Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

Mac1958 and Slade3200........

Two accounts....same person ?

Mac and I have disagreed on plenty of things. We just aren’t drunk on the koolaid
Mueller and his lawyers were the ones telling all the lies
Haha, such idiotic nonsense. Trump says it, so you say it. Then trump says the mueller report exonerates him. So you say that, too, with zero awareness that both of you look like morons who don't know what is going to come out of your mouth next and, frankly, don't care.
Mueller and his lawyers were the ones telling all the lies
Haha, such idiotic nonsense. Trump says it, so you say it. Then trump says the mueller report exonerates him. So you say that, too, with zero awareness that both of you look like morons who don't know what is going to come out of your mouth next and, frankly, don't care.
The morons are the ones who believe the Mueller report listed any crimes Trump is guilty of.
Mueller and his lawyers were the ones telling all the lies
Haha, such idiotic nonsense. Trump says it, so you say it. Then trump says the mueller report exonerates him. So you say that, too, with zero awareness that both of you look like morons who don't know what is going to come out of your mouth next and, frankly, don't care.
The morons are the ones who believe the Mueller report listed any crimes Trump is guilty of.
yes, very cultish of you. Change lanes, then say something only a trump cultist would say.
Hypocrisy is the most hated thing for humans

The anger and rage is pre wired into all humans to get angry and then to stop all
Hypocrisy crooks This Protects to stop this harm
The Price of Liberty is VIGILANCE.


Nancy Pelosi was greeted by at least 300 Trump supporters while attending a fundraiser at the Greenville, South Carolina Hyatt Regency on Friday. The Speaker was confronted by a sea of MAGA caps, “Impeach Pelosi” signs, and at least one woman draped in a “Women for Trump” banner and wearing a Pelosi mask. (A degrading task, but somebody had to do it.)​

This is unusual for Republicans, who have traditionally maintained a live and let live policy toward the Democrats no matter what the circumstances. This is a large part of the “Republican as wimp” stereotype that has dominated the political scene for generations. The Demunnists were street fighters, toughies from the unions and the slums, whereas the GOP were the “little man on the wedding cake.”​

This started to change in 2000 with the attempted Gore coup in Florida. Republicans actually set aside their plaid jackets and contrasting waistcoats to demonstrate in front of the vote-counting offices. This was the first time this had occurred since the civil war, and was a harbinger as to how things were beginning to change.​

This is not something that Nancy could possibly welcome. Most of the Dem strategy is based on the assumption that the party of the Bushes, Romney, and Ryan will never strike back. But the ground is shifting, and a new GOP, brought to life by the Orange Cthulhu, is beginning to stir.​

So far nobody has chased Nancy or Adam or Little Sandy from a restaurant or confronted them on the street. It would be a shame if anyone did. But these things have a logic of their own and will go the way they go. Fires of this type, once set, will burn until they burn out. The Dems, in their embrace of violence, lies, manipulation, and gutter tactics, have opened a door, and they must deal with whatever emerges.​

They always seem to think that they can violate norms, rhetorical, political, and otherwise, that benefit them with impunity.
The Whistle Blower had no first hand information.
Let me guess. You got that from people like you defending a conspiracy promoted by a corrupted POTUS.

How do you even know that the WB had no first hand information?
You mean the one that committed PERJURY while transmitting the complaints?

The Federalist: "The complainant’s failure to disclose his interactions with Schiff or his staff could put him in legal hot water, as the whistleblower form he submitted requires individuals to disclose “other actions you are taking on your disclosure” under penalty of perjury."

An entire page of the whistleblower form is dedicated to collecting information about previous disclosures so the ICIG can take appropriate action in response to the complaint.

“I have previously disclosed (or am disclosing) the violations alleged here to (complete all that apply),” the form requires the complainant to attest. The form includes checkboxes for disclosures to other inspectors general, other agencies, the Department of Justice, the Government Accountability Office, the Office of Special Counsel, other executive branch departments, Congress and its respective committees, and media. It also includes a separate question asking the complainant to detail those previous disclosures to the ICIG. -The Federalist

He committed Perjury and Schiff lied, and Pelosi launched a impeachment inquiry before she read the transcripts? This has got to be the dumbest most high profile move ever by the House.

PERJURER, backed up by the Bald Faced Lies of Schiff, the Committee Chair who is running the Impeachment Circus?

The whistleblower deliberately concealed prior contacts with House Democrats regarding the allegations of his August 12 complaint. The box in Part 3, Question 1 of the form regarding contacts with Congress or congressional committees was unchecked and left blank. The dates of those contacts were also not disclosed as required. And the specific members and committees that were contacted were likewise not disclosed in the section requiring that information." And then signed UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY?

