Seriously, why do R-Wers on here keep stating that "there's noting there"?

Hey, nitwit, Trump INFORMED way in advance the Russians that he was sending missiles to the Syrian AF the Russians AND the Syrians plenty of time to go someplace else and have dinner undisturbed.....

All that Trump did was create very expensive pot holes at that AF base....maybe it was a tree-planting campaign.

As you know, Russia was given one hour notice to get their personnel out of the way. Your desperation is duly noted. The message was sent that no longer was the President of the United States satisfied with cowering and leading from behind.
In all honesty, I can't understand why right wingers on here keep stating that the ongoing investigations have (already) proven that there is "nothing to implicate the Trumpster....

There are currently at least 4 congressional investigations with full subpoena powers.

A special counsel has just recently begun to investigate a variety of charges regarding the Trump administration's possible collusion with Russian operatives, obstruction of justice, and abuses of administrative powers.

Comey (like him or not) has just asserted that there is classified information on Session's, Flynn's and others' lying to law enforcement officials and the vetting processes. rather than (under oath) stating that the Steele's dossier was"fake" and that Session (and several others) were in the clear, Comey chose to respond to congressional questions in close-door sessions.

With ALL that is happening, right wingers on here are STILL stating that the entire investigative processes either don't really exist or are worthless......Interesting.....

Because if there was anything there the NY times would have published it already. Face it natty, there is no there, there.
Not to mention that Comey flat out said there is no doubt that Russia hacked the DNC, and interfered with the election.

Wow, what a revelation. Earth to Dragonlady, everyone knew someone hacked the DNC and Panetta, was stupid enough to use "Password" as his password. The only people you can be angry with are Panetta and those to and from whom he sent such incriminating emails. The DNC refused to allow the FBI to check their systems, for very obvious reasons we can now see.]

NO ONE interfered with the election. All the damage done to Hillary Clinton was self-inflicted.
Did Assad use chemical weapons again?

Unless Assad is "terrified" about some pot holes around one of his airfields, the scumbag will probably do so AGAIN....(or the Russians in Syria will).......
Did Assad use chemical weapons again?

Unless Assad is "terrified" about some pot holes around one of his airfields, the scumbag will probably do so AGAIN....(or the Russians in Syria will).......

He is, he was using chemical weapons on Obama's term up till last October..

Trump put an end to it.

Other wise the next volly of tomahawks end up on him

So what you're telling us is that the existence of an investigation is de facto evidence of guilt?

NO, nitwit.......Without an investigation there would NEVER be any evidence to surface.

As virtually everyday goes by, new evidence of Trump and his acolytes keeps surfacing; and it must scare the shit out of Trump ass kissers.
Because if there was anything there the NY times would have published it already. Face it natty, there is no there, there.

Other wise the next volly of tomahawks end up on him

Not unless Assad decides to park his limo on the outskirts of some airfield signaling his coordinates and a bulls-eye on the roof of his car.......LOL
I've come to see it as the Democrats' occupy Washington movement.
In all honesty, I can't understand why right wingers on here keep stating that the ongoing investigations have (already) proven that there is "nothing to implicate the Trumpster....

There are currently at least 4 congressional investigations with full subpoena powers.

A special counsel has just recently begun to investigate a variety of charges regarding the Trump administration's possible collusion with Russian operatives, obstruction of justice, and abuses of administrative powers.

Comey (like him or not) has just asserted that there is classified information on Session's, Flynn's and others' lying to law enforcement officials and the vetting processes. rather than (under oath) stating that the Steele's dossier was"fake" and that Session (and several others) were in the clear, Comey chose to respond to congressional questions in close-door sessions.

With ALL that is happening, right wingers on here are STILL stating that the entire investigative processes either don't really exist or are worthless......Interesting.....

1. LWers claimed there was nothing there during Obama's 8 years, and that it was all a witch hunt. Sure looked to me like there was indeed a lot of 'there' there, but they squashed it and buried it and the MSM let them get away with it. Funny how it all changes when the shoe is on the other foot.

