Seriously.....Can Anybody Really Imagine Donald Trump As President?

The fame and public exposure must be intoxicating to Trump and he does not know how to handle it. So he does not handle it well. He is Steve Forbes on steroids.

He's been famous and exposed for 40 years. It's his clinical narcissism that makes him act the way he does. Actually, as I've said before, he's a sociopath. His sexual activities are well concealed, but these other characteristics are on full display. Trump fits 9 out of 10 points here.

10 signs for spotting a sociopath
#1) Sociopaths are charming. Sociopaths have high charisma and tend to attract a following just because people want to be around them. They have a "glow" about them that attracts people who typically seek guidance or direction.

#2) Sociopaths are more spontaneous and intense than other people. They tend to do bizarre, sometimes erratic things that most regular people wouldn't do. They are unbound by normal social contracts. Their behavior often seems irrational or extremely risky.

#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others. This is why you will find many very "successful" sociopaths in high levels of government, in any nation.

#4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time.

#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.

#6) Sociopaths tend to be highly intelligent, but they use their brainpower to deceive others rather than empower them. Their high IQs often makes them dangerous. This is why many of the best-known serial killers who successfully evaded law enforcement were sociopaths.

#7) Sociopaths are incapable of love and are entirely self-serving. They may feign love or compassion in order to get what they want, but they don't actually FEEL love in the way that you or I do. (My note: This is where he differs. I believe he truly loves his children)

#8) Sociopaths speak poetically. They are master wordsmiths, able to deliver a running "stream of consciousness" monologue that is both intriguing and hypnotic. They are expert storytellers and even poets.

#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.

#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!

Learn more: How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
Now NTP is a fuckingpsychiatrist...the woman knows everything!

You're a fuckingmoron if you don't think these traits fit him to a "t". I know of what I quote above.
Yes, I'll bet you do "know of what you quote".
The fame and public exposure must be intoxicating to Trump and he does not know how to handle it. So he does not handle it well. He is Steve Forbes on steroids.

He's been famous and exposed for 40 years. It's his clinical narcissism that makes him act the way he does. Actually, as I've said before, he's a sociopath. His sexual activities are well concealed, but these other characteristics are on full display. Trump fits 9 out of 10 points here.

10 signs for spotting a sociopath
#1) Sociopaths are charming. Sociopaths have high charisma and tend to attract a following just because people want to be around them. They have a "glow" about them that attracts people who typically seek guidance or direction.

#2) Sociopaths are more spontaneous and intense than other people. They tend to do bizarre, sometimes erratic things that most regular people wouldn't do. They are unbound by normal social contracts. Their behavior often seems irrational or extremely risky.

#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others. This is why you will find many very "successful" sociopaths in high levels of government, in any nation.

#4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time.

#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.

#6) Sociopaths tend to be highly intelligent, but they use their brainpower to deceive others rather than empower them. Their high IQs often makes them dangerous. This is why many of the best-known serial killers who successfully evaded law enforcement were sociopaths.

#7) Sociopaths are incapable of love and are entirely self-serving. They may feign love or compassion in order to get what they want, but they don't actually FEEL love in the way that you or I do. (My note: This is where he differs. I believe he truly loves his children)

#8) Sociopaths speak poetically. They are master wordsmiths, able to deliver a running "stream of consciousness" monologue that is both intriguing and hypnotic. They are expert storytellers and even poets.

#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.

#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!

Learn more: How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
What does Hillary have to do with this?

She's not a sociopath, but Bill Clinton obviously is. Hillary is an extreme narcissist. There is a difference. Most politicians are narcissists.
The fame and public exposure must be intoxicating to Trump and he does not know how to handle it. So he does not handle it well. He is Steve Forbes on steroids.

He's been famous and exposed for 40 years. It's his clinical narcissism that makes him act the way he does. Actually, as I've said before, he's a sociopath. His sexual activities are well concealed, but these other characteristics are on full display. Trump fits 9 out of 10 points here.

10 signs for spotting a sociopath
#1) Sociopaths are charming. Sociopaths have high charisma and tend to attract a following just because people want to be around them. They have a "glow" about them that attracts people who typically seek guidance or direction.

