Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

There is no way in hell that you can say that Trump is good person let alone a president.
The most disgusting piece of garbage POTUS ever.
One day they're cheering him for attacking and name-calling and insulting people, the next day they're complaining when he's criticized for it.

I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I've never been near a cult.

Most all of the time Trump criticizes people is because they attacked him first. The problem is you people never seen this before. You're used to the left attacking a Republican President, and they just sit in the corner and be quiet like what is expected of them.

Bullcrap. For 8 straight years. The republicans attacked democrat president Obama. They tried very hard to make him look bad the first day he stepped in the Oval Office.

You also have Hannity and fox groupies on daily basis trying to discredit Obama.

Thanks god. Obama came out a very good President of United States of America. A true leader well respected around the globe and here at home.

Trump? What the fuck?
There is no way in hell that you can say that Trump is good person let alone a president.
The most disgusting piece of garbage POTUS ever.
One day they're cheering him for attacking and name-calling and insulting people, the next day they're complaining when he's criticized for it.

I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I've never been near a cult.

Most all of the time Trump criticizes people is because they attacked him first. The problem is you people never seen this before. You're used to the left attacking a Republican President, and they just sit in the corner and be quiet like what is expected of them.

Just admit it. He cannot stand criticism. Being a president you expect to be attacked. If he cannot stand the heat then resign.

Of course he expected to be attacked, but that doesn't mean he has to sit there and take it, especially the lies.

Your position is that if he can't sit down and shut up after being attacked, he can't stand the heat.

Sorry, but that's one of the reasons we elected Trump. We are so sick of our people behaving to your expectations. There is a new Sheriff in town now.
There is no way in hell that you can say that Trump is good person let alone a president.
The most disgusting piece of garbage POTUS ever.
One day they're cheering him for attacking and name-calling and insulting people, the next day they're complaining when he's criticized for it.

I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I've never been near a cult.

Most all of the time Trump criticizes people is because they attacked him first. The problem is you people never seen this before. You're used to the left attacking a Republican President, and they just sit in the corner and be quiet like what is expected of them.

Just admit it. He cannot stand criticism. Being a president you expect to be attacked. If he cannot stand the heat then resign.
Trump laughs at your attacks and continues Working for The American People, while The House does nothing but pretend to impeach.


Let me repeat what I just said. Trump only catered to a certain group. He does not represent the whole America.

Read my post #1833 again.
There is no way in hell that you can say that Trump is good person let alone a president.
The most disgusting piece of garbage POTUS ever.
One day they're cheering him for attacking and name-calling and insulting people, the next day they're complaining when he's criticized for it.

I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I've never been near a cult.

Most all of the time Trump criticizes people is because they attacked him first. The problem is you people never seen this before. You're used to the left attacking a Republican President, and they just sit in the corner and be quiet like what is expected of them.

Bullcrap. For 8 straight years. The republicans attacked democrat president Obama. They tried very hard to make him look bad the first day he stepped in the Oval Office.

You also have Hannity and fox groupies on daily basis trying to discredit Obama.

Thanks god. Obama came out a very good President of United States of America. A true leader well respected around the globe and here at home.

Trump? What the fuck?

And your side did the very same to George Bush. Books written against him, movies made against him, a cartoon ridiculing him, even a video game where the object was to kill GW.

Scared of Hannity and Fox, but no word about the all the other stations which are anti-Republican and anti-Trump. Then we have all of Hollywood, social media, and even advanced eduction.
There is no way in hell that you can say that Trump is good person let alone a president.
The most disgusting piece of garbage POTUS ever.
One day they're cheering him for attacking and name-calling and insulting people, the next day they're complaining when he's criticized for it.

I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I've never been near a cult.

Most all of the time Trump criticizes people is because they attacked him first. The problem is you people never seen this before. You're used to the left attacking a Republican President, and they just sit in the corner and be quiet like what is expected of them.

Bullcrap. For 8 straight years. The republicans attacked democrat president Obama. They tried very hard to make him look bad the first day he stepped in the Oval Office.

You also have Hannity and fox groupies on daily basis trying to discredit Obama.

Thanks god. Obama came out a very good President of United States of America. A true leader well respected around the globe and here at home.

