Seriously, why do R-Wers on here keep stating that "there's noting there"?

How is it possible that RWNJs "don't give a crap" that Russia has and still is attacking us? How did the right become the party of traitors?

Arrogance among right wingers makes them opt for treason, rather than ever admit that they fucked up royally in placing a clown in the oval office.
How is it possible that RWNJs "don't give a crap" that Russia has and still is attacking us? How did the right become the party of traitors?

Arrogance among right wingers makes them opt for treason, rather than ever admit that they fucked up royally in placing a clown in the oval office.
10% new regulations in the CFR's compared to previous administrations..............while removing a bunch from the books................

Got you rattled getting rid of the job killers
In all honesty, I can't understand why right wingers on here keep stating that the ongoing investigations have (already) proven that there is "nothing to implicate the Trumpster....

There are currently at least 4 congressional investigations with full subpoena powers.

A special counsel has just recently begun to investigate a variety of charges regarding the Trump administration's possible collusion with Russian operatives, obstruction of justice, and abuses of administrative powers.

Comey (like him or not) has just asserted that there is classified information on Session's, Flynn's and others' lying to law enforcement officials and the vetting processes. rather than (under oath) stating that the Steele's dossier was"fake" and that Session (and several others) were in the clear, Comey chose to respond to congressional questions in close-door sessions.

With ALL that is happening, right wingers on here are STILL stating that the entire investigative processes either don't really exist or are worthless......Interesting.....
Wishfull thinking along with blind obedience.
Congress isn't where the investigation is. It's just a bunch of Republicans running cover for treason.

Mueller is where the actual investigation is, and he's barely gotten started. He's still assembling his team. And dang, what a team, literally the best lawyers and investigators in the nation. Mueller is having no trouble finding people to work with him. The best and brightest want to be on his team, because it's the kind of case that earns a person a legacy of patriotism, brilliance and success.

In contrast, nobody wants to touch Trump, being they don't want their legacy to be corruption, treason and failure.
Do you realize how many comments you refered to as fact?
1. He's still assembling his team.
2. And dang, what a team
3. literally the best lawyers and investigators in the nation.
4. Mueller is having no trouble finding people to work with him.
5. he best and brightest want to be on his team,
6. it's the kind of case that earns a person a legacy of patriotism, brilliance and success.
7. nobody wants to touch Trump
8. they don't want their legacy to be corruption, treason and failure

Really mamooth, I gave you more credit that that! Provide 8, count them, eight links to verify your "facts." LMAO
Trump obviously does not care about Russian hacking our election.
So, provide the link that proves your statement, 1) Trump does not care about Russian hacking and 2) Russia hacked our election. TIA.
In all honesty, I can't understand why right wingers on here keep stating that the ongoing investigations have (already) proven that there is "nothing to implicate the Trumpster....Excuse me leftist, but to-date there's nothing. Let's be honest, your opinion that Trump is guilty without evidence to support that demonstrates how fucked up the left has become. You're cowards, unpatriotic. This is EXACTLY what you call a witch-hunt. Give me a break. You're simply intellectually dishonest and support guilty until proved innocent.

There are currently at least 4 congressional investigations with full subpoena powers. Neat. It's called politics. Let us know when they find something tangible. Until then, refer to my last response.

A special counsel has just recently begun to investigate a variety of charges regarding the Trump administration's possible collusion with Russian operatives, obstruction of justice, and abuses of administrative powers. Yeah, possible collusion is translated to mean a witch hunt, same as always. This is because you people don't have the fortitude to deal with the election results.

Comey (like him or not) has just asserted that there is classified information on Session's, Flynn's and others' lying to law enforcement officials and the vetting processes. This makes no sense.

rather than (under oath) stating that the Steele's dossier was"fake" and that Session (and several others) were in the clear, Comey chose to respond to congressional questions in close-door sessions. Neat. Reference witch hunt.

