Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

Well,he only knows a few...
Yup supreme court judges , best economy ever, strong military , trigging you libtards lol
Did you hear that manufacturing numbers just hit 2009 numbers which trigger the large drop in the stock market... are the tides changing?
Wtf are democrats doing they have the house?
You think the house is responsible for that stuff?
Lol wow bro.
Was that a yes or no? Can you please do better at answering questions. Won’t waste as much time
No I voted because he kept his word
Well,he only knows a few...
Yup supreme court judges , best economy ever, strong military , trigging you libtards lol
Did you hear that manufacturing numbers just hit 2009 numbers which trigger the large drop in the stock market... are the tides changing?

Trumps blaming the fed (shocker). Business owners blame the tariffs and trade war.

U.S. manufacturers experience worst month since 2007-2009 Great Recession, ISM finds
Yup supreme court judges , best economy ever, strong military , trigging you libtards lol
Did you hear that manufacturing numbers just hit 2009 numbers which trigger the large drop in the stock market... are the tides changing?
Wtf are democrats doing they have the house?
You think the house is responsible for that stuff?
Lol wow bro.
Was that a yes or no? Can you please do better at answering questions. Won’t waste as much time
When your not suffering TDS, and understand democrats control part of the House of Representatives, then you can ask them what they are doing .. since before they came in. We were skyrocketing still are but
Did you hear that manufacturing numbers just hit 2009 numbers which trigger the large drop in the stock market... are the tides changing?
Wtf are democrats doing they have the house?
You think the house is responsible for that stuff?
Lol wow bro.
Was that a yes or no? Can you please do better at answering questions. Won’t waste as much time
When your not suffering TDS, and understand democrats control part of the House of Representatives, then you can ask them what they are doing .. since before they came in. We were skyrocketing still are but
But what? Are they responsible or not
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.
Though not a Trump voter -nor a voter for anyone else-I think the repubs can see that impeachment is the ultimate Wile E. Coyote adventure...It certainly blew up in their faces with Bubba.
It did..but this could be different.....a lot of whistling past the graveyard on this one by the one seems to be considering the scenario where Trump is removed...
Now that there's some whistling past the Dem boneyard. I must admit I don't spend any time considering being hit by lightning or an asteroid either. I guess I'm just not the worrying type.
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Neutral on Trump and economy, but current prosperity if from budget deficit and increased national debt from tax cut.
That is temporary and can not be continued.
Trade war is hurting economy, but I agree with Trump that China was killing us, with consumer electronics, solar, rare earth elements, steel, aluminum, etc.
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.
Though not a Trump voter -nor a voter for anyone else-I think the repubs can see that impeachment is the ultimate Wile E. Coyote adventure...It certainly blew up in their faces with Bubba.
It did..but this could be different.....a lot of whistling past the graveyard on this one by the one seems to be considering the scenario where Trump is removed...
Now that there's some whistling past the Dem boneyard. I must admit I don't spend any time considering being hit by lightning or an asteroid either. I guess I'm just not the worrying type.

The odds of being struck in your lifetime is 1 in 3,000.

Flash Facts About Lightning
Wtf are democrats doing they have the house?
You think the house is responsible for that stuff?
Lol wow bro.
Was that a yes or no? Can you please do better at answering questions. Won’t waste as much time
When your not suffering TDS, and understand democrats control part of the House of Representatives, then you can ask them what they are doing .. since before they came in. We were skyrocketing still are but
But what? Are they responsible or not
They are the representatives they have oversight.. do I need to walk you through this?
isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

The bigger threat is what this sham is doing to our nation and political institutions. And it's all on the Dems. They don't even have the balls to do this shit by the book because if they did it would give the minority power the ability to also call forth witnesses and demand testimony from BOTH SIDES.

Cowards, the lot of them. As well as any of you leftwits who condone this twisting of judicial justice and outright abuse of legislative power.
You think the house is responsible for that stuff?
Lol wow bro.
Was that a yes or no? Can you please do better at answering questions. Won’t waste as much time
When your not suffering TDS, and understand democrats control part of the House of Representatives, then you can ask them what they are doing .. since before they came in. We were skyrocketing still are but
But what? Are they responsible or not
They are the representatives they have oversight.. do I need to walk you through this?
Yes you do because it sounds like you have no clue what you are talking about.
Try harder...