Trump? What the fuck?

GDP growth has exceeded the CBO’s forecast in every quarter starting with Q2 2017. That includes the second quarter of this year, which saw 2% growth where the CBO had projected 1.5%.

As a result, the economy is now $590 billion bigger than it was supposed to be.

The CBO projected that unemployment would never get below 4.4%, and would start rising again this year. Instead, the unemployment rate fell from 4% at the start of the year to 3.5%. The current unemployment rate is now a full percentage point below the CBO’s forecast. That translates into 1.6 million more people employed than the CBO expected.

And, where the CBO had forecast a steady decline in the labor force participation rate – which measures what percentage of the working-age population is either employed or looking for a job – it has been climbing. The CBO projected it would go from 62.9% at the end of 2016 to 62.7% in the last quarter.

The actual figure for September was 63.1%.

Oh, and inflation has been running slightly lower than expected – which wasn’t supposed to happen either. A typical headline about the Trump economy was the one in the Wall Street Journal shortly after he won the election, which said, “Inflation and Interest Rates Forecast to Rise Under Trump Presidency.”

If Trump were a Democrat, the news media would be shouting hosannas from every rooftop – instead of braying for Trump’s impeachment.

Democrats hate prosperity, because they hate working Americans, that's why they want impeach Trump and end our prosperity and rising wages.

Trump’s Economy: 1.6 Million More Jobs Than The ‘Experts’ Predicted
There is no way in hell that you can say that Trump is good person let alone a president.
The most disgusting piece of garbage POTUS ever.

Based on what ?

Pussy grabbing? JFK did it a LOT with power tend to have it "thrown" at them. You jealous? oh...wait..
Lying? Obama did it as much or more (hint: show me a politician that doesn't lie and I show you a pig that flies)
Having Money? The Obamas aren't exactly "broke"
Actually rejecting leftist core values? Must be it. Now we're getting somewhere. No one else in US politics had the balls to do THAT

Meh....just another partisan hack with TDS

Based on what we witnessed.

Obama was and is well respected internationally and domestically. The real leader and president.
Trump is just a freak of nature.
Trump's the choice of The US Electorate.

CLEANING OUT THE NEST OF SPIES: Trump orders new national security adviser to make ‘substantial’ staff cuts: report.

“President Trump has instructed his new National Security Adviser to make substantial staffing cuts to the 300-member National Security Council, according to reports — after years of Republican complaints of agency bloat and overreach. . . . The NSC staff, which numbered around 100 during the Clinton and Bush administrations, swelled to 400 full-time members under President Obama.”​

So tell me. What is your post has anything to do with my post?
Trump's a MUCH better President than either Dubya or Obama.


Michelle with Dumb and Dumber
Wonder if that made her dick hard?
There is no way in hell that you can say that Trump is good person let alone a president.
The most disgusting piece of garbage POTUS ever.
One day they're cheering him for attacking and name-calling and insulting people, the next day they're complaining when he's criticized for it.

I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I've never been near a cult.

Most all of the time Trump criticizes people is because they attacked him first. The problem is you people never seen this before. You're used to the left attacking a Republican President, and they just sit in the corner and be quiet like what is expected of them.

Just admit it. He cannot stand criticism. Being a president you expect to be attacked. If he cannot stand the heat then resign.
Trump laughs at your attacks and continues Working for The American People, while The House does nothing but pretend to impeach.


Let me repeat what I just said. Trump only catered to a certain group. He does not represent the whole America.

Read my post #1833 again.
Trump IS the choice of The US Electorate.

Without A House Vote, The "Impeachment Inquiry" Is Just Another Faked Up Democrat Stunt.

Only the House can impeach the president. If there is to be an inquiry about invoking this most solemn and consequential of the House’s powers, the House must vote to conduct it. It is not for the Speaker and her adjutants to decree that there is an inquiry. If the inquiry is to be legitimate, the House as a whole must decide to conduct it.​

Members of the House are the representatives of the sovereign — the People. In November 2020, the People are scheduled to vote on whether Donald Trump should keep his job. If Democrats, who control the House, truly believe the president has committed impeachable offenses and is so unfit for his duties that we can’t wait just 13 months for the sovereign to render that verdict, then they should vote to conduct an impeachment inquiry. If they are afraid to vote on it, then they shouldn’t be doing it. And, as their committee chairmen are fond of saying, we should draw a negative inference against them.​

We have, they are sick jokes. What we see today is not THE HOUSE conducting an impeachment inquiry, but a partisan exhibition of synchronized dyspepsia.
There is no way in hell that you can say that Trump is good person let alone a president.
The most disgusting piece of garbage POTUS ever.
One day they're cheering him for attacking and name-calling and insulting people, the next day they're complaining when he's criticized for it.