With ALL that is happening i.e., politics and permanently butthurt liberals.

right wingers on here are STILL stating that the entire investigative processes either don't really exist or are worthless......Interesting.....Worthless until you come up with something. To you everything is something, but at the end of the day it's all proved to be nothing.

Yep. We've essentially got a Russian operative and his klan and minions are soaking us for millions every week.

And that's on top of scandals almost too numerous to count and evidence that piles higher and higher.

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Yep. We've essentially got a Russian operative and his klan and minions are soaking us for millions every week.

And that's on top of scandals almost too numerous to count and evidence that piles higher and higher.

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Where's the beef?

Yep. We've essentially got a Russian operative and his klan and minions are soaking us for millions every week.

And that's on top of scandals almost too numerous to count and evidence that piles higher and higher.

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Where's the beef?

You've asked this many many times and each is even more witty and
intelligent than the last.

Perhaps you would be so kind as to list the number of you will be repeating this pithy bit? It would be quite helpful to know how many more times the facts and reality must be explained and spoon fed to you.


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Because Comey and every other person who has testified has said there is nothing here. Comey just confirmed that trump isn't under investigation.

At what point will you figure this out?

The Republicans have certainly tried to spin it that way and Trumpbots are echoing their boss but it's just not true.

Comey laid out a pretty good case for obstruction of justice. That he refused to answer questions on the Steele dossier is very interesting and most certainly Flynn and others are still under investigation.

Not to mention that Comey flat out said there is no doubt that Russia hacked the DNC, and interfered with the election.
Trump is making international policy, such as bombing Syria, contrary to Russian interests. Does that sound like someone who is a Russia puppet?

Hey, nitwit, Trump INFORMED way in advance the Russians that he was sending missiles to the Syrian AF the Russians AND the Syrians plenty of time to go someplace else and have dinner undisturbed.....

All that Trump did was create very expensive pot holes at that AF base....maybe it was a tree-planting campaign.

Did Assad use chemical weapons again?

Because Comey and every other person who has testified has said there is nothing here. Comey just confirmed that trump isn't under investigation.

At what point will you figure this out?

The Republicans have certainly tried to spin it that way and Trumpbots are echoing their boss but it's just not true.

Comey laid out a pretty good case for obstruction of justice. That he refused to answer questions on the Steele dossier is very interesting and most certainly Flynn and others are still under investigation.

Not to mention that Comey flat out said there is no doubt that Russia hacked the DNC, and interfered with the election.

Bwahwha that's funny because Comey was the main cause of interfering in the election.

In all honesty, I can't understand why right wingers on here keep stating that the ongoing investigations have (already) proven that there is "nothing to implicate the Trumpster....

There are currently at least 4 congressional investigations with full subpoena powers.

A special counsel has just recently begun to investigate a variety of charges regarding the Trump administration's possible collusion with Russian operatives, obstruction of justice, and abuses of administrative powers.

Comey (like him or not) has just asserted that there is classified information on Session's, Flynn's and others' lying to law enforcement officials and the vetting processes. rather than (under oath) stating that the Steele's dossier was"fake" and that Session (and several others) were in the clear, Comey chose to respond to congressional questions in close-door sessions.

With ALL that is happening, right wingers on here are STILL stating that the entire investigative processes either don't really exist or are worthless......Interesting.....

So what you're telling us is that the existence of an investigation is de facto evidence of guilt?

I don't think you're entirely clear on the meaning of "investigation".

Quite simply, people keep saying there's nothing there because, evidence-wise, there's nothing there. And the fact that you leftists have instigated so many investigations and such a furor only highlights the fact that you STILL haven't managed to produce any evidence.
Trump obviously does not care about Russian hacking our election.
Since there is no real evidence they had any effect on the outcome, nor influenced the election at all, why do you care?

The bigger question is if there is no real evidence they had any effect on the outcome, why does TRUMP care so much that he would fire the Director of the FBI to stop the investigation?

Throughout the all of the Clinton investigations, Hillary and Bill carried on their work and let investigators dig, answered their questions and went on with their business.

