Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

Or maybe unlike the left, we don't vote according to how much we like the person. That's the way you vote on your favorite American Idol contestant, not a representative.

We vote based on results, not personality.
Thats understandable, however, how can you like the results? Don’t you feel the anger and frustration that Americans are feeling towards each other and their government? We are splitting in two and unable to have an honest conversation of real problems. The drama nonsense has taken over and our discourse is focused on partisan squabbles designed to make the opposition look bad. Before you respond blaming the dems... it is everybody’s fault. Trump, Dems, and the media. But you have to see that trumps tough guy, punch back, childish ego is blowing this situation up and taking it to levels we haven’t seen for decades. Remember what happens when we were in that fever pitch decade? JFK, MLK, RFK all assassinated, innocent students gunned down by the national guard, a president lying to America and declaring the press as the enemy etc etc... we could write a novel about all the other ugly violence and lies that occurred. Do you really want that cycling back? This isn’t good. You get that right?

The result so far have been... WINNING. So much WINNING!

Only a self hating leftist does not like winning, prefers whining.
That’s a perfect example of the toxic mentality I’m talking about. Thank you for exemplifying it. This notion of beating the enemy and winning is all partisan team sport bullshit
This is how they've been trained.

I never mentioned anything regarding anything partisan. Making assumptions is how you have been trained. Winning in a general sense.

Well, the fixation with "Winning" is a Trump thing, so it's a natural assumption. In any case, it's good to hear you're not a Trumpster.
Or maybe unlike the left, we don't vote according to how much we like the person. That's the way you vote on your favorite American Idol contestant, not a representative.

We vote based on results, not personality.
Thats understandable, however, how can you like the results? Don’t you feel the anger and frustration that Americans are feeling towards each other and their government? We are splitting in two and unable to have an honest conversation of real problems. The drama nonsense has taken over and our discourse is focused on partisan squabbles designed to make the opposition look bad. Before you respond blaming the dems... it is everybody’s fault. Trump, Dems, and the media. But you have to see that trumps tough guy, punch back, childish ego is blowing this situation up and taking it to levels we haven’t seen for decades. Remember what happens when we were in that fever pitch decade? JFK, MLK, RFK all assassinated, innocent students gunned down by the national guard, a president lying to America and declaring the press as the enemy etc etc... we could write a novel about all the other ugly violence and lies that occurred. Do you really want that cycling back? This isn’t good. You get that right?

The result so far have been... WINNING. So much WINNING!

Only a self hating leftist does not like winning, prefers whining.
That’s a perfect example of the toxic mentality I’m talking about. Thank you for exemplifying it. This notion of beating the enemy and winning is all partisan team sport bullshit
This is how they've been trained.

I never mentioned anything regarding anything partisan. Making assumptions is how you have been trained. Winning in a general sense.
Ok I’ll rephrase... “divisive team sport bullshit” how’s that?
Possibly? I see you ran straight to the shiney object. Maybe for the rest of time we can just investigate all the possibilities to demonize our political enemies... even if there is no evidence. That would be great. We can go after all of trumps kids because they could possibly be criminals as well. That’s a wonderful direction to take our country!!!

Or we can grow up and act like civilized adults. This shit is getting crazy. All the idiots are coming out of the woodworks and buying into this crap.

Even if there is no evidence? You mean to tell me this loser kid of Joe's getting a job like that in a foreign country is not evidence enough to have an investigation?
It sounds like he got the job because his father was VP. That's not a crime. There's no doubt trump being president opened doors for his kids, let's open investigations all around the globe wherever they do business and see what we can find. Whaddya say?

Why would somebody hire a guy because he's the son of a VP without expecting anything in return? Hiring the guy is one thing. Giving him 600K a year to do nothing is quite another.
Even if he was hired with the expectation to give something in return, that is still not a crime. To prove such a crime, you have to prove Burisma Holdings got something in return.