I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I've never been near a cult.

Most all of the time Trump criticizes people is because they attacked him first. The problem is you people never seen this before. You're used to the left attacking a Republican President, and they just sit in the corner and be quiet like what is expected of them.

Bullcrap. For 8 straight years. The republicans attacked democrat president Obama. They tried very hard to make him look bad the first day he stepped in the Oval Office.

You also have Hannity and fox groupies on daily basis trying to discredit Obama.

Thanks god. Obama came out a very good President of United States of America. A true leader well respected around the globe and here at home.

Trump? What the fuck?

And your side did the very same to George Bush. Books written against him, movies made against him, a cartoon ridiculing him, even a video game where the object was to kill GW.

Scared of Hannity and Fox, but no word about the all the other stations which are anti-Republican and anti-Trump. Then we have all of Hollywood, social media, and even advanced eduction.

So what? That’s the nature of American politics.
But you cannot arrogantly say left attacked a Republican president. It goes both ways.
How many cartoons created against Michele and Barack Obama? Dude.... quite a bit.
How many tweets did this moron president against Obama? Quite a bit.
You seems to have a dementia.

No we are not scared of Hannity. He is total joke a trump puppeteer.

At least we don’t have a personal lawyer boogeyman doing the investigation of a conspiracy crap supplied by corrupted Ukrainian people.
Hypocrisy is the most hated thing for humans

The anger and rage is pre wired into all humans to get angry and then to stop all
Hypocrisy crooks This Protects to stop this harm
The Price of Liberty is VIGILANCE.


Nancy Pelosi was greeted by at least 300 Trump supporters while attending a fundraiser at the Greenville, South Carolina Hyatt Regency on Friday. The Speaker was confronted by a sea of MAGA caps, “Impeach Pelosi” signs, and at least one woman draped in a “Women for Trump” banner and wearing a Pelosi mask. (A degrading task, but somebody had to do it.)​

This is unusual for Republicans, who have traditionally maintained a live and let live policy toward the Democrats no matter what the circumstances. This is a large part of the “Republican as wimp” stereotype that has dominated the political scene for generations. The Demunnists were street fighters, toughies from the unions and the slums, whereas the GOP were the “little man on the wedding cake.”​

This started to change in 2000 with the attempted Gore coup in Florida. Republicans actually set aside their plaid jackets and contrasting waistcoats to demonstrate in front of the vote-counting offices. This was the first time this had occurred since the civil war, and was a harbinger as to how things were beginning to change.​

This is not something that Nancy could possibly welcome. Most of the Dem strategy is based on the assumption that the party of the Bushes, Romney, and Ryan will never strike back. But the ground is shifting, and a new GOP, brought to life by the Orange Cthulhu, is beginning to stir.​

So far nobody has chased Nancy or Adam or Little Sandy from a restaurant or confronted them on the street. It would be a shame if anyone did. But these things have a logic of their own and will go the way they go. Fires of this type, once set, will burn until they burn out. The Dems, in their embrace of violence, lies, manipulation, and gutter tactics, have opened a door, and they must deal with whatever emerges.​

They always seem to think that they can violate norms, rhetorical, political, and otherwise, that benefit them with impunity.

The majority of the men who agree with trump has men woke up
There is no way in hell that you can say that Trump is good person let alone a president.
The most disgusting piece of garbage POTUS ever.
One day they're cheering him for attacking and name-calling and insulting people, the next day they're complaining when he's criticized for it.

I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I've never been near a cult.

Most all of the time Trump criticizes people is because they attacked him first. The problem is you people never seen this before. You're used to the left attacking a Republican President, and they just sit in the corner and be quiet like what is expected of them.

