Seriously, why does anyone like Trump?

There would be no trump if there was no Obama… Even in all 57 states and under sniper fire…
Trump is a result of white males trying to hold on to dominant power in our society. They cannot handle the gains in power minorities of all types are rightfully making in our society. Soon the white majority will be a minority. That cannot be stopped just like globalization of our economy cannot be stopped.
Whinny, scared white men looking for a President to save them.
I white men were so scared of non white men having power, why do so many white men admire Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, Condoleezza Rice, Carly Fiorina, and others like them?
Is your post serious. You named the Republican's token minorities. White men should not be scared. They will not have the advantages they have had in the past but they should have equal opportunity with others.
Scared white men do not want equality, they want advantage for themselves.
my post was dead serious. Those individuals I named are good amecans who rose to the top of the American political hierarchy on merit.
You forgot Barack Obama one of the great Presidents of modern history that's some funny shit.
The best three words to describe the "legacy" left behind by the soft spoken, scrawny negro with the over sized ears....DEFER, DEFER, DEFER!
He was however the best black President this nation has ever had...haha
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How exactly did allowing gays to marry affect others, other than shifting finances around slightly? It's actually a perfect example of a freedom that has minimal effect on those not personally involved.

Freedom? What happened to the freedom of the photographer who was closed by the DOJ because he didn't want to shoot a gay wedding?

Freedom? What happened to the freedom of a bakery shop who didn't want to make a cake for a gay couple because what they wanted to put on the cake was an offense to their religious morals?
as controversial as this might be, I think a business should have the right to discrimante on whatever basis they want to

Their business, their rules. People do it all the time. Have you never seen a store with a sign saying no shirt, no shoes, no sale? Why can they refuse your business but a Christian baker must make a cake with an obscene picture and words on it. I wouldn't do it no matter who they were, gay, straight or otherwise. Take your decadence elsewhere to somewhere it is wanted.
Why don't you put together a list. You will not be able to.

Not unless I had more than one lifetime! But I did make a partial list of many Hillary things once. Why don't you get started squeaking this? But you want me to put a list together, do a full research project for you so you will deny it? Sure, if you pay me. I get $60/hr. You can retain me by depositing $600 for the first ten hours in my paypal account.

Why Trump's Not So Bad

Read away, baby.

still cannot make a list as long as Trump's. Not even close.


The question is, how would you know they were lies before he even said them unless compiling a list of alleged lies was your goal to begin with?

But there are lots of lists of terrible things done by Obama and Hillary. My link above is one of them. I have lists for Obama too, one is 252 items long, of actual BAD THINGS DONE. People hurt, billions wasted or stolen, industries manipulated, secret deals, country harmed, cronyism for personal gain. Not lies, words, but ACTIONS that hurt the country.

Actions are far worse than mere words. As they say, talk is cheap. Words can never hurt you. But then you knew that, that is why you are keying in on alleged words. While Trump chalks up great accomplishment after great accomplishment much to the ignoring of the press, you try to conceal that by claiming endless lies. That is subterfuge.

you are saying you cannot do it

Idiot. You don't know what the fuck you even read. I might as well talk to the dog.
You can shut me up; produce a list.
You are producing whiny excuses.

No, I can't shut you up. You are like many others on this forum that never shut up and never say anything. You just talk. Someone will probably have to shove a corn cob in your mouth to shut up your nonsense when they go to bury you. I want you to keep talking. I want you talking 24 hours a day. That way you will be less dangerous to society. No excuses. I already gave you a long list. Apparently you are a lying moron idiot who does not read. Can you read this? Just waiting for the deposit in my account to begin working for you. You are hiring me, right? Let me know when you have the money. I'm not like you, I have bills to pay, I don't get my money from the government.
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That's why Obama said they weren't shovel ready. I think they replaced perfectly good road signs here, a total waste of money. Oh and solyndra got millions. Where are they now?
Probably with a bunch of failed Trump business ventures
Obama's failed policies, Trump had nothing to do with solyndra.

