Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.
100 Years of Communism, 100 Million Deaths | People's Pundit Daily
I don't know what that's supposed to mean.

In your mind, are you convinced that Trump is saving us from communism?
Saving us from Democrats. Same difference.
There is no way in hell that you can say that Trump is good person let alone a president.
The most disgusting piece of garbage POTUS ever.
One day they're cheering him for attacking and name-calling and insulting people, the next day they're complaining when he's criticized for it.

I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I've never been near a cult.

Most all of the time Trump criticizes people is because they attacked him first. The problem is you people never seen this before. You're used to the left attacking a Republican President, and they just sit in the corner and be quiet like what is expected of them.
Oh boy, back to the kindergarten arguments again. Wonderful
It's occurred to me recently that they may be fine with his behaviors because they relate to them. Maybe this is how THEY are in real life, so they're thrilled to see a President who behaves like they do.

I'm still fishing around for answers. Maybe that's it. Otherwise, they have been pulled into a groupthink that has simply never existed in politics. It has in religion, of course, which is another thing to consider.

Or maybe unlike the left, we don't vote according to how much we like the person. That's the way you vote on your favorite American Idol contestant, not a representative.

We vote based on results, not personality.
There is no way in hell that you can say that Trump is good person let alone a president.
The most disgusting piece of garbage POTUS ever.
One day they're cheering him for attacking and name-calling and insulting people, the next day they're complaining when he's criticized for it.

I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I've never been near a cult.

Most all of the time Trump criticizes people is because they attacked him first. The problem is you people never seen this before. You're used to the left attacking a Republican President, and they just sit in the corner and be quiet like what is expected of them.
What we're used to is a President who doesn't act like a petulant child. We have never had to consider fundamental adult dignity as a requirement of the office, we have just assumed it. Now we can't even do that.

You have been convinced that his behaviors are the only way a person can deal with the challenges you mention. Or perhaps his behaviors are similar to yours, and so you relate to him when he acts the way he does.

You have been conned.

Pretty good con. Unemployment the lowest in 50 years, new records broken for minority and women employment, people bringing home more in their paychecks, businesses flourishing because of tax breaks and regulation removal, Effective methods to slow down border crossers, measures to stop phony asylum claimers from coming here and being let into the country only to disappear.......

If that's being conned, I hope we are all conned next election.
There is no way in hell that you can say that Trump is good person let alone a president.
The most disgusting piece of garbage POTUS ever.
One day they're cheering him for attacking and name-calling and insulting people, the next day they're complaining when he's criticized for it.

I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I've never been near a cult.

Sure ya have....
2008 - 2016 was ONE BIG CULT party too

Obama is intelligent and respectful.

Trump is a clown, a buffoon. An abomination.

I know people like you think that's real cool 'n stuff, but the two men are quite different.

One gets shit done, the other is all charismatic talk and no results.

One has the balls to stand for American people.
Yes, look what he's done. All his major promises have been a mess, we're more divided than ever, and we're an international pariah.

And yet his followers are just so happy. So proud.

This is a group psychopathy.

Right, because this division certainly can't be anything the Democrats have been doing, it must be Trump.

Forget the fact that the media reports over 90% negative on Trump even if they have to use lies. Forget that the Democrats refuse to give Trump an inch of what he wants like the border wall. Forget the fact that they lay all kinds of false accusations on him. Forget their attack on a great man like Kavanaugh. Forget the constant attacks and assaults they conduct on anybody wearing Trump attire. Forget the commies harassing people out of restaurants.

Nah, that has nothing to do with dividing the country. It must be Trump.


Unknown 10.18.59 PM.jpeg
There is no way in hell that you can say that Trump is good person let alone a president.
The most disgusting piece of garbage POTUS ever.
One day they're cheering him for attacking and name-calling and insulting people, the next day they're complaining when he's criticized for it.

I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I've never been near a cult.

Most all of the time Trump criticizes people is because they attacked him first. The problem is you people never seen this before. You're used to the left attacking a Republican President, and they just sit in the corner and be quiet like what is expected of them.
Oh boy, back to the kindergarten arguments again. Wonderful
It's occurred to me recently that they may be fine with his behaviors because they relate to them. Maybe this is how THEY are in real life, so they're thrilled to see a President who behaves like they do.

I'm still fishing around for answers. Maybe that's it. Otherwise, they have been pulled into a groupthink that has simply never existed in politics. It has in religion, of course, which is another thing to consider.