Bullcrap. For 8 straight years. The republicans attacked democrat president Obama. They tried very hard to make him look bad the first day he stepped in the Oval Office.

You also have Hannity and fox groupies on daily basis trying to discredit Obama.

Thanks god. Obama came out a very good President of United States of America. A true leader well respected around the globe and here at home.

Trump? What the fuck?

And your side did the very same to George Bush. Books written against him, movies made against him, a cartoon ridiculing him, even a video game where the object was to kill GW.

Scared of Hannity and Fox, but no word about the all the other stations which are anti-Republican and anti-Trump. Then we have all of Hollywood, social media, and even advanced eduction.

So what? That’s the nature of American politics.
But you cannot arrogantly say left attacked a Republican president. It goes both ways.
How many cartoons created against Michele and Barack Obama? Dude.... quite a bit.
How many tweets did this moron president against Obama? Quite a bit.
You seems to have a dementia.

No we are not scared of Hannity. He is total joke a trump puppeteer.

At least we don’t have a personal lawyer boogeyman doing the investigation of a conspiracy crap supplied by corrupted Ukrainian people.

As geraldo has said hannity is the second strongest person ut
There is no way in hell that you can say that Trump is good person let alone a president.
The most disgusting piece of garbage POTUS ever.
One day they're cheering him for attacking and name-calling and insulting people, the next day they're complaining when he's criticized for it.

I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I've never been near a cult.

Most all of the time Trump criticizes people is because they attacked him first. The problem is you people never seen this before. You're used to the left attacking a Republican President, and they just sit in the corner and be quiet like what is expected of them.

Bullcrap. For 8 straight years. The republicans attacked democrat president Obama. They tried very hard to make him look bad the first day he stepped in the Oval Office.

You also have Hannity and fox groupies on daily basis trying to discredit Obama.

Thanks god. Obama came out a very good President of United States of America. A true leader well respected around the globe and here at home.

Trump? What the fuck?

GDP growth has exceeded the CBO’s forecast in every quarter starting with Q2 2017. That includes the second quarter of this year, which saw 2% growth where the CBO had projected 1.5%.

As a result, the economy is now $590 billion bigger than it was supposed to be.

The CBO projected that unemployment would never get below 4.4%, and would start rising again this year. Instead, the unemployment rate fell from 4% at the start of the year to 3.5%. The current unemployment rate is now a full percentage point below the CBO’s forecast. That translates into 1.6 million more people employed than the CBO expected.

And, where the CBO had forecast a steady decline in the labor force participation rate – which measures what percentage of the working-age population is either employed or looking for a job – it has been climbing. The CBO projected it would go from 62.9% at the end of 2016 to 62.7% in the last quarter.

The actual figure for September was 63.1%.

Oh, and inflation has been running slightly lower than expected – which wasn’t supposed to happen either. A typical headline about the Trump economy was the one in the Wall Street Journal shortly after he won the election, which said, “Inflation and Interest Rates Forecast to Rise Under Trump Presidency.”

If Trump were a Democrat, the news media would be shouting hosannas from every rooftop – instead of braying for Trump’s impeachment.

Democrats hate prosperity, because they hate working Americans, that's why they want impeach Trump and end our prosperity and rising wages.

Trump’s Economy: 1.6 Million More Jobs Than The ‘Experts’ Predicted

Maybe if you remove your mask you might be able to see what you are posting.
So what is your post has anything to do with my post? I’m not interested in talking about the economy.
It’s Obama’s economy anyway so what is your point? Trumpy does not deserve the credits of the current good economy.
His popularity proves you that.
Based on what ?

Pussy grabbing? JFK did it a LOT with power tend to have it "thrown" at them. You jealous? oh...wait..
Lying? Obama did it as much or more (hint: show me a politician that doesn't lie and I show you a pig that flies)
Having Money? The Obamas aren't exactly "broke"
Actually rejecting leftist core values? Must be it. Now we're getting somewhere. No one else in US politics had the balls to do THAT

Meh....just another partisan hack with TDS

Based on what we witnessed.

Obama was and is well respected internationally and domestically. The real leader and president.
Trump is just a freak of nature.
Trump's the choice of The US Electorate.

