

Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
Do these fuckers not realize that the constant cries of 'racism' whenever someone calls them on their bullshit only distracts from real instances of racial inequality and harms the cause of promoting?

Or am i just being silly in expecting them to actually give a shit about the issues they pay lip service to?
Do these fuckers not realize that the constant cries of 'racism' whenever someone calls them on their bullshit only distracts from real instances of racial inequality and harms the cause of promoting?

Or am i just being silly in expecting them to actually give a shit about the issues they pay lip service to?

The very fact that Obama is President is the result of racism. That would seem to me to mean that the rest of what happens by this administration can be manipulated by racism. It is. It is a "basically silent" deceptive tactic being used, and even those who (though they may not be racist) will respond because of color, and loyalty to color. Just my opinion.
Oh good lord. It's not that everyone who criticizes Obama is a racist. Wilson has a history of it. Some people actually are racist. Shocking but true. Stop being such a tool.
Oh good lord. It's not that everyone who criticizes Obama is a racist. Wilson has a history of it. Some people actually are racist. Shocking but true. Stop being such a tool.

You know what's really cool?
A change in the president has resulted in a change to me.

I used to disagree with the president and I was just an average guy, now I disagree with the president and I am a racist.
Yep, Mr Obama has brought about change.
It's fucking awesome how powerful his change is.
Do these fuckers not realize that the constant cries of 'racism' whenever someone calls them on their bullshit only distracts from real instances of racial inequality and harms the cause of promoting?

Or am i just being silly in expecting them to actually give a shit about the issues they pay lip service to?

The boy who cried wolf... Yep, Libtards do it all the time so that the conversation will end and their leftardo policies won't be questioned.
Do these fuckers not realize that the constant cries of 'racism' whenever someone calls them on their bullshit only distracts from real instances of racial inequality and harms the cause of promoting?

Or am i just being silly in expecting them to actually give a shit about the issues they pay lip service to?

ridiculous the cries of racist. Disagreeing makes you racist? then apparently i'm racist against all groups including whites, but wait, i'm white, wth?
Do these fuckers not realize that the constant cries of 'racism' whenever someone calls them on their bullshit only distracts from real instances of racial inequality and harms the cause of promoting?

Or am i just being silly in expecting them to actually give a shit about the issues they pay lip service to?

ridiculous the cries of racist. Disagreeing makes you racist? then apparently i'm racist against all groups including whites, but wait, i'm white, wth?

You really ought to get out more....
Do these fuckers not realize that the constant cries of 'racism' whenever someone calls them on their bullshit only distracts from real instances of racial inequality and harms the cause of promoting?

Or am i just being silly in expecting them to actually give a shit about the issues they pay lip service to?

ridiculous the cries of racist. Disagreeing makes you racist? then apparently i'm racist against all groups including whites, but wait, i'm white, wth?

You really ought to get out more....

i'm just saying disagreeing with someone doesn't make you a racist, thinking you're better than another race because you're a different color is racist.
ridiculous the cries of racist. Disagreeing makes you racist? then apparently i'm racist against all groups including whites, but wait, i'm white, wth?

You really ought to get out more....

i'm just saying disagreeing with someone doesn't make you a racist, thinking you're better than another race because you're a different color is racist.

I'm just saying, I've got a line of people, at least a NYC block long, I'd be more than happy to introduce you to. Convince them, not me.
You really ought to get out more....

i'm just saying disagreeing with someone doesn't make you a racist, thinking you're better than another race because you're a different color is racist.

I'm just saying, I've got a line of people, at least a NYC block long, I'd be more than happy to introduce you to. Convince them, not me.

convince them of what? that disagreeing doesn't make someone a racist? that's common sense!
i'm just saying disagreeing with someone doesn't make you a racist, thinking you're better than another race because you're a different color is racist.

I'm just saying, I've got a line of people, at least a NYC block long, I'd be more than happy to introduce you to. Convince them, not me.

convince them of what? that disagreeing doesn't make someone a racist? that's common sense!

Hot damn! I do believe you've hit on something there!
Do these fuckers not realize that the constant cries of 'racism' whenever someone calls them on their bullshit only distracts from real instances of racial inequality and harms the cause of promoting?

Or am i just being silly in expecting them to actually give a shit about the issues they pay lip service to?
Were you reading my facebook page? I just a few minutes ago posted:

It's a simple thing really. They would have us all believe that those who oppose Obama's policies do so because of his skin color. NOT because he might be wrong. And that's simply counterproductive. It's designed to deflect away from those issues. Just like Godwin's Law about Hitler references, all it does is MINIMIZE and TRIVIALIZE the racism that DOES exist. Just like the Boy Who Cried Wolf, these baseless racism allegations poison the well and actually DECREASE sensitivity to the issue. It does far more harm than good. Trouble is, they actually KNOW that.
The blacks and white-guilt crippled libtards that cry racism at the drop of a hat fail to realize that calling whites racist just because of the color of their skin makes the blacks and libtards the racists.

But that takes actual intellectual thought, which rules out the blacks and their libtards.
The blacks and white-guilt crippled libtards that cry racism at the drop of a hat fail to realize that calling whites racist just because of the color of their skin makes the blacks and libtards the racists.

But that takes actual intellectual thought, which rules out the blacks
and their libtards.

that IS racist. but i agree, everything seems to be racism these days.

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