Or maybe unlike the left, we don't vote according to how much we like the person. That's the way you vote on your favorite American Idol contestant, not a representative.

We vote based on results, not personality.
You may vote on results you'd like to see, but you refuse to hold him accountable for ACTUAL results.

The economy has faltered and is in need of the Fed to bail it out, the deficit has exploded in a period of growth (something Keynes himself would have disapproved of), the promised wall is barely materializing, the health care plan he promised was a lie, race relations are worse than ever, partisanship is worse than ever, China is waiting us out on these damaging tariffs he introduced, North Korea has told us to shove it, and we're a pariah on the international stage. And of course, he continues to demonstrate a character and temperament that insults the office of the President.

Yet his followers refuse to give an inch, and even go so far as to pretend all of the above isn't true.

This isn't rational. This blind, arrogant, ignorant devotion is more like a religion than politics.
Abuse of power, misuse of public office, breaking public trust, soliciting campaign aid from a foreign government

So, you're a Stalinist, hence a fucking liar by nature. Let's see this "soliciting campaign aid from a foreign government"? You evil scum are getting desperate, and as you do, your lies become more absurd.
Oh and there’s the Stalin card... shocking.

If you could read you’d see that I didn’t state an opinion I was providing an explanation so calm down the emotions bucko. I personally don’t support impeachment.

Now to your question. Asking Ukraine and China for an investigation and the subsequent information on Biden is viewed by many as campaign aid as it appears to be political in nature and not acting in the interest of our country.

I do think this is all political. Don’t think Trump gives a damn about corruption in Ukraine and if that was really all it was about then he wouldn’t be going after Joe in China. That China ask pulled the plug on the corruption angle, this is all about going after joe.
and viewed by many more as, about fking time.
One day they're cheering him for attacking and name-calling and insulting people, the next day they're complaining when he's criticized for it.

I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I've never been near a cult.

Most all of the time Trump criticizes people is because they attacked him first. The problem is you people never seen this before. You're used to the left attacking a Republican President, and they just sit in the corner and be quiet like what is expected of them.
Oh boy, back to the kindergarten arguments again. Wonderful
It's occurred to me recently that they may be fine with his behaviors because they relate to them. Maybe this is how THEY are in real life, so they're thrilled to see a President who behaves like they do.

I'm still fishing around for answers. Maybe that's it. Otherwise, they have been pulled into a groupthink that has simply never existed in politics. It has in religion, of course, which is another thing to consider.

Or maybe unlike the left, we don't vote according to how much we like the person. That's the way you vote on your favorite American Idol contestant, not a representative.

We vote based on results, not personality.
You may vote on results you'd like to see, but you refuse to hold him accountable for ACTUAL results.

The economy has faltered and is in need of the Fed to bail it out, the deficit has exploded in a period of growth (something Keynes himself would have disapproved of), the promised wall is barely materializing, the health care plan he promised was a lie, race relations are worse than ever, partisanship is worse than ever, China is waiting us out on these damaging tariffs he introduced, North Korea has told us to shove it, and we're a pariah on the international stage. And of course, he continues to demonstrate a character and temperament that insults the office of the President.

Yet his followers refuse to give an inch, and even go so far as to pretend all of the above isn't true.

This isn't rational. This blind, arrogant, ignorant devotion is more like a religion than politics.
The economy has faltered and is in need of the Fed to bail it out, the deficit has exploded in a period of

how is that out of normal? the fed is truly what drives our economy. I thought you were the bright one there? hmmm. I received a call on Friday that we are trending toward liquidity. meaning, no money. Trump wants negative interest rates to stop that trending any further.

I was told there is but 4 trillion dollars of cash left for the country, and that they are injecting 78 billion a day into the economy. that 4 trillion will run out. The dude explained it is due to to many online transactions, and that no actual cash ever changes hands. Bank to bank online transaction and bank to individual same thing. Shopping on line with credit cards, no cash. Even sending a check to the card company merely produces an online transaction and not an exchange of cash.
Not at all. The guy was a billionaire before he even entered the White House. In five more years, he'll be too old to pursue new avenues.

Trump is one of the few, if not the only President, who had to step down into the White House. For all others, the White House was a paramount of their career and the final step up.

Trump did not sacrifice the carefree life he had so eight years down the road (which he may be dead by then) he can start making money off of his presidency like the Clintons or Obama's. Even if he does decide to continue working, it will be in environments he's used to working with.
My guess would be the run for President was a move to launch the media platform and him winning was a surprise. He will be out next year and I give it 6 months before the new network is announced

Ah yes, that crystal ball again.