#2) Sociopaths are more spontaneous and intense than other people. They tend to do bizarre, sometimes erratic things that most regular people wouldn't do. They are unbound by normal social contracts. Their behavior often seems irrational or extremely risky.

#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others. This is why you will find many very "successful" sociopaths in high levels of government, in any nation.

#4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time.

#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.

#6) Sociopaths tend to be highly intelligent, but they use their brainpower to deceive others rather than empower them. Their high IQs often makes them dangerous. This is why many of the best-known serial killers who successfully evaded law enforcement were sociopaths.

#7) Sociopaths are incapable of love and are entirely self-serving. They may feign love or compassion in order to get what they want, but they don't actually FEEL love in the way that you or I do. (My note: This is where he differs. I believe he truly loves his children)

#8) Sociopaths speak poetically. They are master wordsmiths, able to deliver a running "stream of consciousness" monologue that is both intriguing and hypnotic. They are expert storytellers and even poets.

#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.

#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!

Learn more: How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
Now NTP is a fuckingpsychiatrist...the woman knows everything!

You're a fuckingmoron if you don't think these traits fit him to a "t". I know of what I quote above.
Yes, I'll bet you do "know of what you quote".

I do indeed, but you don't have the capacity to understand it. If you look around you and consider the behavior of some whom are otherwise labeled as ruthless, irresponsible, crazy, etc., dig deeper (as I have to continually say) and there's a clinical definition for why they are the way they are.

Trump isn't as successful as he claims. He's sold off a lot of rights and licenses to stay afloat and leases everything since he cannot afford to own. Banks don't want to lend to him anymore. Bloomberg has done a forensic analysis of his businesses and he's probably worth only about $2-3B. Given that he should be up there with Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and the Koch brothers who range in wealth from $34-60B, Trump has actually failed quite a bit over the years.
The fame and public exposure must be intoxicating to Trump and he does not know how to handle it. So he does not handle it well. He is Steve Forbes on steroids.

He's been famous and exposed for 40 years. It's his clinical narcissism that makes him act the way he does. Actually, as I've said before, he's a sociopath. His sexual activities are well concealed, but these other characteristics are on full display. Trump fits 9 out of 10 points here.

10 signs for spotting a sociopath
#1) Sociopaths are charming. Sociopaths have high charisma and tend to attract a following just because people want to be around them. They have a "glow" about them that attracts people who typically seek guidance or direction.

#2) Sociopaths are more spontaneous and intense than other people. They tend to do bizarre, sometimes erratic things that most regular people wouldn't do. They are unbound by normal social contracts. Their behavior often seems irrational or extremely risky.

#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others. This is why you will find many very "successful" sociopaths in high levels of government, in any nation.

#4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time.

#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.

#6) Sociopaths tend to be highly intelligent, but they use their brainpower to deceive others rather than empower them. Their high IQs often makes them dangerous. This is why many of the best-known serial killers who successfully evaded law enforcement were sociopaths.

#7) Sociopaths are incapable of love and are entirely self-serving. They may feign love or compassion in order to get what they want, but they don't actually FEEL love in the way that you or I do. (My note: This is where he differs. I believe he truly loves his children)

#8) Sociopaths speak poetically. They are master wordsmiths, able to deliver a running "stream of consciousness" monologue that is both intriguing and hypnotic. They are expert storytellers and even poets.

#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.

#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!

Learn more: How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
Now NTP is a fuckingpsychiatrist...the woman knows everything!

You're a fuckingmoron if you don't think these traits fit him to a "t". I know of what I quote above.
Yes, I'll bet you do "know of what you quote".

Why don't you go over the 10 points and tell me how he doesn't fit the profile, instead of attacking me, the messenger? I'll give you several examples for 9 out of 10 of these traits.
The fame and public exposure must be intoxicating to Trump and he does not know how to handle it. So he does not handle it well. He is Steve Forbes on steroids.

