Seriously, why do R-Wers on here keep stating that "there's noting there"?

You ever hear of spell check which sometimes goes array on phones & tablets?

Yes they tried but they also said there is no influence from it.
They keep ignoring that part though.
In all honesty, I can't understand why right wingers on here keep stating that the ongoing investigations have (already) proven that there is "nothing to implicate the Trumpster....

There are currently at least 4 congressional investigations with full subpoena powers.

A special counsel has just recently begun to investigate a variety of charges regarding the Trump administration's possible collusion with Russian operatives, obstruction of justice, and abuses of administrative powers.

Comey (like him or not) has just asserted that there is classified information on Session's, Flynn's and others' lying to law enforcement officials and the vetting processes. rather than (under oath) stating that the Steele's dossier was"fake" and that Session (and several others) were in the clear, Comey chose to respond to congressional questions in close-door sessions.

With ALL that is happening, right wingers on here are STILL stating that the entire investigative processes either don't really exist or are worthless......Interesting.....

Can you name one specific instance where Trump broke the law?
Please provide a date, and the specific Federal law broken.
Can you name one specific instance where Trump broke the law?
Please provide a date, and the specific Federal law broken.

Not my role to prosecute Trump for breaking federal laws.....there are plenty of others in a position to do this......But the Logan Act DOES come to mind.....

Congrats on the lame attempt to divert from the thread's original message.
Can you name one specific instance where Trump broke the law?
Please provide a date, and the specific Federal law broken.

Not my role to prosecute Trump for breaking federal laws.....there are plenty of others in a position to do this......But the Logan Act DOES come to mind.....

Congrats on the lame attempt to divert from the thread's original message.

But you see you are performing the act of guilty before proven innocent!
And that is NOT your position!

Now being the ignorant person you obviously are by NOT doing any further research:

The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that details the fine and/or imprisonment of unauthorized citizens who negotiate with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States. It was intended to prevent the undermining of the government's position.[2] The Act was passed following George Logan's unauthorized negotiations with France in 1798, and was signed into law by President John Adams on January 30, 1799. The Act was last amended in 1994, and violation of the Logan Act is a felony.
To date, only one person has ever been indicted for violating the Act's provisions.[2] However, no person has ever been prosecuted for alleged violations of the Act.
Logan Act - Wikipedia

When and where did Trump as a "citizen" negotiate with foreign governments have a dispute with the US?
Now I've looked up "what foreign governments have disputes with the US" and could find none. Maybe you know as you are so knowledgeable about the Logan Act.

So in summary Where and When and What government that the US has a dispute with did Trump "negotiate"?
So far NOT one person in Trump campaign has been charged let alone Trump.

BUT if you are going that far tell me about this:
Hillary Clinton Lobbied Bangladesh PM on Behalf of Clinton Foundation Donor
“The Office of Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina confirmed to Circa that Mrs. Clinton called her office in March 2011 to demand that Dr. Muhammed Yunus, a 2006 Nobel Peace prize winner, be restored to his role as chairman of the country’s most famous microcredit bank, Grameen Bank.” Yunus’ nonprofit through the bank Grameen America donated between $100,000 and $250,000 to the Clinton Foundation and Grameen Research donated an additional $25,000 to $50,000. The exposure is one of the most overt examples of “pay to play” by the Clinton Foundation. The deputy press secretary of the Bangladesh prime minister’s office told Circa that Hillary Clinton, while serving as U.S. secretary of state, phoned Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in March 2011 insisting she not remove Clinton Foundation donor Dr. Muhammad Yunus from his position as managing director of Grameen Bank.
Hillary Clinton Lobbied Bangladesh PM on Behalf of Clinton Foundation Donor

Now the US does not have a "dispute" with Bangladesh BUT boy there sure is a lot of "smoke" around this deal!!!
Can you name one specific instance where Trump broke the law?
Please provide a date, and the specific Federal law broken.

Not my role to prosecute Trump for breaking federal laws.....there are plenty of others in a position to do this......But the Logan Act DOES come to mind.....

Congrats on the lame attempt to divert from the thread's original message.

The Logan Act....bwahahahaha. :420:

In other words you've got nothing.

This isn't diverting from the original message, it's bitch slapping it down.
In other words you've got nothing.

This isn't diverting from the original message, it's bitch slapping it down.

For right wing morons who keep on repeating" that there is nothing to see, you idiots seem to be quite worried judging by your "demands" for proof.......Be patients nitwits...the storm is coming.....LOL
In other words you've got nothing.