And while the whistleblower concealed his contacts with Schiff's committee, Schiff OUTRIGHT lied about them - claiming last month that his panel had "not spoken with the whistleblower." This earned Schiff four Pinocchios from the Washington Post.


Nobody in the House Leadership is smart enough to double check these things before you launch IMPEACHMENT OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!?!?

Are You Kidding Me?

From Federalist? Really? I mean REALLY?

Go get me something else that tickle me.
Yes, really. Unlike left wing propaganda organs such as NYT and CNN, the Federalist is a publication with integrity.

If he is talking to you,Ray or jc.,Then he can use those kinds of garbage news media like Federalist. Because those are catered to poorly informed trump supporters..
You have no factual basis for calling the Federalist "garbage." You do it solely because it proves on a daily basis that your agenda is disastrous.
After all the garbage posted in the fake News Media these clowns are going to turn up their noses at the Federalist?

The New York Times had a young 20's reporterette screwing a 50's somethin' senior aide on the Senate Intelligence Committee in exchange for dirt on Trump.

The blizzard of lies they have been caught publishing over the last 3 years?
There is no way in hell that you can say that Trump is good person let alone a president.
The most disgusting piece of garbage POTUS ever.

Based on what ?

Pussy grabbing? JFK did it a LOT with power tend to have it "thrown" at them. You jealous? oh...wait..
Lying? Obama did it as much or more (hint: show me a politician that doesn't lie and I show you a pig that flies)
Having Money? The Obamas aren't exactly "broke"
Actually rejecting leftist core values? Must be it. Now we're getting somewhere. No one else in US politics had the balls to do THAT

Meh....just another partisan hack with TDS

Based on what we witnessed.

Obama was and is well respected internationally and domestically. The real leader and president.
Trump is just a freak of nature.
There is no way in hell that you can say that Trump is good person let alone a president.
The most disgusting piece of garbage POTUS ever.

Based on what ?

Pussy grabbing? JFK did it a LOT with power tend to have it "thrown" at them. You jealous? oh...wait..
Lying? Obama did it as much or more (hint: show me a politician that doesn't lie and I show you a pig that flies)
Having Money? The Obamas aren't exactly "broke"
Actually rejecting leftist core values? Must be it. Now we're getting somewhere. No one else in US politics had the balls to do THAT

Meh....just another partisan hack with TDS

Based on what we witnessed.

Obama was and is well respected internationally and domestically. The real leader and president.
Trump is just a freak of nature.
Trump's the choice of The US Electorate.

CLEANING OUT THE NEST OF SPIES: Trump orders new national security adviser to make ‘substantial’ staff cuts: report.

“President Trump has instructed his new National Security Adviser to make substantial staffing cuts to the 300-member National Security Council, according to reports — after years of Republican complaints of agency bloat and overreach. . . . The NSC staff, which numbered around 100 during the Clinton and Bush administrations, swelled to 400 full-time members under President Obama.”​
There is no way in hell that you can say that Trump is good person let alone a president.
The most disgusting piece of garbage POTUS ever.
One day they're cheering him for attacking and name-calling and insulting people, the next day they're complaining when he's criticized for it.

I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I've never been near a cult.
Donald J.Trump is his own man...he loves the United States of America...he loves the people he represents...God bless him. Roll DJT...roll.

Trump loves the United States...... is that supposed to be a qualifications?

Trump only repeat ......... only represent certain group not the whole America.

1. That is why you have followers here like Ray admittedly want to divide America democrats vs Republicans because of trump.

2. That is why you have followers here like Bri willing to kill his own fellow Americans just for the sake of Trump.

Do you know why these people are acting dumb and stupid?
Trump mentioned Civil War. Just think the fucking mentality of this dumb fuck head of this POTUS. This beyond repugnant.

These are the results of how Trump rule America. Divider in Chief. America cannot afford 4 more years of these imbecileness from inept POTUS.
There is no way in hell that you can say that Trump is good person let alone a president.
The most disgusting piece of garbage POTUS ever.
One day they're cheering him for attacking and name-calling and insulting people, the next day they're complaining when he's criticized for it.

I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I've never been near a cult.

Most all of the time Trump criticizes people is because they attacked him first. The problem is you people never seen this before. You're used to the left attacking a Republican President, and they just sit in the corner and be quiet like what is expected of them.
There is no way in hell that you can say that Trump is good person let alone a president.
The most disgusting piece of garbage POTUS ever.
One day they're cheering him for attacking and name-calling and insulting people, the next day they're complaining when he's criticized for it.

I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I've never been near a cult.
Donald J.Trump is his own man...he loves the United States of America...he loves the people he represents...God bless him. Roll DJT...roll.

Trump loves the United States...... is that supposed to be a qualifications?

Trump only repeat ......... only represent certain group not the whole America.

1. That is why you have followers here like Ray admittedly want to divide America democrats vs Republicans because of trump.