CLEANING OUT THE NEST OF SPIES: Trump orders new national security adviser to make ‘substantial’ staff cuts: report.

“President Trump has instructed his new National Security Adviser to make substantial staffing cuts to the 300-member National Security Council, according to reports — after years of Republican complaints of agency bloat and overreach. . . . The NSC staff, which numbered around 100 during the Clinton and Bush administrations, swelled to 400 full-time members under President Obama.”​

So tell me. What is your post has anything to do with my post?
Trump's a MUCH better President than either Dubya or Obama.


Michelle with Dumb and Dumber
Wonder if that made her dick hard?

Post like this....... These are what you people are good at.
There is no way in hell that you can say that Trump is good person let alone a president.
The most disgusting piece of garbage POTUS ever.
One day they're cheering him for attacking and name-calling and insulting people, the next day they're complaining when he's criticized for it.

I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I've never been near a cult.

Most all of the time Trump criticizes people is because they attacked him first. The problem is you people never seen this before. You're used to the left attacking a Republican President, and they just sit in the corner and be quiet like what is expected of them.
Oh boy, back to the kindergarten arguments again. Wonderful
There is no way in hell that you can say that Trump is good person let alone a president.
The most disgusting piece of garbage POTUS ever.
One day they're cheering him for attacking and name-calling and insulting people, the next day they're complaining when he's criticized for it.

I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I've never been near a cult.

Most all of the time Trump criticizes people is because they attacked him first. The problem is you people never seen this before. You're used to the left attacking a Republican President, and they just sit in the corner and be quiet like what is expected of them.

Bullcrap. For 8 straight years. The republicans attacked democrat president Obama. They tried very hard to make him look bad the first day he stepped in the Oval Office.

You also have Hannity and fox groupies on daily basis trying to discredit Obama.

Thanks god. Obama came out a very good President of United States of America. A true leader well respected around the globe and here at home.

Trump? What the fuck?

GDP growth has exceeded the CBO’s forecast in every quarter starting with Q2 2017. That includes the second quarter of this year, which saw 2% growth where the CBO had projected 1.5%.

As a result, the economy is now $590 billion bigger than it was supposed to be.

The CBO projected that unemployment would never get below 4.4%, and would start rising again this year. Instead, the unemployment rate fell from 4% at the start of the year to 3.5%. The current unemployment rate is now a full percentage point below the CBO’s forecast. That translates into 1.6 million more people employed than the CBO expected.

And, where the CBO had forecast a steady decline in the labor force participation rate – which measures what percentage of the working-age population is either employed or looking for a job – it has been climbing. The CBO projected it would go from 62.9% at the end of 2016 to 62.7% in the last quarter.

The actual figure for September was 63.1%.

Oh, and inflation has been running slightly lower than expected – which wasn’t supposed to happen either. A typical headline about the Trump economy was the one in the Wall Street Journal shortly after he won the election, which said, “Inflation and Interest Rates Forecast to Rise Under Trump Presidency.”

If Trump were a Democrat, the news media would be shouting hosannas from every rooftop – instead of braying for Trump’s impeachment.

Democrats hate prosperity, because they hate working Americans, that's why they want impeach Trump and end our prosperity and rising wages.

Trump’s Economy: 1.6 Million More Jobs Than The ‘Experts’ Predicted

Maybe if you remove your mask you might be able to see what you are posting.
So what is your post has anything to do with my post? I’m not interested in talking about the economy.
It’s Obama’s economy anyway so what is your point? Trumpy does not deserve the credits of the current good economy.
His popularity proves you that.

How is it DumBama's economy when he never made any policy favoring industry; the people that actually create the jobs? Any policy he made was a detriment to industry, not to mention job creation. That's why it was the slowest recovery since WWII.

I can show you several things Trump has done to favor industry and influence job creation. So don't give Hussein credit he doesn't deserve. This is Trump's economy. He created it, he deserves the credit, especially after three years in the White House.
One day they're cheering him for attacking and name-calling and insulting people, the next day they're complaining when he's criticized for it.

I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I've never been near a cult.

Most all of the time Trump criticizes people is because they attacked him first. The problem is you people never seen this before. You're used to the left attacking a Republican President, and they just sit in the corner and be quiet like what is expected of them.

