Sesame street sued again by black whose kids who dont get enough attention from a character

and? its waste of time. just another way for blacks to get free money.

This is crazy. There is also law suits at lego land, chuckee cheese, disney parks , universal studios and any place that has a costumed characters. I love to put everyone one of these cry babies in these costumes and see how well they see? how about rules in each place what you can or cant no do if you want a job. I have had a job like this and can tell you these people are just looking for pay out. The cry babies need to get over themselves. Its getting ridiculous. ridiculous.

I worked at Six Flags one summer, I was doing the hit the hammer on the thing and see how high you can get it. It was electronic even a quarter of a century ago, and some girl had been turning up all morning and winning because she used a heavy men's hammer on the women's program.

I got on the game in the afternoon and she said she wanted the men's program, so I gave her a men's hammer, she didn't win. And she went off crying to her mum who came back and started threatening to sue me, or the park, or whatever. Didn't happen, but just that culture of "something doesn't go the way I want, I'll sue you"

It's reason why 9,465% of lawyers are in the US.
Maybe they should just create a theme park where all of the characters are black and they just shoot each other all the time.
D’Bert and Ernieshawn and Sista Piggy.
That's all blacks are good for. Whine, bitch and moan. They NEVER contribute a single positive thing to our society (or any other).
Maybe they should just create a theme park where all of the characters are black and they just shoot each other all the time.
D’Bert and Ernieshawn and Sista Piggy.
They are already doing it on streets everyday. Drive buys, gang wars, flash mob stealing.

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