And you have shown nothing of the sort.
They think the firing of the prosecutor was what they got in return. They seem to refuse to accept the fact that it was the will of many not just Biden to fire the guy, but that doesn’t fit their narrative so they completely ignore it.

But the "many"" didn't get him fired--only Joe did. The "many" didn't have a drug addict kid with no experience getting a job at Burisma for 600K a year either.
One day they're cheering him for attacking and name-calling and insulting people, the next day they're complaining when he's criticized for it.

I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I've never been near a cult.

Most all of the time Trump criticizes people is because they attacked him first. The problem is you people never seen this before. You're used to the left attacking a Republican President, and they just sit in the corner and be quiet like what is expected of them.
Oh boy, back to the kindergarten arguments again. Wonderful
It's occurred to me recently that they may be fine with his behaviors because they relate to them. Maybe this is how THEY are in real life, so they're thrilled to see a President who behaves like they do.

I'm still fishing around for answers. Maybe that's it. Otherwise, they have been pulled into a groupthink that has simply never existed in politics. It has in religion, of course, which is another thing to consider.

Or maybe unlike the left, we don't vote according to how much we like the person. That's the way you vote on your favorite American Idol contestant, not a representative.

We vote based on results, not personality.
Thats understandable, however, how can you like the results? Don’t you feel the anger and frustration that Americans are feeling towards each other and their government? We are splitting in two and unable to have an honest conversation of real problems. The drama nonsense has taken over and our discourse is focused on partisan squabbles designed to make the opposition look bad. Before you respond blaming the dems... it is everybody’s fault. Trump, Dems, and the media. But you have to see that trumps tough guy, punch back, childish ego is blowing this situation up and taking it to levels we haven’t seen for decades. Remember what happens when we were in that fever pitch decade? JFK, MLK, RFK all assassinated, innocent students gunned down by the national guard, a president lying to America and declaring the press as the enemy etc etc... we could write a novel about all the other ugly violence and lies that occurred. Do you really want that cycling back? This isn’t good. You get that right?

So who's promoting that violence? Where are the reports of people being brutally attacked because they are wearing Biden or Hillary gear? Or a kid getting his hat knocked off by an adult simply because he was in a restaurant, minding his own business eating a hamburger? Or some half-ass actor staging an attack by guys in Hillary attire in Chicago?

You don't think the media promotes violence? Over 90% of reporting on Trump is negative. News hosts and even Democrat politicians constantly using words like Racist, Hitler, Nazi when referring to Trump.

Rap Sheet: ***639*** Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters | Breitbart
There is no way in hell that you can say that Trump is good person let alone a president.
The most disgusting piece of garbage POTUS ever.
One day they're cheering him for attacking and name-calling and insulting people, the next day they're complaining when he's criticized for it.

I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I've never been near a cult.

Most all of the time Trump criticizes people is because they attacked him first. The problem is you people never seen this before. You're used to the left attacking a Republican President, and they just sit in the corner and be quiet like what is expected of them.
Oh boy, back to the kindergarten arguments again. Wonderful
It's occurred to me recently that they may be fine with his behaviors because they relate to them. Maybe this is how THEY are in real life, so they're thrilled to see a President who behaves like they do.

I'm still fishing around for answers. Maybe that's it. Otherwise, they have been pulled into a groupthink that has simply never existed in politics. It has in religion, of course, which is another thing to consider.
Like with most everything in life there are a variety of perspectives. On this message board I think there is an abundance of emotional trolls who emulate and idealize the bullish actions of Trump. He is the messenger of the “Fuck You” message they’ve wanted delivered To Washington for a long time now so it doesn’t really matter what he does as long as he is pissing people off. So that’s the troll mentality.

I've also encountered people who support trump because of his agenda. They don’t like the tweets and drama but they like the agenda so they support the president and largely have disconnected from following the news.