Bullcrap. For 8 straight years. The republicans attacked democrat president Obama. They tried very hard to make him look bad the first day he stepped in the Oval Office.

You also have Hannity and fox groupies on daily basis trying to discredit Obama.

Thanks god. Obama came out a very good President of United States of America. A true leader well respected around the globe and here at home.

Trump? What the fuck?

And your side did the very same to George Bush. Books written against him, movies made against him, a cartoon ridiculing him, even a video game where the object was to kill GW.

Scared of Hannity and Fox, but no word about the all the other stations which are anti-Republican and anti-Trump. Then we have all of Hollywood, social media, and even advanced eduction.

So what? That’s the nature of American politics.
But you cannot arrogantly say left attacked a Republican president. It goes both ways.
How many cartoons created against Michele and Barack Obama? Dude.... quite a bit.
How many tweets did this moron president against Obama? Quite a bit.
You seems to have a dementia.

No we are not scared of Hannity. He is total joke a trump puppeteer.

At least we don’t have a personal lawyer boogeyman doing the investigation of a conspiracy crap supplied by corrupted Ukrainian people.

As geraldo has said hannity is the second strongest person ut

Gee, Geraldo says that about a host that works on the same network as he does? What a shock.
One day they're cheering him for attacking and name-calling and insulting people, the next day they're complaining when he's criticized for it.

I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I've never been near a cult.

Most all of the time Trump criticizes people is because they attacked him first. The problem is you people never seen this before. You're used to the left attacking a Republican President, and they just sit in the corner and be quiet like what is expected of them.

Bullcrap. For 8 straight years. The republicans attacked democrat president Obama. They tried very hard to make him look bad the first day he stepped in the Oval Office.

You also have Hannity and fox groupies on daily basis trying to discredit Obama.

Thanks god. Obama came out a very good President of United States of America. A true leader well respected around the globe and here at home.

Trump? What the fuck?

GDP growth has exceeded the CBO’s forecast in every quarter starting with Q2 2017. That includes the second quarter of this year, which saw 2% growth where the CBO had projected 1.5%.

As a result, the economy is now $590 billion bigger than it was supposed to be.

The CBO projected that unemployment would never get below 4.4%, and would start rising again this year. Instead, the unemployment rate fell from 4% at the start of the year to 3.5%. The current unemployment rate is now a full percentage point below the CBO’s forecast. That translates into 1.6 million more people employed than the CBO expected.

And, where the CBO had forecast a steady decline in the labor force participation rate – which measures what percentage of the working-age population is either employed or looking for a job – it has been climbing. The CBO projected it would go from 62.9% at the end of 2016 to 62.7% in the last quarter.

The actual figure for September was 63.1%.

Oh, and inflation has been running slightly lower than expected – which wasn’t supposed to happen either. A typical headline about the Trump economy was the one in the Wall Street Journal shortly after he won the election, which said, “Inflation and Interest Rates Forecast to Rise Under Trump Presidency.”

If Trump were a Democrat, the news media would be shouting hosannas from every rooftop – instead of braying for Trump’s impeachment.

Democrats hate prosperity, because they hate working Americans, that's why they want impeach Trump and end our prosperity and rising wages.

Trump’s Economy: 1.6 Million More Jobs Than The ‘Experts’ Predicted

Maybe if you remove your mask you might be able to see what you are posting.
So what is your post has anything to do with my post? I’m not interested in talking about the economy.
It’s Obama’s economy anyway so what is your point? Trumpy does not deserve the credits of the current good economy.
His popularity proves you that.

How is it DumBama's economy when he never made any policy favoring industry; the people that actually create the jobs? Any policy he made was a detriment to industry, not to mention job creation. That's why it was the slowest recovery since WWII.

I can show you several things Trump has done to favor industry and influence job creation. So don't give Hussein credit he doesn't deserve. This is Trump's economy. He created it, he deserves the credit, especially after three years in the White House.
Trump...making America great again.
There is no way in hell that you can say that Trump is good person let alone a president.
The most disgusting piece of garbage POTUS ever.
One day they're cheering him for attacking and name-calling and insulting people, the next day they're complaining when he's criticized for it.