This isn't diverting from the original message, it's bitch slapping it down.

For right wing morons who keep on repeating" that there is nothing to see, you idiots seem to be quite worried judging by your "demands" for proof.......Be patients nitwits...the storm is coming.....LOL

We're waiting....and waiting....and waiting......
In all honesty, I can't understand why right wingers on here keep stating that the ongoing investigations have (already) proven that there is "nothing to implicate the Trumpster....

There are currently at least 4 congressional investigations with full subpoena powers.

A special counsel has just recently begun to investigate a variety of charges regarding the Trump administration's possible collusion with Russian operatives, obstruction of justice, and abuses of administrative powers.

Comey (like him or not) has just asserted that there is classified information on Session's, Flynn's and others' lying to law enforcement officials and the vetting processes. rather than (under oath) stating that the Steele's dossier was"fake" and that Session (and several others) were in the clear, Comey chose to respond to congressional questions in close-door sessions.

With ALL that is happening, right wingers on here are STILL stating that the entire investigative processes either don't really exist or are worthless......Interesting.....

Let us know when you come up with something. Until then there's nothing. Incidentally cause and effect challenged, our positioning in the middle east in conflict with Russian doesn't bold well for your dream Trump and Puttin are on the same team. I don't expect you to comprehend that. I'd be the last to suggest liberals can process even simple analysis of situations.
In all honesty, I can't understand why right wingers on here keep stating that the ongoing investigations have (already) proven that there is "nothing to implicate the Trumpster....

There are currently at least 4 congressional investigations with full subpoena powers.

A special counsel has just recently begun to investigate a variety of charges regarding the Trump administration's possible collusion with Russian operatives, obstruction of justice, and abuses of administrative powers.

Comey (like him or not) has just asserted that there is classified information on Session's, Flynn's and others' lying to law enforcement officials and the vetting processes. rather than (under oath) stating that the Steele's dossier was"fake" and that Session (and several others) were in the clear, Comey chose to respond to congressional questions in close-door sessions.

With ALL that is happening, right wingers on here are STILL stating that the entire investigative processes either don't really exist or are worthless......Interesting.....

Why is there bankruptcy and chaos EVERYWHERE the left has been in control for a long time ????
Illinois careens into financial meltdown – and not even the lottery is safe
Let us know when you come up with something. Until then there's nothing. Incidentally cause and effect challenged, our positioning in the middle east in conflict with Russian doesn't bold well for your dream Trump and Puttin are on the same team. I don't expect you to comprehend that. I'd be the last to suggest liberals can process even simple analysis of situations.

Right on target there, Dude........Russia's Putin and all those Russian rich oligarchs do have our best interests in mind and are now our "best buddies" because of the Trumpster.....AMAZING !!!
Why is there bankruptcy and chaos EVERYWHERE the left has been in control for a long time ????
Illinois careens into financial meltdown – and not even the lottery is safe

Well, this thread is about the investigations of Trump's shady dealings etc. with Russia,...and you bring up Illinois...had no idea that Trump had screwed up in that state also....Thanks for the update.

All those are distractions. Anyone but morons know that. To avoid the reality of the REAL failings of the left

You ever hear of spell check which sometimes goes array on phones & tablets?

Yes they tried but they also said there is no influence from it.
They keep ignoring that part though.
nope! what the investigators said is that they are not and had not done any investigating of actual influence on the they don't know one way or another...whether the results of the elections were affected by the Russian influence.
The brain-dead left continues it's charade of distract and avoid. They can't handle reality so they do these threads.

But some of the extremely ignorant leftist morons just go right ahead posting these ignorant threads day after day.
Let us know when you come up with something. Until then there's nothing. Incidentally cause and effect challenged, our positioning in the middle east in conflict with Russian doesn't bold well for your dream Trump and Puttin are on the same team. I don't expect you to comprehend that. I'd be the last to suggest liberals can process even simple analysis of situations.

Right on target there, Dude........Russia's Putin and all those Russian rich oligarchs do have our best interests in mind and are now our "best buddies" because of the Trumpster.....AMAZING !!!

It takes a special kind of ignorant anti-Americanism to call Trump a threat to America after the radical Muslim brotherhood sympathizer who just left the WH
But some of the extremely ignorant leftist morons just go right ahead posting these ignorant threads day after day.

......and you are bumping up the thread......If you have NO worries about your orange clown, find other means of spending your time.....maybe attend a GED program?....LOL


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