Solyndra was an investment in clean energy that failed
Trump has also had many investments that failed....see Atlantic City
Using tax payer money is different than losing private money.
Trump had millions of taxpayer dollars contributing to his Atlantic City casinos including tax breaks, infrastructure improvements and subsidies

His casinos failed and the taxpayers have to pick up the pieces
Tax breaks? Oh you mean money that doesn't belong to goverment in the first place?
That's why Obama said they weren't shovel ready. I think they replaced perfectly good road signs here, a total waste of money. Oh and solyndra got millions. Where are they now?
Probably with a bunch of failed Trump business ventures
Obama's failed policies, Trump had nothing to do with solyndra.

Solyndra was an investment in clean energy that failed
Trump has also had many investments that failed....see Atlantic City
:lmao:Solyndra was 100% fraud... jackass
So is Trump
Nope he has pretty much made Obama's legacy, just a bad memory.
And you are the one that gets to decide which actions effect others and which don't?

Changing the meaning of the word marriage was not something that did not effect others.

It was MEANT to effect others. That is why they did it the way they did it.

all I am sayin, dude, is this
maybe you don't approve of 30 round mags.......BUT me having a 30 round mag is none of your biz
maybe you think weed is evil....but me twisting up a doob in my own home is none of your biz

Maybe I don't want my child growing up in a nation with legalized drugs. THat effects ME.
so do you think booze, porn and racism should be banned too?

I have no objection if some communities want to ban alcohol or pornography.

I certainly have no desire to have a strip club in my residential community that I would have to explain to my child.

do you believe in property rights or not?

Some property owner who wants to open a strip club in my residential neighbor is an asshole and his Property Rights do not trump my communities right to define itself, ie as a nice residential neighbor hood and not a cess pit.
I've tried, but I can't find anything good to say about him, except that he's amazing at fucking up and then getting someone else to pay for it. He does that better than anyone. Not sure that's a good quality to have in a president, though.

Otherwise, what is actually good about him?

Oh, and before someone tries to call me on a double-standard, I didn't like Hillary either, but at least she had the fake veneer of class and sophistication. Trump doesn't even have that. He's basically the world's most successful used car salesman.

Also, keep in mind that liberalism is the belief in freedom. So, unless you hate freedom, you're a liberal. Sorry to break it to you.

because they're lowlifes like he is? course... crass... uninformed.... delusional.... bordering on treasonous.

as long as he's their internet troll of a president, the scum love him.

Considering how often lefties attack the very ideas of nationalism and/or patriotism it is laughable to see them call anyone "treasonous".
I'm Asian and grew up in California, and I still live here. That's reason enough for me to vote for Trump. :)

voting for someone who hates you makes you feel good"?

that's pretty freaking stupid.

Yet, after 25 years of trying
Republicans never established any illegal activity by Hillary

Trump is in worse shape after only six months

Not being prosecuted is not the same is not committing a crime. If anything, Hillary has demonstrated that power and position protect those who reach it.
Yes it is

Especially with Republicans crying wolf so often
Republicans used their power and position to investigate her for 25 years.

Came up with squat didn't they?


Mistrial declared for third time for ex-cop accused of killing daughter's black boyfriend

That cop murdered a man. So far, he hasn't been convicted. Does that mean the murder never happened? Does it mean he didn't shoot the black man who was his daughters boyfriend?