I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I've never been near a cult.

Most all of the time Trump criticizes people is because they attacked him first. The problem is you people never seen this before. You're used to the left attacking a Republican President, and they just sit in the corner and be quiet like what is expected of them.

Bullcrap. For 8 straight years. The republicans attacked democrat president Obama. They tried very hard to make him look bad the first day he stepped in the Oval Office.

You also have Hannity and fox groupies on daily basis trying to discredit Obama.

Thanks god. Obama came out a very good President of United States of America. A true leader well respected around the globe and here at home.

Trump? What the fuck?

And your side did the very same to George Bush. Books written against him, movies made against him, a cartoon ridiculing him, even a video game where the object was to kill GW.

Scared of Hannity and Fox, but no word about the all the other stations which are anti-Republican and anti-Trump. Then we have all of Hollywood, social media, and even advanced eduction.

So what? That’s the nature of American politics.
But you cannot arrogantly say left attacked a Republican president. It goes both ways.
How many cartoons created against Michele and Barack Obama? Dude.... quite a bit.
How many tweets did this moron president against Obama? Quite a bit.
You seems to have a dementia.

No we are not scared of Hannity. He is total joke a trump puppeteer.

At least we don’t have a personal lawyer boogeyman doing the investigation of a conspiracy crap supplied by corrupted Ukrainian people.

That was my point when you brought up Hussein. It happens to both parties. I don't watch much television except news, so what was this cartoon called that was against the Obama's? And who was the Republican comedian that did this same thing to Obama?

Unknown 10.18.59 PM.jpeg
There is no way in hell that you can say that Trump is good person let alone a president.
The most disgusting piece of garbage POTUS ever.
One day they're cheering him for attacking and name-calling and insulting people, the next day they're complaining when he's criticized for it.

I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I've never been near a cult.

Most all of the time Trump criticizes people is because they attacked him first. The problem is you people never seen this before. You're used to the left attacking a Republican President, and they just sit in the corner and be quiet like what is expected of them.
Oh boy, back to the kindergarten arguments again. Wonderful
His statement is correct. You guys like the petting zoo "conservatives" like Mitt "I'm Severely Conservative!" Romney, who the more you abuse him, the more he sucks up. The Left acts like a battering husband that thinks if only their battered wife didn't make them angry, why they wouldn't be abusive. But Trump just kicks your ass when you get abusive, which is a much healthier response.

Take The Dem's Faked Up "Impeachment" Circus, which isn't impeachment, it's their 2020 clown show.


Represents A Rat Infested District, He Pretends To "Impeach" The President Rather Than Work For His Constituents

House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings sent a letter to White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney requesting he submit documents related to their impeachment inquiry by October 18th. In addition to Cummings, it was signed by Reps. Adam Schiff (Chair of House Intelligence Committee) and Eliot Engel (Chair of House Committee on Foreign Affairs). Cummings repeatedly insists that the letter is a "subpoena."

Cummings writes that he is aware of President Trump’s intention to send a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Monday informing her that the White House refuses to cooperate with any document requests until a full House vote on impeachment has been taken.

Pelosi has refused to take a vote.

He writes, “Speaker Pelosi has confirmed that an impeachment inquiry is underway, and it is not for the White House to say otherwise.” Mr. Cummings is telling Mulvaney it’s an impeachment inquiry because “Pelosi says it is.”

Until a formal vote is taken in the house, this is not an impeachment inquiry and their “subpoenas” are merely letters. Legally, it has no compulsive power. The fact that House Democrats invite you to their circus does not require you to beclown yourself.

If Democrats truly thought they had a case, they wouldn’t be in such a rush — they’d want everyone to have time to study it. But they don’t have a case, so instead they’re giving us a rushed show.

Andy McCarthy: 'The fact that House Democrats invite you to their circus does not require you to beclown yourself'
One day they're cheering him for attacking and name-calling and insulting people, the next day they're complaining when he's criticized for it.

I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I've never been near a cult.

Most all of the time Trump criticizes people is because they attacked him first. The problem is you people never seen this before. You're used to the left attacking a Republican President, and they just sit in the corner and be quiet like what is expected of them.