2. Actually, nothing has been proven or unproven either way. Your side chooses to believe the worst about Trump just like my side believed and still believes the worst about Obama. And the cycle goes on. Lies from people in gov't is as common as leaves on the ground in autumn, or at best half-truths and innuendo. We can argue all day long about who lies the most, BFD. But I highly doubt any of the ongoing investigations will result in actionable evidence against anybody.

But you DIDN"T POINT OUT the major BIG difference!
The biased MSM was covering up for Obama while making up stories about Trump.
So both sides are not equal unless more people agree that the MSM can't be believed.
Which is HAPPENING now and the MSM is NOT reporting it!
This was in February 2017:
A new national poll finds that Americans see Donald Trump as being more trustworthy than the mainstream media.

The survey, conducted by Emerson College Polling, found that the Trump administration is considered to be truthful by 49% of respondents compared to 48% who think it’s untruthful.

In comparison, the news media is considered to be untruthful by 53% of respondents compared to 39% who find it to be truthful – a 14 point gap.

Americans Find Trump More Trustworthy Than Media; Poll

I can just imagine the gap is even bigger with the daily rounds of "anonymous sources"!
I mean seriously how can the Washington Post be ever believed again when they write:
Last week, the Washington Post unveiled a story based on “the private accounts of more than 30 officials at the White House.”
The fake news story falsely claimed that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein threatened to resign.
Rod had a simple answer when asked about that piece of fake news. “No.”

So much for 30 anonymous sources and for the Washington Post’s credibility. But the media keeps shoveling out pieces based on anonymous sources and confirmed by anonymous sources while ignoring the disavowals by those public officials who are willing to go on the record.
The Anonymous Sources of Washington Post and CNN Fake News

People pointed out the stupidity was even greater in thinking "hey if we make up 10 private accounts... why not 30? That makes it even more believable!"
I mean lay people reading that story just found it unbelievable that 30 !!! "the private accounts of more then 30 officials at the White House"!
Unless Assad is "terrified" about some pot holes around one of his airfields, the scumbag will probably do so AGAIN....(or the Russians in Syria will).......

Has Assad used Sarin gas again? Simple question, even for you. Yes or no?
In all honesty, I can't understand why right wingers on here keep stating that the ongoing investigations have (already) proven that there is "nothing to implicate the Trumpster....

There are currently at least 4 congressional investigations with full subpoena powers.

A special counsel has just recently begun to investigate a variety of charges regarding the Trump administration's possible collusion with Russian operatives, obstruction of justice, and abuses of administrative powers.

Comey (like him or not) has just asserted that there is classified information on Session's, Flynn's and others' lying to law enforcement officials and the vetting processes. rather than (under oath) stating that the Steele's dossier was"fake" and that Session (and several others) were in the clear, Comey chose to respond to congressional questions in close-door sessions.

With ALL that is happening, right wingers on here are STILL stating that the entire investigative processes either don't really exist or are worthless......Interesting.....

1. LWers claimed there was nothing there during Obama's 8 years, and that it was all a witch hunt. Sure looked to me like there was indeed a lot of 'there' there, but they squashed it and buried it and the MSM let them get away with it. Funny how it all changes when the shoe is on the other foot.

2. Actually, nothing has been proven or unproven either way. Your side chooses to believe the worst about Trump just like my side believed and still believes the worst about Obama. And the cycle goes on. Lies from people in gov't is as common as leaves on the ground in autumn, or at best half-truths and innuendo. We can argue all day long about who lies the most, BFD. But I highly doubt any of the ongoing investigations will result in actionable evidence against anybody.

But you DIDN"T POINT OUT the major BIG difference!
The biased MSM was covering up for Obama while making up stories about Trump.
So both sides are not equal unless more people agree that the MSM can't be believed.
Which is HAPPENING now and the MSM is NOT reporting it!
This was in February 2017:
A new national poll finds that Americans see Donald Trump as being more trustworthy than the mainstream media.

The survey, conducted by Emerson College Polling, found that the Trump administration is considered to be truthful by 49% of respondents compared to 48% who think it’s untruthful.