WTF does that have to do with Republicans investigating Hillary for 25 years?
Trump is a result of white males trying to hold on to dominant power in our society. They cannot handle the gains in power minorities of all types are rightfully making in our society. Soon the white majority will be a minority. That cannot be stopped just like globalization of our economy cannot be stopped.
Whinny, scared white men looking for a President to save them.
I white men were so scared of non white men having power, why do so many white men admire Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, Condoleezza Rice, Carly Fiorina, and others like them?
Is your post serious. You named the Republican's token minorities. White men should not be scared. They will not have the advantages they have had in the past but they should have equal opportunity with others.
Scared white men do not want equality, they want advantage for themselves.
my post was dead serious. Those individuals I named are good amecans who rose to the top of the American political hierarchy on merit.
You forgot Barack Obama one of the great Presidents of modern history that's some funny shit.
The best three words to describe the "legacy" left behind by the soft spoken, scrawny negro with the over sized ears....DEFER, DEFER, DEFER!
He was however the best black President this nation has ever had...haha

History is already weighing in on the Obama Presidency. Top 12 overall and top three in postwar history

When all is said and done, The Obama era will be looked at as eight years of patient leadership sandwiched between the bizarre extremism of Bush and Trump
I white men were so scared of non white men having power, why do so many white men admire Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, Condoleezza Rice, Carly Fiorina, and others like them?
Is your post serious. You named the Republican's token minorities. White men should not be scared. They will not have the advantages they have had in the past but they should have equal opportunity with others.
Scared white men do not want equality, they want advantage for themselves.
my post was dead serious. Those individuals I named are good amecans who rose to the top of the American political hierarchy on merit.
You forgot Barack Obama one of the great Presidents of modern history that's some funny shit.
The best three words to describe the "legacy" left behind by the soft spoken, scrawny negro with the over sized ears....DEFER, DEFER, DEFER!
He was however the best black President this nation has ever had...haha

History is already weighing in on the Obama Presidency. Top 12 overall and top three in postwar history

When all is said and done, The Obama era will be looked at as eight years of patient leadership sandwiched between the bizarre extremism of Bush and Trump

This IS some funny shit.
Is your post serious. You named the Republican's token minorities. White men should not be scared. They will not have the advantages they have had in the past but they should have equal opportunity with others.
Scared white men do not want equality, they want advantage for themselves.
my post was dead serious. Those individuals I named are good amecans who rose to the top of the American political hierarchy on merit.
You forgot Barack Obama one of the great Presidents of modern history that's some funny shit.
The best three words to describe the "legacy" left behind by the soft spoken, scrawny negro with the over sized ears....DEFER, DEFER, DEFER!
He was however the best black President this nation has ever had...haha

History is already weighing in on the Obama Presidency. Top 12 overall and top three in postwar history

When all is said and done, The Obama era will be looked at as eight years of patient leadership sandwiched between the bizarre extremism of Bush and Trump

This IS some funny shit.

I imagine to a Conservative whose chosen representatives (BUSH) is defiled by history for his poor choices and Trump who is arguably the worst candidate ever selected for President....that would be funny
all I am sayin, dude, is this
maybe you don't approve of 30 round mags.......BUT me having a 30 round mag is none of your biz
maybe you think weed is evil....but me twisting up a doob in my own home is none of your biz

Maybe I don't want my child growing up in a nation with legalized drugs. THat effects ME.
so do you think booze, porn and racism should be banned too?

I have no objection if some communities want to ban alcohol or pornography.

I certainly have no desire to have a strip club in my residential community that I would have to explain to my child.

do you believe in property rights or not?

Some property owner who wants to open a strip club in my residential neighbor is an asshole and his Property Rights do not trump my communities right to define itself, ie as a nice residential neighbor hood and not a cess pit.
so in other words you don't belie in property rights. I actually am part owner of a topless bar, one of the best investments I've ever made. I'm not yet 40 and I don't have to work for a living anymore. You are showing how ignorant and dumb you really are if you think that anywhere in The US that you can open up at type of bar, much less pless establishment, in a residential area.
I white men were so scared of non white men having power, why do so many white men admire Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, Condoleezza Rice, Carly Fiorina, and others like them?
Is your post serious. You named the Republican's token minorities. White men should not be scared. They will not have the advantages they have had in the past but they should have equal opportunity with others.
Scared white men do not want equality, they want advantage for themselves.
my post was dead serious. Those individuals I named are good amecans who rose to the top of the American political hierarchy on merit.
You forgot Barack Obama one of the great Presidents of modern history that's some funny shit.
The best three words to describe the "legacy" left behind by the soft spoken, scrawny negro with the over sized ears....DEFER, DEFER, DEFER!
He was however the best black President this nation has ever had...haha

