Seriously.....Can Anybody Really Imagine Donald Trump As President?

In this thread, not one lefty has managed to come up with ONE reason why Trump as President would be anything to be concerned about.

Nothing but partisan blather.
I just watched his speech and he never said a complete sentence without waving his arms and throwing in self serving comments before he completed it. The guy should really be in an insane asylum!.....And He's Very Ugly!

sure I can.

He's knows how to do biz so he knows how to be a pro. I'm sure he acts very differently when working.

considering the option is nothing more than a puppet

If the crazy bastard hadn't been given $200 million by his old man he would have starved to death. It still took three bankruptcies before he got his shit together.
kindly explain, in detail, what hillary has built.

wait, let me do it for you;

The fame and public exposure must be intoxicating to Trump and he does not know how to handle it. So he does not handle it well. He is Steve Forbes on steroids.

He's been famous and exposed for 40 years. It's his clinical narcissism that makes him act the way he does. Actually, as I've said before, he's a sociopath. His sexual activities are well concealed, but these other characteristics are on full display. Trump fits 9 out of 10 points here.

Edited: Because DuhTex thinks I'm making this up, see if you don't recognize Trump in the areas I've highlighted:

10 signs for spotting a sociopath
#1) Sociopaths are charming. Sociopaths have high charisma and tend to attract a following just because people want to be around them. They have a "glow" about them that attracts people who typically seek guidance or direction.

#2) Sociopaths are more spontaneous and intense than other people. They tend to do bizarre, sometimes erratic things that most regular people wouldn't do. They are unbound by normal social contracts. Their behavior often seems irrational or extremely risky.

#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others. This is why you will find many very "successful" sociopaths in high levels of government, in any nation.

#4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time.

#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.

#6) Sociopaths tend to be highly intelligent, but they use their brainpower to deceive others rather than empower them. Their high IQs often makes them dangerous. This is why many of the best-known serial killers who successfully evaded law enforcement were sociopaths.

#7) Sociopaths are incapable of love and are entirely self-serving. They may feign love or compassion in order to get what they want, but they don't actually FEEL love in the way that you or I do. (My note: This is where he differs. I believe he truly loves his children)

#8) Sociopaths speak poetically. They are master wordsmiths, ("I have the best words..") able to deliver a running "stream of consciousness" monologue that is both intriguing and hypnotic. They are expert storytellers and even poets.

#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.

#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!

Learn more: How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job

Trump is a fucking textbook/Merck Manual sociopath.
So is hillary, there's an example for each one of those, except #6
I just watched his speech and he never said a complete sentence without waving his arms and throwing in self serving comments before he completed it. The guy should really be in an insane asylum!.....And He's Very Ugly!

Wow. Ugly?

Thanks for keeping it high brow.

Ugly applies to more than appearance. This prick is an ugly human being!
I just watched his speech and he never said a complete sentence without waving his arms and throwing in self serving comments before he completed it. The guy should really be in an insane asylum!.....And He's Very Ugly!

Wow. Ugly?

Thanks for keeping it high brow.

Ugly applies to more than appearance. This prick is an ugly human being!

Oh puhleeze. How can anyone who supports that slithering reptile Hillary possibly complain about Trump's qualities as a human being?
I just watched his speech and he never said a complete sentence without waving his arms and throwing in self serving comments before he completed it. The guy should really be in an insane asylum!.....And He's Very Ugly!

Wow. Ugly?

Thanks for keeping it high brow.

Ugly applies to more than appearance. This prick is an ugly human being!

Oh puhleeze. How can anyone who supports that slithering reptile Hillary possibly complain about Trump's qualities as a human being?

Hillary was there when the decision was made to risk American lives in order to get Osama Bin Laden. You might remember him from 9/11. That's good enough for me. Compare that with Trump deciding(4 times) to use bankruptcy to dump on thousands of people. Compare that with this two faced son-of-a-bitch pledging to get him then making this little speech:

No I couldn't imagine Trumps tweety fingers at the helm of National Security or as Commander & Chief. The overwhelming majority of "real" Republicans can't imagine it either.
Fox News Poll: Clinton up by 6 points, 89 percent say 'hot-headed' describes Trump | Fox News

I just watched his speech and he never said a complete sentence without waving his arms and throwing in self serving comments before he completed it. The guy should really be in an insane asylum!.....And He's Very Ugly!