One thing is for sure. It is very cult like and very dangerous for our country to be so divided, so demonizing, so dishonest and so emotional. If we, as a whole, view our fellow Americans as enemies instead of neighbors then we are fucked. And unfortunately that’s the direction we are heading

Yes it is.

No, he asked about Biden because there was corruption possibly going on in it all. Nothing more and nothing less.
Possibly? I see you ran straight to the shiney object. Maybe for the rest of time we can just investigate all the possibilities to demonize our political enemies... even if there is no evidence. That would be great. We can go after all of trumps kids because they could possibly be criminals as well. That’s a wonderful direction to take our country!!!

Or we can grow up and act like civilized adults. This shit is getting crazy. All the idiots are coming out of the woodworks and buying into this crap.

Even if there is no evidence? You mean to tell me this loser kid of Joe's getting a job like that in a foreign country is not evidence enough to have an investigation?
It sounds like he got the job because his father was VP. That's not a crime. There's no doubt trump being president opened doors for his kids, let's open investigations all around the globe wherever they do business and see what we can find. Whaddya say?

Why would somebody hire a guy because he's the son of a VP without expecting anything in return? Hiring the guy is one thing. Giving him 600K a year to do nothing is quite another.
Even if he was hired with the expectation to give something in return, that is still not a crime. To prove such a crime, you have to prove Burisma Holdings got something in return.

And you have shown nothing of the sort.

It's hard to get honest information from such a closed and corrupt country. But what would you say if the new President does find corruption in the Biden situation? Would you immediately discredit what he found, or would you have an open mind to it?

It's just too hard to believe that Hunter landed this job with no experience for 600K a year without his father being part of it. I believe it was a five year contract which means he became a multimillionaire. More than that, Joe was caught lying about it, saying he and his son never discussed his job at Burisma. Recently, a photograph came out of Joe, his son, and one of the executives of the company. You mean to say they played golf for several hours, maybe some drinks afterwards, and the subject of Hunter's job never came up???
One day they're cheering him for attacking and name-calling and insulting people, the next day they're complaining when he's criticized for it.

I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I've never been near a cult.

Most all of the time Trump criticizes people is because they attacked him first. The problem is you people never seen this before. You're used to the left attacking a Republican President, and they just sit in the corner and be quiet like what is expected of them.
Oh boy, back to the kindergarten arguments again. Wonderful
It's occurred to me recently that they may be fine with his behaviors because they relate to them. Maybe this is how THEY are in real life, so they're thrilled to see a President who behaves like they do.

I'm still fishing around for answers. Maybe that's it. Otherwise, they have been pulled into a groupthink that has simply never existed in politics. It has in religion, of course, which is another thing to consider.

Or maybe unlike the left, we don't vote according to how much we like the person. That's the way you vote on your favorite American Idol contestant, not a representative.

We vote based on results, not personality.
You may vote on results you'd like to see, but you refuse to hold him accountable for ACTUAL results.

The economy has faltered and is in need of the Fed to bail it out, the deficit has exploded in a period of growth (something Keynes himself would have disapproved of), the promised wall is barely materializing, the health care plan he promised was a lie, race relations are worse than ever, partisanship is worse than ever, China is waiting us out on these damaging tariffs he introduced, North Korea has told us to shove it, and we're a pariah on the international stage. And of course, he continues to demonstrate a character and temperament that insults the office of the President.

Yet his followers refuse to give an inch, and even go so far as to pretend all of the above isn't true.

This isn't rational. This blind, arrogant, ignorant devotion is more like a religion than politics.

Wait a minute, what do you mean the economy has faltered? Over what, one month of job growth that wasn't as great as what we thought it would be? When was the last time we didn't have a deficit? DumBama added 10 trillion of debt and nobody from the left had a problem with it. The wall? Were you asleep when we had the longest government shutdown in our history over the wall that the Democrats refused to provide funds for? Even with that, Trump took money from our military spending and is producing a wall. China's economy sucks. While we just hit the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, China is losing jobs all the time. Trump made great efforts into straightening out problems with NK. What more did you want him to do, start a war? Health care? Your President promised us quality healthcare at an affordable price. Where is it? I haven't seen that yet, and I signed up for Commie Care because thanks to him, I lost my private healthcare for the fist time in my life, and I'm 59 years old and had preexisting conditions most of my adult life!