Democrat: 39%
Republican: 35%

Democrat: 37%
Republican: 37%

/----/ President Trump is driving the chaos. He's playing the libtards like a fiddle. By releasing the transcript, he derailed the lib narrative forcing Schiff to litteraly make up a conversation between Trump and the Ukraine President.
"We’ve been very good to your country. Very good. No other country has done as much as we have. But you know what, I don’t see much reciprocity here. You know what I mean? I hear what you want. I have a favor I want from you though. And I’m going to say this only seven times, so you better listen good. I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand? Lots of dirt, on this and on that. I’m going to put you in touch with people, and not just any people. I’m going to put you in touch with the Attorney General of the United States — my Attorney General, Bill Barr — he’s got the whole weight of American law enforcement behind him. And I’m going to put you in touch with Rudy, you’re going to love him. Trust me. You know what I’m asking, so I’m only going to say this a few more times, in a few more ways. And don’t call me again. I’ll call you when you’ve done what I asked."
Your talking about the piece he called parody? Did you think he was trying to pass that off as an actual quote. That one when right over your head I guess

It only became a parody after a Republican pointed out he was lying.

He might have gotten away with it if not for the transcript being made public. But since it is public, only the Democrats will believe what he said. After all, Democrats don't think for themselves, they are only told what to think which is why he pulled it off.
Holy shit Ray.. you too?! You really think age was trying to pass that off as Trumps actual words?! Go watch the video again, this is going right over your head

Yes, that's exactly what I think.
Christ Ray, you’re dumber than I thought. Here’s a tip when somebody says

“Shorn of its rambling character and in not so many words, this is the essence of what the president communicates”

It usually means what they say next is not an exact quote it is an interpretation of it.

You really need to start thinking for yourself

Opinion: Adam Schiff's riff on Trump's Ukraine call was more truth than parody, but still unwise

There is a difference between interpretation and out and out lying. When you interpret something like a Mafia boss, it's more than interpretation. I mean.....really. "You don't call me. I call you." Come on man.

Or are you going to tell me left-wing stations are not lying either, they are merely doing parody.


an imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect: the movie is a parody of the horror genre |his provocative use of parody.• an imitation or a version of something that falls far short of the real thing; a travesty: he seems like a parody of an educated Englishman.

So that's what Schiff face was doing, comedy? You think that's funny how? Funny like a clown?
So that's what Schiff face was doing, comedy?
Parody is not always funny. Especially when it comes to the mentally ill president. And whining about people taking it to trump is a nonstarter. That ship sailed long ago, with every nauseating, classless tweet by the mentally ill old man.
Your talking about the piece he called parody? Did you think he was trying to pass that off as an actual quote. That one when right over your head I guess

It only became a parody after a Republican pointed out he was lying.

He might have gotten away with it if not for the transcript being made public. But since it is public, only the Democrats will believe what he said. After all, Democrats don't think for themselves, they are only told what to think which is why he pulled it off.
Holy shit Ray.. you too?! You really think age was trying to pass that off as Trumps actual words?! Go watch the video again, this is going right over your head

Yes, that's exactly what I think.
Christ Ray, you’re dumber than I thought. Here’s a tip when somebody says

“Shorn of its rambling character and in not so many words, this is the essence of what the president communicates”

It usually means what they say next is not an exact quote it is an interpretation of it.

You really need to start thinking for yourself

Opinion: Adam Schiff's riff on Trump's Ukraine call was more truth than parody, but still unwise

There is a difference between interpretation and out and out lying. When you interpret something like a Mafia boss, it's more than interpretation. I mean.....really. "You don't call me. I call you." Come on man.

Or are you going to tell me left-wing stations are not lying either, they are merely doing parody.


an imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect: the movie is a parody of the horror genre |his provocative use of parody.• an imitation or a version of something that falls far short of the real thing; a travesty: he seems like a parody of an educated Englishman.