I can't foresee people voting out a President in this economy. While no history major, to my knowledge, it's never been done before.

If it does happen this time, it will be a downturn of our country. People (in the past) have always voted out representatives for change. Why would voters want change now? The economy being too good? Our border being too strong? Too much money in our pockets? What????

However the only thing that scares me is brainwashing, promoted by the subsidiary of the Democrat party, the MSM.
I think many people are really sick of the lies and shit talk and drama constantly coming out of the White House. I don't think they are giving Trump credit for actually playing a big hand in the economic situation and I think they are wanting some Normalcy and civility restored to our political system. This is all perhaps wishful thinking, but it’s how I see it.

Trump is not creating the chaos in our country today, the Democrats are. I think what people are really sick of are the Democrat antics, hearing the word "racism" as if should be part of our daily discussions, and a party that took over the House and did nothing except try to reverse an election instead of working to make the country better.

If Trump knows the difference between right and wrong. We would not be in this situation.
He created all these chaos. Who else?

Trump has not make this country better. He made this country’s laughing stock, bully, ignorant, racist piece of shit...... around the world.

I’m still waiting for Make America Great Again to start.

During the 2016 campaign. He invited Russia to dig Hillary emails. He also love Wikileaks.
Do you know the difference when he invited China an enemy to investigate an American citizen? Do you? Crap.
yeah, what the fk was he thinking beating hitlery. that win created chaos and the left still haven't recovered. we know. the bat shit loonies came out of the woodwork. including you!! you haven't pointed your finger enough at trump. keep trying, maybe one day you might hit something of value. but 2020 is right around the corner and the dems know they can't win. so further chaos is coming from your side. can't accept my vote can you?
You are allowed to publish a link to whatever you want. But it’s a matter of credibility.
You can't get more credible than the Federalist.

Prove it. I only post facts and reality. Compared to your group are either fakes, philosophical or fabricated.

"I only post facts and reality."


So where is your video? I’m waiting.

If this is the level of facts you know about the case, what use are the "informed" comments?

Clueless pawn for the Democrat party.
she's a jim jone's'er
Most all of the time Trump criticizes people is because they attacked him first. The problem is you people never seen this before. You're used to the left attacking a Republican President, and they just sit in the corner and be quiet like what is expected of them.
Oh boy, back to the kindergarten arguments again. Wonderful
It's occurred to me recently that they may be fine with his behaviors because they relate to them. Maybe this is how THEY are in real life, so they're thrilled to see a President who behaves like they do.

I'm still fishing around for answers. Maybe that's it. Otherwise, they have been pulled into a groupthink that has simply never existed in politics. It has in religion, of course, which is another thing to consider.

Or maybe unlike the left, we don't vote according to how much we like the person. That's the way you vote on your favorite American Idol contestant, not a representative.

We vote based on results, not personality.
You may vote on results you'd like to see, but you refuse to hold him accountable for ACTUAL results.

The economy has faltered and is in need of the Fed to bail it out, the deficit has exploded in a period of growth (something Keynes himself would have disapproved of), the promised wall is barely materializing, the health care plan he promised was a lie, race relations are worse than ever, partisanship is worse than ever, China is waiting us out on these damaging tariffs he introduced, North Korea has told us to shove it, and we're a pariah on the international stage. And of course, he continues to demonstrate a character and temperament that insults the office of the President.

Yet his followers refuse to give an inch, and even go so far as to pretend all of the above isn't true.

This isn't rational. This blind, arrogant, ignorant devotion is more like a religion than politics.
The economy has faltered and is in need of the Fed to bail it out, the deficit has exploded in a period of

how is that out of normal? the fed is truly what drives our economy. I thought you were the bright one there? hmmm. I received a call on Friday that we are trending toward liquidity. meaning, no money. Trump wants negative interest rates to stop that trending any further.

I was told there is but 4 trillion dollars of cash left for the country, and that they are injecting 78 billion a day into the economy. that 4 trillion will run out. The dude explained it is due to to many online transactions, and that no actual cash ever changes hands. Bank to bank online transaction and bank to individual same thing. Shopping on line with credit cards, no cash. Even sending a check to the card company merely produces an online transaction and not an exchange of cash.
Wow, look at all that forgiveness for Trump. While he's bragging about how great the economy is.