Hillary is only good at pretending to be a sane person. Behind the scenes, she rants and raves far worse and she's just mean.

I couldn't imagine Trump and he's never been my choice. I have decided to hold my nose and vote for the lesser of two evils, and that means Trump. Hillary is just too evil and at least Trump isn't invested in the liberal policies that will destroy us.
"If Bush Sr. were running for a second term I'd vote for him. They are decent men who actually think before they speak or act."


GHWB gave us Clarence Thomas – clearly a failure to think before acting.

And Trump as president would give us another Thomas.
I just watched his speech and he never said a complete sentence without waving his arms and throwing in self serving comments before he completed it. The guy should really be in an insane asylum!.....And He's Very Ugly!

Wow. Ugly?

Thanks for keeping it high brow.

Ugly applies to more than appearance. This prick is an ugly human being!

Oh puhleeze. How can anyone who supports that slithering reptile Hillary possibly complain about Trump's qualities as a human being?

Hillary was there when the decision was made to risk American lives in order to get Osama Bin Laden. You might remember him from 9/11. That's good enough for me. Compare that with Trump deciding(4 times) to use bankruptcy to dump on thousands of people. Compare that with this two faced son-of-a-bitch pledging to get him then making this little speech:

Hillary was also there when they decided not to send any help to 4 Americans in Benghazi who ended up dead. Then she lied to the families of those dead Americans and blamed a video for fate.

Yeah, that's real character.
"If Bush Sr. were running for a second term I'd vote for him. They are decent men who actually think before they speak or act."


GHWB gave us Clarence Thomas – clearly a failure to think before acting.

And Trump as president would give us another Thomas.

I thought the justices on the Supreme Court were infallible. Are you now saying they do make mistakes?
"Seriously.....Can Anybody Really Imagine Donald Trump As President?"

I can imagine that far more easily than I can imagine Hillary as president. . . . . I take that back. We have video of the Third Reich, so I can imagine Hillary as President.
I just watched his speech and he never said a complete sentence without waving his arms and throwing in self serving comments before he completed it. The guy should really be in an insane asylum!.....And He's Very Ugly!

Wow. Ugly?

Thanks for keeping it high brow.

Ugly applies to more than appearance. This prick is an ugly human being!

Oh puhleeze. How can anyone who supports that slithering reptile Hillary possibly complain about Trump's qualities as a human being?

Trump is what my Daddy used to call a 22 carat ass hole!
I just watched his speech and he never said a complete sentence without waving his arms and throwing in self serving comments before he completed it. The guy should really be in an insane asylum!.....And He's Very Ugly!

Wow. Ugly?

Thanks for keeping it high brow.

Ugly applies to more than appearance. This prick is an ugly human being!

Oh puhleeze. How can anyone who supports that slithering reptile Hillary possibly complain about Trump's qualities as a human being?

Hillary was there when the decision was made to risk American lives in order to get Osama Bin Laden. You might remember him from 9/11. That's good enough for me. Compare that with Trump deciding(4 times) to use bankruptcy to dump on thousands of people. Compare that with this two faced son-of-a-bitch pledging to get him then making this little speech:

Hillary was also there when they decided not to send any help to 4 Americans in Benghazi who ended up dead. Then she lied to the families of those dead Americans and blamed a video for fate.

Yeah, that's real character.

Rank Bullshit!
Last edited:
What's taking so long is that Obama's continuing Clinton and W's policies that got us into it. It's like curing a drunk with whiskey. What's funny is you look at the new driver and can't see them driving down the same road.

There's a word for that, "partisan"

I have stated on many occasions that Obama has been an Okay president at best. He was fortunate to follow one of the worst in history. His legacy will be better than Dumbya's. I think both Hillary and Trump are bad choices, but she's the best of a bad bunch. GoP had much better candidates but they keep on shooting themselves in the foot.