2. That is why you have followers here like Bri willing to kill his own fellow Americans just for the sake of Trump.

Do you know why these people are acting dumb and stupid?
Trump mentioned Civil War. Just think the fucking mentality of this dumb fuck head of this POTUS. This beyond repugnant.

These are the results of how Trump rule America. Divider in Chief. America cannot afford 4 more years of these imbecileness from inept POTUS.
Trump doesn't RULE America, he governs. Lefties never seem to get that straight.
There is no way in hell that you can say that Trump is good person let alone a president.
The most disgusting piece of garbage POTUS ever.

Based on what ?

Pussy grabbing? JFK did it a LOT with power tend to have it "thrown" at them. You jealous? oh...wait..
Lying? Obama did it as much or more (hint: show me a politician that doesn't lie and I show you a pig that flies)
Having Money? The Obamas aren't exactly "broke"
Actually rejecting leftist core values? Must be it. Now we're getting somewhere. No one else in US politics had the balls to do THAT

Meh....just another partisan hack with TDS

Based on what we witnessed.

Obama was and is well respected internationally and domestically. The real leader and president.
Trump is just a freak of nature.
Trump's the choice of The US Electorate.

CLEANING OUT THE NEST OF SPIES: Trump orders new national security adviser to make ‘substantial’ staff cuts: report.

“President Trump has instructed his new National Security Adviser to make substantial staffing cuts to the 300-member National Security Council, according to reports — after years of Republican complaints of agency bloat and overreach. . . . The NSC staff, which numbered around 100 during the Clinton and Bush administrations, swelled to 400 full-time members under President Obama.”​

So tell me. What is your post has anything to do with my post?
There is no way in hell that you can say that Trump is good person let alone a president.
The most disgusting piece of garbage POTUS ever.
One day they're cheering him for attacking and name-calling and insulting people, the next day they're complaining when he's criticized for it.

I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I've never been near a cult.

Most all of the time Trump criticizes people is because they attacked him first. The problem is you people never seen this before. You're used to the left attacking a Republican President, and they just sit in the corner and be quiet like what is expected of them.

Just admit it. He cannot stand criticism. Being a president you expect to be attacked. If he cannot stand the heat then resign.
There is no way in hell that you can say that Trump is good person let alone a president.
The most disgusting piece of garbage POTUS ever.

Based on what ?

Pussy grabbing? JFK did it a LOT with power tend to have it "thrown" at them. You jealous? oh...wait..
Lying? Obama did it as much or more (hint: show me a politician that doesn't lie and I show you a pig that flies)
Having Money? The Obamas aren't exactly "broke"
Actually rejecting leftist core values? Must be it. Now we're getting somewhere. No one else in US politics had the balls to do THAT

Meh....just another partisan hack with TDS

Based on what we witnessed.

Obama was and is well respected internationally and domestically. The real leader and president.
Trump is just a freak of nature.
Trump's the choice of The US Electorate.

CLEANING OUT THE NEST OF SPIES: Trump orders new national security adviser to make ‘substantial’ staff cuts: report.

“President Trump has instructed his new National Security Adviser to make substantial staffing cuts to the 300-member National Security Council, according to reports — after years of Republican complaints of agency bloat and overreach. . . . The NSC staff, which numbered around 100 during the Clinton and Bush administrations, swelled to 400 full-time members under President Obama.”​

So tell me. What is your post has anything to do with my post?
Trump's a MUCH better President than either Dubya or Obama.


Michelle with Dumb and Dumber
Pointing out the truth is not whining. It's a service. If you tried discovering the truth may be you would not always be wrong.

When the left criticizes Trump, it's constructive criticism. When the right criticizes the left, it's whining.

When the left suspects the right doing something unethical, it's proper to have an investigation. When the right suspects something unethical about the left, it's digging up dirt.

If a Republican is caught not telling the truth, it's lying. If a Democrat is caught not telling the truth, he or she simply misspoke.

If a Republican changes their position on something, they are a flip-flopper. If a Democrat switches their position on something, they are evolving.

"Folks, Democrats have two sets of rules: one set for them, and another set for the rest of us."
Rush Limbaugh
There is no way in hell that you can say that Trump is good person let alone a president.
The most disgusting piece of garbage POTUS ever.
One day they're cheering him for attacking and name-calling and insulting people, the next day they're complaining when he's criticized for it.

I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I've never been near a cult.

Most all of the time Trump criticizes people is because they attacked him first. The problem is you people never seen this before. You're used to the left attacking a Republican President, and they just sit in the corner and be quiet like what is expected of them.

Just admit it. He cannot stand criticism. Being a president you expect to be attacked. If he cannot stand the heat then resign.
Trump laughs at your attacks and continues Working for The American People, while The House does nothing but pretend to impeach.


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