It really would be smarter to not respond.
You think Trump asked about Biden because It was important for USA foreign policy? Come Ray, you are smarter than that. It’s politics, plane and simple.
No, he asked about Biden because there was corruption possibly going on in it all. Nothing more and nothing less.
Possibly? I see you ran straight to the shiney object. Maybe for the rest of time we can just investigate all the possibilities to demonize our political enemies... even if there is no evidence. That would be great. We can go after all of trumps kids because they could possibly be criminals as well. That’s a wonderful direction to take our country!!!

Or we can grow up and act like civilized adults. This shit is getting crazy. All the idiots are coming out of the woodworks and buying into this crap.

Even if there is no evidence? You mean to tell me this loser kid of Joe's getting a job like that in a foreign country is not evidence enough to have an investigation?
It sounds like he got the job because his father was VP. That's not a crime. There's no doubt trump being president opened doors for his kids, let's open investigations all around the globe wherever they do business and see what we can find. Whaddya say?

Why would somebody hire a guy because he's the son of a VP without expecting anything in return? Hiring the guy is one thing. Giving him 600K a year to do nothing is quite another.
Even if he was hired with the expectation to give something in return, that is still not a crime. To prove such a crime, you have to prove Burisma Holdings got something in return.

And you have shown nothing of the sort.
Yes, I heard that on talk radio too. Then I saw it here several times. Crazy coincidence there.

I don't know what that has to do with my thread.

It is proof that the Dems have MADE THEMSELVES LOOK BAD in the process...or rather what you stated in the OP

Could be. That's the risk they're taking, but they can't back out now without looking even worse.

We'll see what the Articles of Impeachment say, if they take it that far.
That's a good question. What actual crime are they going to accuse Trump of committing?
Abuse of power, misuse of public office, breaking public trust, soliciting campaign aid from a foreign government
Except for the last one, none of those things are actual crimes, and that one never happened. He didn't solicit campaign funds from a foreign government, you lying puss bag.

Adam Schiff and Nazi Piglosi can be charged with all of those.
They are causes for impeachment.
There is no way in hell that you can say that Trump is good person let alone a president.
The most disgusting piece of garbage POTUS ever.
One day they're cheering him for attacking and name-calling and insulting people, the next day they're complaining when he's criticized for it.

I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I've never been near a cult.

Most all of the time Trump criticizes people is because they attacked him first. The problem is you people never seen this before. You're used to the left attacking a Republican President, and they just sit in the corner and be quiet like what is expected of them.
Oh boy, back to the kindergarten arguments again. Wonderful
It's occurred to me recently that they may be fine with his behaviors because they relate to them. Maybe this is how THEY are in real life, so they're thrilled to see a President who behaves like they do.

I'm still fishing around for answers. Maybe that's it. Otherwise, they have been pulled into a groupthink that has simply never existed in politics. It has in religion, of course, which is another thing to consider.
Like with most everything in life there are a variety of perspectives. On this message board I think there is an abundance of emotional trolls who emulate and idealize the bullish actions of Trump. He is the messenger of the “Fuck You” message they’ve wanted delivered To Washington for a long time now so it doesn’t really matter what he does as long as he is pissing people off. So that’s the troll mentality.

I've also encountered people who support trump because of his agenda. They don’t like the tweets and drama but they like the agenda so they support the president and largely have disconnected from following the news.

One thing is for sure. It is very cult like and very dangerous for our country to be so divided, so demonizing, so dishonest and so emotional. If we, as a whole, view our fellow Americans as enemies instead of neighbors then we are fucked. And unfortunately that’s the direction we are heading
There is no way in hell that you can say that Trump is good person let alone a president.
The most disgusting piece of garbage POTUS ever.
One day they're cheering him for attacking and name-calling and insulting people, the next day they're complaining when he's criticized for it.

I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I've never been near a cult.

Most all of the time Trump criticizes people is because they attacked him first. The problem is you people never seen this before. You're used to the left attacking a Republican President, and they just sit in the corner and be quiet like what is expected of them.
Oh boy, back to the kindergarten arguments again. Wonderful
It's occurred to me recently that they may be fine with his behaviors because they relate to them. Maybe this is how THEY are in real life, so they're thrilled to see a President who behaves like they do.

I'm still fishing around for answers. Maybe that's it. Otherwise, they have been pulled into a groupthink that has simply never existed in politics. It has in religion, of course, which is another thing to consider.

Or maybe unlike the left, we don't vote according to how much we like the person. That's the way you vote on your favorite American Idol contestant, not a representative.

