Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

For past three years the democrats have been proven without any reasonable doubt wrong again and again. Shown to be crazy conspiracy theorists.

Now they were proven wrong again regarding the first whistleblower, so they bring in a second one.

Absolutely no one with a brain believes these morons anymore. Get the investigations started and take a long hard look at their Ukraine corruption is what should be going on in everyone's mind at this point.
None of that is true. You need to get your head checked

Are you saying that the following is not a post of yours?

Slade3200 said:
If there really is no evidence in the Russia/Trump situation, like many Trumpsters are claiming, then this case should be over by weeks end. Wouldn't Mueller see that there is nothing and simply close the case?

Internet does not forget, even though a Democrat might. You were wrong the whole time, while I was correct. Why should anyone pay any attention to your crazy conspiracy theorist ramblings? They belong to the mad house.
Yeah thats my quote, thank you for saving it. Muellers report was pages and pages of evidence validating the investigation so I don’t know what point you are trying to make
It validated that there was no collusion and no basis for the investigation in the first place.
There was no criminal conspiracy but there were all kinds of lies, collusion, and obstruction laid out in the report. That’s plenty of justification to have an investigation.
Three weeks in and the left is stuck in it's own stupidity.

The left wingers on this board are not quite sure what to do.

The orgasms they were experiencing before are now going away.

I guess they'll go back to porn.
What’s your deal sun devil? I’ve seen you make some smart points so I know there a brain in there but then you come out with these fantasyland posts. Are you on meds or something?
Three weeks in and the left is stuck in it's own stupidity.

The left wingers on this board are not quite sure what to do.

The orgasms they were experiencing before are now going away.

I guess they'll go back to porn.
What’s your deal sun devil? I’ve seen you make some smart points so I know there a brain in there but then you come out with these fantasyland posts. Are you on meds or something?
Perhaps he got tired of being wrong after listening to three years straight of your lies. If truth mattered to him, maybe he never was a true Democrat indeed.
Three weeks in and the left is stuck in it's own stupidity.

The left wingers on this board are not quite sure what to do.

The orgasms they were experiencing before are now going away.

I guess they'll go back to porn.
What’s your deal sun devil? I’ve seen you make some smart points so I know there a brain in there but then you come out with these fantasyland posts. Are you on meds or something?
Perhaps he got tired of being wrong after listening to three years straight of your lies. If truth mattered to him, maybe he never was a true Democrat indeed.
Who are you talking about?
Three weeks in and the left is stuck in it's own stupidity.

The left wingers on this board are not quite sure what to do.

The orgasms they were experiencing before are now going away.

I guess they'll go back to porn.
What’s your deal sun devil? I’ve seen you make some smart points so I know there a brain in there but then you come out with these fantasyland posts. Are you on meds or something?
Perhaps he got tired of being wrong after listening to three years straight of your lies. If truth mattered to him, maybe he never was a true Democrat indeed.
If the best example you can come up with of a lie that I’ve told was me saying there was substance behind the mueller investigation then you better keep digging because thats a pathetic example and clearly not a lie.
For past three years the democrats have been proven without any reasonable doubt wrong again and again. Shown to be crazy conspiracy theorists.

Now they were proven wrong again regarding the first whistleblower, so they bring in a second one.

Absolutely no one with a brain believes these morons anymore. Get the investigations started and take a long hard look at their Ukraine corruption is what should be going on in everyone's mind at this point.
None of that is true. You need to get your head checked

Are you saying that the following is not a post of yours?

Slade3200 said:
If there really is no evidence in the Russia/Trump situation, like many Trumpsters are claiming, then this case should be over by weeks end. Wouldn't Mueller see that there is nothing and simply close the case?