Trump is devoting all of his attention to an investigation which he claims is completely bogus. If it's bogus, why is Trump so worried and consumed by it?
You poor lil boy, so desperately wanting you some Trump meat and completely unable to get it.

The above is what passes for right wing intelligentsia when responding and addressing the questions/arguments posed in the O/P.......

Instead of just skipping these types of posts, right wingers INSIST on making idiots of themselves by showing they have NO clue except to defend the indefensible........LAME, very lame...LOL

You're just a troll kid, don't cry when you get it hurled back at you. Just one more punk spewing hatred.
Because Comey and every other person who has testified has said there is nothing here. Comey just confirmed that trump isn't under investigation.

At what point will you figure this out?

The Republicans have certainly tried to spin it that way and Trumpbots are echoing their boss but it's just not true.

Comey laid out a pretty good case for obstruction of justice. That he refused to answer questions on the Steele dossier is very interesting and most certainly Flynn and others are still under investigation.

Not to mention that Comey flat out said there is no doubt that Russia hacked the DNC, and interfered with the election.

Comey laid out a pretty good case for obstruction of justice? Really? What hearings were YOU watching?

And again, "under investigation" is NOT de facto evidence of guilt.

I shall wait to be fascinated by your next point outlining what this "pretty good case" was, but I won't hold my breath.
In all honesty, I can't understand why right wingers on here keep stating that the ongoing investigations have (already) proven that there is "nothing to implicate the Trumpster....

There are currently at least 4 congressional investigations with full subpoena powers.

A special counsel has just recently begun to investigate a variety of charges regarding the Trump administration's possible collusion with Russian operatives, obstruction of justice, and abuses of administrative powers.

Comey (like him or not) has just asserted that there is classified information on Session's, Flynn's and others' lying to law enforcement officials and the vetting processes. rather than (under oath) stating that the Steele's dossier was"fake" and that Session (and several others) were in the clear, Comey chose to respond to congressional questions in close-door sessions.

With ALL that is happening, right wingers on here are STILL stating that the entire investigative processes either don't really exist or are worthless......Interesting.....

So what you're telling us is that the existence of an investigation is de facto evidence of guilt?

I don't think you're entirely clear on the meaning of "investigation".

Quite simply, people keep saying there's nothing there because, evidence-wise, there's nothing there. And the fact that you leftists have instigated so many investigations and such a furor only highlights the fact that you STILL haven't managed to produce any evidence.

The ONLY thing he is "clear" on is unadulterated hatred.
Trump obviously does not care about Russian hacking our election.
Since there is no real evidence they had any effect on the outcome, nor influenced the election at all, why do you care?

The bigger question is if there is no real evidence they had any effect on the outcome, why does TRUMP care so much that he would fire the Director of the FBI to stop the investigation?

Throughout the all of the Clinton investigations, Hillary and Bill carried on their work and let investigators dig, answered their questions and went on with their business.

Trump is devoting all of his attention to an investigation which he claims is completely bogus. If it's bogus, why is Trump so worried and consumed by it?

Want to know how we know you are a dumbass? Firing Comey wouldn't stop anything. The DOJ runs it. Dumbass.
Trump obviously does not care about Russian hacking our election.
Since there is no real evidence they had any effect on the outcome, nor influenced the election at all, why do you care?

The bigger question is if there is no real evidence they had any effect on the outcome, why does TRUMP care so much that he would fire the Director of the FBI to stop the investigation?

Throughout the all of the Clinton investigations, Hillary and Bill carried on their work and let investigators dig, answered their questions and went on with their business.

Trump is devoting all of his attention to an investigation which he claims is completely bogus. If it's bogus, why is Trump so worried and consumed by it?

He was the FBI director, I can about bet he also had the conversation with Coats and Rogers who are still working, and have not of yet been fired.

That would look strange if they were fired now hey. I believe Trump is hiding an awful lot, and his kids and Kushner.

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