We vote based on results, not personality.
Thats understandable, however, how can you like the results? Don’t you feel the anger and frustration that Americans are feeling towards each other and their government? We are splitting in two and unable to have an honest conversation of real problems. The drama nonsense has taken over and our discourse is focused on partisan squabbles designed to make the opposition look bad. Before you respond blaming the dems... it is everybody’s fault. Trump, Dems, and the media. But you have to see that trumps tough guy, punch back, childish ego is blowing this situation up and taking it to levels we haven’t seen for decades. Remember what happens when we were in that fever pitch decade? JFK, MLK, RFK all assassinated, innocent students gunned down by the national guard, a president lying to America and declaring the press as the enemy etc etc... we could write a novel about all the other ugly violence and lies that occurred. Do you really want that cycling back? This isn’t good. You get that right?
One day they're cheering him for attacking and name-calling and insulting people, the next day they're complaining when he's criticized for it.

I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I've never been near a cult.

Most all of the time Trump criticizes people is because they attacked him first. The problem is you people never seen this before. You're used to the left attacking a Republican President, and they just sit in the corner and be quiet like what is expected of them.
Oh boy, back to the kindergarten arguments again. Wonderful
It's occurred to me recently that they may be fine with his behaviors because they relate to them. Maybe this is how THEY are in real life, so they're thrilled to see a President who behaves like they do.

I'm still fishing around for answers. Maybe that's it. Otherwise, they have been pulled into a groupthink that has simply never existed in politics. It has in religion, of course, which is another thing to consider.

Or maybe unlike the left, we don't vote according to how much we like the person. That's the way you vote on your favorite American Idol contestant, not a representative.

We vote based on results, not personality.
Thats understandable, however, how can you like the results? Don’t you feel the anger and frustration that Americans are feeling towards each other and their government? We are splitting in two and unable to have an honest conversation of real problems. The drama nonsense has taken over and our discourse is focused on partisan squabbles designed to make the opposition look bad. Before you respond blaming the dems... it is everybody’s fault. Trump, Dems, and the media. But you have to see that trumps tough guy, punch back, childish ego is blowing this situation up and taking it to levels we haven’t seen for decades. Remember what happens when we were in that fever pitch decade? JFK, MLK, RFK all assassinated, innocent students gunned down by the national guard, a president lying to America and declaring the press as the enemy etc etc... we could write a novel about all the other ugly violence and lies that occurred. Do you really want that cycling back? This isn’t good. You get that right?

The result so far have been... WINNING. So much WINNING!

Only a self hating leftist does not like winning, prefers whining.
Most all of the time Trump criticizes people is because they attacked him first. The problem is you people never seen this before. You're used to the left attacking a Republican President, and they just sit in the corner and be quiet like what is expected of them.
Oh boy, back to the kindergarten arguments again. Wonderful
It's occurred to me recently that they may be fine with his behaviors because they relate to them. Maybe this is how THEY are in real life, so they're thrilled to see a President who behaves like they do.

I'm still fishing around for answers. Maybe that's it. Otherwise, they have been pulled into a groupthink that has simply never existed in politics. It has in religion, of course, which is another thing to consider.

Or maybe unlike the left, we don't vote according to how much we like the person. That's the way you vote on your favorite American Idol contestant, not a representative.

We vote based on results, not personality.
Thats understandable, however, how can you like the results? Don’t you feel the anger and frustration that Americans are feeling towards each other and their government? We are splitting in two and unable to have an honest conversation of real problems. The drama nonsense has taken over and our discourse is focused on partisan squabbles designed to make the opposition look bad. Before you respond blaming the dems... it is everybody’s fault. Trump, Dems, and the media. But you have to see that trumps tough guy, punch back, childish ego is blowing this situation up and taking it to levels we haven’t seen for decades. Remember what happens when we were in that fever pitch decade? JFK, MLK, RFK all assassinated, innocent students gunned down by the national guard, a president lying to America and declaring the press as the enemy etc etc... we could write a novel about all the other ugly violence and lies that occurred. Do you really want that cycling back? This isn’t good. You get that right?

The result so far have been... WINNING. So much WINNING!

Only a self hating leftist does not like winning, prefers whining.
That’s a perfect example of the toxic mentality I’m talking about. Thank you for exemplifying it. This notion of beating the enemy and winning is all partisan team sport bullshit
No, he asked about Biden because there was corruption possibly going on in it all. Nothing more and nothing less.
Possibly? I see you ran straight to the shiney object. Maybe for the rest of time we can just investigate all the possibilities to demonize our political enemies... even if there is no evidence. That would be great. We can go after all of trumps kids because they could possibly be criminals as well. That’s a wonderful direction to take our country!!!