Our border crossings decreased by 60% since May of this year. That's outstanding work by Trump. He held Mexico accountable for people getting to our border. So they stepped up security on their southern border. Asylum seekers now have to apply at their embassy instead of marching here to do it. That means no more people sneaking into the country with false asylum claims, never to appear for their court date, and nothing we can do to them in their sanctuary cities that Democrats run.
Even if there is no evidence? You mean to tell me this loser kid of Joe's getting a job like that in a foreign country is not evidence enough to have an investigation?
It sounds like he got the job because his father was VP. That's not a crime. There's no doubt trump being president opened doors for his kids, let's open investigations all around the globe wherever they do business and see what we can find. Whaddya say?

Why would somebody hire a guy because he's the son of a VP without expecting anything in return? Hiring the guy is one thing. Giving him 600K a year to do nothing is quite another.
Even if he was hired with the expectation to give something in return, that is still not a crime. To prove such a crime, you have to prove Burisma Holdings got something in return.

And you have shown nothing of the sort.
They think the firing of the prosecutor was what they got in return. They seem to refuse to accept the fact that it was the will of many not just Biden to fire the guy, but that doesn’t fit their narrative so they completely ignore it.

But the "many"" didn't get him fired--only Joe did. The "many" didn't have a drug addict kid with no experience getting a job at Burisma for 600K a year either.
"Many" were trying for months. The Ukraine president even said he would fire Shokin but didn't -- until Biden held a billion dollars over his head.
Possibly? I see you ran straight to the shiney object. Maybe for the rest of time we can just investigate all the possibilities to demonize our political enemies... even if there is no evidence. That would be great. We can go after all of trumps kids because they could possibly be criminals as well. That’s a wonderful direction to take our country!!!

Or we can grow up and act like civilized adults. This shit is getting crazy. All the idiots are coming out of the woodworks and buying into this crap.

Even if there is no evidence? You mean to tell me this loser kid of Joe's getting a job like that in a foreign country is not evidence enough to have an investigation?
It sounds like he got the job because his father was VP. That's not a crime. There's no doubt trump being president opened doors for his kids, let's open investigations all around the globe wherever they do business and see what we can find. Whaddya say?

Why would somebody hire a guy because he's the son of a VP without expecting anything in return? Hiring the guy is one thing. Giving him 600K a year to do nothing is quite another.
Even if he was hired with the expectation to give something in return, that is still not a crime. To prove such a crime, you have to prove Burisma Holdings got something in return.

And you have shown nothing of the sort.

It's hard to get honest information from such a closed and corrupt country. But what would you say if the new President does find corruption in the Biden situation? Would you immediately discredit what he found, or would you have an open mind to it?

It's just too hard to believe that Hunter landed this job with no experience for 600K a year without his father being part of it. I believe it was a five year contract which means he became a multimillionaire. More than that, Joe was caught lying about it, saying he and his son never discussed his job at Burisma. Recently, a photograph came out of Joe, his son, and one of the executives of the company. You mean to say they played golf for several hours, maybe some drinks afterwards, and the subject of Hunter's job never came up???
If actual evidence surfaces that Burisma Holdings had access to Joe Biden, then Joe Biden should face charges.

Regardless of that, Trump should be impeached for soliciting foreign assistance to his campaign.
Even if there is no evidence? You mean to tell me this loser kid of Joe's getting a job like that in a foreign country is not evidence enough to have an investigation?
It sounds like he got the job because his father was VP. That's not a crime. There's no doubt trump being president opened doors for his kids, let's open investigations all around the globe wherever they do business and see what we can find. Whaddya say?