Bullcrap. For 8 straight years. The republicans attacked democrat president Obama. They tried very hard to make him look bad the first day he stepped in the Oval Office.

You also have Hannity and fox groupies on daily basis trying to discredit Obama.

Thanks god. Obama came out a very good President of United States of America. A true leader well respected around the globe and here at home.

Trump? What the fuck?

And your side did the very same to George Bush. Books written against him, movies made against him, a cartoon ridiculing him, even a video game where the object was to kill GW.

Scared of Hannity and Fox, but no word about the all the other stations which are anti-Republican and anti-Trump. Then we have all of Hollywood, social media, and even advanced eduction.

So what? That’s the nature of American politics.
But you cannot arrogantly say left attacked a Republican president. It goes both ways.
How many cartoons created against Michele and Barack Obama? Dude.... quite a bit.
How many tweets did this moron president against Obama? Quite a bit.
You seems to have a dementia.

No we are not scared of Hannity. He is total joke a trump puppeteer.

At least we don’t have a personal lawyer boogeyman doing the investigation of a conspiracy crap supplied by corrupted Ukrainian people.

That was my point when you brought up Hussein. It happens to both parties. I don't watch much television except news, so what was this cartoon called that was against the Obama's? And who was the Republican comedian that did this same thing to Obama?

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Liberals are narcissistic assholes that think they are above all of us common blue collar dicks.
One day they're cheering him for attacking and name-calling and insulting people, the next day they're complaining when he's criticized for it.

I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I've never been near a cult.

Most all of the time Trump criticizes people is because they attacked him first. The problem is you people never seen this before. You're used to the left attacking a Republican President, and they just sit in the corner and be quiet like what is expected of them.

Bullcrap. For 8 straight years. The republicans attacked democrat president Obama. They tried very hard to make him look bad the first day he stepped in the Oval Office.

You also have Hannity and fox groupies on daily basis trying to discredit Obama.

Thanks god. Obama came out a very good President of United States of America. A true leader well respected around the globe and here at home.

Trump? What the fuck?

GDP growth has exceeded the CBO’s forecast in every quarter starting with Q2 2017. That includes the second quarter of this year, which saw 2% growth where the CBO had projected 1.5%.

As a result, the economy is now $590 billion bigger than it was supposed to be.

The CBO projected that unemployment would never get below 4.4%, and would start rising again this year. Instead, the unemployment rate fell from 4% at the start of the year to 3.5%. The current unemployment rate is now a full percentage point below the CBO’s forecast. That translates into 1.6 million more people employed than the CBO expected.

And, where the CBO had forecast a steady decline in the labor force participation rate – which measures what percentage of the working-age population is either employed or looking for a job – it has been climbing. The CBO projected it would go from 62.9% at the end of 2016 to 62.7% in the last quarter.

The actual figure for September was 63.1%.

Oh, and inflation has been running slightly lower than expected – which wasn’t supposed to happen either. A typical headline about the Trump economy was the one in the Wall Street Journal shortly after he won the election, which said, “Inflation and Interest Rates Forecast to Rise Under Trump Presidency.”

If Trump were a Democrat, the news media would be shouting hosannas from every rooftop – instead of braying for Trump’s impeachment.

Democrats hate prosperity, because they hate working Americans, that's why they want impeach Trump and end our prosperity and rising wages.

Trump’s Economy: 1.6 Million More Jobs Than The ‘Experts’ Predicted

Maybe if you remove your mask you might be able to see what you are posting.
So what is your post has anything to do with my post? I’m not interested in talking about the economy.
It’s Obama’s economy anyway so what is your point? Trumpy does not deserve the credits of the current good economy.
His popularity proves you that.

How is it DumBama's economy when he never made any policy favoring industry; the people that actually create the jobs? Any policy he made was a detriment to industry, not to mention job creation. That's why it was the slowest recovery since WWII.

I can show you several things Trump has done to favor industry and influence job creation. So don't give Hussein credit he doesn't deserve. This is Trump's economy. He created it, he deserves the credit, especially after three years in the White House.
Well actually Obama blamed his 8 dismal years on Bush, so it's only fair that Obama get to take credit for Trump's economy.

Bush helped himself to both of Obama's terms and seems to get along with Michelle pretty well too.


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