He's been famous and exposed for 40 years. It's his clinical narcissism that makes him act the way he does. Actually, as I've said before, he's a sociopath. His sexual activities are well concealed, but these other characteristics are on full display. Trump fits 9 out of 10 points here.

10 signs for spotting a sociopath
#1) Sociopaths are charming. Sociopaths have high charisma and tend to attract a following just because people want to be around them. They have a "glow" about them that attracts people who typically seek guidance or direction.

#2) Sociopaths are more spontaneous and intense than other people. They tend to do bizarre, sometimes erratic things that most regular people wouldn't do. They are unbound by normal social contracts. Their behavior often seems irrational or extremely risky.

#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others. This is why you will find many very "successful" sociopaths in high levels of government, in any nation.

#4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time.

#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.

#6) Sociopaths tend to be highly intelligent, but they use their brainpower to deceive others rather than empower them. Their high IQs often makes them dangerous. This is why many of the best-known serial killers who successfully evaded law enforcement were sociopaths.

#7) Sociopaths are incapable of love and are entirely self-serving. They may feign love or compassion in order to get what they want, but they don't actually FEEL love in the way that you or I do. (My note: This is where he differs. I believe he truly loves his children)

#8) Sociopaths speak poetically. They are master wordsmiths, able to deliver a running "stream of consciousness" monologue that is both intriguing and hypnotic. They are expert storytellers and even poets.

#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.

#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!

Learn more: How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
Now NTP is a fuckingpsychiatrist...the woman knows everything!

You're a fuckingmoron if you don't think these traits fit him to a "t". I know of what I quote above.
Yes, I'll bet you do "know of what you quote".

Why don't you go over the 10 points and tell me how he doesn't fit the profile, instead of attacking me, the messenger? I'll give you several examples for 9 out of 10 of these traits.
Why don't I simply laugh at you instead of trying to reason with a mental basket case. You are doing the equivalent of chanting in a straight jacket in a padded cell.
He's been famous and exposed for 40 years. It's his clinical narcissism that makes him act the way he does. Actually, as I've said before, he's a sociopath. His sexual activities are well concealed, but these other characteristics are on full display. Trump fits 9 out of 10 points here.

10 signs for spotting a sociopath
#1) Sociopaths are charming. Sociopaths have high charisma and tend to attract a following just because people want to be around them. They have a "glow" about them that attracts people who typically seek guidance or direction.

#2) Sociopaths are more spontaneous and intense than other people. They tend to do bizarre, sometimes erratic things that most regular people wouldn't do. They are unbound by normal social contracts. Their behavior often seems irrational or extremely risky.

#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others. This is why you will find many very "successful" sociopaths in high levels of government, in any nation.

#4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time.

#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.

#6) Sociopaths tend to be highly intelligent, but they use their brainpower to deceive others rather than empower them. Their high IQs often makes them dangerous. This is why many of the best-known serial killers who successfully evaded law enforcement were sociopaths.

#7) Sociopaths are incapable of love and are entirely self-serving. They may feign love or compassion in order to get what they want, but they don't actually FEEL love in the way that you or I do. (My note: This is where he differs. I believe he truly loves his children)

#8) Sociopaths speak poetically. They are master wordsmiths, able to deliver a running "stream of consciousness" monologue that is both intriguing and hypnotic. They are expert storytellers and even poets.

#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.

#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!

Learn more: How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
Now NTP is a fuckingpsychiatrist...the woman knows everything!

You're a fuckingmoron if you don't think these traits fit him to a "t". I know of what I quote above.
Yes, I'll bet you do "know of what you quote".

Why don't you go over the 10 points and tell me how he doesn't fit the profile, instead of attacking me, the messenger? I'll give you several examples for 9 out of 10 of these traits.
Why don't I simply laugh at you instead of trying to reason with a mental basket case. You are doing the equivalent of chanting in a straight jacket in a padded cell.

Your fear in your posts is almost palpable.
I just watched his speech and he never said a complete sentence without waving his arms and throwing in self serving comments before he completed it. The guy should really be in an insane asylum!.....And He's Very Ugly!

Wow. Ugly?