In comparison, the news media is considered to be untruthful by 53% of respondents compared to 39% who find it to be truthful – a 14 point gap.

Americans Find Trump More Trustworthy Than Media; Poll

I can just imagine the gap is even bigger with the daily rounds of "anonymous sources"!
I mean seriously how can the Washington Post be ever believed again when they write:
Last week, the Washington Post unveiled a story based on “the private accounts of more than 30 officials at the White House.”
The fake news story falsely claimed that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein threatened to resign.
Rod had a simple answer when asked about that piece of fake news. “No.”

So much for 30 anonymous sources and for the Washington Post’s credibility. But the media keeps shoveling out pieces based on anonymous sources and confirmed by anonymous sources while ignoring the disavowals by those public officials who are willing to go on the record.
The Anonymous Sources of Washington Post and CNN Fake News

People pointed out the stupidity was even greater in thinking "hey if we make up 10 private accounts... why not 30? That makes it even more believable!"
I mean lay people reading that story just found it unbelievable that 30 !!! "the private accounts of more then 30 officials at the White House"!

What can be said of any right wing idiot who cites InfoWars who, in turn, cites Emerson College outfit of young right wingers who purchase their "polling sample" from a discredited outfit that asks them what results do they wish for before selling them the phone list....LOL

(I swear, some right wingers are dumber than a box of used matches....)
In all honesty, I can't understand why right wingers on here keep stating that the ongoing investigations have (already) proven that there is "nothing to implicate the Trumpster....

There are currently at least 4 congressional investigations with full subpoena powers.

A special counsel has just recently begun to investigate a variety of charges regarding the Trump administration's possible collusion with Russian operatives, obstruction of justice, and abuses of administrative powers.

Comey (like him or not) has just asserted that there is classified information on Session's, Flynn's and others' lying to law enforcement officials and the vetting processes. rather than (under oath) stating that the Steele's dossier was"fake" and that Session (and several others) were in the clear, Comey chose to respond to congressional questions in close-door sessions.

With ALL that is happening, right wingers on here are STILL stating that the entire investigative processes either don't really exist or are worthless......Interesting.....

1. LWers claimed there was nothing there during Obama's 8 years, and that it was all a witch hunt. Sure looked to me like there was indeed a lot of 'there' there, but they squashed it and buried it and the MSM let them get away with it. Funny how it all changes when the shoe is on the other foot.

2. Actually, nothing has been proven or unproven either way. Your side chooses to believe the worst about Trump just like my side believed and still believes the worst about Obama. And the cycle goes on. Lies from people in gov't is as common as leaves on the ground in autumn, or at best half-truths and innuendo. We can argue all day long about who lies the most, BFD. But I highly doubt any of the ongoing investigations will result in actionable evidence against anybody.

But you DIDN"T POINT OUT the major BIG difference!
The biased MSM was covering up for Obama while making up stories about Trump.
So both sides are not equal unless more people agree that the MSM can't be believed.
Which is HAPPENING now and the MSM is NOT reporting it!
This was in February 2017:
A new national poll finds that Americans see Donald Trump as being more trustworthy than the mainstream media.

The survey, conducted by Emerson College Polling, found that the Trump administration is considered to be truthful by 49% of respondents compared to 48% who think it’s untruthful.

In comparison, the news media is considered to be untruthful by 53% of respondents compared to 39% who find it to be truthful – a 14 point gap.

Americans Find Trump More Trustworthy Than Media; Poll

I can just imagine the gap is even bigger with the daily rounds of "anonymous sources"!
I mean seriously how can the Washington Post be ever believed again when they write:
Last week, the Washington Post unveiled a story based on “the private accounts of more than 30 officials at the White House.”
The fake news story falsely claimed that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein threatened to resign.
Rod had a simple answer when asked about that piece of fake news. “No.”

So much for 30 anonymous sources and for the Washington Post’s credibility. But the media keeps shoveling out pieces based on anonymous sources and confirmed by anonymous sources while ignoring the disavowals by those public officials who are willing to go on the record.
The Anonymous Sources of Washington Post and CNN Fake News

People pointed out the stupidity was even greater in thinking "hey if we make up 10 private accounts... why not 30? That makes it even more believable!"
I mean lay people reading that story just found it unbelievable that 30 !!! "the private accounts of more then 30 officials at the White House"!