Or we can grow up and act like civilized adults. This shit is getting crazy. All the idiots are coming out of the woodworks and buying into this crap.

Even if there is no evidence? You mean to tell me this loser kid of Joe's getting a job like that in a foreign country is not evidence enough to have an investigation?
It sounds like he got the job because his father was VP. That's not a crime. There's no doubt trump being president opened doors for his kids, let's open investigations all around the globe wherever they do business and see what we can find. Whaddya say?

Why would somebody hire a guy because he's the son of a VP without expecting anything in return? Hiring the guy is one thing. Giving him 600K a year to do nothing is quite another.
Even if he was hired with the expectation to give something in return, that is still not a crime. To prove such a crime, you have to prove Burisma Holdings got something in return.

And you have shown nothing of the sort.
They think the firing of the prosecutor was what they got in return. They seem to refuse to accept the fact that it was the will of many not just Biden to fire the guy, but that doesn’t fit their narrative so they completely ignore it.
Oh boy, back to the kindergarten arguments again. Wonderful
It's occurred to me recently that they may be fine with his behaviors because they relate to them. Maybe this is how THEY are in real life, so they're thrilled to see a President who behaves like they do.

I'm still fishing around for answers. Maybe that's it. Otherwise, they have been pulled into a groupthink that has simply never existed in politics. It has in religion, of course, which is another thing to consider.

Or maybe unlike the left, we don't vote according to how much we like the person. That's the way you vote on your favorite American Idol contestant, not a representative.

We vote based on results, not personality.
Thats understandable, however, how can you like the results? Don’t you feel the anger and frustration that Americans are feeling towards each other and their government? We are splitting in two and unable to have an honest conversation of real problems. The drama nonsense has taken over and our discourse is focused on partisan squabbles designed to make the opposition look bad. Before you respond blaming the dems... it is everybody’s fault. Trump, Dems, and the media. But you have to see that trumps tough guy, punch back, childish ego is blowing this situation up and taking it to levels we haven’t seen for decades. Remember what happens when we were in that fever pitch decade? JFK, MLK, RFK all assassinated, innocent students gunned down by the national guard, a president lying to America and declaring the press as the enemy etc etc... we could write a novel about all the other ugly violence and lies that occurred. Do you really want that cycling back? This isn’t good. You get that right?

The result so far have been... WINNING. So much WINNING!

Only a self hating leftist does not like winning, prefers whining.
That’s a perfect example of the toxic mentality I’m talking about. Thank you for exemplifying it. This notion of beating the enemy and winning is all partisan team sport bullshit
This is how they've been trained.
It's occurred to me recently that they may be fine with his behaviors because they relate to them. Maybe this is how THEY are in real life, so they're thrilled to see a President who behaves like they do.

I'm still fishing around for answers. Maybe that's it. Otherwise, they have been pulled into a groupthink that has simply never existed in politics. It has in religion, of course, which is another thing to consider.

Or maybe unlike the left, we don't vote according to how much we like the person. That's the way you vote on your favorite American Idol contestant, not a representative.

We vote based on results, not personality.
Thats understandable, however, how can you like the results? Don’t you feel the anger and frustration that Americans are feeling towards each other and their government? We are splitting in two and unable to have an honest conversation of real problems. The drama nonsense has taken over and our discourse is focused on partisan squabbles designed to make the opposition look bad. Before you respond blaming the dems... it is everybody’s fault. Trump, Dems, and the media. But you have to see that trumps tough guy, punch back, childish ego is blowing this situation up and taking it to levels we haven’t seen for decades. Remember what happens when we were in that fever pitch decade? JFK, MLK, RFK all assassinated, innocent students gunned down by the national guard, a president lying to America and declaring the press as the enemy etc etc... we could write a novel about all the other ugly violence and lies that occurred. Do you really want that cycling back? This isn’t good. You get that right?

The result so far have been... WINNING. So much WINNING!

Only a self hating leftist does not like winning, prefers whining.
That’s a perfect example of the toxic mentality I’m talking about. Thank you for exemplifying it. This notion of beating the enemy and winning is all partisan team sport bullshit
This is how they've been trained.

I never mentioned anything regarding anything partisan. Making assumptions is how you have been trained. Winning in a general sense.

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