Thanks for keeping it high brow.
Trump is toast. I think the only question is how disgusting the Drumpf supporters (and Drumpf himself) will get in losing. It’s incredibly bewildering because inside of 16 months ago, if you were to ask any of these people whom they’d be willing to suspend whatever integrity they had left for; there may have been one or two people on the list; neither one would have been Drumpf. Yet, here they are, having bought into the school yard insult tactics, juvenile innuendo, child-like proclamations, and willfully siding with this small fraction of a man. A man who makes fun of the handicapped. A man who insinuates that women are menstruating. A man who criticizes war heroes.

How far the GOP is willing to sink with this guy is anyone’s guess. The leaders of the Party should just tell the knuckleheads that voted for him…”you’re idiots”. One of the key talking points of the conservatives in the past 72 hours has been “the end of America” since some moron decided to take his sniper rifle and begin sniping at men in uniform. One of the posts I recall reading was this:

So see the disintegration of USA....

Makes you want to vomit.

Anyway HRC will be the next President, the next leader of the free world, will have a Democratic Senate to work with. She has a unique opportunity to basically give the GOP a big bad middle finger. Simply brand them as not doing their jobs (which is true), being a party-first organization (which is true), and choose not to do business with them since, obviously, they won’t do business with her. Anyway, during the Spanish Ameircan war, the US annexed the Philippine Islands, Hawaii and other lands in the Pacific. The reason they did it was (reportedly) that we were going to be called imperialistic anyway…why not knock some people over while you’re being accused of being a bully anyway???

HRC can change the Presidency and some traditions that are in desperate need of being changed. The President should not be going to the House of Reps for anything. Fuck them. Instead, she should send a copy of her speech and give what amounts to a TED Talk at GWU or the Kennedy Center or something. Utilize graphics that explain how shitty the GOP has become (always was???), what a good job she is doing, etc.. Certainly invite Congresswomen and men, notables, etc… but also some supporters and others who want to attend. Hell, sell tickets. But no way should she (or Obama have for that matter) bothered to show up at he HOR who has done everything to thwart progress in America.
I just watched his speech and he never said a complete sentence without waving his arms and throwing in self serving comments before he completed it. The guy should really be in an insane asylum!.....And He's Very Ugly!

Good luck with your candidate who compromised the security of the USA by stupidly going against email protocol.: who will continue the shitty trade deals that have de industrialized this country; who is in the pockets off the very rich. If she weren't, wall street wouldn't have given her millions for speeches - speeches by the way that are not available to us common folk. Then of course, her credibility problem by lying about being under fire in a war zone. Her lack of not understanding the black vs white situation in this country. There's far more black on white crime than vice versa. Black kids prey on white kids all the time. Even Howard Stern will verify this. He was bullied by blacks his entire school term. Black on white crime is way worse than white on black crime. I could go on, like the flooding of the country with illegals and mostly muslim refugees, well, you probably think this makes America stronger because if you think hillary is going to be a great prez, you probably bought into the crap that our strength is in our diversity, which is total b.s.
Now NTP is a fuckingpsychiatrist...the woman knows everything!

You're a fuckingmoron if you don't think these traits fit him to a "t". I know of what I quote above.
Yes, I'll bet you do "know of what you quote".

Why don't you go over the 10 points and tell me how he doesn't fit the profile, instead of attacking me, the messenger? I'll give you several examples for 9 out of 10 of these traits.
Why don't I simply laugh at you instead of trying to reason with a mental basket case. You are doing the equivalent of chanting in a straight jacket in a padded cell.

Your fear in your posts is almost palpable.
The palpatations you hear is blood trying to make its' way to your brain. What would I be afraid of, pray tell?
Trump is toast. I think the only question is how disgusting the Drumpf supporters (and Drumpf himself) will get in losing. It’s incredibly bewildering because inside of 16 months ago, if you were to ask any of these people whom they’d be willing to suspend whatever integrity they had left for; there may have been one or two people on the list; neither one would have been Drumpf. Yet, here they are, having bought into the school yard insult tactics, juvenile innuendo, child-like proclamations, and willfully siding with this small fraction of a man. A man who makes fun of the handicapped. A man who insinuates that women are menstruating. A man who criticizes war heroes.