So that's what Schiff face was doing, comedy? You think that's funny how? Funny like a clown?
/—-/ When caught red handed, the first excuse of a reprobate is “I was only joking.”
Wtf are democrats doing they have the house?
You think the house is responsible for that stuff?
Lol wow bro.
Was that a yes or no? Can you please do better at answering questions. Won’t waste as much time
When your not suffering TDS, and understand democrats control part of the House of Representatives, then you can ask them what they are doing .. since before they came in. We were skyrocketing still are but
But what? Are they responsible or not
They are the representatives they have oversight.. do I need to walk you through this?
According to socialists no individual deserves any money that they earned, deadbeats deserve other peoples money
Why are you talking about socialists?
Progressivism socialism same difference... A cancer on society
You obviously don’t understand the difference. Study up before you say things like that, you won’t sound as stupid
Do you think what Biden said was some what questionable?
I think Biden acted in coordination with our government and that of our Allies. So the motives you assign to him you have to assign to everybody.

Now if Biden went rogue and threatened to pull the loan to fire a guy without the sanction of our government then hell yes that would be inappropriate. But there is ZERO EVIDENCE that happened. Your story is a fabrication.

It is, huh?

Broadly speaking, Democratic lawmakers see the president’s decision to temporarily hold both pots of money as divorced from policy and politically motivated, and a few Republican lawmakers have publicly expressed cautious concern. Trump’s allies say the president was troubled about corruption in Ukraine and leery of spending more to help Ukraine when compared to America’s European allies.

On Wednesday, Trump and Zelenskiy appeared together for a news conference, at which Trump said he wanted Germany, France and other European countries to contribute to Ukraine’s defense. Trump also diminished the substantial aid provided under the administration of President Barack Obama.

Here’s what you need to know about the US aid package to Ukraine that Trump delayed
So that's what Schiff face was doing, comedy?
Parody is not always funny. Especially when it comes to the mentally ill president. And whining about people taking it to trump is a nonstarter. That ship sailed long ago, with every nauseating, classless tweet by the mentally ill old man.
/—-/ Now parody isn’t supposed to be funny. That explains SNL and the late night comedians.
Lol wow bro.
Was that a yes or no? Can you please do better at answering questions. Won’t waste as much time
When your not suffering TDS, and understand democrats control part of the House of Representatives, then you can ask them what they are doing .. since before they came in. We were skyrocketing still are but
But what? Are they responsible or not
They are the representatives they have oversight.. do I need to walk you through this?
Yes you do because it sounds like you have no clue what you are talking about.
Lol boy get a education before you log in over here
Your talking about the piece he called parody? Did you think he was trying to pass that off as an actual quote. That one when right over your head I guess

It only became a parody after a Republican pointed out he was lying.

He might have gotten away with it if not for the transcript being made public. But since it is public, only the Democrats will believe what he said. After all, Democrats don't think for themselves, they are only told what to think which is why he pulled it off.
Holy shit Ray.. you too?! You really think age was trying to pass that off as Trumps actual words?! Go watch the video again, this is going right over your head

Yes, that's exactly what I think.
Christ Ray, you’re dumber than I thought. Here’s a tip when somebody says

“Shorn of its rambling character and in not so many words, this is the essence of what the president communicates”

It usually means what they say next is not an exact quote it is an interpretation of it.

You really need to start thinking for yourself

Opinion: Adam Schiff's riff on Trump's Ukraine call was more truth than parody, but still unwise

There is a difference between interpretation and out and out lying. When you interpret something like a Mafia boss, it's more than interpretation. I mean.....really. "You don't call me. I call you." Come on man.

Or are you going to tell me left-wing stations are not lying either, they are merely doing parody.


an imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect: the movie is a parody of the horror genre |his provocative use of parody.• an imitation or a version of something that falls far short of the real thing; a travesty: he seems like a parody of an educated Englishman.

So that's what Schiff face was doing, comedy? You think that's funny how? Funny like a clown?
Yes he was pretty much doing exactly that. More mockery than comedy but definitely exaggeration and imitating a mob like style. That’s exactly what he did. Immature and inappropriate coming from the head of a committee? Sure. But not at all like you all are trying to paint.

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