History is already weighing in on the Obama Presidency. Top 12 overall and top three in postwar history

When all is said and done, The Obama era will be looked at as eight years of patient leadership sandwiched between the bizarre extremism of Bush and Trump
do you condone mass murder?
IMO, the OP gets the entire thread topic question wrong.

'Liking' Trump had far less to do with Trump being elected than Americans 'PREFERING' Trump over criminal / crooked Hillary.
I've tried, but I can't find anything good to say about him, except that he's amazing at fucking up and then getting someone else to pay for it. He does that better than anyone. Not sure that's a good quality to have in a president, though.

Otherwise, what is actually good about him?

Oh, and before someone tries to call me on a double-standard, I didn't like Hillary either, but at least she had the fake veneer of class and sophistication. Trump doesn't even have that. He's basically the world's most successful used car salesman.

Also, keep in mind that liberalism is the belief in freedom. So, unless you hate freedom, you're a liberal. Sorry to break it to you.

I like him because he is not part of the political class.

He's POTUS. He's the highest-ranking member of the political class. What are you talking about?

He is the only person to be POTUS since ever, who was not a politician first. He was never an elected politician before he won the presidency. The reality is the political class has been at war with the American people for decades incrementally infringing on civil rights with law after law after law. All of which they have exempted themselves from. Did you know that congress can engage in insider trading?

Bet you didn't know it was LEGAL for them to do that. That is one of MANY reasons why the political class needs to be reigned in.
He is the only person to be POTUS since ever, who was not a politician first.

Some clueless deplorables get their fake news from Crazy Ivan trump tweets

The 6 U.S. Presidents with the Least Experience before Entering Office -
From someone who grow up outside the US and did travel a lot.
Trump appeals to the 20 some % of Americans who are morons, egocentric, dumb (with degrees or not), and somewhat racist or racist. Oh and he is overweight !!!

I've tried, but I can't find anything good to say about him, except that he's amazing at fucking up and then getting someone else to pay for it. He does that better than anyone. Not sure that's a good quality to have in a president, though.

Otherwise, what is actually good about him?

Oh, and before someone tries to call me on a double-standard, I didn't like Hillary either, but at least she had the fake veneer of class and sophistication. Trump doesn't even have that. He's basically the world's most successful used car salesman.

Also, keep in mind that liberalism is the belief in freedom. So, unless you hate freedom, you're a liberal. Sorry to break it to you.
amazing, just amazing the hate and spite you have.
I white men were so scared of non white men having power, why do so many white men admire Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, Condoleezza Rice, Carly Fiorina, and others like them?
Is your post serious. You named the Republican's token minorities. White men should not be scared. They will not have the advantages they have had in the past but they should have equal opportunity with others.
Scared white men do not want equality, they want advantage for themselves.
my post was dead serious. Those individuals I named are good amecans who rose to the top of the American political hierarchy on merit.
You forgot Barack Obama one of the great Presidents of modern history that's some funny shit.
The best three words to describe the "legacy" left behind by the soft spoken, scrawny negro with the over sized ears....DEFER, DEFER, DEFER!
He was however the best black President this nation has ever had...haha

History is already weighing in on the Obama Presidency. Top 12 overall and top three in postwar history

When all is said and done, The Obama era will be looked at as eight years of patient leadership sandwiched between the bizarre extremism of Bush and Trump
Just like the deplorables say "bush who?", it will be "trump who?".

They will first call trump a RINO. Then a liberal.

Then claim they didn't even vote in 2016. Oh wait, many deplorable posters claim this already!

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