How far the GOP is willing to sink with this guy is anyone’s guess. The leaders of the Party should just tell the knuckleheads that voted for him…”you’re idiots”. One of the key talking points of the conservatives in the past 72 hours has been “the end of America” since some moron decided to take his sniper rifle and begin sniping at men in uniform. One of the posts I recall reading was this:

So see the disintegration of USA....

Makes you want to vomit.

Anyway HRC will be the next President, the next leader of the free world, will have a Democratic Senate to work with. She has a unique opportunity to basically give the GOP a big bad middle finger. Simply brand them as not doing their jobs (which is true), being a party-first organization (which is true), and choose not to do business with them since, obviously, they won’t do business with her. Anyway, during the Spanish Ameircan war, the US annexed the Philippine Islands, Hawaii and other lands in the Pacific. The reason they did it was (reportedly) that we were going to be called imperialistic anyway…why not knock some people over while you’re being accused of being a bully anyway???

HRC can change the Presidency and some traditions that are in desperate need of being changed. The President should not be going to the House of Reps for anything. Fuck them. Instead, she should send a copy of her speech and give what amounts to a TED Talk at GWU or the Kennedy Center or something. Utilize graphics that explain how shitty the GOP has become (always was???), what a good job she is doing, etc.. Certainly invite Congresswomen and men, notables, etc… but also some supporters and others who want to attend. Hell, sell tickets. But no way should she (or Obama have for that matter) bothered to show up at he HOR who has done everything to thwart progress in America.
She's a loopy kunt that can't even choose to use a secure server. Why don't you suck her ass more...
Trump is toast. I think the only question is how disgusting the Drumpf supporters (and Drumpf himself) will get in losing. It’s incredibly bewildering because inside of 16 months ago, if you were to ask any of these people whom they’d be willing to suspend whatever integrity they had left for; there may have been one or two people on the list; neither one would have been Drumpf. Yet, here they are, having bought into the school yard insult tactics, juvenile innuendo, child-like proclamations, and willfully siding with this small fraction of a man. A man who makes fun of the handicapped. A man who insinuates that women are menstruating. A man who criticizes war heroes.

How far the GOP is willing to sink with this guy is anyone’s guess. The leaders of the Party should just tell the knuckleheads that voted for him…”you’re idiots”. One of the key talking points of the conservatives in the past 72 hours has been “the end of America” since some moron decided to take his sniper rifle and begin sniping at men in uniform. One of the posts I recall reading was this:

So see the disintegration of USA....

Makes you want to vomit.

Anyway HRC will be the next President, the next leader of the free world, will have a Democratic Senate to work with. She has a unique opportunity to basically give the GOP a big bad middle finger. Simply brand them as not doing their jobs (which is true), being a party-first organization (which is true), and choose not to do business with them since, obviously, they won’t do business with her. Anyway, during the Spanish Ameircan war, the US annexed the Philippine Islands, Hawaii and other lands in the Pacific. The reason they did it was (reportedly) that we were going to be called imperialistic anyway…why not knock some people over while you’re being accused of being a bully anyway???

HRC can change the Presidency and some traditions that are in desperate need of being changed. The President should not be going to the House of Reps for anything. Fuck them. Instead, she should send a copy of her speech and give what amounts to a TED Talk at GWU or the Kennedy Center or something. Utilize graphics that explain how shitty the GOP has become (always was???), what a good job she is doing, etc.. Certainly invite Congresswomen and men, notables, etc… but also some supporters and others who want to attend. Hell, sell tickets. But no way should she (or Obama have for that matter) bothered to show up at he HOR who has done everything to thwart progress in America.
She's a loopy kunt that can't even choose to use a secure server. Why don't you suck her ass more...