Why would somebody hire a guy because he's the son of a VP without expecting anything in return? Hiring the guy is one thing. Giving him 600K a year to do nothing is quite another.
Even if he was hired with the expectation to give something in return, that is still not a crime. To prove such a crime, you have to prove Burisma Holdings got something in return.

And you have shown nothing of the sort.
They think the firing of the prosecutor was what they got in return. They seem to refuse to accept the fact that it was the will of many not just Biden to fire the guy, but that doesn’t fit their narrative so they completely ignore it.

But the "many"" didn't get him fired--only Joe did. The "many" didn't have a drug addict kid with no experience getting a job at Burisma for 600K a year either.
Why did the many want the guy gone? Do you know?
It sounds like he got the job because his father was VP. That's not a crime. There's no doubt trump being president opened doors for his kids, let's open investigations all around the globe wherever they do business and see what we can find. Whaddya say?

Why would somebody hire a guy because he's the son of a VP without expecting anything in return? Hiring the guy is one thing. Giving him 600K a year to do nothing is quite another.
Even if he was hired with the expectation to give something in return, that is still not a crime. To prove such a crime, you have to prove Burisma Holdings got something in return.

And you have shown nothing of the sort.
They think the firing of the prosecutor was what they got in return. They seem to refuse to accept the fact that it was the will of many not just Biden to fire the guy, but that doesn’t fit their narrative so they completely ignore it.

But the "many"" didn't get him fired--only Joe did. The "many" didn't have a drug addict kid with no experience getting a job at Burisma for 600K a year either.
Why did the many want the guy gone? Do you know?

Not really. I didn't look into their situations. I don't even know why we would care. What does a prosecutor of another country mean to us???
Even if there is no evidence? You mean to tell me this loser kid of Joe's getting a job like that in a foreign country is not evidence enough to have an investigation?
It sounds like he got the job because his father was VP. That's not a crime. There's no doubt trump being president opened doors for his kids, let's open investigations all around the globe wherever they do business and see what we can find. Whaddya say?

Why would somebody hire a guy because he's the son of a VP without expecting anything in return? Hiring the guy is one thing. Giving him 600K a year to do nothing is quite another.
Even if he was hired with the expectation to give something in return, that is still not a crime. To prove such a crime, you have to prove Burisma Holdings got something in return.

And you have shown nothing of the sort.

It's hard to get honest information from such a closed and corrupt country. But what would you say if the new President does find corruption in the Biden situation? Would you immediately discredit what he found, or would you have an open mind to it?

It's just too hard to believe that Hunter landed this job with no experience for 600K a year without his father being part of it. I believe it was a five year contract which means he became a multimillionaire. More than that, Joe was caught lying about it, saying he and his son never discussed his job at Burisma. Recently, a photograph came out of Joe, his son, and one of the executives of the company. You mean to say they played golf for several hours, maybe some drinks afterwards, and the subject of Hunter's job never came up???
If actual evidence surfaces that Burisma Holdings had access to Joe Biden, then Joe Biden should face charges.

Regardless of that, Trump should be impeached for soliciting foreign assistance to his campaign.

He could be if it had anything to do with his campaign. But you can read the transcript from top to bottom. Nowhere will you find the words campaign, dirt, or a threat of withholding arms sales in an exchange for an investigation.
It sounds like he got the job because his father was VP. That's not a crime. There's no doubt trump being president opened doors for his kids, let's open investigations all around the globe wherever they do business and see what we can find. Whaddya say?

Why would somebody hire a guy because he's the son of a VP without expecting anything in return? Hiring the guy is one thing. Giving him 600K a year to do nothing is quite another.
Even if he was hired with the expectation to give something in return, that is still not a crime. To prove such a crime, you have to prove Burisma Holdings got something in return.

And you have shown nothing of the sort.

It's hard to get honest information from such a closed and corrupt country. But what would you say if the new President does find corruption in the Biden situation? Would you immediately discredit what he found, or would you have an open mind to it?