What can be said of any right wing idiot who cites InfoWars who, in turn, cites Emerson College outfit of young right wingers who purchase their "polling sample" from a discredited outfit that asks them what results do they wish for before selling them the phone list....LOL

(I swear, some right wingers are dumber than a box of used matches....)

Yet you don't have the balls to debate my posts, I wonder why that is.

In all honesty, I can't understand why right wingers on here keep stating that the ongoing investigations have (already) proven that there is "nothing to implicate the Trumpster....

There are currently at least 4 congressional investigations with full subpoena powers.

A special counsel has just recently begun to investigate a variety of charges regarding the Trump administration's possible collusion with Russian operatives, obstruction of justice, and abuses of administrative powers.

Comey (like him or not) has just asserted that there is classified information on Session's, Flynn's and others' lying to law enforcement officials and the vetting processes. rather than (under oath) stating that the Steele's dossier was"fake" and that Session (and several others) were in the clear, Comey chose to respond to congressional questions in close-door sessions.

With ALL that is happening, right wingers on here are STILL stating that the entire investigative processes either don't really exist or are worthless......Interesting.....

1. LWers claimed there was nothing there during Obama's 8 years, and that it was all a witch hunt. Sure looked to me like there was indeed a lot of 'there' there, but they squashed it and buried it and the MSM let them get away with it. Funny how it all changes when the shoe is on the other foot.

2. Actually, nothing has been proven or unproven either way. Your side chooses to believe the worst about Trump just like my side believed and still believes the worst about Obama. And the cycle goes on. Lies from people in gov't is as common as leaves on the ground in autumn, or at best half-truths and innuendo. We can argue all day long about who lies the most, BFD. But I highly doubt any of the ongoing investigations will result in actionable evidence against anybody.

But you DIDN"T POINT OUT the major BIG difference!
The biased MSM was covering up for Obama while making up stories about Trump.
So both sides are not equal unless more people agree that the MSM can't be believed.
Which is HAPPENING now and the MSM is NOT reporting it!
This was in February 2017:
A new national poll finds that Americans see Donald Trump as being more trustworthy than the mainstream media.

The survey, conducted by Emerson College Polling, found that the Trump administration is considered to be truthful by 49% of respondents compared to 48% who think it’s untruthful.

In comparison, the news media is considered to be untruthful by 53% of respondents compared to 39% who find it to be truthful – a 14 point gap.

Americans Find Trump More Trustworthy Than Media; Poll

I can just imagine the gap is even bigger with the daily rounds of "anonymous sources"!
I mean seriously how can the Washington Post be ever believed again when they write:
Last week, the Washington Post unveiled a story based on “the private accounts of more than 30 officials at the White House.”
The fake news story falsely claimed that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein threatened to resign.
Rod had a simple answer when asked about that piece of fake news. “No.”

So much for 30 anonymous sources and for the Washington Post’s credibility. But the media keeps shoveling out pieces based on anonymous sources and confirmed by anonymous sources while ignoring the disavowals by those public officials who are willing to go on the record.
The Anonymous Sources of Washington Post and CNN Fake News

People pointed out the stupidity was even greater in thinking "hey if we make up 10 private accounts... why not 30? That makes it even more believable!"
I mean lay people reading that story just found it unbelievable that 30 !!! "the private accounts of more then 30 officials at the White House"!

What can be said of any right wing idiot who cites InfoWars who, in turn, cites Emerson College outfit of young right wingers who purchase their "polling sample" from a discredited outfit that asks them what results do they wish for before selling them the phone list....LOL

(I swear, some right wingers are dumber than a box of used matches....)

Yet you don't have the balls to debate my posts, I wonder why that is.


He is an effeminate little bitch who wishes he could be Ruth Bader Ginsberg's lesbian lover. Well that and he is maybe a twelve year old leftwing chump. He will never debate anything.

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