And the GOP war on women continues unabated. Thanks for reminding us how much you guys hate women. Meanwhile, Donnie has another load for you, your messiah has given you knee pads. Get to work boy.
Trump is toast. I think the only question is how disgusting the Drumpf supporters (and Drumpf himself) will get in losing. It’s incredibly bewildering because inside of 16 months ago, if you were to ask any of these people whom they’d be willing to suspend whatever integrity they had left for; there may have been one or two people on the list; neither one would have been Drumpf. Yet, here they are, having bought into the school yard insult tactics, juvenile innuendo, child-like proclamations, and willfully siding with this small fraction of a man. A man who makes fun of the handicapped. A man who insinuates that women are menstruating. A man who criticizes war heroes.

How far the GOP is willing to sink with this guy is anyone’s guess. The leaders of the Party should just tell the knuckleheads that voted for him…”you’re idiots”. One of the key talking points of the conservatives in the past 72 hours has been “the end of America” since some moron decided to take his sniper rifle and begin sniping at men in uniform. One of the posts I recall reading was this:

So see the disintegration of USA....

Makes you want to vomit.

Anyway HRC will be the next President, the next leader of the free world, will have a Democratic Senate to work with. She has a unique opportunity to basically give the GOP a big bad middle finger. Simply brand them as not doing their jobs (which is true), being a party-first organization (which is true), and choose not to do business with them since, obviously, they won’t do business with her. Anyway, during the Spanish Ameircan war, the US annexed the Philippine Islands, Hawaii and other lands in the Pacific. The reason they did it was (reportedly) that we were going to be called imperialistic anyway…why not knock some people over while you’re being accused of being a bully anyway???

HRC can change the Presidency and some traditions that are in desperate need of being changed. The President should not be going to the House of Reps for anything. Fuck them. Instead, she should send a copy of her speech and give what amounts to a TED Talk at GWU or the Kennedy Center or something. Utilize graphics that explain how shitty the GOP has become (always was???), what a good job she is doing, etc.. Certainly invite Congresswomen and men, notables, etc… but also some supporters and others who want to attend. Hell, sell tickets. But no way should she (or Obama have for that matter) bothered to show up at he HOR who has done everything to thwart progress in America.
She's a loopy kunt that can't even choose to use a secure server. Why don't you suck her ass more...

And the GOP war on women continues unabated. Thanks for reminding us how much you guys hate women. Meanwhile, Donnie has another load for you, your messiah has given you knee pads. Get to work boy.
This country is really sad shape when nutters like yourself are trusting in career politicians...
You're a fuckingmoron if you don't think these traits fit him to a "t". I know of what I quote above.
Yes, I'll bet you do "know of what you quote".

Why don't you go over the 10 points and tell me how he doesn't fit the profile, instead of attacking me, the messenger? I'll give you several examples for 9 out of 10 of these traits.
Why don't I simply laugh at you instead of trying to reason with a mental basket case. You are doing the equivalent of chanting in a straight jacket in a padded cell.

Your fear in your posts is almost palpable.
The palpatations you hear is blood trying to make its' way to your brain. What would I be afraid of, pray tell?

You got me, you refuse to defend your stance. Righties buy into fear. Karl Rove figured that out and capitalized on it. Trump is trying too also. But he can't pull it off.
Trump is toast. I think the only question is how disgusting the Drumpf supporters (and Drumpf himself) will get in losing. It’s incredibly bewildering because inside of 16 months ago, if you were to ask any of these people whom they’d be willing to suspend whatever integrity they had left for; there may have been one or two people on the list; neither one would have been Drumpf. Yet, here they are, having bought into the school yard insult tactics, juvenile innuendo, child-like proclamations, and willfully siding with this small fraction of a man. A man who makes fun of the handicapped. A man who insinuates that women are menstruating. A man who criticizes war heroes.

How far the GOP is willing to sink with this guy is anyone’s guess. The leaders of the Party should just tell the knuckleheads that voted for him…”you’re idiots”. One of the key talking points of the conservatives in the past 72 hours has been “the end of America” since some moron decided to take his sniper rifle and begin sniping at men in uniform. One of the posts I recall reading was this:

So see the disintegration of USA....

Makes you want to vomit.

