events where Trump appears, compared to Biden who can't pack a high school cafeteria.
"We on the right get so pissed off that we make sure to make it to the polls hell over high water."

Oh? When was the last presidential election where more Republicans voted than Democrats?

George Bush.

But more than that was the midterms during DumBama.
Try harder...

Democrat: 39%
Republican: 35%

Democrat: 37%
Republican: 37%

2004 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

You imbecile... your link says exactly what I already posted...

Democrat: 37%
Republican: 37%

You're as sharp as a marshmallow.
Impeach him already, you don't have squat, we can't wait for the Senate Trial. There are a LOT of Democrats and Deep Staters that need to be compelled to testify, under oath, and cross examined by Republican Senators. Brennan, Comey, McCabe Stzok, Crapper, Schiff, Fat Jerry and so forth.

Trump's the only one fighting for us, and the Dems hate the Middle Class and want Trump out because he is lifting our incomes.

STUNNING! Trump’s Economic Number FOUR TIMES BETTER than Obama — Middle Class Incomes up $3,000 per Year!

The real median household income is up $3,000 under President Donald Trump.

After eight years in office Barack Obama was able to raise wages only $1,000 per household, a pathetic number.

Obama was all about the regulations and creeping socialism.

You talk about trump like he's Jesus. Like he's the only one who can save you. Thanks for reminding everyone how conservatism is nothing but a cult.
Impeach him already, you don't have squat, we can't wait for the Senate Trial. There are a LOT of Democrats and Deep Staters that need to be compelled to testify, under oath, and cross examined by Republican Senators. Brennan, Comey, McCabe Stzok, Crapper, Schiff, Fat Jerry and so forth.

Trump's the only one fighting for us, and the Dems hate the Middle Class and want Trump out because he is lifting our incomes.

STUNNING! Trump’s Economic Number FOUR TIMES BETTER than Obama — Middle Class Incomes up $3,000 per Year!

The real median household income is up $3,000 under President Donald Trump.

After eight years in office Barack Obama was able to raise wages only $1,000 per household, a pathetic number.

Obama was all about the regulations and creeping socialism.

The leftist voters fear Trump not because of any current numbers showing, but they fear him because of their worry over his perceived ideology and conservative side in which he leans toward or was learned from his up bringing in life.

Anything he thinks or does, just drives these new ideologically driven brainwashed young voters of today into a panic mode... It's all because they "think" that he has come to roll back every gain ever made by them or everything they had been told even if some of those things were wrong or bad (it matters not to them).... They just want him gone on ideological views alone.

When that is realized, then the understanding of what is going on will help to understand how to deal with the ideological aspect of it all.

Number's mean nothing to this new generation, because they have been groomed by the Democrats to suggest that the system will take care of them cradle to grave, and this regardless of the numbers being shown, so money means nothing to this new generation of dependent's and activist.

It's all about ideological views and Hollywood driven, media driven trends now.

The job numbers are important, but is this truly reaching them ??? Gotta keep the eyes on the bigger picture, and understand why all this has gone the way that it has since 2016.
You have to remember we Republicans take out our anger differently than those on the left.

When the left gets pissed off, they have protests, riots in the street, destroying private and public property. We on the right get so pissed off that we make sure to make it to the polls hell over high water.

Not to worry. The last thing we Republicans will do is become complacent. If you don't believe me, just check out the standing room only events where Trump appears, compared to Biden who can't pack a high school cafeteria.
"We on the right get so pissed off that we make sure to make it to the polls hell over high water."

Oh? When was the last presidential election where more Republicans voted than Democrats?

George Bush.

But more than that was the midterms during DumBama.
Try harder...

Democrat: 39%
Republican: 35%

Democrat: 37%
Republican: 37%

2004 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

You imbecile... your link says exactly what I already posted...

Democrat: 37%
Republican: 37%

You're as sharp as a marshmallow.

So you don't know how to read charts either. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Okay, I'll spell it out for you. 2004 Presidential election.

Bush: 62,040,610
Kerry: 59,028,444

Need anymore help, just feel free to ask.
View attachment 282162 So you aren’t interested in how many meetings hunter Biden showed up for? Interesting
When did I say I wasnt interested in that?

You just love jumping to conclusions don’t ya?
So should we lookin to it??
I haven’t heard any good reasons to except for political distractions and ammo for Trump to use against Joe.

Should we dig into the Trump boys and investigate them to see if they’ve been committing any business crimes or tax fraud?

Trump has been investigated since he took office. Think it's only fair it's another persons turn?
I’m just saying ‘this once, leftists cannot investigate worth a shit, four years and they still got nothing! Wow you all suck at this and should get a new job!
Well nothing being there would make anybody look bad... LOL.
"We on the right get so pissed off that we make sure to make it to the polls hell over high water."

Oh? When was the last presidential election where more Republicans voted than Democrats?

George Bush.

But more than that was the midterms during DumBama.
Try harder...

Democrat: 39%
Republican: 35%

Democrat: 37%
Republican: 37%

2004 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

You imbecile... your link says exactly what I already posted...

Democrat: 37%
Republican: 37%

You're as sharp as a marshmallow.

So you don't know how to read charts either. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Okay, I'll spell it out for you. 2004 Presidential election.

Bush: 62,040,610
Kerry: 59,028,444

Need anymore help, just feel free to ask.

Dumbfuck, I didn't ask you when was the last time a Republican candidate got more votes than a Democrat candidate. :eusa_doh:

From what mental disorder do you suffer??

You said that when you righties get pissed off, you go to the polls.... leading me to ask you, not which candidate got the most votes, but....
Faun said:
Oh? When was the last presidential election where more Republicans voted than Democrats?
I would say you've got shit for brains but that would be giving you too much credit

No I voted because he kept his word
Well,he only knows a few...
Yup supreme court judges , best economy ever, strong military , trigging you libtards lol
Did you hear that manufacturing numbers just hit 2009 numbers which trigger the large drop in the stock market... are the tides changing?

Trumps blaming the fed (shocker). Business owners blame the tariffs and trade war.

U.S. manufacturers experience worst month since 2007-2009 Great Recession, ISM finds

One month does not a trend make. Of course there has been some market contraction since the tariffs but, why stay with unfair tariffs that benefit the ChiComs over America? Shithead politicians in the past caused this shit. Now Trump has to straighten it out. We voted for Trump BECAUSE he is not an establishment politician.

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