It's just too hard to believe that Hunter landed this job with no experience for 600K a year without his father being part of it. I believe it was a five year contract which means he became a multimillionaire. More than that, Joe was caught lying about it, saying he and his son never discussed his job at Burisma. Recently, a photograph came out of Joe, his son, and one of the executives of the company. You mean to say they played golf for several hours, maybe some drinks afterwards, and the subject of Hunter's job never came up???
If actual evidence surfaces that Burisma Holdings had access to Joe Biden, then Joe Biden should face charges.

Regardless of that, Trump should be impeached for soliciting foreign assistance to his campaign.

He could be if it had anything to do with his campaign. But you can read the transcript from top to bottom. Nowhere will you find the words campaign, dirt, or a threat of withholding arms sales in an exchange for an investigation.
Oh, for fuck's sake, you really are dumber than you appear. He had to say the word, "campaign," for it to involve his campaign? He asked Zelensky to find something on someone named, Joe Biden -- someone also campaigning for the same 2020 presidential election. That helps Trump's campaign.
One day they're cheering him for attacking and name-calling and insulting people, the next day they're complaining when he's criticized for it.

I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I've never been near a cult.

Most all of the time Trump criticizes people is because they attacked him first. The problem is you people never seen this before. You're used to the left attacking a Republican President, and they just sit in the corner and be quiet like what is expected of them.
Oh boy, back to the kindergarten arguments again. Wonderful
It's occurred to me recently that they may be fine with his behaviors because they relate to them. Maybe this is how THEY are in real life, so they're thrilled to see a President who behaves like they do.

I'm still fishing around for answers. Maybe that's it. Otherwise, they have been pulled into a groupthink that has simply never existed in politics. It has in religion, of course, which is another thing to consider.
Like with most everything in life there are a variety of perspectives. On this message board I think there is an abundance of emotional trolls who emulate and idealize the bullish actions of Trump. He is the messenger of the “Fuck You” message they’ve wanted delivered To Washington for a long time now so it doesn’t really matter what he does as long as he is pissing people off. So that’s the troll mentality.

I've also encountered people who support trump because of his agenda. They don’t like the tweets and drama but they like the agenda so they support the president and largely have disconnected from following the news.

One thing is for sure. It is very cult like and very dangerous for our country to be so divided, so demonizing, so dishonest and so emotional. If we, as a whole, view our fellow Americans as enemies instead of neighbors then we are fucked. And unfortunately that’s the direction we are heading

Yes it is.

Why would somebody hire a guy because he's the son of a VP without expecting anything in return? Hiring the guy is one thing. Giving him 600K a year to do nothing is quite another.
Even if he was hired with the expectation to give something in return, that is still not a crime. To prove such a crime, you have to prove Burisma Holdings got something in return.

And you have shown nothing of the sort.
They think the firing of the prosecutor was what they got in return. They seem to refuse to accept the fact that it was the will of many not just Biden to fire the guy, but that doesn’t fit their narrative so they completely ignore it.

But the "many"" didn't get him fired--only Joe did. The "many" didn't have a drug addict kid with no experience getting a job at Burisma for 600K a year either.
Why did the many want the guy gone? Do you know?

Not really. I didn't look into their situations. I don't even know why we would care. What does a prosecutor of another country mean to us???
Well perhaps you should take a few minutes and read up on this guy and find out why so many different groups, including our congress wanted him gone... lmk what you find
Why would somebody hire a guy because he's the son of a VP without expecting anything in return? Hiring the guy is one thing. Giving him 600K a year to do nothing is quite another.
Even if he was hired with the expectation to give something in return, that is still not a crime. To prove such a crime, you have to prove Burisma Holdings got something in return.

And you have shown nothing of the sort.

It's hard to get honest information from such a closed and corrupt country. But what would you say if the new President does find corruption in the Biden situation? Would you immediately discredit what he found, or would you have an open mind to it?