Anyway HRC will be the next President, the next leader of the free world, will have a Democratic Senate to work with. She has a unique opportunity to basically give the GOP a big bad middle finger. Simply brand them as not doing their jobs (which is true), being a party-first organization (which is true), and choose not to do business with them since, obviously, they won’t do business with her. Anyway, during the Spanish Ameircan war, the US annexed the Philippine Islands, Hawaii and other lands in the Pacific. The reason they did it was (reportedly) that we were going to be called imperialistic anyway…why not knock some people over while you’re being accused of being a bully anyway???

HRC can change the Presidency and some traditions that are in desperate need of being changed. The President should not be going to the House of Reps for anything. Fuck them. Instead, she should send a copy of her speech and give what amounts to a TED Talk at GWU or the Kennedy Center or something. Utilize graphics that explain how shitty the GOP has become (always was???), what a good job she is doing, etc.. Certainly invite Congresswomen and men, notables, etc… but also some supporters and others who want to attend. Hell, sell tickets. But no way should she (or Obama have for that matter) bothered to show up at he HOR who has done everything to thwart progress in America.
She's a loopy kunt that can't even choose to use a secure server. Why don't you suck her ass more...

And the GOP war on women continues unabated. Thanks for reminding us how much you guys hate women. Meanwhile, Donnie has another load for you, your messiah has given you knee pads. Get to work boy.
This country is really sad shape when nutters like yourself are trusting in career politicians...

Sure, whatever. The GOP war on women goes well beyond politics. You guys simply can’t stand women who think for themselves. This is why you side with Drumpf who accuses them of menstruating when they question him.

Now get on your knees and take in your messiah. Good boy.
Trump is toast. I think the only question is how disgusting the Drumpf supporters (and Drumpf himself) will get in losing. It’s incredibly bewildering because inside of 16 months ago, if you were to ask any of these people whom they’d be willing to suspend whatever integrity they had left for; there may have been one or two people on the list; neither one would have been Drumpf. Yet, here they are, having bought into the school yard insult tactics, juvenile innuendo, child-like proclamations, and willfully siding with this small fraction of a man. A man who makes fun of the handicapped. A man who insinuates that women are menstruating. A man who criticizes war heroes.

How far the GOP is willing to sink with this guy is anyone’s guess. The leaders of the Party should just tell the knuckleheads that voted for him…”you’re idiots”. One of the key talking points of the conservatives in the past 72 hours has been “the end of America” since some moron decided to take his sniper rifle and begin sniping at men in uniform. One of the posts I recall reading was this:

So see the disintegration of USA....

Makes you want to vomit.

Anyway HRC will be the next President, the next leader of the free world, will have a Democratic Senate to work with. She has a unique opportunity to basically give the GOP a big bad middle finger. Simply brand them as not doing their jobs (which is true), being a party-first organization (which is true), and choose not to do business with them since, obviously, they won’t do business with her. Anyway, during the Spanish Ameircan war, the US annexed the Philippine Islands, Hawaii and other lands in the Pacific. The reason they did it was (reportedly) that we were going to be called imperialistic anyway…why not knock some people over while you’re being accused of being a bully anyway???

HRC can change the Presidency and some traditions that are in desperate need of being changed. The President should not be going to the House of Reps for anything. Fuck them. Instead, she should send a copy of her speech and give what amounts to a TED Talk at GWU or the Kennedy Center or something. Utilize graphics that explain how shitty the GOP has become (always was???), what a good job she is doing, etc.. Certainly invite Congresswomen and men, notables, etc… but also some supporters and others who want to attend. Hell, sell tickets. But no way should she (or Obama have for that matter) bothered to show up at he HOR who has done everything to thwart progress in America.
She's a loopy kunt that can't even choose to use a secure server. Why don't you suck her ass more...

And the GOP war on women continues unabated. Thanks for reminding us how much you guys hate women. Meanwhile, Donnie has another load for you, your messiah has given you knee pads. Get to work boy.

He's one of the more desperate scared white guys with Trump's zipper in his face, isn't he?
I don't know if trump is good for the country or not, but the last hundred years plus Has proven trump probably can't do any worse. I am writing in a candidate, Elmer Fudd. Career politicians and their progressiveness have destroyed this country… LOL
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