Internet does not forget, even though a Democrat might. You were wrong the whole time, while I was correct. Why should anyone pay any attention to your crazy conspiracy theorist ramblings? They belong to the mad house.
Yeah thats my quote, thank you for saving it. Muellers report was pages and pages of evidence validating the investigation so I don’t know what point you are trying to make
It validated that there was no collusion and no basis for the investigation in the first place.
There was no criminal conspiracy but there were all kinds of lies, collusion, and obstruction laid out in the report. That’s plenty of justification to have an investigation.
Mueller and his lawyers were the ones telling all the lies, alone with the fake news media, of course.
None of that is true. You need to get your head checked

Are you saying that the following is not a post of yours?

Slade3200 said:
If there really is no evidence in the Russia/Trump situation, like many Trumpsters are claiming, then this case should be over by weeks end. Wouldn't Mueller see that there is nothing and simply close the case?

Internet does not forget, even though a Democrat might. You were wrong the whole time, while I was correct. Why should anyone pay any attention to your crazy conspiracy theorist ramblings? They belong to the mad house.
Yeah thats my quote, thank you for saving it. Muellers report was pages and pages of evidence validating the investigation so I don’t know what point you are trying to make
It validated that there was no collusion and no basis for the investigation in the first place.
There was no criminal conspiracy but there were all kinds of lies, collusion, and obstruction laid out in the report. That’s plenty of justification to have an investigation.
Mueller and his lawyers were the ones telling all the lies, alone with the fake news media, of course.
Oh ok. Thanks for let me know!
Agree, he has to run against a criminal so he is going to criminalize whoever his opposition is. It’s his 2016 playbook, no mystery on what’s coming

Democrats could try running an honest candidate to avoid being labelled as corrupt criminals.
That why Biden is in the race. Polar opposite of Trump, which is why he is going to wipe the floor with him
Biden is honest? Seriously?

Well you haven’t provided any shred of evidence that Biden did anything wrong.

But I just posted a good example of Trump corruption with his Trump Foundation in New York.
Plus his Trump University paid $25 millions to settle a lawsuit.

That's because it hasn't come out yet.
Let's see Barr's report.
Let's see what Rudy Giuliani has.
Also Papadopoulos says he has marked Federal money that proves the FBI handed to him during his raid and proves it was a set up.
Seems the left don't want the public to know about their side.
The left seem dead set on trying to stop it from getting out.
The people have the right to the whole story.

We are going in circles.

You don’t have a problem a boogeyman doing the investigation. Then Barr made himself another trump corrupted lawyer. I thought he supposed to be the AG? Why is he going around doing the investigation?

We like to know the real investigation but not from a personal lawyer of a corrupted POTUS.
For past three years the democrats have been proven without any reasonable doubt wrong again and again. Shown to be crazy conspiracy theorists.

Now they were proven wrong again regarding the first whistleblower, so they bring in a second one.

Absolutely no one with a brain believes these morons anymore. Get the investigations started and take a long hard look at their Ukraine corruption is what should be going on in everyone's mind at this point.

Going circles. Round and round and round.

But you have no proof that Biden did anything wrong in Ukraine except from conspiracy crap promoted by trump.
If Trump really want an investigation why not use the FBI?

Shirley, You jest! FBI and clean? Everyone in the USA and the world knows that's bullshit.

Peak Trump cultism

It means a lot coming from you. You have been so correct with your tin foil hat conspiracy theories.
Fort Fun Indiana said:
Of course, it appears obvious that the Trump campaign did,in fact, collude with Russia on just about every level imaginable, likely even prpviding them data on US viters so that Russia could more efficiently direct its efforts.

All the people who have always been wrong are now saying that Trump colluded with Ukraine. What a coincidence. Get the investigations started and the enemies of America locked up.

You are lying. No one accused Trump of colluding with Ukraine.

Asking a foreign leader to dig dirt against his political enemies is against the law.
Asking China to dig dirt against his political enemies is against the law.
You seems not to understand the difference.
The men with their higher logic ability has already judged democrats guilty of high treason

They then see this as nothing but a way for them not to get caught and maybe find something on trump

But this is great news for trump to declare a broken govt and make logic tests for voters before the election

Trump has the men and military to enforce this
I would like to see the results of a logic test that you take. Or an IQ test for that matter. How about a test on the Constitution or the workings of government. ?
That why Biden is in the race. Polar opposite of Trump, which is why he is going to wipe the floor with him
Biden is honest? Seriously?

