Zone1 Sermons By Machines?

let me try. am i a good sermonist?

there are two things to be noted and considered in the Gospel lessons: first, the works of Christ presented to us as a gift and blessing on which our faith is to cling and exercise itself; secondly, the same works offered as an example and model for us to imitate and follow.

All the Gospel lessons thus throw light first on faith and then on good works. We will therefore consider this Gospel under three heads: speaking first of faith; secondly of good works, and thirdly of the lesson story and its hidden meaning

This Gospel encourages and demands faith, for it prefigures Christ coming with grace, whom none may receive or accept save he who believes him to be the man, and has the mind, as this Gospel portrays in Christ. Nothing but the mercy, tenderness and kindness of Christ are here shown, and he who so receives and believes on him is saved. He sits not upon a proud steed, an animal of war, nor does he come in great pomp and power, but sitting upon an ass, an animal of peace fit only for burdens and labor and a help to man. He indicates by this that he comes not to frighten man, nor to drive or crush him, but to help him and to carry his burden for him. And although it was the custom of the country to ride on asses and to use horses for war, as the Scriptures often tell us, yet here the object is to show that the entrance of this king shall be meek and lowly.
Anyone can convert to Judaism. Why not an AI?
No, not all sects of Judaism allow converts. Reform and Conservatives do. But not all do. And, just because a gentile converts, doesn't mean they are converted to becoming of the tribe of Judah. Their lineage may still be of Joseph or other tribes. So, wrong answer Einstein.
No, not all sects of Judaism allow converts. Reform and Conservatives do. But not all do. And, just because a gentile converts, doesn't mean they are converted to becoming of the tribe of Judah. Their lineage may still be of Joseph or other tribes. So, wrong answer Einstein.
Can anybody convert to Judaism?
With the notable exception of some Syrian Jewish communities (primarily the Brooklyn, New York and Deal, New Jersey communities), all mainstream forms of Judaism today are open to sincere converts, with all denominations accepting converts converted by their denominations.​

For the most part, tribal identities have been lost through the generations, and the majority of Jews do not know which tribe they are from.

There are a number of people whose families have passed down their identity as Kohanim (Priests) or Levites, which means they descend from the tribe of Levi. There are also a handful of non-Levite families who can trace their ancestry to a particular tribe, but these are few and far between.

So, wrong answer Newton.
Can anybody convert to Judaism?
With the notable exception of some Syrian Jewish communities (primarily the Brooklyn, New York and Deal, New Jersey communities), all mainstream forms of Judaism today are open to sincere converts, with all denominations accepting converts converted by their denominations.​

For the most part, tribal identities have been lost through the generations, and the majority of Jews do not know which tribe they are from.

There are a number of people whose families have passed down their identity as Kohanim (Priests) or Levites, which means they descend from the tribe of Levi. There are also a handful of non-Levite families who can trace their ancestry to a particular tribe, but these are few and far between.

So, wrong answer Newton.
Yes, my cousin in Toronto is married to one who claims to have his genealogy back to Solomon. But, most are of the tribe of Judah. Yes, there have been intermarriages along the way as well. Our Church has the Patriarchal Order of the Priesthood and has the blessings and authority to be given revelation on our lineage of Israel. If one is not of the lineage of Israel, they are adopted into a tribe. My family is of a long line of Jewish persons who came over the America in the late 1880's and early 1900's from Russia, Poland and Germany. Truly wandering Jews from after the Temple was destroyed in 70 A.D. Most are of the tribe of Judah with some of Levi and Ben.

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