Seriously, why do R-Wers on here keep stating that "there's noting there"?

Another glorious day...
NO Evidence
NO Collusion
NO Obstruction
NO 'Investigation of Trump'
NO 'President Hillary'

Yet you don't have the balls to debate my posts, I wonder why that is.

You know that old saying about wrestling with pigs ???........................LOL

I know what they say about treating lefties like intelligent, serious adults: it's a waste of time.
What do Trump voter know about electing a Con Man and Tax evader!!!!!

It sounds like what did Obama voters know about this ANGRY BLACK MAN!
This is the guy that hated the British as his dad was Kenyan terrorist.
This is the guy that hated police because he was an angry black man!
But none of you would admit you were concerned because you didn't want Obama to do this:
"They're going to try to make you afraid of me. He's young and inexperienced and he's got a funny name. And did I mention he's black?"
Obama says Republicans will use race to stoke fear
Yea you guys were too chicken shit to stand up for the truth because YOU were afraid they'd call you a "RACIST"!

View attachment 134282
Why didn't the Racsist GOP try and impeach President Obama.
Yet you don't have the balls to debate my posts, I wonder why that is.

You know that old saying about wrestling with pigs ???........................LOL

I know what they say about treating lefties like intelligent, serious adults: it's a waste of time.
What do Trump voter know about electing a Con Man and Tax evader!!!!!

It sounds like what did Obama voters know about this ANGRY BLACK MAN!
This is the guy that hated the British as his dad was Kenyan terrorist.
This is the guy that hated police because he was an angry black man!
But none of you would admit you were concerned because you didn't want Obama to do this:
"They're going to try to make you afraid of me. He's young and inexperienced and he's got a funny name. And did I mention he's black?"
Obama says Republicans will use race to stoke fear

Yea you guys were too chicken shit to stand up for the truth because YOU were afraid they'd call you a "RACIST"!

View attachment 134282


Hacking is not necessarily influencing.

But you knew that.

Well, maybe you didn't.
Yet you don't have the balls to debate my posts, I wonder why that is.

You know that old saying about wrestling with pigs ???........................LOL

I know what they say about treating lefties like intelligent, serious adults: it's a waste of time.
What do Trump voter know about electing a Con Man and Tax evader!!!!!

If we find one who voted for Charlie Rangel we will ask him
You can keep parottng right wing talk show hosts that will take information--regurgitate it, then spoon feed it back to you in the news you want to hear. Or you can scroll up to post 335 on this thread and educate yourself as to what has really been going on.

There has been NO CRIME. What part of that is unclear to you?

Hacking is not necessarily influencing.

True, nitwit....those hackers just did it for fun and simply shredded all that crap they hacked as instructed by their fat moms who eventually visited their basements.
Yet you don't have the balls to debate my posts, I wonder why that is.

You know that old saying about wrestling with pigs ???........................LOL

I know what they say about treating lefties like intelligent, serious adults: it's a waste of time.
What do Trump voter know about electing a Con Man and Tax evader!!!!!

It sounds like what did Obama voters know about this ANGRY BLACK MAN!
This is the guy that hated the British as his dad was Kenyan terrorist.
This is the guy that hated police because he was an angry black man!
But none of you would admit you were concerned because you didn't want Obama to do this:
"They're going to try to make you afraid of me. He's young and inexperienced and he's got a funny name. And did I mention he's black?"
Obama says Republicans will use race to stoke fear
Yea you guys were too chicken shit to stand up for the truth because YOU were afraid they'd call you a "RACIST"!

View attachment 134282
Why didn't the Racsist GOP try and impeach President Obama.

Because they aren't racist and aren't going to make charges up
Yet you don't have the balls to debate my posts, I wonder why that is.

You know that old saying about wrestling with pigs ???........................LOL

I know what they say about treating lefties like intelligent, serious adults: it's a waste of time.
What do Trump voter know about electing a Con Man and Tax evader!!!!!

It sounds like what did Obama voters know about this ANGRY BLACK MAN!
This is the guy that hated the British as his dad was Kenyan terrorist.
This is the guy that hated police because he was an angry black man!
But none of you would admit you were concerned because you didn't want Obama to do this:
"They're going to try to make you afraid of me. He's young and inexperienced and he's got a funny name. And did I mention he's black?"
Obama says Republicans will use race to stoke fear

Yea you guys were too chicken shit to stand up for the truth because YOU were afraid they'd call you a "RACIST"!

View attachment 134282

Not in the slightest

And yet the DNC still hasn't let them examine the computers so what the bureaucracy says doesn't really matter. Hearsay and all
Over 400 posts and not a single shred evidence that ANYTHING done by the Republicans was unethical, immoral or illegal. NOTHING.

They're so desperate they're making things up as they go. They're terrorized that the Republican's health insurance plan will actually work and they'll look more foolish than they do already.

It is indeed sad, pathetic that they know they have no new faces, no ideas, they have Hilary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Maxine Waters, Joe Biden and who else?

They've gone so far to the left that they are unrecognizable from Democrats Tip O'Neil and JFK.


More regressive lies, Clapper said only 3 intel agencies were involved in preparing the report, not 17.

Russians hacked DNC and phished Podesta, those were the only successful intrusions.

Carry on with the lies.


Hacking is not necessarily influencing.

True, nitwit....those hackers just did it for fun and simply shredded all that crap they hacked as instructed by their fat moms who eventually visited their basements.

No, fool....

You've got nothing to prove that anything hacking of the DNC (which is not "hacking the elections" as you liars like to say), had any effect whatsoever on the results of the election.

But why do I care about your POV ?

Answer: I don't.

You lost.

Suck on it.

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