It's just too hard to believe that Hunter landed this job with no experience for 600K a year without his father being part of it. I believe it was a five year contract which means he became a multimillionaire. More than that, Joe was caught lying about it, saying he and his son never discussed his job at Burisma. Recently, a photograph came out of Joe, his son, and one of the executives of the company. You mean to say they played golf for several hours, maybe some drinks afterwards, and the subject of Hunter's job never came up???
If actual evidence surfaces that Burisma Holdings had access to Joe Biden, then Joe Biden should face charges.

Regardless of that, Trump should be impeached for soliciting foreign assistance to his campaign.

He could be if it had anything to do with his campaign. But you can read the transcript from top to bottom. Nowhere will you find the words campaign, dirt, or a threat of withholding arms sales in an exchange for an investigation.
Oh, for fuck's sake, you really are dumber than you appear. He had to say the word, "campaign," for it to involve his campaign? He asked Zelensky to find something on someone named, Joe Biden -- someone also campaigning for the same 2020 presidential election. That helps Trump's campaign.

He's not exempt from investigations because he's running for President. Hell, Hil-Liar spent most of her campaign being investigated. Yes, he had to say "It would really help my campaign if you would...." Because you see, that would prove intent.
Even if he was hired with the expectation to give something in return, that is still not a crime. To prove such a crime, you have to prove Burisma Holdings got something in return.

And you have shown nothing of the sort.

It's hard to get honest information from such a closed and corrupt country. But what would you say if the new President does find corruption in the Biden situation? Would you immediately discredit what he found, or would you have an open mind to it?

It's just too hard to believe that Hunter landed this job with no experience for 600K a year without his father being part of it. I believe it was a five year contract which means he became a multimillionaire. More than that, Joe was caught lying about it, saying he and his son never discussed his job at Burisma. Recently, a photograph came out of Joe, his son, and one of the executives of the company. You mean to say they played golf for several hours, maybe some drinks afterwards, and the subject of Hunter's job never came up???
If actual evidence surfaces that Burisma Holdings had access to Joe Biden, then Joe Biden should face charges.

Regardless of that, Trump should be impeached for soliciting foreign assistance to his campaign.

He could be if it had anything to do with his campaign. But you can read the transcript from top to bottom. Nowhere will you find the words campaign, dirt, or a threat of withholding arms sales in an exchange for an investigation.
Oh, for fuck's sake, you really are dumber than you appear. He had to say the word, "campaign," for it to involve his campaign? He asked Zelensky to find something on someone named, Joe Biden -- someone also campaigning for the same 2020 presidential election. That helps Trump's campaign.

He's not exempt from investigations because he's running for President. Hell, Hil-Liar spent most of her campaign being investigated. Yes, he had to say "It would really help my campaign if you would...." Because you see, that would prove intent.
why does Trump need Ukraine and China to open investigations? Last time I checkEd he was president of the worlds most powerful country. Is he not able to investigate himself? What do you think Ray?
It's hard to get honest information from such a closed and corrupt country. But what would you say if the new President does find corruption in the Biden situation? Would you immediately discredit what he found, or would you have an open mind to it?

It's just too hard to believe that Hunter landed this job with no experience for 600K a year without his father being part of it. I believe it was a five year contract which means he became a multimillionaire. More than that, Joe was caught lying about it, saying he and his son never discussed his job at Burisma. Recently, a photograph came out of Joe, his son, and one of the executives of the company. You mean to say they played golf for several hours, maybe some drinks afterwards, and the subject of Hunter's job never came up???
If actual evidence surfaces that Burisma Holdings had access to Joe Biden, then Joe Biden should face charges.

Regardless of that, Trump should be impeached for soliciting foreign assistance to his campaign.