Well you haven’t provided any shred of evidence that Biden did anything wrong.

But I just posted a good example of Trump corruption with his Trump Foundation in New York.
Plus his Trump University paid $25 millions to settle a lawsuit.

That's because it hasn't come out yet.
Let's see Barr's report.
Let's see what Rudy Giuliani has.
Also Papadopoulos says he has marked Federal money that proves the FBI handed to him during his raid and proves it was a set up.
Seems the left don't want the public to know about their side.
The left seem dead set on trying to stop it from getting out.
The people have the right to the whole story.
Why isn’t all the evidence of that stuff out by now?
Because we spent 21/2 years waiting for Mueller to publish his report. Trump couldn't proceed until that spineless idiot Sessions resigned as well as Rosenstein. Otherwise, douchebags like you would be accusing him of obstruction.

Session did the right thing excluding himself from the Russia investigation.

He has far more dignity and decency compared to Barr. Which made himself worthless to Americans but made himself very useful for Trump personal use.
Three weeks in and the left is stuck in it's own stupidity.

The left wingers on this board are not quite sure what to do.

The orgasms they were experiencing before are now going away.

I guess they'll go back to porn.

You are referring to Trump supporters watching porn. You and the rest here are promoting a conspiracy crap by Trump. That’s sucks.

Just like when Trump promoted that Obama mansion has 10 feet walls so illegal aliens cannot come inside Obama’s mansion. Just think ....... just think the fucking mentality of this moron POTUS.
Then his followers believed him.... WTF..
Three weeks in and the left is stuck in it's own stupidity.

The left wingers on this board are not quite sure what to do.

The orgasms they were experiencing before are now going away.

I guess they'll go back to porn.

You are referring to Trump supporters watching porn. You and the rest here are promoting a conspiracy crap by Trump. That’s sucks.

Just like when Trump promoted that Obama mansion has 10 feet walls so illegal aliens cannot come inside Obama’s mansion. Just think ....... just think the fucking mentality of this moron POTUS.
Then his followers believed him.... WTF..

You promoted the Russia conspiracy theory for years. You have no business calling anyone a conspiracy theorist whack-job.
Three weeks in and the left is stuck in it's own stupidity.

The left wingers on this board are not quite sure what to do.

The orgasms they were experiencing before are now going away.

I guess they'll go back to porn.

You are referring to Trump supporters watching porn. You and the rest here are promoting a conspiracy crap by Trump. That’s sucks.

Just like when Trump promoted that Obama mansion has 10 feet walls so illegal aliens cannot come inside Obama’s mansion. Just think ....... just think the fucking mentality of this moron POTUS.
Then his followers believed him.... WTF..

You promoted the Russia conspiracy theory for years. You have no business calling anyone a conspiracy theorist whack-job.

The Mueller investigation did not clear or exonerate Trump. Get your facts straight.
You are a Trump supporter..... What the hell do you know anyway?
There is no way in hell that you can say that Trump is good person let alone a president.
The most disgusting piece of garbage POTUS ever.

Based on what ?

Pussy grabbing? JFK did it a LOT with power tend to have it "thrown" at them. You jealous? oh...wait..
Lying? Obama did it as much or more (hint: show me a politician that doesn't lie and I show you a pig that flies)
Having Money? The Obamas aren't exactly "broke"
Actually rejecting leftist core values? Must be it. Now we're getting somewhere. No one else in US politics had the balls to do THAT

Meh....just another partisan hack with TDS
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There is no way in hell that you can say that Trump is good person let alone a president.
The most disgusting piece of garbage POTUS ever.
One day they're cheering him for attacking and name-calling and insulting people, the next day they're complaining when he's criticized for it.

I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I've never been near a cult.

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