Yeah, you like Tweedledum (D) better than Tweedledee (R). Nothing partisan about that ...


I do care that he's an avowed anti-capitalist and anti free trader though. Sad how the party of Reagan wondered so far.

Reagan: Government is the problem
Trump: Government is the solution
You think Reagan was pro bad US trade relations? I don't think so, he wasn't a fool.

Loaded question, pass
Deflection. The answer you dodge is no, Reagan would not support the shit trade deals we have now and the over regulations sending jobs away. Your simplistic government is the solution evades the point.

Not answering an obviously loaded question is "deflection." You're full of shit. Ask a serious question if you want an actual answer
I did. You're full of shit with your brain dead Reagan good/Trump bad rhetoric. It's really getting old. Cruz didn't win, you need to get over it at some point. You deflected from the point I made because you know the answer, Reagan wouldn't support what's going on now so your quote is misleading.

Reagan was an ardent free trader. Trump is an ardent protectionist. Trump goes beyond free trade and wants to limit capitalists from making economically efficient decisions and for making the rational decision to get away from the malignant American government by relocating manufacturing.

You've given zero in this bad agreements nonsense you keep whining about. You just keep repeating it as if it's true. It's a logical fallacy called begging the question.

You're why Trump does it. Get a bunch of ignorant voters with hysterical fear that OMG, they're taking my job to vote for you by stoking their fear. I do this for a living. I work for multinationals, I have outsourced a lot of jobs. American business doesn't need your help. Stay out of it. Don't "help" us.

Again, Reagan, government is the problem.

Trump/You, government is the solution

You have nothing to do with Reagan, he was ardently pro free trade and he did what American business needs. He left us alone. You're just a Democrat in another form
Yes, I'll bet you do "know of what you quote".

Why don't you go over the 10 points and tell me how he doesn't fit the profile, instead of attacking me, the messenger? I'll give you several examples for 9 out of 10 of these traits.
Why don't I simply laugh at you instead of trying to reason with a mental basket case. You are doing the equivalent of chanting in a straight jacket in a padded cell.

Your fear in your posts is almost palpable.
The palpatations you hear is blood trying to make its' way to your brain. What would I be afraid of, pray tell?

You got me, you refuse to defend your stance. Righties buy into fear. Karl Rove figured that out and capitalized on it. Trump is trying too also. But he can't pull it off.
I refused to defend my stance? I'm afraid? You have nothing, you ARE nothing.
You think Reagan was pro bad US trade relations? I don't think so, he wasn't a fool.

Loaded question, pass
Deflection. The answer you dodge is no, Reagan would not support the shit trade deals we have now and the over regulations sending jobs away. Your simplistic government is the solution evades the point.

Not answering an obviously loaded question is "deflection." You're full of shit. Ask a serious question if you want an actual answer
I did. You're full of shit with your brain dead Reagan good/Trump bad rhetoric. It's really getting old. Cruz didn't win, you need to get over it at some point. You deflected from the point I made because you know the answer, Reagan wouldn't support what's going on now so your quote is misleading.

Reagan was an ardent free trader. Trump is an ardent protectionist. Trump goes beyond free trade and wants to limit capitalists from making economically efficient decisions and for making the rational decision to get away from the malignant American government by relocating manufacturing.

You've given zero in this bad agreements nonsense you keep whining about. You just keep repeating it as if it's true. It's a logical fallacy called begging the question.

You're why Trump does it. Get a bunch of ignorant voters with hysterical fear that OMG, they're taking my job to vote for you by stoking their fear. I do this for a living. I work for multinationals, I have outsourced a lot of jobs. American business doesn't need your help. Stay out of it. Don't "help" us.

Again, Reagan, government is the problem.

Trump/You, government is the solution

You have nothing to do with Reagan, he was ardently pro free trade and he did what American business needs. He left us alone. You're just a Democrat in another form
I don't agree that Reagan was for bad trade deals. You would need to support that.

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