He could be if it had anything to do with his campaign. But you can read the transcript from top to bottom. Nowhere will you find the words campaign, dirt, or a threat of withholding arms sales in an exchange for an investigation.
Oh, for fuck's sake, you really are dumber than you appear. He had to say the word, "campaign," for it to involve his campaign? He asked Zelensky to find something on someone named, Joe Biden -- someone also campaigning for the same 2020 presidential election. That helps Trump's campaign.

He's not exempt from investigations because he's running for President. Hell, Hil-Liar spent most of her campaign being investigated. Yes, he had to say "It would really help my campaign if you would...." Because you see, that would prove intent.
why does Trump need Ukraine and China to open investigations? Last time I checkEd he was president of the worlds most powerful country. Is he not able to investigate himself? What do you think Ray?

Oh, I"m sure the Democrats in the House would just love that.

Trump is not going to launch an investigation until he has evidence to be investigated. Granted, coke boy is pretty obvious, but unless somebody can find and prove a connection between that job and Biden's decision to withhold US foreign aid, there is no point in spending the money for an investigation.

The left wants to impeach a President based on assumptions and not fact. It's as un-American as it can get. Trump is doing it the American way. See what's out there and what can be found before leveling charges against somebody. It can't be circumstantial like a job. It has to be solid to some degree.
It is proof that the Dems have MADE THEMSELVES LOOK BAD in the process...or rather what you stated in the OP

Could be. That's the risk they're taking, but they can't back out now without looking even worse.

We'll see what the Articles of Impeachment say, if they take it that far.
That's a good question. What actual crime are they going to accuse Trump of committing?
Abuse of power, misuse of public office, breaking public trust, soliciting campaign aid from a foreign government
Except for the last one, none of those things are actual crimes, and that one never happened. He didn't solicit campaign funds from a foreign government, you lying puss bag.

Adam Schiff and Nazi Piglosi can be charged with all of those.
They are causes for impeachment.
A parking ticket can be the cause for impeachment, especially when the Dims are running Congress.

Apparently you are admitting they aren't crimes.
Trump is not going to launch an investigation until he has evidence to be investigated.
In what universe is this the standard? Appearance of a possible crime is always enough to investigate. You are shamelessly making stuff up on the spot.

By the way... when Trump was asked to name one other instance of corruption he was pursing, he could not name a single one. Not one.

Dude... do you even fool yourself? I don't think so. I give you more credit than that.
It's hard to get honest information from such a closed and corrupt country. But what would you say if the new President does find corruption in the Biden situation? Would you immediately discredit what he found, or would you have an open mind to it?

It's just too hard to believe that Hunter landed this job with no experience for 600K a year without his father being part of it. I believe it was a five year contract which means he became a multimillionaire. More than that, Joe was caught lying about it, saying he and his son never discussed his job at Burisma. Recently, a photograph came out of Joe, his son, and one of the executives of the company. You mean to say they played golf for several hours, maybe some drinks afterwards, and the subject of Hunter's job never came up???
If actual evidence surfaces that Burisma Holdings had access to Joe Biden, then Joe Biden should face charges.

Regardless of that, Trump should be impeached for soliciting foreign assistance to his campaign.

He could be if it had anything to do with his campaign. But you can read the transcript from top to bottom. Nowhere will you find the words campaign, dirt, or a threat of withholding arms sales in an exchange for an investigation.
Oh, for fuck's sake, you really are dumber than you appear. He had to say the word, "campaign," for it to involve his campaign? He asked Zelensky to find something on someone named, Joe Biden -- someone also campaigning for the same 2020 presidential election. That helps Trump's campaign.

He's not exempt from investigations because he's running for President. Hell, Hil-Liar spent most of her campaign being investigated. Yes, he had to say "It would really help my campaign if you would...." Because you see, that would prove intent.
why does Trump need Ukraine and China to open investigations? Last time I checkEd he was president of the worlds most powerful country. Is he not able to investigate himself? What do you think Ray?
Can Trump issue subpoenas to foreigners? Can he take them in for questioning?

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